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The Total Economic Impact™

Of Talend
Cost Savings And Business Benefits
Enabled By Talend Solutions



Table Of Contents Consulting Team: Casey Sirotnak
Jonny Cook
Executive Summary ................................................. 1
The Talend Customer Journey ............................... 7
Key Challenges ...................................................... 7
Solution Requirements ........................................... 8
Investment Objectives ............................................ 8
Investment Details .................................................. 8
Composite Organization ....................................... 10
Analysis Of Benefits .............................................. 11
Infrastructure Cost Savings .................................. 11
Reduction In Downtime And Incident Support
Costs .................................................................... 13
Development Cost Savings .................................. 15
Security And Compliance Risk Reduction Savings
.............................................................................. 18
Total Business Impact Of Talend ......................... 20
Unquantified Benefits ........................................... 22
Flexibility ............................................................... 23
Analysis Of Costs .................................................. 24
Cost Of Talend Services And Solutions ............... 24
Internal Resource Time Spent On Investment ..... 26
Financial Summary ................................................ 27
Appendix A: Total Economic Impact ................... 28
Appendix C: Endnotes .......................................... 29


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Executive Summary
Organizations want real-time, consistent, connected, and trusted data to support their
critical business operations and insights. However, new data sources, slow data
movement between platforms, rigid data transformation workflows and governance rules,
expanding data volume, and distributed data across clouds and on-premises can cause
organizations to fail when executing their data strategy.1

The key objective of deploying a data management

solution is to accelerate new and emerging business KEY STATISTICS
use cases and workloads. To do so, organizations
require an end-to-end data management platform
that includes streaming, orchestration,
transformation, preparation, data catalog, integration,
governance, and security.2
Return on investment (ROI) Payback period
Talend solutions help organizations leverage data
from various sources and manage it to power
355% <6 months
business initiatives and inform decisions that deliver
bottom-line and top-line improvements. Specifically,
Talend comprises four key sets of capabilities: Data • Data Quality and Data Governance work together
Integration, Data Quality, Data Governance, and API to protect data credibility and trust by ensuring
and Application Integration. data quality, integrity, accuracy, and compliance.

• Data Integration includes the core data • API and Application Integration allow
extraction, and transport capabilities that enable organizations to sync and share data with
organizations to move data from many complex consumers and applications at scale, internally
sources to any destination at desired speeds and and externally.
frequencies. Talend commissioned Forrester Consulting to
conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and
examine the potential return on investment (ROI)
enterprises may realize by deploying Talend
solutions.3 The purpose of this study is to provide
readers with a framework to evaluate the potential
Development time savings financial impact of Talend solutions on their
of up to organizations. (Talend is now a Qlik company but will
be referred to as “Talend” throughout the remainder

40% of this study.)4



To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks Talend requires fewer servers and resources to
associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed host and manage the same amount of data
data leaders and professionals at six different compared to the prior environment. Therefore,
organizations that depend on Talend to deliver data total infrastructure cost savings span data
management and digital transformation goals by storage and compute savings as well as resource
utilizing the four key groups of capabilities. For the time savings on administration and production
purposes of this study, Forrester aggregated the support tasks. Cost savings across both reduced
interviewees’ experiences and combined the results physical server costs and reduced infrastructure
into a single composite organization that is a support total $857,000 for the composite
multibillion-dollar conglomerate and utilizes all four organization over the three-year investment
Talend groups of capabilities. period.

Prior to using Talend, these interviewees noted how • Improved system performance results by
their organizations experienced siloed systems, data, reducing incidents by up to 65%. Talend
and business processes that made it difficult to improves system performance despite higher
extract, transform, and analyze data from multiple data processing and analysis volumes. As a
sources. These limitations led to an inability to apply result, costs associated with downtime and
data to business decisions efficiently, effectively, or support, including time spent re-creating and
securely. problem-solving incidents, are mitigated. For the
composite, cost savings total $629,000 over
three years.

• Saved time for development resources by up

Reduction in internal
to 40% and further increased capacity by
infrastructure support by up to
introducing citizen developers. Automated

workflows, frameworks, subject matter expertise,
and best practice support enable development
resources — spanning developers, data
engineers, DevOps, and quality assurance (QA)
— to spend less time on administrative tasks to
After the investment in Talend, the interviewees deliver value more quickly to the business.
effectively managed data without compromising data Additionally, the intuitive user interfaces of
quality or compliance standards. They also created Talend’s SaaS applications empower less-
efficiencies that allowed resources to redirect their technical individuals, including citizen developers,
time to more value-added tasks that supported the to join the development cycle and further deliver
business and delivered value more quickly. impact to the business. Development efficiencies
are worth $2.9 million to the composite
KEY FINDINGS organization over three years.
Quantified benefits. Three-year, risk-adjusted • Reduced the likelihood of a data breach,
present value (PV) quantified benefits for the resulting in avoided costs for impact and
composite organization include: fewer productivity interruptions for
• Reduced server costs by up to 80% and employees. Talend provides more transparency
internal infrastructure support by up to 75%. into data quality and governance as well as



functionality to improve security postures that external stakeholders, which in turn allows data
reduce the likelihood of a security breach by 5%. to further influence business decisions and
The risk of noncompliance is subject to illuminate cost-saving and revenue opportunities.
organizational specifics, such as industry and
Flexibility. The value of flexibility is unique to each
country. For the purposes of the composite,
customer. There are multiple scenarios in which a
Forrester assumes that the reduction of risk is
customer might implement Talend solutions and later
5%, which saves the organization the potential
realize additional uses and business opportunities,
costs of a breach (including remediation costs,
fines, and customer resolution costs) as well as
time savings for impacted employees that would • Flexible foundation to meet future innovation
otherwise have experienced downtime. Total cost goals and technology objectives at scale.
savings are $182,000 for the composite Talend solutions are flexible to help organizations
organization over three years. meet ever-changing business and technology
expectations. The ability to plug into a variety of
• Delivered business value by adding up to
data environments, architectures, and
3.5% more revenue to the top line in addition
frameworks enables organizations to easily
to providing cost savings to the bottom line.
implement and benefit from Talend solutions.
Talend enables development resources to more
This confidence inspires organizations to
quickly and securely deliver more value to the
continue to scale their investment in Talend as
business. This value can span top-line
well as to scale the application of Talend’s
improvements from new revenue streams, better
capabilities across the business.
customer experiences, and budget optimization
opportunities across technology spending and
operating expenses. The business value impact
totals $4.1 million for the composite organization “I would joke with people,
over the investment period.
saying, ‘If you asked me to get
Unquantified benefits. Benefits that provide value data out of your coffee cup, I
for the composite organization but are not quantified could probably connect Talend
in this study include:
to it and get it.’”
• Improved development resource experiences.
Chief data and analytics officer,
Talend improves the employee experience for
those involved in the development lifecycle by
environmental services
allowing them time to focus on more innovative
and value-added projects. This enables faster
ramp times, leads to more project ownership, and
Costs. Three-year, risk-adjusted PV costs for the
provides the opportunity to work with bleeding-
composite organization include:
edge, competitive technology that fosters more
transferable skills. Additionally, working with • Talend solutions and services costs totaling
Talend professional services resources helps $1.4 million. Annual costs to Talend include both
build internal capabilities more quickly. solution and service costs. The composite
organization implements all four Talend Data
• Enhanced data credibility. Improved data
Fabric solutions in the Talend Cloud over the
credibility leads to more trust from internal and



