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20:41 15/04/2024 Assignment 2: Event Evaluation 30% Individual Week 8

Assignment 2: Event Evaluation 30% Individual Week 8

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Due Apr 28 by 23:59
Points 100
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Course code and name: BUSM4571 Event Management

Assessment name: Planning and organizing an event

Length: 1500-2000 words, excluding references

Type: Individual

Feedback mode: You are encouraged to ask and answer questions during the lecture and tutorials to obtain feedback
on your understanding of the concepts and issues being discussed. Finally, you can email your tutor or arrange an
appointment with the lecturer to gain more feedback on your progress. You should take note of all feedback received
and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course. Lecturers’ comments
in class are also considered feedback for your improvement.

Late work: All assignments will be assessed as if submitted on time. Late submissions of assignments without special
consideration or extension will be automatically penalised at a rate of 10% of the total marks available per day (or part
of a day) late (Saturday and Sunday are counted when counting total late days). Assignments will not be accepted if
more than 7 days late, unless special consideration or an extension of time has been approved.

Learning Objectives Assessed

CLO2 – Critically evaluate the project phases of an event, and strategies used for each phase;
CLO4 - Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt chart;
CLO5 – Critically analyse and manage the risks of an event.

Ready for Life and Work

Event Strategic Planning
Self-Awareness and Self-Management

Assessment Details
You must participate in an event from an event organiser's perspective. Become an event volunteer, be on an
organising committee and so on. Provide an evaluation of the event (location, target market, purpose, success) and
describe your role in the event. Provide recommendations for improvements. You may use EMBOK to guide you.


You are required to produce an evaluation/post-event report on the real event whereas you act as an event planner.
This event is being legally organized by a company, an event company, an organization, or a group of stakeholders.
The chosen event must be an event from 2023 in Vietnam. You could ask for lecturers' approval to run your own 1/6
20:41 15/04/2024 Assignment 2: Event Evaluation 30% Individual Week 8

event, which provides you with materials for your evaluation report. For participation opportunities, you may consider
RMIT events such as Graduation, THM career talks, the Pizza Day.

You will need to show evidence of your role at this event, including a task assignment sheet, meeting photos,
products/materials you develop, photos of activities you involve in, confirmation from the host, etc.

Based on what you have done as an event planner, write a report describing your roles in detail, 5W1H aspects, the
event's results, and your recommendations for improvements. EMBOK model is fine, but you need to incorporate them
with each other.


The structure of an academic paper should normally include the following:

Title Page/Cover Page (The report title, Full details of the person, Lecture's name, Date submitted, etc.)

Table of Contents (This should include both headings and subheadings together with the page numbers)

Introduce the context of this project/background of this project
Inform the reader of what your report will cover
Give the reader a preview of how the information will be presented
Indicate the scope, including limitations
Your experience: EMBOK model and 5W1H aspects are incorporated. Below is a suggestion of how you organize
the ideas in this discussion part:
What - The event's topic, concept, and content.
Why - The reasons for your choice, the goals, and the objectives of organizing this event.
When - The time you plan and run the event. Any things after the event?Where - The venue and reasons for
your choice.
Who - All stakeholders involved (organizers, guest speakers, sponsors, attendees, suppliers...)
How - How do you organize the teams (EMBOK model: administration, marketing, risk management,...)?
How did you call for sponsorship? How do you find the guest speakers? How do you run the event? etc.
Recommendation and Conclusion
Think of this as an action plan for how to resolve or improve the issue.
Try to make your recommendations as realistic as possible, and identify clear paths of how these
recommendations could be achieved by the responsible parties.
Is it a successful event? Why do you think so?
Any failures/issues? What are the root causes?
Give a sense of completion.
The sources used in your report must be properly and consistently referenced.
The quality of the references matters.
This is a section where you can include further information that is relevant to your topic but did not fit in the body
of your report or is too much to put in the body.
This can include (but is not limited to) graphs, tables, images, and raw data/materials collected as part of your

20:41 15/04/2024 Assignment 2: Event Evaluation 30% Individual Week 8

1. Submitted online through Canvas. This will provide evidence of the time and date of submission. Please retain a
copy of your assignment in case of loss, theft or fire.
2. Students are to read the Assessment Declaration (Links to an external site.)
and include the following text on the front page of their assessment document:
"I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment, I have read, understood and agreed to the
content and expectations of the Assessment declaration (Links
site.) to an external
( ."
3. Submitted through Turnitin (in case of a written assessment), a plagiarism-checking tool. Turnitin will assess your
work in approximately one minute and return a colour-coded response for the originality of the text. If you have any
concerns about the report from Turnitin, please contact your course coordinator.

The assignment will be graded by allocating a percentage mark and contributing 30% of the final course grade. It will
be graded, and results made available through the Canvas site within two weeks of it being submitted.

The assignment will be graded as if it were a document to be presented in the context of a legitimate business
relationship, so its presentation needs to be succinct, well-argued and supported by appropriate evidence. It must be
typed and accurately referenced, with supporting evidence drawn from textbooks, journal articles, and supplementary

Grades will be adversely affected by poor formatting, layout, grammar, spelling and any perceived lack of professional

Support Resources

This assessment requires that you meet RMIT's expectations for academic integrity. More information and advice on
how to avoid plagiarism are available in the Getting Started module.

Open the academic integrity page (

module_item_id=6083484#integrity) .

Additional library and learning resources are available to help with the assessment in this course

Link to Assignment Support ( .

