Time Duration and Volume of Salt Water As Alternative Energy Source To Light A Bulb

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

Time Duration and Volume of Salt Water as Alternative Energy Source to

Light A Bulb

A Research paper submitted to the

Faculty of San Jose Agricultural High School-Senior High School


R-Jay M. Aguirre

Cristen Z. Casimero

Joanna M. Casimero

Stepha Mae V. Matanda

Raiza Lie A. Panagsagan

Mr. Edison F. Lucidos Jr., LPT

Teacher I/Subject Teacher

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon



This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem,

hypothesis of the study, significance of the study, scope and delimitations of the

study, definition of terms, and conceptual framework.

Background of the Study

As time goes by and technological development, dependence of people on

electrical energy increases (M.R. Kadir et al.). As populations grow and industries

expand, the demand for traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels have

increased significantly. This has led to a search for alternative, renewable energy

sources that can meet the energy of the world needs without harming the

environment. Salt water, which is abundant in oceans across the globe, can be used

as an alternative energy source as a medium used to produce electrical energy

sources. In addition, the medium of salt water is also rarely used as a medium of

capable of generating electrical energy (Chang. R., 2003).

The Philippines has Southeast Asia’s most costly power, barring Singapore,

and maybe district’s least solid supply. As indicated by the investigation of Xinhua

(2019), around 2.36 million family units in the Philippines are still without power

starting at July 2019. As early as last year, the government has warned that the

Philippines will experience power supply woes, especially during summer. This

leaves a huge number of individuals subject to control power outages. To help

individuals sustain energy usage here in the Philippines, the researchers will use salt
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

water as an alternative source of energy to light a bulb and that will be more

convenient as an electrical source in the future.

In coastal regions, where access to saltwater is abundant, the exploration of

salt water as an alternative energy source holds significant potential. Renewable

energy sources (RES) have significant potential to contribute to the economic, social

and environmental energy sustainability of small islands (Nieves & Del Rio, 2010).

As such, the researchers have chosen to determine the salt water as an alternative

source of energy to light a bulb.

Salt water is abundant and easily accessible. Salt water, particularly sea

water, is made up of ions like sodium and chloride, which can potentially be

harnessed to generate electricity through processes like ion exchange or osmosis.

Despite the growing interest in utilizing salt water as an alternative energy source for

lighting bulbs, there remains lack of comprehensive studies examining the volume

and time duration required for salt water to effectively light a bulb. Additionally, little

is known about whether significant differences exist between various volumes of salt

water and their respective time durations in producing light. The researchers decided

to conduct this study to determine the feasibility of acquiring salt water as an

alternative source of energy for lighting a bulb. By examining the efficacy of salt

water as an energy source, the study aims to contribute to the development of

innovative and eco-friendly energy solutions.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

Statement of the Problem

The researchers would like to determine the salt water as an alternative

source of energy to light a bulb.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1.) What is the time duration to light a bulb using salt water as a source of


2.) In what specific volume of salt water will light a bulb using salt water as a

source of energy?

3.) Is there a significant difference between the different amount of salt water and

the time duration to acquire energy power source to light a bulb?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference between the acquisition of salt water as

energy power source to provide a sustainable and renewable alternative to

conventional energy sources.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to explore the importance of acquisition of energy source

using salt water as alternative to light a bulb.

COASTAL COMMUNITIES – The communities can harness the abundant

energy from nearby oceans to generate electricity, contributing to local power

needs. Additionally, salt water as an energy source through technologies like

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

osmotic power, which exploits the difference in salt concentration between

sea water and fresh water to generate electricity.

ISLAND NATIONS – Salt water energy can be particularly beneficial for

islands, where traditional energy resources might be limited. Technologies like

ocean thermal energy conversion can generate power by utilizing temperature

differences between deep and surface water.


wave energy converters to capture the energy from ocean waves, such as

tidal turbines, can be installed in areas with strong tidal currents.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS – Future researchers can tap into the energy

potential of salt water through various methods, including salinity gradient

power, tidal energy, wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion, and blue

energy. By exploring these avenues, they can unlock sustainable and

renewable energy sources from the ocean.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study will focus on the acquisition of energy source using salt water as

alternative to light a bulb. It will be conducted in Barangay Poblacion, San Jose,

Romblon. It will begin on February 2024 until March 2024. However, this study will

only focus on the acquisition of energy source using salt water as alternative to

light a bulb, and not utilizing the salt water as an alternative source of energy

to light a bulb.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are operationally


ACQUISITION – refers to the process of obtaining or collecting salt water for

the purpose of harnessing its energy. This can involve various methods such

as extracting salt water from natural sources.