investment timeline and utilizes Talend

professional services to varying degrees over the
three-year period. Costs to Talend for solutions
and services total $1.4 million for the composite.

• Internal resource time costs totaling $489,000.

Talend solutions require time spent by data
analytics, IT, and business resources to
implement and manage the platform on an
ongoing basis. Additionally, citizen developers
added to the development cycle dedicate time to
training activities. Internal resource time spent on
investment-related activities totals $489,000 for
the composite over three years.

The representative interviews and financial analysis

found that a composite organization experiences
benefits of $8.68 million over three years versus
costs of $1.91 million, adding up to a net present
value (NPV) of $6.77 million and an ROI of 355%.




355% $8.68M $6.77M <6 months

Three-Year Benefits PV

Total benefits

$0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000

Infrastructure cost savings

Reduction in downtime and incident support costs
Development cost savings
Security and compliance risk reduction cost savings
Business value impact

Cash Flow Chart (Risk-Adjusted)

Total costs Total benefits Cumulative net benefits

$10.0 M

$8.0 M

$6.0 M

$4.0 M

$2.0 M

-$2.0 M


From the information provided in the interviews, DUE DILIGENCE
Interviewed Talend stakeholders and Forrester
Forrester constructed a Total Economic Impact™
analysts to gather data relative to Talend
framework for those organizations considering an
investment in Talend solutions. solutions.

The objective of the framework is to identify the cost,

benefit, flexibility, and risk factors that affect the INTERVIEWS
Interviewed six representatives at organizations
investment decision. Forrester took a multistep
using Talend solutions to obtain data with
approach to evaluate the impact that Talend solutions
respect to costs, benefits, and risks.
can have on an organization.

Designed a composite organization based on
characteristics of the interviewees’


Constructed a financial model representative of
the interviews using the TEI methodology and
risk-adjusted the financial model based on
issues and concerns of the interviewees.
Readers should be aware of the following:

This study is commissioned by Talend and delivered by

Forrester Consulting. It is not meant to be used as a CASE STUDY
competitive analysis. Employed four fundamental elements of TEI in
Forrester makes no assumptions as to the potential ROI modeling the investment impact: benefits, costs,
that other organizations will receive. Forrester strongly flexibility, and risks. Given the increasing
advises that readers use their own estimates within the
framework provided in the study to determine the
sophistication of ROI analyses related to IT
appropriateness of an investment in Talend solutions. investments, Forrester’s TEI methodology
Talend reviewed and provided feedback to Forrester, but provides a complete picture of the total
Forrester maintains editorial control over the study and its economic impact of purchase decisions. Please
findings and does not accept changes to the study that
contradict Forrester’s findings or obscure the meaning of
see Appendix A for additional information on the
the study. TEI methodology.
Talend provided the customer names for the interviews
but did not participate in the interviews.


The Talend Customer Journey
Drivers leading to the Talend solutions investment


Role Industry Talend Capabilities Talend Investment Scale Talend c

Data Integration, Data Governance, 90% of mission-critical data Data Integr
Chief data and analytics officer Environmental services
Data Quality managed by Talend; 1TB of data Governanc
Team lead — data engineering
Financial services Data Integration 400 jobs run on Talend cloud Data Integr
and analytics
Data Integration, Data Quality, Data Data Integr
80% of mission-critical data
CIO Healthcare Governance, API and Application Data Gove
managed by Talend; 4TB of data
Integration Integration
Data Integration, Data Quality, Data Data Integr
Director of IT Healthcare Data not provided*
Governance Data Gove
Data Integration, Data Quality, Data Data Integr
CIO Government Governance, API and Application Data not provided* Data Gove
Integration Integration
Data Integration, API and Application Data Integr
Director, BI and data engineering Supply chain/logistics Data not provided*
Integration Integration
*In these instances, the interviewee either did not have the requested data readily available or did not wish to share during the interview.

Before implementing Talend solutions, the “[Before Talend], everyone had a
interviewees’ organizations lacked a single source of
different answer to the same
truth for data across various back-end systems and
business applications.
questions because everyone had
their own sources of
The interviewees noted how their organizations
struggled with common challenges, including:
Chief data and analytics officer,
• Data credibility problems. Before Talend, the
interviewees’ organizations lacked a single
environmental services
source of truth for their data. As such, they
struggled to answer data questions with
confidence. When answers were provided, they • Ineffective data tools that were ill-positioned
were often delayed due to inefficiencies in data to deliver on performance goals or business
identification, extraction, and analysis processes. objectives. Not only were the back-end systems
Additionally, organizations lacked transparency in that housed data sources often antiquated, but
data quality due to the variations in data sources, the tools utilized to extract, integrate, and analyze
formats, and inputs, which threatened data data were equally inadequate. If legacy extract,
integrity and left organizations vulnerable to transform, load (ETL) tools were in place, they
security and compliance threats. The CIO from a were often built around rigid on-premises
healthcare organization noted that, before architectures and were not fit to perform in the
Talend, they often felt that they were “flying blind” new cloud or hybrid cloud environments that
from a governance standpoint. organizations spun up as part of their ongoing



digital transformation efforts. Additionally, legacy infrastructure modernization, IT cost optimization,

infrastructures were not conducive to scale as or data sovereignty projects.
high data volumes often impacted performance
• Establish data excellence through access
and inhibited reliability. At an administrative level,
management, data quality improvements,
organizations turned to manual reporting efforts
business data glossaries, data marketplace, and
(hand-coding) to circumvent technology gaps,
compliance management to meet General Data
which further extended time to data and resulted
Protection Regulation (GDPR), California
in duplicative work.
Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and other
The interviewees’ organizations searched for a • Accelerate operational data by building
solution that could: connected data monetization, data sharing, or
app modernization efforts.
• Connect data sources and remove business silos
to create a single source of truth.

