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Babandi et al.

, (2017) BJMLS, 2(1):


Babandi, A.,2Muhammed, I.Y. 1Murtala, Y.,1Ibrahim, A.A.,1Madugu, A. U.,
Babagana, K.,3Jobbi, Y.,1Mashi, J.A., 1Yakasai, H.M., 1Shehu, D. and 1Abubakar, S.M.
Department of Biochemistry, Bayero University, PMB 3011, Kano-Nigeria
Department of Chemical Pathology, Bayero University and AKTH, PMB 3011, Kano-
Department of Hematology, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, PMB 3452, Kano-Nigeria
* /+2348086303170
Background: Hypertension is a multi-factorial disorder in which various physiological
mechanisms participate to elevate Blood Pressure (BP). When imbalance between the
production and elimination of reactive oxygen species (ROS) occurs, leading to
accumulation of free radicals in cells, oxidative stress may result. It has been implicated in
the pathogenesis and complications of hypertension and other diseases. It promotes
atherosclerosis through various mechanisms.The interaction between the ROS and
endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) thereby inhibiting vasodilation and hence
hypertension, is an important mechanism.This preliminary study was aimed at evaluating
the oxidative stress indices and serum calcium among hypertensive patients attending
Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Northwest Nigeria.
Methods:The levels of serum malondialdeyde (MDA) as biomarker of oxidative stress,
antioxidant vitamins and serum calcium were evaluated using standard methods in
hypertensive as well as normotensive volunteers attending Aminu Kano Teaching
Hospital. A total of four hundred (400) volunteers (200normotensives and 200
hypertensive patients) were enrolled for the study.
Results: Results indicated a significant decrease (p<0.05) in serum antioxidant
vitamins(C and E) and calcium level in hypertensive patients compared to normotensives,
while significant increase (p<0.05) inserum MDA level was observed in hypertensive
subjects compared to the normotensive volunteers.
Conclusion: This study suggests the increase of oxidative stress marker (MDA) in
hypertensive patients with concomitant decreaseof the antioxidant vitamins and calcium
leveland thus, disturbs oxidant-prooxidant equilibrium and hence may contribute to
complications of hypertension.
Key words:Hypertension, Oxidative stress,Antioxidant vitamins, Calcium, Kano

INTRODUCTION visual problems are observed. So, the

Hypertension is one of the major public assessment on the risk factors which
health problems and among the leading contribute more to development of blood
causes of death globally. Itdoubles the risk pressure, myocardial infarction, left
of cardiovascular diseases including ventricular hypertrophy, congestive heart
coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, aneurysm, stroke, as well as chronic
failure, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, kidney disease (hypertensive nephropathy)
renal failure and peripheral arterial disease and hypertensive retinopathy(Kaori et al.,
(Earl et al., 2015).It is a ‘silent killer’ as it is 2006; Manciaet al., 2007), at an early stage
asymptomatic until its effects like stroke, to control them will prevent the health
myocardial infarction, renal dysfunction or hazards of hypertension (Kaori et al., 2006).
Citation: 1*Babandi, A.,2Muhammed, I.Y. 1Murtala, Y.,1Ibrahim, A.A.,1Madugu, A. U., 1Babagana, K.,3Jobbi,
Y.,1Mashi, J.A., 1Yakasai, H.M., 1Shehu, D. and 1Abubakar, S.M A(2017). Oxidative Stress Indices And Calcium
Level Among Hypertensive Patients In Kano-Nigeria BJMLS. 2(1):
Oxidative Stress Indices And Calcium