ALTERNATIVE – is available as another possibility. In various contexts, it can

refer to offering or expressing a choice.

ENERGY – refers to the electrical energy that can be generated using salt

water as a power source. It is the capacity or ability of salt water to convert its

inherent properties into electrical power.

LIGHT BULB – a glass or transparent container, usually rounded, that

produces light when an electric current pass through. It is used to convert

electricity into light, consisting of a source of illumination.

SALT WATER – refers to water that contains a significant amount of

dissolved salts, such as sodium chloride and other minerals. Salt water is

being considered as a medium or resource that can be utilized as an energy

power source.

SOURCE – is a point where the divergence of a vector field is positive. It can

occur through a terminal in a field-effect transistor that delivers or absorbs

electric current.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

Conceptual Framework

- S a ltw a te r - T h e r e s e a r c h e r s w ill g a th e r - Illu m in a tio n o f
- C opper and s a lt w a te r fr o m a n a tu r a l th e lig h t b u lb
Z in c p la te s s o u r c e , r e c o r d in g th e v o lu m e
- L ig h t B u lb
- T h e y w ill c o n n e c t th e c o p p e r
- In s u la te d W ir e s a n d z in c p la te s w ith in s u la te d
- C u p B o ttle w ir e s a n d a tta c h th e lig h t b u lb
to th e c ir c u it.
- T h e c o n n e c te d p la te s w ill b e
s u b m e r g e d in to th e c o lle c te d
s a lt w a te r , e n s u r in g th e y a r e
fu lly im m e r s e d b u t n o t
to u c h in g e a c h o th e r .
- O n c e s u b m e rg e d , a n
e le c tr o c h e m ic a l r e a c tio n w ill
o c c u r b e tw e e n th e p la te s a n d
s a lt w a te r , g e n e r a tin g
e le c tr ic ity .
- T h e e le c tr ic ity p r o d u c e d w ill
flo w th r o u g h th e c ir c u it,
p o te n tia lly lig h tin g u p th e b u lb ,
w ith th e r e s e a r c h e r s r e c o r d in g
th e tim e d u r a tio n fo r it to
illu m in a te .

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon



This chapter presents the literature and studies read and reviewed for the

purpose of pertinent information about the study.

Related Literature

Nurul Aini Bani et al. (2018) conducted a study to develop salt water-powered

devices for rural and remote communities in Malaysia and worldwide. They identified

the factors that affect the performance of salt water energy generation, such as the

combination of electrodes, the number of cells, and the durability of the electrodes.

The study found that the choice of electrodes as anode and cathode affects the

voltage output.

According to Park et al. (2016), the use of sustainable power sources requires

a substantial scale stationary electrical vitality stockpiling or EES framework with

battery-powered high vitality thickness, minimal effort batteries to be viable. The

utilization of salt water and a Na without metal anode will empower a high wellbeing,

ease, and a control of cell voltage and vitality thickness by changing the salt focus.

Scientists have been developing a battery using salt water as the electrolyte,

aiming to provide a potentially safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to

lithium-ion batteries. The new battery is designed to supply more voltage than its

previous version, with potential applications in household appliances, fireproofing,

and reduced risk of explosion under pressure. By adjusting the proportion of salt and

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

water, the team was able to create the most conductive anode, leading to an

increase in the voltage of the battery from 1.23 V to 3 V. This research aligns with

the broader efforts to create safer and more stable battery technologies, such as

aqueous lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, which utilize water-based or water-in-

salt electrolytes to enhance safety and stability. The use of salt water as an

electrolyte not only holds promise for energy storage but also for water desalination,

making it a dual-use technology with potential environmental benefits (Pawar, 2018).

The study by Susanto et al. (2017) published in the International Journal of

Renewable Energy Research found that the voltage output of a galvanic sea water

cell was not significantly affected by the increase in the surface area of the zinc

anode and the aluminum anode. Additionally, the distance from the electrode caused

voltage levels to fluctuate, indicating that the distance and surface area of the

electrode were not major factors in the production of high voltage from the cell. The

research also showed that the zinc anode produced a higher voltage and current

than the aluminum anode, with a voltage of 839 mV and a current of 1.75 mA,

highlighting the efficiency of zinc as an anode material for sea water galvanic cells.

This suggests that other factors may have a more significant impact on the voltage

output of the galvanic sea water cell, and further investigation into these factors may

be warranted.

Legal Bases

Presidential Decree No. 1067 of 1976. A decree instituting a water code,

thereby revising and consolidating the laws governing the ownership, appropriation,

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

utilization, exploitation, development, conservation and protection of water

resources. Article 2; To establish the basic principles and framework relating to the

appropriation, control and conservation of water resources to achieve the optimum

development and rational utilization of the resources.

Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (Republic Act No.9275). The act shall

apply to water quality management in all water bodies; fresh, brackish and marine

waters. It shall be the policy of the State: to prevent, control, and abate pollution of

the country’s water resources; promote environmental strategies for the protection of

water resources; formulate a national program of water quality management:

promote commercial and industrial processes and products that are environment

friendly and energy efficient.

Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control (Republic Act

No. 6969 of 1990). This act makes provisions in order to regulate, restrict and/or

prohibited the importation, manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use and

disposal of chemical substances and mixtures presenting risk and/or injury to human

and animal health or to environment; it provides for the prohibition of entry and

transit of hazardous and nuclear wastes and their disposal into the Philippine while

encouraging research and studies on toxic chemicals.

Republic Act No. 8550 (The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998) Section 2; to

ensure the rational and sustainable development, management and conservation of

the fishery and aquatic resources in the Philippines water including the Exclusive

Economic Zone (EEZ) and in the adjacent high seas, consistent with the primordial

objective of maintaining in a sound ecological balance, protecting and enhancing the

quality of the environment.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (Republic Act No. of 9513) Section 2;

Accelerate the exploration and development of renewable energy resources such as,

but not limited to, biomass, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and ocean energy

sources, including hybrid systems, to achieve energy self-reliance, through the

adoption of sustainable energy development strategies to reduce the country’s

dependence on fossil fuels and thereby minimize the country’s exposure to price

fluctuations in the international markets, the effects of which spiral down to almost all

sectors of the economy and encourage the development and utilization of renewable

energy resources as tools to effectively prevent or reduce harmful emissions and

thereby balance the goals of economic growth and development with the protection

of health and the environment.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon



This chapter comprises the subject of the study, the research design, the data

gathering procedure, and the data analysis and procedure. With all of these

categorized in four parts, it will cover how the methods will be done.

Subject of the Study

In this experimental study, the researchers explore using salt water as a

different kind of energy to light bulb, where the researchers test if salt water can

make electricity to light up bulbs. By comparing it to normal ways of lighting, the

researchers will see if salt water could be a good, easy, and eco-friendly option for

lighting our homes.

Research Design

Experimental-observational research is the design of this study to investigate

the cause-and-effect relationship between variables. The independent variable of

this study is the acquisition of salt water as an alternative source of energy, while the

light bulb will serve as the dependent variable. This study will check the significance

difference between the different amount of salt water and the time duration to

acquire energy power source to light a bulb.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

Procedures of Data Gathering

Preparation will involve the researchers gathering all necessary materials,

including salt water, copper and zinc plates, a light bulb, insulated wires, and any

additional equipment. The researchers will set up a suitable workspace with ample

lighting and a stable surface to conduct the experiment effectively.

Once the materials are gathered, the researchers will assemble the apparatus

by connecting the copper and zinc plates to the wires and attaching the light bulb to

the circuit. The researchers will ensure a secure connection and proper seating of

the bulb. The assembled apparatus will then be placed in a location where the

researchers can easily observe and manipulate it throughout the experiment.

Next, salt water will be collected or prepared by the researchers. The

researchers will ensure that the salt water used is representative of sea water and

may adjust its concentration if necessary. The prepared salt water will then be used

for the experiment.

The copper and zinc plates will be carefully submerged into the salt water by

the researchers, ensuring they do not touch each other. The researchers will position

the plates so that they are fully immersed and have sufficient space between them.

The experiment will be initiated by the researchers activating the circuit, either

by connecting it to an external power source or relying solely on the electrochemical

process. The researchers will note the starting time of the experiment to track the

duration of electricity generation.

Observation and data collection will be carried out by the researchers, who

will monitor the reaction between the salt water and the metal plates. The
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
San Jose Agricultural High School
Poblacion, San Jose, Romblon

researchers will record any changes in the appearance of the salt water, such as the

formation of bubbles or color variations, as indicators of electrochemical reactions.

The researchers will observe the light bulb for illumination.

The data gathered from this study will be compiled and analyzed by the

researchers to identify trends or patterns. The researchers will draw conclusions

regarding the feasibility of using salt water as an alternative energy source based on

the collected data.

Data Analysis and Procedure

This study will be using experimental-observational data analysis procedures

in determining the time duration to light a bulb using salt water as a source of energy

and the specific volume of salt water required to light a bulb, aiming to explain the

significant difference between the different amounts of salt water and the time

duration to acquire energy to light a bulb.

The researchers will observe and analyze the time duration it takes to light a

bulb using salt water as an energy source, as well as the specific volume of salt

water needed. This method involves conducting experiments and directly observing

phenomena without manipulating variables, focusing on describing and

understanding natural behaviors or occurrences.


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