• Handle data management tasks at scale without

system disruptions or performance limitations.
“I’m using Talend for everything
• Improve productivity of developer, data engineer, that needs to have near-real-time
quality assurance, and other development or batch mode orchestration,
operations roles, including the flexibility to
data ingestion, data
customize the solution (writing custom code) to fit
transformation, or API calling. It
specific needs and architecture requirements
(whether hybrid, cloud, or multicloud
pretty much spans any analytical
environments). project that we embark on.”
• Increase trust in data quality to inform decision- Director, BI and data engineering,
making and impact business decisions. supply chain/logistics
• Enhance security and compliance functionality.

The Talend investment was often made in
conjunction with larger digital transformation efforts. The interviewees’ organizations provided details to
Examples of organizational digital transformation indicate the scale of their investment with Talend as
initiatives included: well as specific examples of projects or initiatives
accomplished with Talend solutions that helped drive
• Enable analytics to influence Customer 360 investment objectives forward, including:
initiatives, improve fraud detection, build
predictive and prescriptive models, optimize • An environmental services organization
pricing models, or manage churn. indicated that Talend currently manages 90% of
its valuable data, which totals 1TB. Data is
• Modernize data and applications, which derived from 150 different sources and is sent to
includes application modernization, IT 250 different destinations using approximately 25
connectors. The organization implemented



Talend to create an API fabric for employee and integration project that fueled real-time company
contractor time tracking. It enabled teams to reporting to influence enterprise decision-making.
better track time spent on maintenance projects
• A healthcare organization leveraged historical
for contractors to influence future fixed-bid
appointment-booking information to build a smart
contracts and optimize spending. The same
booking system that allowed for overbooking of
organization also created a foundation of trusted,
appointments to make up for patient no-shows
real-time energy trading data to inform business
and therefore realize administrative cost savings.
decisions directly impacting operational
It also extracted patient data from various
expenses, such as those dictating spending on
systems of record to identify gaps in patient care.
energy. Similarly, waste energy was collected in
As a result, the organization saved 30,000 hours
real time and shared on external websites to
per quarter while providing better patient quality
build credibility with the local community and
of care that contributed to top-line improvements
establish credibility to meet EPA standards.
associated with quality incentives provided by
insurance providers as well as $450,000 of
avoided penalties per quarter.

• Another healthcare organization eliminated

“We are now able to process 10 major system performance issues and reduced
times more business intelligence time to replicate processing errors to improve
analytics than we did before. claim-processing times. As a result, the
Just imagine, when your organization expedited readiness timeliness to

underlying data grows 20x, it more quickly receive claims from new states and
accelerated the time to create member profiles.
creates new sets of complexity.
Both processes improved customer experiences
So, we can manage 20x more and helped to avoid lost business.
data and run 10x more analytics
• A government organization harnessed internal
with the same resources.”
data from various systems and connected APIs
CIO, healthcare from external sources to identify patterns in
opioid usage. It was then able to optimize budget
allocation by state and region based on areas
that required more support (i.e., experienced
higher opioid-related incidents). The organization
• A financial services organization moved from a also applied insights and learnings to internal use
hybrid solution to the Talend cloud, thus saving cases like IT investment areas. By connecting
$600,000 a year and enabling it to run 400 jobs business application data to track impactful
on the cloud. The interviewee from the technology investments over time, the
organization provided a few key project organization found time savings opportunities
examples, including a customer relationship and created transparency into the ROI of various
management (CRM) system integration project technology initiatives.
with Talend to improve system performance that
• A supply chain/logistics organization built a
impacted the quality of customer loan data
housed in systems of record. The organization predictive analytics model to target vehicles at
followed the initial CRM project success with an risk of failure based on real-time IoT data so the



organization could preemptively provide vehicle Year 2 to enable the organization to scale the use of
maintenance and avoid failure. The organization data while maintaining security and compliance
also built a prescriptive analytics model to standards. Finally, in Year 3, the organization elects
monitor vehicle repair status based on data from to implement Talend API and Application Integration
on-premises systems, APIs, and machine to further automate data usage and workflows, which
learning (ML) capabilities to track trends in enables more reach to data consumers both internal
vehicle maintenance requirements. Both models and external to the organization. By the end of
contribute to better customer experiences. Year 3, nearly 80% of the organization’s mission-
critical data is processed through Talend.
Based on the interviews, Forrester constructed a TEI
framework, a composite company, and an ROI
analysis that illustrates the areas financially affected. Key Assumptions
The composite organization is representative of the • $1B annual revenue
six interviewees and is used to present the aggregate
• 200 total developers
financial analysis in the next section. The composite
organization has the following characteristics:
• 15 Talend seats
• Data Integration in Y1
Description of composite. The global, billion-dollar
industry-agnostic conglomerate maintains US
• Data Quality &
headquarters while serving a global operating region Governance in Y2
across multiple brands. The composite organization • API and Application
embarks on a multiyear digital transformation effort to Integration in Y3
better equip its development team of 200 to meet
business expectations and drive value for its growing
customer base.

Deployment characteristics. Before Talend, the

composite organization had few data extraction and
analytics tools in place to support its legacy on-
premises environment. Prior tools were ineffective,
resulting in a heavy reliance on manual coding. The
composite organization shifts data systems housing
mission-critical data to the cloud. The organization
elects to implement Talend, starting with Data
Integration. Once data sources are connected, the
organization gains unprecedented access to data
from various sources. Wanting to utilize the data, the
organization quickly discovers that poor data integrity
stands in the way of using a single source of true
data to fuel business decisions and initiatives.
Therefore, the organization implements Data Quality
by Year 2 to improve overall data credibility.
Additionally, Data Governance is implemented in


Analysis Of Benefits
Quantified benefit data as applied to the composite

Total Benefits
Ref. Benefit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Atr Infrastructure cost savings $202,500 $364,500 $494,100 $1,061,100 $856,555

Reduction in downtime and incident

Btr $225,000 $247,500 $292,500 $765,000 $628,850
support costs

Ctr Development cost savings $824,600 $1,140,000 $1,603,600 $3,568,200 $2,896,594

Security and compliance risk reduction

Dtr $73,284 $73,284 $73,284 $219,852 $182,247

Etr Total business value impact of Talend $1,122,000 $1,691,500 $2,261,000 $5,074,500 $4,116,657

