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- According to this theory, the lithosphere is divided into different plates that constantly moving
- There are two types of crust: Continental Crust and Oceanic Crust
- The continental crust is thicker and less dense
- The oceanic crust is thinner but denser
- Philippine plate is oceanic
- There three types of earthquake: Tectonic, Volcanic, and Collapse
- Tectonic earthquake types is caused by the movement between the plate or boundaries


-In order to get the distance to the
epicenter, you need to identify the time
difference between the arrival of p-
wave and s-wave

Based on the image, the arrival time of

p-wave is 6:00:00 while the arrival time
of s-wave is 6:08:00. The time
difference is 8:00 minutes.

In order to get the distance from the epicenter, we are going to use this formula:
TIme difference (seconds)
Distance to the epicenter= x 100 km
8 seconds
Before you execute the formula, convert first minutes to seconds. In order to convert it to seconds,
multiply the time difference in minutes to 60 seconds. Meaning, on our given, the time difference in
seconds will be: 8 minutes x 60 seconds= 480 seconds

Now that we have the time difference in seconds, we can now execute the formula

480 s
Distance to the epicenter= x 100 km = 6000 km
8 seconds
Triangulation Method needs 3 seismic stations in order to locate the epicenter


Convergent Plate Boundary

- The plates are moving towards each other
- Formation of subduction zones, trench, volcanoes, and mountain ranges

Divergent Plate Boundary

- The plates are moving away from each other
- Formation of mid-ocean ridges and rift valley

Transform Plate Boundary

- The plates are sliding or grinding with one another


- There is an area of called mantle plume

- Source of molten materials
- As the plate move, another area will be the
recipient of the molten materials thus creating another volcano
- The process will continue until it created a volcanic island

SEISMIC WAVES (Body waves and Surface waves)

Body Waves- seismic that can travel through the earth’s interior. There are two types of body waves, p-
wave, and s-wave.
P-Wave: can travel through solid and liquid. It travels faster than s-wave. It is also called compressional
wave since it forces the ground to move forward and backward
S-Wave: can travel through solid only. It forces the ground to move up and down

Surface Waves- waves that can only travel through the surface of the Earth. There are two types of
surface waves, Rayleigh wave and Love wave
Rayleigh Wave: forces the ground to roll along the ground just like a wave rolls across an ocean.
Love Wave: It moves the ground side to side


CRUST Thinnest and outermost layer

Thickness of 35-40 kilometers
Continental crust is made up of granite
Oceanic crust is made up of basalt
MANTLE Extends up to 2900 km
Mostly made up of silicon, iron, and magnesium
Lower part contains more iron
Temperature increases with depth

OUTER CORE 2250 km thick

Temperature reaches up to 2000 degree Celsius
Mades up of iron and nickel
INNER CORE 1300 km thick
Temperature reaches up to 5000 degree Celsius
Mades up of iron and nickel
Solid due to intense pressure


- According to Alfred Wegener, the continents were just a single landmass 200 million years ago and it
was called Pangea

1. Continental Jigsaw Puzzle- The edge of one continent matches with the edge of another continent

2. Fossil Evidence- Same Fossils were located on different continents

3. Rock layers/composition- Rocks from the edges of continents have the same structure

4. Coal Deposits- Coal beds were formed due to compaction and decomposition of swamp plants. The
current location of Antarctica could not sustain life most especially plants. Antarctica once had a tropical
climate meaning it is somewhat located higher than its current location


 Harry hess and Robert dietz

 Less dense materials below the earth’s
crust rises through a mid ocean ridge
 These materials flow sideways carrying the seafloor away from the ridge
 Results to creation of bodies of water
 The farther the oceanic curst to the ridge, the older it is and vice versa

Spreading rate

Atlantic Ocean, immediately adjacent to the African and South American continental shelves, are
120,000,000 years old. Calculate the average rate of seafloor spreading for the South Atlantic Ocean
over its entire existence if its current size is 4,000 km

Formula: Spreading Rate= distance/time

Solution: Spreading Rate= 4000 km divided by 120,000,000 years
Answer: Spreading rate= 0.000033 km/year

Assuming someone born today lives to the age of 100, how much wider will the Atlantic Ocean become
during his or her lifetime?

Formula: Distance = Spreading Rate X Time

Solution: Distance= 0.000033 km/year multiplied by 100 years

Answer: Distance 0.0033 km

General Formula

Spreading rate = Distance divided by time

Distance= Spreading Rate multiplied by Time

Time= Distance divided by Spreading rate

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