The complications of hypertension are state in the northwestern Nigeria with a

related to either sustained elevations of population of 9,383,68 according to 2006
blood pressure, with consequent changes in National Census. However, currently there is
the vasculature and heart, or to the believed that Kano state has a population of
accompanying atherosclerosis that is about 14,000,000 people (Encyclopeadia
accelerated by long-standing hypertension Britannica, 2017).
(Sabriet al., 2004).Oxidative stress is well Kano State lies between latitude 13°N in the
known to be involved in the pathogenesis of North and 11°N in the South and longitude
lifestyle-related diseases, including 8°W in the West and 100E in the East (Kano
atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes Metro,2016). The participants were recruited
mellitus, ischemic diseases, and from Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital
malignancies. It is known to be harmful due (AKTH).
to oxygen free radicals attack of biological This facility is the most patronized Tertiary
molecules such as lipids, proteins, and DNA. Health Care hospital in Kano state,
However, oxidative stress also has a useful northwestern Nigeria. Itreceives patients
role in physiologic adaptation and in the from all over the northwestern region of
regulation of intracellular signal Nigeria.
transduction. Therefore, it may be Sample Size Determination
considered as “a state where oxidative forces Fisher’s formula, (1998) was used to
exceed the antioxidant systems due to loss of determine the sample size.
the steady balance between them (Lushchak, n= Z2 P (1-P)/d2
2014). Where; n=the desired sample size
Similarly, disturbed calcium metabolism z=95% confidence interval or 1.96
may play a role in the patho-physiology of d=degree of precision usually set at 0.05
hypertension. Ionized calcium (Ca) acts as P= 0.5%
an intracellular second messenger in The prevalence of 50% was used
excitation-contraction coupling in vascular Experimental Design
smooth muscle (VSM) cells. The free A total of 400 volunteersrecruited from
intracellular calcium concentration Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH)
determines the tension in VSM cells, thus participated in this research. The
contribute to peripheral vascular resistance volunteerswere grouped into two groups;
(PVR) which found in hypertension group I consist of 200hypertensive patients
(Sudhakaret al., 2002). and group II consist of 200 normotensive
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, volunteers.
astudy to evaluateoxidative stress, Patients with systolic blood pressure above
antioxidant vitamins and calcium level 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure above
among hypertensive patients in this part of 90 mmHg, or the ones receiving
the country has not been conducted. Thus, a antihypertensive medications, non smokers
preliminary study will provide insight and and of both sexes were considered as
assist in the prediction of the outcome of hypertensive patients, and the remaining
these diseases. This preliminary study was constituted the control group. Smokers and
aimed at evaluating the oxidative stress those refused to give their consent were
marker, antioxidant vitamins and serum excluded from this research
calcium among hypertensive patients The ethical approval to carry out this study
attending Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, was obtained from the ethical committee of
Northwest Nigeria. Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. The
MATERIALS AND METHODS provision of the Helsinki declaration was
Study Site respected at every step of the study.
Kano state is the most populous commercial
Babandi et al., (2017) BJMLS, 2(1):

Blood sample collection and preparation of serum Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Calcium and
After obtaining a written consent, 5ml blood a malondialdehyde in hypertensive and
was withdrawn aseptically from the anti normotensive volunteers were determined
cubital veins from each patient and control, using student t test. P<0.05 is considered
the samples were centrifuged at 3000rpm for significant.
10minutes followed byserum collection for RESULTS
further analysis. The result of serumVitamin E, Vitamin C,
METHODS Calcium and Malondialdehyde (MDA)
Serum calcium was determined by levels in hypertensive patients and
enzymatic colorimetric method of Gran, normotensive controls attending AKTH are
(1960) and Razavietal. (2015).Vitamin C presented in figures below
was determined by Keitaroet al. (1980) The results of this study showed a
method.Malondialdehyde(MDA) was significant decrease(p<0.05) of antioxidants
determined by Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) vitamins C and E as well as calcium in
assays method described by Ohkawaet hypertensive patients compared to
al.(1979) and Grotto et al.(2009). normotensive control. However, the results
Determination of vitamin E was carried by showed a significant increase(p<0.05) of
method described byRutkowskietal.(2005). serum MDA in hypertensive patients
Statistical Analysis compared to normotensive controls.
The statistical difference between the levels

Serum Calcium(mg/dl)



Normotensive Hypertensive

Fig.1: Serum calcium level of hypertensive patients and normotensive controls.Bars with
similar letters are significantly different at (p<0.05).
Serum vitamin C(mg/dl)




Normotensive Hypertensive

Fig.2: Serum Vitamin C level of hypertensive patients and normotensive. Bars with similar
letters are significantly different at (p<0.05).
Oxidative Stress Indices And Calcium


Serum vitamin E (mg/dl)


20 a


Normotensive hypertensive

Fig.3: Serum vitamin Elevel of hypertensive patients and normotensive controls.Bars with
similar letters are significantly different at (p<0.05).



Serum MDA(mol/l)



Hypertensive Normotensive
Fig.4: Serummalondialdehyde(MDA)level of hypertensive patients and normotensive control.
Bars with similar letters are significantly different at (p<0.05).
DISCUSSION (Ayyub et al., 2003). Increased oxidative
The values of calcium, MDA, vitamin C and stress is thought to play a role in the
vitamin E were determined in the serum of development of hypertension complications
both hypertensive and normotensive as in myocardial infarction, stroke and
controls. Hypertension is characterized by chronic kidney disease (Ayyub et al., 2003).
elevated oxidative stress via increased Oxidative stress (OS) and cardiovascular
generation of reactive oxygen species (CV) reactivity are related to CV morbidity
(ROS), and decline in antioxidant defences and mortality.
Babandi et al., (2017) BJMLS, 2(1):