Total benefits (risk-adjusted) $2,447,384 $3,516,784 $4,724,484 $10,688,652 $8,680,903

INFRASTRUCTURE COST SAVINGS • The same interviewee also stated that the new
Evidence and data. Prior to engaging with Talend, environment reduced overall maintenance and
organizations connected and extracted data from administration efforts. The interviewee described:
legacy on-premises systems using on-premises ETL “When I got here, we had a team that did
and other data analytics tools. However, as administrative production support for the various
organizations embarked on digital transformation technology stacks. They did some development
efforts to move to cloud or hybrid cloud too, but I would say 80% to 90% was care and
environments, prior tools were no longer compatible, feeding of the animals.” Reducing the associated
nor were they capable of handling the large scale of maintenance and administration effort allowed
the business’s data processing and performance the organization to redirect three FTEs away from
expectations without significant investment in IT administration and production support toward
infrastructure and resources. By moving to Talend true development projects.
cloud, organizations reduced the number of required • The team lead of data engineering and analytics
servers, saving on storage and compute costs at a financial services organization corroborated
without sacrificing performance. Additionally, the new the reduction in infrastructure spending with the
cloud or hybrid cloud environments required fewer move to Talend Cloud, stating that their
dedicated resources for maintenance and organization reduced the required CPU cores for
administration compared to prior on-premises data storage and processing by about 75%, from
environments. 60 to 12.
• The chief data and analytics officer at an Modeling and assumptions. To calculate
environmental services organization moved to infrastructure cost savings, Forrester makes the
Talend Cloud from an on-premises environment following assumptions:
and ultimately reduced required servers by 50%,
from 200 to 100, with plans to continue • The volume of servers required before Talend
consolidation efforts. represents a static before state.



• With Talend, the required volume of servers Risks. Infrastructure cost savings may vary
steadily decreases over time despite higher depending on the following:
volumes of data for extraction and analysis.
• The architecture of the prior environment,
• Servers supporting the prior environment were whether it was built on-premises or in the cloud,
managed by a third party; therefore, the cost and whether the organization elects to move to
savings represent a percentage of the total cost Talend Cloud.
of the server, but the cost savings are perpetual.
• The size and scope of the prior environment as
• Before Talend, four FTEs were dedicated to the well as the systems and data targeted for the
administration, production support, and move to Talend Cloud.
maintenance of the legacy environment.
Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
• With Talend, the organization reduces the adjusted this benefit downward by 10%, yielding a
required dedicated resources to administrative three-year, risk-adjusted total PV (discounted at 10%)
and maintenance tasks over time. of nearly $857,000.

Infrastructure Cost Savings

Ref. Metric Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Servers required for data extracting and processing
A1 Interviews 60 60 60
before Talend

A2 Reduction of required servers with Talend Interviews 50% 75% 80%

A3 Servers reduced with Talend A1*A2 30 45 48

A4 Average cost savings per server 25% of $12K $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

A5 Resources dedicated to IT admin before Talend Interviews 4 4 4

Reduction in resources required IT admin and

A6 Interviews 25% 50% 75%
production support with Talend
Average fully loaded resource cost for IT
A7 TEI standard $135,000 $135,000 $135,000

At Infrastructure cost savings (A3*A4)+(A5*A6*A7) $225,000 $405,000 $549,000

Risk adjustment ↓10%

Atr Infrastructure cost savings (risk-adjusted) $202,500 $364,500 $494,100

Three-year total: $1,061,100 Three-year present value: $856,555



REDUCTION IN DOWNTIME AND INCIDENT to 80%, totaling 4TB, the organization continued
SUPPORT COSTS to experience system performance
Evidence and data. Despite processing more data improvements. The interviewee stated that they
and performing more analyses across their significantly reduced the volume of errors
organizations, the interviewees indicated that the experienced per million records processed with
Talend solutions architected in the cloud improved Talend.
system performance and reduced downtime and • The team lead of data engineering and analytics
support costs. Organizations were, therefore, able to at a financial services organization tied better
ensure reliability on a large scale. system performance to better customer
• The team lead of data engineering and analytics experiences as well, stating, “With Talend, our
at a financial services organization indicated that tech team stopped getting complaints from
before Talend, their CRM system experienced brokers and their clients that the data was wrong
more than 500 job failures per week. With in our platform.”
Talend, the organization reduced job failures by Modeling and assumptions. To calculate the
50% and eliminated production outages. The reduction in downtime and incident support costs,
team lead said, “Weekly production outages were Forrester makes the following assumptions:
eliminated as soon as Talend was implemented.”
• Total annual cost of downtime and incident
• The director of IT at a healthcare organization support spans IT time spent on incident support
noted that reliability improvements continued as well as downtime for system users.
despite higher processing volumes in the new
• The organization reduces the total annual cost of
environment. They shared, “We’ve managed to
increase records processed by 80% while downtime and incident support with Talend by
maintaining 95% accuracy of performance.” reducing total incident volumes as well as time
spent problem-solving and remediating remaining
• The same interviewee at a healthcare incidences.
organization also described the impact on
internal resource efficiencies. Not only did the Risks. Reduction in downtime and incident support
organization experience better system costs may vary depending on the following:
performance overall, but it also saved time for • The volume of incidents and the criticality of
resources responsible for replicating existing those incidents experienced in the before state.
issues and problem-solving. The interviewee
• Time spent problem-solving and remediating
indicated that, before Talend, the organization
incidents before Talend.
had to dedicate five FTEs to remediation, which
could take a full 24 hours each time. With Talend, • The Talend solutions and data architecture
replicating an issue occurred automatically, implemented.
greatly reducing the remediation effort.
Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
• The CIO from a different healthcare organization adjusted this benefit downward by 10%, yielding a
noted that despite increasing the percentage of three-year, risk-adjusted total PV of close to
critical data that was processed through Talend $629,000.



