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• An idea that played a very important role in the urban planning

of the 20th century.
• In his book, Garden Cities of Tomorrow, Ebenezer Howard discusses
the issue of decentralization of major cities.
• He wanted to reduce the difference between rural and urban
• Taking the economic and cultural advantages of city life and the
ecological advantages of the rural areas to create a new kind of
• Population growth, traffic congestion and inaccessibility to the THE PEOPLE GO??”
• most important institutions led Howard to the idea of creating a new type of city, which in its
growth would not experience “apoplexy in its center and paralysis on its periphery”
The Garden City Pioneer Company is established with the aim of creating the First Garden
City. After reviewing a number of sites, the company purchases 3,818 acres of land near
Letchworth and Howard’s vision becomes a reality. 1904
• Their focus is on creating a development with better and more affordable housing for the
poor, areas for industry to improve employment opportunities and green open spaces and
parklands for recreation. 1919
• The success of the 1st city (Letchworth) leads to the second city near Welwyn.
• He illustrated the idea with his famous diagram of 3 magnets.
This diagram summarizes the political, economic and social via three magnets.
o One magnet – town (amusement, high wages
▪ and rents, opportunities)
o Second magnet – country (nature, low rents )
o Third magnet – combination of both

• Clarence Arthur Perry (1872-1944), a New York planner,

gave the concept of neighborhood unit as a means of
protecting the community from the ill-effects of the
rapidly increasing vehicular traffic. Offering designers a
framework for dividing the city into smaller subareas.
• Perry described the neighborhood unit as that populated
area which would require and support an elementary
school with an enrolment of between 1,000 and 1,200
• Major traffic routes should not pass through residential
• Interior street patterns should be designed and
constructed to encourage a quiet, safe and low volume
traffic movement and preservation of the residential
• The population of the neighborhood should be that which
is required to support its elementary school.
• The radius of the neighborhood should be a maximum
of one quarter mile thus precluding a walk of more than
that distance for any elementary school child.
• Shopping districts should be sited at the edge of
neighborhoods preferably at major street intersections.
• A neighborhood becomes the main unit that can be
multiplied to make a city.
• Community center becomes the center of the unit.
• Road segregation and hierarchy of roads is realized here.
• Eg: Layout of Chandigarh into several sectors.
o The city is viewed as a machine, with brain and a
heart and the activities are arranged accordingly.
o Clarence Perry talks about the sectors as
neighborhood units which come together to create
the city.

• An idea put forward by Le Corbusier where cities are

arranged according land use.
• The plan is centralized and organized according to a
system of land uses with monumental axes cutting
• A rigid geometrical distribution of uniform buildings with
huge open spaces including a system of mass
• The business section is in the heart of the city
symbolizing the centrality of the secular power.
• Following this is the residential area stacked up with
garden terraces grouped around interior courtyards or
arranged in a linear pattern.
• Beyond the residential blocks, is a vast area of greenery,
placing gardens for workers and industrial districts, ports,
or even sport complexes.
• The main goal of the project was to facilitate traffic,
therefore; fast automobile traffic was completely
separated from pedestrians lanes
• The highways were elevated, intersecting the city from all RADBURN CITY
sides and connecting the peripheral to the center of the
city while Pedestrian traffic was amid parks and gardens.
• Larger chunk of buildings in middle and residential areas
around with green spaces so habitants can remain in a
better environment, not eliminating other aspects of
human settlement done till now.
• Le Corbusier presented a city solving the urban problems
by separation & order.
• Le Corbusier had the idea that city functions well if it is
compact, hence go high rise.
• Eg: Radburn city

• Patrick Geddes is also known as “Father of Modern

Town Planning”.
• Sir Patrick Geddes was a Scottish biologist,
sociologist, geographer, philanthropist and
pioneering town planner.
• He is known for his innovative thinking in the fields
of urban planning and sociology.
• Inspired by the French sociologist Frederic Le Playʼs
(1802–1886) triad of ʻLieu, Travail, Familleʼ — which
Geddes translated to “Work, Place, Folkʼ — Geddes
developed a new approach to regional and town
planning based on the integration of people and
their livelihood into the environmental givens of
the particular place and region they inhabit.
• Cities function in a certain way and hence needs
spaces to facilitate the functions
• Geddesian triad:
o Place to love
o Work
o Entertainment
• 3 important points to look at. Connections can be
done between these points. The Geddesian Triad
tries to understand how these places work.

• The linear city design was first developed by Arturo

Soria y Mata in Madrid, Spain during the 19th
• The linear city was an urban plan for an elongated
urban formation.
• The city would consist of a series of functionally
specialized parallel sectors.
• Generally, the city would run parallel to a river and
be built so that the dominant wind would blow from
the residential areas to the industrial strip.
• The sectors of a linear city would be:
o a purely segregated zone for railway lines,
o a zone of production and communal
enterprises, with related scientific, technical
and educational institutions,
o a green belt or buffer zone with major NAVI MUMBAI

o a residential zone, including a band of social
o a band of residential buildings and a
"children's band"
• Linear City concept is a Conscious Form Of Urban
Development with Housing And Industry Growing
Along The Highway Between existing cities and
contained by the continuous open space of the rural
• As the city expanded, additional sectors would be
added to the end of each band, so that the city
would become ever longer, without growing wider.
• Eg: Madrid city and Navi Mumbai



• Frank Lloyd Wright's Broadacre City was not a haphazard, onetime exercise in urban design.
• Rather than all revolving around a common center, each and every citizen would become
the center of his or her city. All citizens would be united on the one hand by their private
stake in the land, on the other hand through the individual search for a common
• Wright outlined the proposal in the 1932 book The Disappearing City and followed it
in 1935 with a 12-foot by 12-foot model exhibited at the Rockefeller Center.
• The core concept is simple, if radical: completely disperse the modern city and give
each family at least an acre of land.
• Some factors Wright wanted to have integrated into his design for the broadacre city
• Individuality, being that Wright believed in every man’s wright to be his own
• Decentralization
• Automobiles were becoming affordable for the middle class due to the mass
production of Ford cars, and the automobile fascinated Wright and he believed
it to be the key to close the gap in distance which eventually would lead to
people not having to live in centralized cities.
• Each U.S. family would be given a one-acre (0.40- hectare) plot of land from the federal
lands reserves, and a Wright-conceived community would be built anew from this.

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