Antioxidant vitamins E and C are thought to has been demonstrated that vitamin C
be effective in increasing the activities of supplementation showed a significant
antioxidant defence enzymes, scavenging decline in both systolic and diastolic blood
free radicals, preventing oxidative damage pressure which may persist for prolonged
and thereby sparing lipid components of the period (Khawetal.,2001). In addition,
cells against lipid peroxidation. OS is vitamin C has been suggested to act more
suggested to be a potential contributor to the than an antioxidant and its effects on
development of hypertension and the neurotransmitters lead to its antihypertensive
associated complications (Zinggetal., 2000). activity (Hernandez-Guerra, 2006).
This may be connected to the fact that the Vitamin E level in hypertensive patients was
antioxidant status may be inadequate in significantly lower than that of normotensive
hypertension patients as a result of volunteers. Vitamin E is a component of the
overutilization of the antioxidants vitamins total peroxylradical-trapping antioxidant
in neutralizing the lethal effectsof ROS in system, reacts directly with peroxyl and
the system. The metabolic significance of superoxide radicals and singlet oxygen and
the evaluation of antioxidants in protects membranes from lipid peroxidation
hypertension is therefore of paramount (Bisht and Sosodia, 2010). A study by
importance. Bernado Rodriguez-Iturbeetal. (2003)
The decreased levels of antioxidant vitamins demonstrated that an antioxidant-enriched
observed in this studymay be connected to diet that included vitamin E, vitamin C,
increased oxidative stress in hypertension selenium and zinc reduces the renal
resulting in higher utilization of these interstitial inflammation, decreases renal
vitamins and consequently leading to their tissue content of malondialdehyde and
decrease level. Thus, increased intake of improves management of hypertension.
synthetic or natural antioxidant vitamins Furthermore, the cardio-protective potential
could help to avert hypertension of vitamin E has been attributed to its potent
complications (Bunn, 1997). Non-enzymatic antioxidant action (Choi, 2008). This
antioxidants are represented byascorbic acid contention is supported by the fact that α-
(Vitamin C), α-tocopherol (Vitamin E) and tocopherol shows antioxidant potential by
other antioxidants. Under normal conditions, donating hydrogen radical to remove the free
there is a balance between both the activities radicals reacting with it to form non-radical
and the intracellular levels of these products or trapping of lipid radicals (Choi,
antioxidants. This balance is essential for the 2008). Vitamin E supplementation will
survival of organisms and their health produce a beneficial effect in hypertensive
(Cadenas, 1997). Non enzymatic patients.
antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin Theobserved increase in Thiobarbituric acid-
E play an excellent role in protecting the Malondialdehyde (TBARS-MDA) level in
cells from oxidative damage (Farombiet al., hypertensive patients suggest that active
2000). Previous findings showed that lipid peroxidation is occurring in these
vitamin C level is lower in hypertensive patients. This is in agreement with various
patients compared to general population findings of Dhananjayet al. (2013);
(Bates et al., 1998). Khawetal. (2001) Nwanjoet al. (2007) and Ahmad et al.
reported a significant association between (2013). Malondialdehyde is a highly toxic
plasma vitamin C levels and long term by-product, produced in part by oxidation;
sequels of hypertension. The finding of this derived from free radicals.
study showed that vitamin C level Hypertension is a multi-factorial disorder in
significantly decreased in hypertensive which various physiological mechanisms
patients and probably can be implicated in participate to elevate BP (Giasuddinet al.,
elevated blood pressure in these patients. It 2001).
Babandi et al., (2017) BJMLS, 2(1):

Many hypotheses were proposed about the vascular membrane and vasodilation and
possible mechanisms underlying essential hence reduction of Blood pressure.The
hypertension including derangements in resultsshowed a significant decrease of
serum electrolytes and water balance. One of antioxidants vitamins C and E as well as
the physiologically important ions in the calcium in hypertensive patients compared
serum is calcium. The present study showed to normotensive volunteers. A significant
significant decrease in serum calcium in increase in serum MDA in hypertensive
hypertensive patientscompared with patients compared to normotensive
normotensive volunteers, which is consistent volunteers was also observed.
with the findings of Koschetal (2011). CONCLUSION
Calcium is known to play a significant role Based on the result of this preliminary study,
in muscle contraction, when calcium is low it can be deduced that there was decrease in
then the contraction and relaxation of the the serum antioxidant vitamins (Vitamin E
heart is impaired resulting of increase in and Vitamin C) and calcium as well as
peripheral vascular resistance which is increase in serum MDA. This may probably
associated with hypertension. Also the be due to increase of oxidative stress and
results are consistent with that of Fuet al. concomitant utilization of these antioxidant
(2001) and Touyzet al. (2000), who reported vitamins to counteract the effect of ROS
a significant decrease in serum calcium in which can also disturbs oxidant-prooxidant
patients’ with essential hypertension equilibrium and elevate blood pressure, and
compared with normotensive volunteers. thus, the complications of hypertension.
Reichelet al. (2001) also reported reduced ACKNOWLEDGMENT
calcium in patients with elevated diastolic We sincerely thank the management of
blood pressure (DBP). A reduction in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH)
calcium in the diet may cause calcium and Department of Biochemistry, Bayero
depletion from all membrane storage sites, University, Kano for providing us with
resulting in less stability of the vascular enabling atmosphere to conduct this study.
smooth muscle cell membrane (Resnick, We are also highly grateful to those patients
1991). When present in optimal and controls who volunteered to donate their
concentrations, calcium stabilizes vascular blood samples for this study.
cell membranes, inhibits its own entry into FINANCIAL SUPPORT
cells, and reduces vasoconstriction (Undurti, Nil
2001). Calcium can combine with some CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS
irons such as magnesium, sodium and None declared
potassium creating ironic balance for

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