Reduction In Downtime And Incident Support Costs

Ref. Metric Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Average annual cost of downtime and incident support costs
B1 Composite $500,000 $500,000 $500,000
before Talend

B2 Reduction in incidents with Talend Interviews 50% 55% 65%

Bt Reduction in downtime and incident support costs B1*B2 $250,000 $275,000 $325,000

Risk adjustment ↓10%

Reduction in downtime and incident support costs (risk-

Btr $225,000 $247,500 $292,500

Three-year total: $765,000 Three-year present value: $628,850




Evidence and data. According to Forrester research,
“Some integration work can be
data fabric deployments are complicated, involving
done by citizen developers in a
complex data sources, advanced compliance
requirements, demand for low-latency data access,
single day versus what would
and support across business domains. Automated have taken two to three senior
intelligence, zero-code development, AI/ML, developers multiple days.”
integrations with master data management, and low-
code or self-service capabilities to bring in new,
Team lead — data engineering and
nontechnical people.5 analytics, financial services
The interviewees’ organizations attributed Talend
functionality, such as automation, replication
• The chief data and analytics officer at an
capabilities, and an intuitive interface, to establishing
development efficiencies across the organization. environmental services organization expressed
The time savings were applied to many different that with Talend, they reduced time wasted for
project types, including integration and analytics developers by 50%, which reduced wasted costs
projects meant to support the business, and impacted from about $3 million the previous year to $1.5
different resource groups, including developers, million a year. Most of the time savings resulted
DevOps, data engineers, and QA. As a result, these from eliminating time spent on data
resources increased their capacity to take on more administration tasks; the chief data and analytics
project work and more effectively deliver more value officer explained, “We’ve gone from being mostly
to the organization. Additionally, the intuitive nature of prod support [and] admin stuff to being probably
Talend enabled the organizations to bring less-skilled 80% to 90% on business value add.” As part of
resources, including citizen developers, into the the value-add of the time savings, the
development cycle to produce more output and allow organization increased developer capacity to take
higher-level development resources to focus on on work, going from an average of 0.5
larger, more complex projects, further ensuring development projects per developer before
quality outputs. Talend to four development projects per
• The CIO at a government organization estimated
• The CIO of a government organization indicated
that they experienced 30% to 50% time savings
from being able to visually connect data sources, that they saw a similar shift in focus to value-
which impacted developers and DevOps added work by improving developer efficiencies:
resources as well. “Instead of spending a lot of time on the middle
process on preparing data [and] cleaning the
• The director of BI and data engineering at a data, I’m actually able to get to the outcomes,
supply chain/logistics organization attributed data which is the most important part of it.”
engineering productivity improvements to reuse
• Organizations further capitalized on the intuitive
and replication capabilities and the graphical
interface of Talend. This productivity increased nature of Talend solutions by introducing citizen
the impacted resources’ capacity to take on more developers to the development cycle. The CIO of
work. a healthcare organization stated, “[With] a lot of
the data integration and other tools from Talend,



you don't need high-paid skilled [developers/ Modeling and assumptions. To calculate
engineers] — it can be managed with IT development cost savings, Forrester makes the
analysts.” following assumptions:

• The team lead of data engineering and analytics • Average development resources include
at a financial services organization indicated that developers, DevOps, and QA resources.
they also introduced citizen developers to the
• The composite introduces citizen developers to
development cycle, which not only further
the development cycle to further accelerate
increased developer capacity but also helped to
development timelines and improve developer
accelerate project timelines. As a result,
capacity each year of the investment without
developers were free to take on increasingly
having to add highly skilled, and expensive
complex development work to further support the
developer headcount.
business. They explained: “The big value has
been to our businesses. The amount of work • Time savings for development resources are
developers can put into each sprint has attributed to automations that alleviate the need
increased a ton when it comes to the data to spend time on data administration tasks.
integration space. That’s really the value [the Additionally, Talend Data Integration includes
business] has seen since we implemented frameworks and visual connection capabilities to
Talend.” further expedite integration project timelines.
Additionally, some integration projects, including
• The same interviewee saw developer capacity
API connectivity, are taken on by citizen
improvements and accelerated timelines continue
developers. Talend Data Quality and Data
to meet growing business demands. The team
Governance make it easier to query for, assure
lead said: “We’ve been able to continue to
the quality of, and maintain compliance of the
accelerate the pace that the business is happy
data extracted for use.
with because we’re able to bring on developers
without oversaturating our teams with junior • The value associated with the increased
developers. So if we didn’t have a decrease in a) development capacity and accelerated delivery
the amount of time it takes to do the development timelines is reflected in the total business value
work and b) the level of skill required to do that impact of Talend benefit.
development, we would have fallen behind the
Risks. Development cost savings may vary
pace the business needs us to be at based on
depending on the following:
the amount of growth we were capable of."
• The volume of development resources and the
• A director of IT at a healthcare organization
type of resources involved in the development
implemented Talend Data Quality, which further
cycle as well as their associated salaries.
accelerated development timelines: “Now with
any kind of migrations or modernizations • The appetite for citizen development resources to
happening, they use [the Talend] solutions in the join the development cycle.
lower environment. That gives them confidence
• The Talend solutions implemented and the
that they can go into production faster, sooner,
cadence of implementation.
with better quality."



Results. To account for these risks, Forrester

adjusted this benefit downward by 5%, yielding a
three-year, risk-adjusted total PV of $2.9 million.

Development Cost Savings

Ref. Metric Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Average developer resources dedicated to data
C1 Composite 15 15 15
projects annually

C2 Time savings experienced with Talend (%) Interviews 25% 30% 40%

C3 Average fully loaded salary per developer resource TEI standard $208,000 $208,000 $208,000

Citizen developers added to avoid additional

C4 Composite 1 3 5
developer FTE and to meet business growth

C5 Average fully loaded salary per citizen developer TEI standard $120,000 $120,000 $120,000

Ct Development cost savings (C1*C2*C3)+(C4*(C3-C5)) $868,000 $1,200,000 $1,688,000

Risk adjustment ↓5%

Ctr Development cost savings (risk-adjusted) $824,600 $1,140,000 $1,603,600

Three-year total: $3,568,200 Three-year present value: $2,896,594



SECURITY AND COMPLIANCE RISK REDUCTION • Breaches will happen, and they will sometimes
SAVINGS go unnoticed. Forrester defines a breach as an
Evidence and data. Interviewees cited specific incident resulting in the loss or compromise of
Talend functionality to reduce the risk of a security data, accompanied by material remediation
breach or of breaking a compliance requirement. In costs. The data presented here is based on the
addition to having more transparency and better- breach activity of an organization with about
quality data, interviewees used log management to 10,000 total employees and $1 billion of annual
control data access and de-identification of source revenue. According to “Forrester Consulting Cost
data to improve security postures. Additionally, Of A Cybersecurity Breach Survey, Q4 2020,”
efficiencies enabled interviewees to meet compliance organizations of a similar size to the composite
reporting requirements for various stakeholder organization were likely to see 2.5 material
groups in a timely fashion. breaches per year.6

