Telematic Ep

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EP's next generation solution for fleet management 2.0


01 EP Equipment

02 EP Telematics

CONTENT 03 User Benefits

04 Purchase Installation
Let’s grow together
EP Equipment
We believe in products that simply

• Own design
• Focus on li-ion
• Simple after sales
• Change the market

• The EP Telematics proves again

this overall concept and thinking
Let’s grow together
EP Telematics
What is it?

Who uses it?

What do I do with it?

What does it do for me?

How does the system technically work?

• Li-ion batteries & BMS

• Forklifts with controller
• CAN + power supply
• 4G
• Website
• PC, Tablet, Mobile
Let’s grow together
User Benefits
What value does telematics bring me?

• Fleet management
• Li-ion battery and truck analytics
• Proactive after-sales service

Lift your business to a new level with more profit

For end user AND for the dealer
Asset tracking

Asset tracking
• Online
• Base station

Customers can get an own login to see their own

Same online platform
Asset Tracking

Asset tracking
• Real time GPS tracking
• Track play back
Asset tracking

Asset tracking
• Operation zoning
Remote start-stop

Remote start - stop

• Zoning
• Days rental
• Hours rental
• Reminder,
automatic expiration or
manual start-stop
Fleet management

Selected fleet, selected period

Fleet management
Selected fleet, selected period

Uptime boosting
selected truck, selected period
• Fleet analysis & truck analysis
• Accumulated operation data over desired time
• Statistical analysis of working hours
• Statistical an analysis of vehicle operation time
• Allocate the fleet to the right location one truck day

• Data can be locally exported to excel for

further analysis
Truck management

Uptime boosting
• Individual truck use
• Real time, online available
• Statistical analysis of working hours
over time

Many trucks are not used as intensively as

we think
Driver management

Card Reader
• Optional
• Driver identification
• Driver + truck analysis
Ordinary card = 1 card, 1 truck, 1 truck can connect to unlimited amount of cards, cards cannot be
Master card = 1 card, all trucks
Management card = Activate or deactivate the system, activate an ordinary card on the truck
Cards cannot be re-programmed

Card number is added online, then driver data can be filled out by the fleet manager online.
Note: For countries with data restrictions, the card number and driver data should be locally stored at
the employer so in the cloud we then have no driver ID information, only general non personalised
Driver management

Driver Management
• Usage data
Driver management

Perormance data
• Total visibility into technical truck data
• Current and omnidirectional data
• Speed + Lifting
Uptime boosting

Uptime boosting
• Option: Export to Excel
Battery management

Uptime boosting
• Voltage
• SOC charge and discharging current

Here we do something unique

With li-ion we change the way we look at batteries

Change the way we look at battery size
Change the way to look at when to charge, where to charge

Change in the optimum truck and battery configuration

Change in the design the optimum fleet

Even different design of the warehouse
Battery management

Uptime boosting
• Find out the truck behavior
during the day
• When can be charged
• Optimise battery capacity,
smaller size can do
• Optimise use of li-ion battery
• Longest battery life time

Remote battery diagnose

• State of charge and discharge
• Voltage
• Temperature

Remote truck diagnose

• Tuck data: We have all the truck data
from the controller
• Temperature data of motors,
controller and battery

Remote diagnose
• Error code
• Explanation
• Solution
Let’s grow together
Purchase Installation
Applicable models
Added system for sold cars
All the lithium electric forklift trucks can be
loaded, and all the dual-drive ones can be
loaded after January 1, 2019, but the pallet
truck and stacker cannot be loaded.
Before Jan 2020, except 30&35L1 GPS
system can be installed in the battery, the
rest should be installed on the truck.
Appication Device Name Serial Number Details

Telematics Remote system client 267012200289

management 4G+GPS(overseas)

The flash Vehicle flash card 2YL012235881

card system reader

• EU - EU 28
• AS - a part of Asian countries
• GL - 156 countries in the world
Remote system installation video

Flash card system interface

When applying for an account, you need to fill in the following form and send an email to the designated
mailbox. The specific steps are as follows.

Step 1: User received the system and installed it successfully;

Step 2: Sales contact will send a mail with the application form;

Step 3: Customers should send back the application form with their account info and the trucks and
eventual cards that they want to register:
mail to:
Subject: Account registration

Step 4: Add more trucks or driver cards to account, use the same form
mail to:
Subject: Truck registration
Card registration

After the trucks and cards are registered, within your account, you can complete the further information

(E-mail) Username for Login Company/Department your Login name Dealer name
Telematics for fleet management login website:

Language type settings

Login entry

There are two ways to log on to an account using a mobile phone or an email address.
If the user forgets the password, you can click forget the password, enter the registered mobile
phone number in the input box and click to get the verification code, fill in the verification code and
the new password to log on to the system.
Sys Indicator Flashing shows fault information

Flash1 Flash2 Fault description

1 1 GPS module no response

4 4 GPS cannot be turned on
2 1 Sim problems
3 1 Internal serial port problem
4 3 GPRS data problems
4 2 Server network problems
4 1 Equipment network connection
2 2 Can fault
3 3 IMEI acquisition fault

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