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1. Identify unfamiliar vocabulary: vilify

2. Summarize the problem statement in one line (what is the core issue highlighted?)
Apprehensive female wrestlers and the incoherent implementation of women’s safety
rules in our society due to power imbalance
3. Logical arguments the author is providing in support of the problem statement: Lalita
Kumari (2013)

1. “It does not take much to see the fearful symmetry between them”. What does the
author mean by this statement?
Ans : The author implies how women, be it any religion or caste, are subjugated to further
2. “India’s civil code is uniform already”. Explain why the author says so.
3. Why does the author say we cannot consider ourselves to be a democracy?
4. “PM Narendra Modi’s query…misses this”. What is missed according to the author?
5. Why does the author want religion as a criterion to be kept away by formulating the
6. How should the UCC be drafted according to the author?
7. Analyze and critique the arguments presented by the author. [5]

Thirst for water :

1. Shortage of water faced by the people belonging to backward classes due to

inequal distribution of water.
2. Privatization of water is not something to flaunt around as it is not respected and
also is associate with a higher moral issue with regard to how so many people
cannot even have one sip of clean water, and living without water is not an option.
3. The sarcasm arises because it’s ironic how a multinational company that ransacks
water for their own benefit is a sponsor for something noble and promote
sustainability and promote awareness of water when they itself do not follow it
and is destructive to the society.
4. Typhoid, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Hepatitis and Cholera
5. Even though privatization might seem as an efficient way to bring about services
to farmers it does have adverse effects such as decline in their agricultural
endeavors because of lack of irrigation facilities. Also, they aren’t in a position to
afford and this causes them to move to urban areas i.e., displacement in search of
6. ‘Social tsunami’ means a devastating social upheaval in the society. Here, the
social tsunami refers to the privatization of water which could trigger various
other social inequalities in the society.


1. The author is trying to highlight the corruption with regard to media coverage and
advertising and how the bigshot can afford expensive coverage which in return is a
huge disadvantage to the smaller teams.
2. The candidates are reluctant to complain as it might cause negative press and cause
bad publicity.
The Constitution of India embodies a moment of profound transformation – one in
which the subjects of an alien, colonial regime become the free citizens of a republic.
Yet, this is the story of constitutions the world over. The Indian Constitution is,
however, transforming in a second sense as well; it seeks a thorough reconstruction
of the State and society, itself. It recognizes that, unlike in the West, the State has never
been the only power center in India. Deeply pervasive hierarchies are maintained by
structures that take various forms – caste, for instance, and the State has limited
authority to interfere. The Constitution, then, is intended to transform not just the
political status of Indians from subjects to citizens, but also the social relationships
on which legal and political edifices rest.

There is something about the debate on corruption in India that is distressing.

I admit that the powerful a drama is unfolding, that TV offers a spectacle of a “fresh”
corruption every week. Yet, what amazes me is that there was really no sense of a
scandal. The sense of outrage is at the level of a skit. The reaction seems surreal.
When the BJP president Nitin Gadkari was accused of corruption, he was merely suggesting
that corruption was a continuation of politics, and the recruitment of his drivers as directors
was a continuation of that. When Robert Vadra’s land deals were exposed, he had received a
clean chit from the Haryana government even before the probe could be instituted.
The gangajal of clarifications and clearances have been sprinkled furiously after every event,
even before the public has had time to examine the event. At another level, the
trouble is deeper. There was a problem with the narrative. Arvind Kejriwal produced tales
of corruption as a discontinues serial, shifting attention to a new person every
week. He never seems to focus on one person or case, so as to follow it up.

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