• The CIO at a healthcare organization indicated • Further findings from “Forrester Consulting Cost
that Talend helped them provide the necessary Of A Cybersecurity Breach Survey, Q4 2020”
quarterly compliance reporting on data security to indicate that the number of breach occurrences
health plans as well as to the board of directors was only slightly affected by the company size or
on an annual basis. The same interviewee cited revenue. However, the cost of recovery from a
Talend’s log management to control data access breach was highly correlated to the size and
through more specific policies and procedures. revenue of organizations.
They said, “Whereas before, we were flying blind; • For the composite organization, the average cost
now, we have a mechanism to extract and [a] is $654,841 per material breach.
process in place to manage who has access to
which data and for how long.” • Using Talend solutions, the overall reduction in
the likelihood of a breach is an additive 5%
• The CIO of a government organization stated that beyond all other solutions in place.
better-managed data access also had time
savings impacts. They explained, “The time Risks. Security and compliance risk reduction
savings experienced from not having to manually savings may vary depending on the following:
manage permissions could be 50% or higher for • The industry, size, and geography of the
different folks in IT.” organization.
• The director of IT at a different healthcare • The tools in place to manage security and
organization utilized de-identification and other compliance expectations prior to Talend.
functionality from Talend to improve the overall
• The Talend solutions implemented and the
security posture. The same interviewee also
cadence of implementation.
credited eliminating manual steps in governance
processes with additional improvements. Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
Modeling and assumptions. To calculate security adjusted this benefit downward by 20%, yielding a
and compliance risk reduction savings, Forrester three-year, risk-adjusted total PV of more than
makes the following assumptions: $182,000.



Security And Compliance Risk Reduction Savings

Ref. Metric Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Forrester custom
D1 Average data breaches per year 2.5 2.5 2.5
Average potential cost of data-breach, excluding Forrester custom
D2 $654,841 $654,841 $654,841
internal user downtime research

D3 Reduced likelihood of a breach Composite 5% 5% 5%

Subtotal: Avoided costs of remediation, customer

D4 resolution, fines, brand rebuild, and all other D1*D2*D3 $81,855 $81,855 $81,855
externally facing costs

D5 Total employees Composite 5,000 5,000 5,000

D6 Average salary — business user (hourly) TEI standard $39 $39 $39

Diminished/eliminated internal user productivity Forrester custom

D7 4.0 4.0 4.0
hours per breach research
Average percentage of employees affected per
D8 Assumption 10% 10% 10%

D9 Subtotal: Cost of reduced internal productivity D1*D3*D5*D6*D7*D8 $9,750 $9,750 $9,750

Dt Security and compliance risk reduction savings D4+D9 $91,605 $91,605 $91,605

Risk adjustment ↓20%

Security and compliance risk reduction savings

Dtr $73,284 $73,284 $73,284

Three-year total: $219,852 Three-year present value: $182,247



TOTAL BUSINESS IMPACT OF TALEND and analyzed by Talend to better forecast energy
Evidence and data. Today, delayed insights can costs and hedging those costs appropriately.
have a devastating effect on a firm’s ability to win, • The CIO of a healthcare organization built a
serve, and retain customers. Data fabric delivers a single source of truth for patient data that
unified, integrated, and intelligent end-to-end data enabled the organization to identify gaps in
platform to support new and emerging use cases. It patient care. As a result, insurance providers
automates all data management functions — allocated 30% more quality care incentives to the
including ingestion, transformation, orchestration, organization that contributed to the top line.
governance, security, preparation, quality, and
curation — enabling insights and analytics to quickly • Additionally, the organizations identified
accelerate use cases. Forrester sees a persistent opportunities for future revenue growth from new
trend of data fabric initiatives across all industries — revenue streams or market differentiation
including financial services, retail, healthcare, opportunities. The chief data and analytics officer
manufacturing, oil and gas, and energy — as at an environmental services organization gave
organizations continue executing their digital an example of a potential new revenue stream
transformation initiatives. A growing contingent of that would not have been possible if the
organizations leverages data fabric in the public organization did not trust the credibility of its data.
cloud and hybrid cloud environments to support They explained: “We [had] just spun off our
customer 360, business 360, fraud detection, IoT European division, but the European customers,
analytics, and real-time insights.7 when we brought up a new site, we had a
partnership agreement where they could sell
Examples of the business initiatives and projects some of the energy that we were generating from
heard in the customer interviews can be read in more the facility, but they needed real-time system
detail in the Customer Journey section of this study. uptime, downtime, and energy production data in
However, focusing on the initiatives that resulted in order to do that work. This would not have been
quantifiable business outputs for organizations, possible under any other platform. This opens up
Forrester found examples of operational cost savings a revenue stream for us."
as well as top-line revenue improvements for
organizations. • In another example that relies entirely on having
credible, quality data that meets governance
• The chief data and analytics officer at an standards, the environmental services
environmental services organization implemented organization’s chief data and analytics officer
Talend and saw incremental revenue said: “We know that all kinds of companies have
improvement from completing a project in a environmental targets to meet for regulatory
timely fashion that would have otherwise been bodies and everything else. One service we are
delayed and that ultimately contributed $25 considering offering to clients, but [that] we
million a year of revenue that would have “gone haven’t gone to market with, is a service to
out the window if the project had been delayed handle your environmental reporting for you if
six months.” you use us for your materials handling.”
• The same interviewee indicated that they also Modeling and assumptions. To calculate the total
experienced cost savings that totaled $500,000 a business value impact of Talend, Forrester makes
month from fueling decisions with data extracted the following assumptions:



• The composite organization is a $1 billion • The investment objectives and applicable use
organization. cases as well as projects completed with Talend
tools or data.
• Seventy percent of total revenue is allocated to
operational expenses. • The Talend solutions implemented and the
cadence of implementation.
• The ability to leverage data to influence more
business decisions and initiatives over time Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
improves additional revenue impact and adjusted this benefit downward by 15%, yielding a
contributes to more bottom-line cost savings over three-year, risk-adjusted total PV of $4.1 million.
the three-year study period.

Risks. Total business value impact of Talend may

vary depending on the following:

• The size and operational details of the

organization, including net margin and
percentage spend on operating expenses.

