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[See rule31(1)(a)]
Certificate under section 203 of the income-tax Act,1961 for Tax deducated at source on Salary
Name and address of the Employer Name and Designation of the Employee
Manager - Employee Relations
PAN of the Deductor TAN of the Deductor PAN of the Employee
Assessment Year Period
2023-2024 From To
01/04/2022 31/03/2023
Summary of tax deducted at source
Quarter Receipt Numbers of original Amt of tax deducted inrespect of Amt of tax deposited/remitted in
Quarterly Statements of TDS the employee respect of the employee
under sub-section(3) of section
Quarter 1 FXBXMFIY 0 0
Quarter 2 FFXBPNMC 0 0
Quarter 3 FXBCTXOL 0 0
Quarter 4 FXBFLLNB 0 0
Total 0 0
Details of Salary paid and any other income and tax deducted Rs. Rs. Rs.
1. Gross Salary
(a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) 537378
(b) Value of perquisites under section 17(2) (as per Form No. 0
12BA,wherever applicable)
(c) Profits in lieu of salary under section 17(3) (as per Form 0
No.12BA, wherever applicable)
(d) Total 537378
(e) Reported total amount of salary received from other 0
2. Less: Allowances to the extent exempt under section 10
(a) Travel concession or assistance under section 10(5) 0
(b) Death-cum-retirement gratuity under section 10(10) 0
(c) Commuted value of pension under section 10(10A) 0
(d) Cash equivalent of leave salary encashment under section 0
(e) House rent allowance under section 10(13A) 0
(f) Amount of any other exemption under section 10
Children Education Allowance 10(14) 2400
Hostel Allowance 10(14) 0
Uniform Allowance 10(14) 18000
Transport Allowance 10(14) 0
Voluntary Retirement Compensation 10(10C) 0
(g) Total amount of any other exemption under section 10 20400
(h) Total amount of exemption claimed under section 10 [2(a) 20400
+ 2(b) + 2(c) + 2(d) + 2(e) + 2(g)]
3. Total amount of salary received from current employer 516978
4. Less: Deductions under section 16
(a) Standard deduction under section 16(ia) 50000
(b) Entertainment allowance under section 16(ii) 0
(c) Tax on employment under section 16(iii) 1800
5. Total amount of deductions under section 16 51800
6. Income chargeable under the head "Salaries" [(3+1(e)-5] 465178
7. Add: Any other income reported by the employee under as per section 192 (2B)
(a) Income (or admissible loss) from house property reported 0
by employee offered for TDS
(b) Income under the head Other Sources offered for TDS 0
8. Total amount of other income reported by the employee 0
[7(a) + 7(b)]
9. Gross total income (6+8) 465178
10. Deductions under Chapter VI-A
Gross Amount Deductible Amount
(a) Deduction in respect of life insurance premium, 23896 23896
contributions to provident fund etc.under section 80C
(b) Deduction in respect of contribution to certain pension 0 0
funds under section 80CCC
(c) Deduction in respect of contribution by taxpayer to pension 0 0
scheme under section 80CCD (1)
(d) Total deduction under section 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD(1) 23896 23896
(e) Deductions in respect of amount paid/deposited to notified 0 0
pension scheme under section 80CCD (1B)
(f) Deduction in respect of contribution by Employer to 0 0
pension scheme under section 80CCD (2)
(g) Deduction in respect of health insurance premium under 0 0
section 80D
(h) Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for higher 0 0
education under section 80E
Gross Amount Qualifying Amount Deductible Amount
(i) Total Deduction in respect of donations to certain 0 0 0
funds,charitable institutions, etc.under section 80G
(j) Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in savings 0 0 0
account under section 80TTA
(k) Amount deductible under any other provision(s) of Chapter VIA
section 80 U 0 0 0
section 80 DD 0 0 0
section 80 GG 0 0 0

(l) Total of amount deductible under any other provision(s) of 0 0 0

Chapter VIA
11. Aggregate of deductible amount under Chapter VI-A 23896
12. Total taxable income (9-11) 441282
13. Tax on total income 9564
14. Rebate under section 87A, if applicable 9564
15. Surcharge, wherever applicable 0
16. Health and education cess 0
17. Tax payable (13+15+16-14) 0
18. Less: Relief under section 89 (attach details) 0
19. Net tax payable (17-18) 0

I VINIT SHAH son/daughter of MADHUKAR working in the capacity of VP - CMG & CORPORATE FINANCE (designation) do
hereby certify that the information given about is true.complete and correct and is based on the books of account,documents,TDS
Statemnt,TDS Deposited and other available records.

Place : AHMEDABAD (Signature of person responsible for deduction of tax)

Date : 23/05/2023 Full Name : VINIT SHAH
[See rule 26A (2)(b)]
Statement Showing particulars of perquisites,Other fringe benefits or
amenities and profits in lieu of salary with value thereof

1.Name and address of employer Arvind Limited

2.TAN AHMT00462A
3.TDS Assessment Range of the employer CIT(TDS)
4.Name and designation of Employee 122248
Raval Melabhai
Manager - Employee Relations
PAN NO. of Employee AYVPR3206N
5.Is the employee a director or a person with substantial interest in the N
6.Income under the head 'Salaries' of the employee 465178
(Other than from perquisites)
7.Financial Year 2022-2023
8.Valuation of perquisites
Sr No. Nature of perquisites Value of Amt.if any Amt of perquisite
(see rule 3) perquisite as per recovered from chargeable to tax
rules the employee (3-4)
() () ()
1 Accomodation 0 0 0
2 Cars/Other automotive 0 0 0
3 Sweeper,Gardener,Watchman or personal attendant 0 0 0
4 Gas,Electricity,Water 0 0 0
5 Intrest free or concessional loans 0 0 0
6 Holiday expenses 0 0 0
7 Free or concessional travel 0 0 0
8 Free meals 0 0 0
9 Free Educattion 0 0 0
10 Gifts, Vouchers etc. 0 0 0
11 Co. Cont.-PF/NPS in excess of Rs.7.50 lacs & Int. accrued thereon 0 0 0
12 Club expense 0 0 0
13 Use of movable assests to employees 0 0 0
14 Transfer of assets to employees 0 0 0
15 Value of any other benefit/amenity/service/privilege 0 0 0
16 Stock option (non-qualified option) 0 0 0
17 Other benefits or amenities 0 0 0
18 Total value of perquisites 0 0 0
19 Total value of profit in lieu of salary as per 17(3) 0 0 0
9.Details of tax
a.Tax deducated from salary of the employee under section 192(1)*
b.Tax paid by employer on behalf of the employee under section 192(1A)
c.Total Tax paid*
d.Date of payment into Government tresury*
*Varous dates during F.Y.2022-2023 as referred in Form No.16 enclosed.
**Item covered under FBT are not included
Declaration by Employer
I VINIT SHAH, S/O MADHUKAR ,working as VP - CMG & Corporate Finance do hereby declare on behalf of Arvind Limited.That the
information given above is base on the books of account,documents and other relevant records or information available with us and the
details of value of each such perquisire are in accordance with section 17 and reules framed thereunder and that such information is true
and correct

Signature of the person responsible for deduction of tax

Date : 23-05-2023 0:00:00 AM Designation : VP - CMG & Corporate Finance

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