Please use appropriate citing and referencing conventions in this assessment

Visit the Guide to RMIT's Harvard-style referencing (



Canvas Rubric Used for this assignment.

Event Review #AoL3a Adaptive-Solutioning 3/6
20:41 15/04/2024 Assignment 2: Event Evaluation 30% Individual Week 8

Criteria Ratings Pts

Content and 50 to >40.0 pts 40 to >35.0 pts 35 to >30.0 pts 30 to >23.35 pts 23.35 to >0 pts
analysis 5 4 3 2 1
Includes evidence Very clear Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated Content is
of the participation understanding of good clear adequate missing, or not
the work. A very understanding of understanding of knowledge and entirely coherent,
concise review of the work. A the work. A understanding of or inadequate, or
the central idea concise review of concise review of the work and it doesn't sound
of the work, its the central idea the central idea generally identify real. Minimal
purpose, scope of the work, its of the work, its the central idea of inclusion of clip
and theoretical purpose, scope purpose, scope the work, its art, charts, 50 pts
perspective. and theoretical and theoretical purpose, and brochures, and/or
Includes perspective. perspective. scope. Somewhat collateral pieces
evidence of Includes Includes includes evidence does not support
participation. evidence of evidence of of participation. content. Many
participation. participation. errors of fact are
also displayed.
No evidence of

Conclusion and 20 to >16.0 pts 16 to >14.0 pts 14 to >12.0 pts 12 to >10.0 pts 10 to >0 pts
recommendations. 5 4 3 2 1
#AoL3a Adaptive:
Demonstrates Effectively Analyses Demonstrates Lacks depth in
Analyses and
mastery in evaluates and assumptions, foundational analysing or
critically challenges occasionally ability to analyse challenging
analysing and prevailing requiring common assumptions.
challenging assumptions, guidance to assumptions. Poor conclusion.
diverse integrating various incorporate Conclusion and Poor or almost
perspectives and viewpoints. Good diverse recommendation useless
assumptions. conclusion and perspectives. are brief and recommendations
High quality with practical Proper generic in nature
conclusion and recommendations conclusion and
with practical which reflect a with suitable
20 pts
recommendations good recommendations
which strongly understanding of which help
reflect the the content improve the
excellent discussed. problems/issues
understanding of Recommendations raised.
the content are direct to the
discussed and points and help
effectively solve solve the
the problems or problems or
improve the improve the
issues. issues.

Format, 15 to >12.0 pts 12 to >10.5 pts 10.5 to >9.0 pts 9 to >7.5 pts 7.5 to >0 pts 15 pts
presentation, 5 4 3 2 1
writing style
Excellent level of Organised Structure is mostly Structure is Does not use
organisation of all structure appropriate; ideas appropriate but appropriate 4/6
20:41 15/04/2024 Assignment 2: Event Evaluation 30% Individual Week 8

Criteria Ratings Pts

Including content; ideas throughout; ideas are sufficiently there may be structure; ideas
grammar, typos extremely well- organised organised some problems disorganised
organised. ALL logically with throughout. Most with form of ideas throughout.
required sections minor exceptions. sections provided, organised Few Many sections
provided, no Most sections with minor errors. sections missing. missing. Few
errors. Excellent provided, with Most key terms Some key terms key terms used
use of key minor errors. and grammar used with with major
terms/language; Language is clear used with occasional errors. errors.
communicates and occasional errors Language - Language is
complex ideas communicates but does not cannot unclear
very effectively. complex ideas interfere with communicate throughout;
No punctuation or effectively; minor meaning. Some complex ideas in poor grammar
spelling errors. grammar spelling errors of sections, but interferes with
mistakes but do complex words, mostly meaning. Many
not impede most punctuation understandable. simple spelling
communication. and capitalization Several spelling, mistakes, full
Few spelling or correct punctuation and stops omitted,
punctuation capitalization capitalization
errors. errors. errors.

Referencing 15 to >12.0 pts 12 to >10.5 pts 10.5 to >9.0 pts 9 to >7.5 pts 7.5 to >0 pts 15 pts
5 4 3 2 1
References, Demonstrate a References, References, Very poor
citations, visual good use of citations, visual citations, visual reference list,
graphics are references, graphics are graphics are in-text
performed citations, visual performed performed fairly references,
consistently and graphics which consistently and using the Harvard or graphics
correctly using the are performed correctly using the referencing used with
Harvard consistently and Harvard method. Theories poor
referencing correctly using the referencing and industry connections
method. Multiple Harvard method. Multiple examples are to the
theories and referencing theories and some how contents.
industry examples method. Multiple industry examples relevant to the
are strongly theories and are supportive, points discussed.
supportive, industry examples relevant to some There are
relevant to the are quite extent to the points limitations shown,
points discussed supportive, discussed. e.g.,
and to create a relevant to the References are inconsistencies,
new points discussed. from valuable confusion, poor
understanding of References are sources, e.g., from sources.
the subject. from valuable high ranking
References are sources, e.g., from journals, official
from valuable high ranking and trustworthy
sources, e.g., from journals, official websites, and
high ranking and trustworthy recent to the
journals, official websites, and current time.
and trustworthy recent to the However, there are
websites, and current time. limitations shown,
recent to the e.g.,
current time. inconsistencies,
confusion. 5/6
20:41 15/04/2024 Assignment 2: Event Evaluation 30% Individual Week 8

Criteria Ratings Pts

Total Points: 100 6/6

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