Total Business Value Impact Of Talend

Ref. Metric Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

E1 Total revenue Composite $1,000,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $1,000,000,000

E2 Additional revenue from data projects with Talend Interviews 1.5% 2.5% 3.5%

E3 Net margin TEI standard 6% 6% 6%

Subtotal: Incremental revenue improvement from

E4 E1*E2*E3 $900,000 $1,500,000 $2,100,000
data-based projects with Talend

E5 Total annual spend on operating expenses E1*70% $700,000,000 $700,000,000 $700,000,000

Percentage of additional cost savings due to

E6 Interviews 0.06% 0.07% 0.08%
smarter business decisions with Talend
Subtotal: Additional annual cost savings due to
E7 E5*E6 $420,000 $490,000 $560,000
smarter business decisions with Talend

Et Total business value impact of Talend E4+E7 $1,320,000 $1,990,000 $2,660,000

Risk adjustment ↓15%

Total business value impact of Talend (risk-

Etr $1,122,000 $1,691,500 $2,261,000

Three-year total: $5,074,500 Three-year present value: $4,116,657



UNQUANTIFIED BENEFITS surpassed that need and now can do

Interviewees mentioned the following additional most of the work on our own.”
benefits that their organizations experienced but were
not able to quantify:

• Improved development resource experiences.

Employees involved in development benefited “The data engineering arena
from efficiencies that relieved them of many
continues to evolve over time, so
perfunctory administration tasks, contributing to
better employee experiences. Furthermore,
we need to keep abreast of new
efficiencies were extended to ramp times, technologies, think of new
allowing development resources to more quickly approaches, and continue to
start contributing to value-added work. learn how to utilize Talend to do
Additionally, the skills required to interact with so at the maximum.”
Talend solutions included working with bleeding-
edge technologies that were considered highly Director, BI and data engineering,
competitive and applicable to more modern supply chain/logistics
environments, making them widely transferrable.

▪ The team lead of data engineering and

analytics at a financial services • Enhanced data credibility. While improved data
organization attributed better developer quality and control contributed to many of the
experiences to improved proficiencies and quantifiable benefits of this study, enhancing data
stated: “There seems to be an increase in credibility had many qualitative benefits as well.
proficiency of our developers. We’re Trusting the quality of their data enabled
seeing a quicker ramp-up of the amount organizations to provide more transparency into
of time it’s taking for all our junior data or operations, whether for internal or
developers that we’re bringing on and external audiences. More transparency internally
training up where they’re mostly hands- gave stakeholders more confidence to apply data
off. We can just give them development to critical business decisions and initiatives while
work, and they’re able to figure it out enabling greater external transparency fostered
themselves.” better relationships with customers and other
relevant stakeholders.
▪ Most organizations also interacted with
Talend professional services, which ▪ For example, the chief data and analytics
allowed them to build internal core officer at an environmental services
competencies by working closely with organization indicated that the high
Talend experts. The director of BI and integrity of its emissions data enabled it to
data engineering at a supply publish public reports. They said: “We
chain/logistics organization stated: “When started [publishing emissions data]
we needed to hire professional services, manually in July, and there was no
[Talend has] been there for us. Obviously, credibility. People were just putting
once we learned the tool, we pretty much whatever they wanted on a spreadsheet.
We finally committed the initiative to



Talend, and today, we are at least 85% Flexibility would also be quantified when evaluated as
automated. In parallel, the issues part of a specific project (described in more detail in
evaporated in terms of second-guessing Appendix A).
the data. Talend Data Stewardship, the
Data Catalog, and the Studio with all of
the integration components all work
together to bring that level of trust and

▪ The same interviewee noted that

improved data credibility led to potential
additional revenue streams when the
organization created a new data product
to help other organizations report against
sustainability goals.

The value of flexibility is unique to each customer.
There are multiple scenarios in which a customer
might implement Talend solutions and later realize
additional uses and business opportunities, including:

• Flexible foundation to meet future innovation

goals and technology objectives at scale.
Talend offers technology solutions in a flexible
environment to meet ever-changing business and
technology objectives. Interviewees felt that with
Talend technology in place and Talend support
through professional services, they could tackle
whatever changes came their way in the
foreseeable future. The director of IT at a
healthcare organization summarized: “I love
being in the data space. Talend gives me the
opportunity to think openly and innovate. If you
look at any other tools, they have a defined
boundary. You must be within that framework;
you can’t export the code and then deploy it
somewhere else, for example. Talend doesn't
have those restrictions. Today, I wake up and go
to work, and I don’t know what I am going to
come across. Every day brings new use cases
for me, and that excites me because I know I can
solve for them [with Talend]."


Analysis Of Costs
Quantified cost data as applied to the composite

Total Costs
Ref. Cost Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Cost of Talend services and
Ftr $0 $346,791 $672,726 $728,033 $1,747,549 $1,418,218
Internal resource time spent on
Gtr $37,180 $181,847 $181,847 $181,847 $582,720 $489,405

Total costs (risk-adjusted) $37,180 $528,637 $854,572 $909,879 $2,330,269 $1,907,623

COST OF TALEND SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS projects and initiatives completed by the
Evidence and data. Interviewees indicated that organization.
costs to Talend spanned the technology solutions as • Additionally, over the three-year investment
well as engaging with the Talend team for various period, the organization engages with Talend for
services. professional services that cover implementation,
Modeling and assumptions. To calculate the costs QuickStart guides, and training for the various
of Talend services and solutions, Forrester makes Talend solutions and capabilities.
the following assumptions: Risks. Pricing for Talend services and solutions may
• In Year 1, the organization implements the vary. Contact Talend for additional details.
Talend Data Management Platform, which Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
includes Data Integration and Data Quality. Costs adjusted this cost upward by 20%, yielding a three-
for the Talend Data Management Platform are year, risk-adjusted total PV (discounted at 10%) of
paid on a per-user annual basis for 15 users. $1.4 million.
• In Year 2, the organization implements Talend
Data Fabric, which includes Data Integrity, Data
Quality, and API and Application Integration.
Pricing for Talend Data Fabric is also paid on a
per-user annual basis for 15 users.

• The organization also adds Talend Data Catalog

in Year 2. The Talend Data Catalog is priced by
both annual user licenses and annual consumer

• Consumer licenses for Talend Data Catalog

scale across Years 2 and 3 of the investment
period to indicate the growth in data analytics



Cost Of Talend Services And Solutions

Ref. Metric Source Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Annual cost of Talend services and
F1 Composite (rounded) $0 $288,992 $560,605 $606,694

Ft Cost of Talend services and solutions F1 $0 $288,992 $560,605 $606,694

Risk adjustment ↑20%

Cost of Talend services and solutions

Ftr $0 $346,791 $672,726 $728,033

Three-year total: $1,747,549 Three-year present value: $1,418,218



INTERNAL RESOURCE TIME SPENT ON • Additionally, Talend technology is intuitive and

INVESTMENT easy to use, which enables the organization to
Evidence and data. In addition to the support, bring citizen developers into the development
training, and guidance provided by Talend, the cycle. Each citizen developer spends about 40
interviewees also dedicated internal resources to hours on training before participating in
investment-related activities that spanned development projects.
implementations, ongoing administration, and • The average fully burdened annual salary for IT
training. administration resources is $135,000, or $65 an
Modeling and assumptions. To calculate internal hour.
resource time spent on the investment, Forrester • The average hourly rate for citizen developers is
makes the following assumptions: $58.
• The composite organization dedicates resource Risks. Internal resource time spent on the
hours upfront to the initial implementation of the investment will vary depending on the size, scope,
Talend Data Management platform. and cadence of the Talend implementation as well as
• Across the investment period, the organization the resources involved and their associated salaries.
adds Talend capabilities and engages with Results. To account for these risks, Forrester
Talend professional services to connect more adjusted this cost upward by 10%, yielding a three-
data sources, harness more data volumes, and year, risk-adjusted total PV of $489,000.
provide more analyses to the business.

Internal Resource Time Spent On Investment

Ref. Metric Source Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

G1 Average time spent on implementations (hours) Interviews 520 2,080 2,080 2,080

Total hours spent on ongoing administration of

G2 Interviews 0 35 35 35
Talend solutions
Average fully burdened hourly rate for IT
G3 TEI standard $65 $65 $65 $65
administration resources
Subtotal: Total IT time spent on Talend
G4 (G1+G2)*G3 $33,800 $137,475 $137,475 $137,475
Average citizen developers that complete
G5 Interviews 0 12 12 12
training program annually
Average time spent in citizen developer program
G6 Interviews 0 40 40 40

G7 Average hourly rate for citizen developers TEI standard $0 $58 $58 $58

Subtotal: Total citizen developer time spent on

G8 G5*G6*G7 $27,840 $27,840 $27,840
Talend investment

Gt Internal resource time spent on investment G4+G8 $33,800 $165,315 $165,315 $165,315

Risk adjustment ↑10%

Internal resource time spent on investment (risk-

Gtr $37,180 $181,847 $181,847 $181,847

Three-year total: $582,720 Three-year present value: $489,405


Financial Summary


Cash Flow Chart (Risk-Adjusted)

The financial results calculated in the

Total costs Total benefits Cumulative net benefits
Benefits and Costs sections can be
used to determine the ROI, NPV, and
$10.0 M payback period for the composite

organization’s investment. Forrester

assumes a yearly discount rate of 10%
$8.0 M for this analysis.

$6.0 M

These risk-adjusted ROI,

$4.0 M
NPV, and payback period
values are determined by
applying risk-adjustment
$2.0 M factors to the unadjusted
results in each Benefit and
Cost section.

-$2.0 M
Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash Flow Analysis (Risk-Adjusted Estimates)

Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Total costs ($37,180) ($528,637) ($854,572) ($909,879) ($2,330,269) ($1,907,623)

Total benefits $0 $2,447,384 $3,516,784 $4,724,484 $10,688,652 $8,680,903

Net benefits ($37,180) $1,918,747 $2,662,212 $3,814,605 $8,358,384 $6,773,280

ROI 355%

Payback <6 months


Appendix A: Total Economic
Total Economic Impact is a methodology developed
by Forrester Research that enhances a company’s The present or current value of
technology decision-making processes and assists (discounted) cost and benefit estimates
vendors in communicating the value proposition of given at an interest rate (the discount
their products and services to clients. The TEI rate). The PV of costs and benefits feed
methodology helps companies demonstrate, justify, into the total NPV of cash flows.
and realize the tangible value of IT initiatives to both
senior management and other key business
stakeholders. NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV)

TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT APPROACH The present or current value of

Benefits represent the value delivered to the (discounted) future net cash flows given
business by the product. The TEI methodology an interest rate (the discount rate). A
places equal weight on the measure of benefits and positive project NPV normally indicates
the measure of costs, allowing for a full examination that the investment should be made
of the effect of the technology on the entire unless other projects have higher NPVs.

Costs consider all expenses necessary to deliver the RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI)
proposed value, or benefits, of the product. The cost
category within TEI captures incremental costs over A project’s expected return in
the existing environment for ongoing costs percentage terms. ROI is calculated by
associated with the solution. dividing net benefits (benefits less costs)
by costs.
Flexibility represents the strategic value that can be
obtained for some future additional investment
building on top of the initial investment already made. DISCOUNT RATE
Having the ability to capture that benefit has a PV
that can be estimated. The interest rate used in cash flow
analysis to take into account the
Risks measure the uncertainty of benefit and cost time value of money. Organizations
estimates given: 1) the likelihood that estimates will typically use discount rates between
meet original projections and 2) the likelihood that 8% and 16%.
estimates will be tracked over time. TEI risk factors
are based on “triangular distribution.”
The initial investment column contains costs incurred at “time
The breakeven point for an investment.
0” or at the beginning of Year 1 that are not discounted. All
other cash flows are discounted using the discount rate at the This is the point in time at which net
end of the year. PV calculations are calculated for each total benefits (benefits minus costs) equal
cost and benefit estimate. NPV calculations in the summary initial investment or cost.
tables are the sum of the initial investment and the
discounted cash flows in each year. Sums and present value
calculations of the Total Benefits, Total Costs, and Cash Flow
tables may not exactly add up, as some rounding may occur.


Appendix C: Endnotes

1 Source: “The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Data Fabric, Q2 2022,” Forrester Research, Inc., June 23, 2022.
2 Source: “The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Data Fabric, Q2 2022,” Forrester Research, Inc., June 23, 2022.
3 Total Economic Impact is a methodology developed by Forrester Research that enhances a company’s
technology decision-making processes and assists vendors in communicating the value proposition of their
products and services to clients. The TEI methodology helps companies demonstrate, justify, and realize the
tangible value of IT initiatives to both senior management and other key business stakeholders.
4 Source: “Qlik Acquires Talend, Combining its Best-in-Class Data Integration with Talend’s Leading Data
Transformation, Quality, and Governance Capabilities,” May 16, 2023.
5 Source: “The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Data Fabric, Q2 2022,” Forrester Research, Inc., June 23, 2022.
6 Source: “Forrester Consulting Cost Of A Cybersecurity Breach Survey, Q4 2020.”
7 Source: “The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Data Fabric, Q2 2022,” Forrester Research, Inc., June 23, 2022.



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