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PART 1:Social Interaction ( 2 minutes,3points, sessions 24 25)
1.Lets talk about your hobbies
What do you do in your free time ?
In my free time, i often listen to music, read book and play video game.Because its help
me relax and i feel so good after a long time at school.
Sometimes i also play football with my friends, it help me have a good health and also
help to improve my physical condition.
Do you prefer spending your time alone or with others ?
Yes i prefer spending my time alone. Because when i have alone time i can do my
favorite things , discover myself, learn to love myself and accept myself.That time is very
What are good hobbies and bad hobbies ?
My good hobby is playing football or different sports, this help me reduce stress, improve
my help and helps in my physical development.
My bad hobby is drinking soft drink and staying up make me feel tired the next
day. I know that will affect my heath so i try to reduce that.
2.Let’s talk about sport
Do you like playing sports ?
Yes of course i like playing sports. It make me happy It help me improve my health and
help in my physical development. I still keep it up .
What sports are popular in your country ?
I think those are football, volleyball , badminton,...Those are sports with a large number
of players in VietNam.
Do you think it is important to play a sport ?
I think everyone should play a certain sport because its good for heatlh and reduce
stress,create relationships.
3.Let’s talk about your study
What is your major
I am studying Sea Transport economics at HCM university of transport.
What do you like about your studies ?
I like the moderation process in the delivery of goods. In This major i can know more
about forwaring contracts , Customs procedure ( custom procicher ) and the process
transporting goods at the port.
What do you like about learing English ?
In learning English, i like learning about readings skills the most it helps me know more
vocabulary grammar to help me improve my English
However i think i will improve different skills
How often do you use English ?
I often use English in foreign language lesson and sometimes at home. But i am not good
at communicating in English.
4.Lets talk about your hometown
Which part of your country do you from ?
My hometown is Tien Giang,i am a westside boy . Tien Giang is located in Mekong
Delta. There are endless rice fields and fruit gardens which attract a lot of tourists each
year here.
(To the east, it borders Ho Chi Minh City and the East Sea
To the west, it borders Dong Thap province
To the south, it borders Ben Tre province and Vinh Long province
To the north, it borders Long An province)
Whats the weather like in your hometown ?
The weather here is sunny and hot. Sometimes it rains from july to october.becasue this is
the floating that time seafood brings a bountiful season to the people of the
Can you describe your hometown
Tien Giang has beautiful and charming scenes.Along the roads are fields and
rivers .There are many famous places examples My Thuan bridge the bridge crosses the
Tien river, Tan Thanh beach with blue sea and sunny , Cai Be floated market, a place
where there is a lot of people trading,Vinh Trang pagoda with a combination of east and
west..., the people here is very friendly and hospitable
5. Let’s talk about your family.
How many people are there in your family?
My family has 4 members. My parents and brother (em gái sister) and me.
What do you often do with your family?
I often watch TV after dinner with my family. I feel so happy watching together.
Do you live with your family?
Are not. I live alone because I am studying away from home
What does your family do together?
My family has dinner together
6. Let’s talk about plans.
What are your plans for the future?
I will graduate and find a job that matches my major
What are your plans for the weekend?
I will go to work on weekends to earn extra pocket money
7. Let’s talk about your place of living.
Do you live in a house or a flat?
I am living in a flat for rent with student price.
What do you like about your place of living?
I like my place because it is cool and comfortable and my roommates are sociable.
8. Let’s talk about health.
Is it important to you to eat healthy food?
Yes, I prefer home-cooked food because fast food and ready-to-eat foods are greasy and
Do you do anything which is not healthy?
I usually sleep late and drink carbonated soft drinks
What do you do to improve your health?
I usually jog and exercise
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3 minutes: 7 points; Sessions 24-25)
Situation 1:
You are thinking of organizing a charity fundraiser for orphans. There are three
people you are going to invite to your event: a celebrity, a successful businessman, or
a well-known vlogger. Who do you choose to invite to your event?
In my opinion, if i organize a charity fundraiser for orphans i will choose to invite a
celebrity. I will invite Quyen Linh.
The first reason for my choice is he has been doing charity work for over 20 years
without regard for fame.
Secondly, because of his popularity, he gained the trust of many others, and when he
participates, many people are aware of him and will donate to charity.
I Dont think a business man or a well known vlogger is a good idea although they have
the conditions to do it. Because people won't know who they are, don't know if the
purpose they join is really for charity, and they still have experience so it will be difficult
to do charity work.
Taking everything into consideration, I chose to invite a celebrity as my best choice. I
really admire him for doing such great things and others feel the same way
2.Your most important person has faced a quite stressful situation and feelings of
isolation, so you need to help him or her have inner peace. The three pieces of advice are:
daily practice of meditation, seeing a therapist, connecting with supportive people.
Which one will you choose to advise him or her?

In my opinion if my most important person has faced a quite stressful situation and
feelings of isolation. I will choose connecting with supportive people to advise them.
The first reason for my choice is Supportive people will give advice, share solve hidden
eyes and guide her to overcome the difficulties she is facing. The interest and sharing of
supporters will help her not to feel isolated, stay optimistic and love this life more.
Secondly Supportive people will spread positive energy help her feel happy, optimistic,
integrate with people.
Daily practice of mediation is not bad but it only comes for us to be quiet for a certain
period of time and the problem is still there.
Seeing a therapist is not a good idea. Because it will take a lot of money and time.The
effect will not come immediately.So...
Taking everything into consideration, I chose connecting with supportive people as my
best choice.

Situation 3:A member in your family is going to get married. He or she needs your
recommendation on where to hold the reception. What is your option? At home, in a
restaurant, or on the beach? Explain your option.
In my opinion, if a member in your family is going to get married and needs your
recommendation on where to hold the reception. I will choose a restaurant.
The first reason for my choice is The wedding restaurant is a very beautiful and splendid
place full of lights. The space here is extremely comfortable for guests to attend.
Secondly,The restaurant will prepare thoughtfully from A to Z for us. It has modern
equipment and facilities for the party.the wedding is on the beach is not bad but it will be
greatly affected when the weather is rainy or sunny.
I dont think the wedding at home is a good idea. Because the space here will be very
small and uncomfortable, and cleaning up after the party will be very tiring,so...
Taking everything into consideration, I chose a restaurant as my best choice.

Situation 4:
You want to choose a gift for a friend coming from Japan: a book, a self-designed photo
album, or a silk scarf. What do you think is the best choice?
In my opinion if i want to choose a gift for a friend coming from japan. I will choose a
silk scarf .
The first reason for my choice is silk scarf will help my friend to keep warm in cold
weather because i know the weather in japan will be very cold
Secondly, My friend will easily carry it and can use it to match the clothes.When my
friend see it my friend will miss me.
A self designed photo album is not bad but I think it's pretty ordinary and not outstanding.
my friend can find it online easily
And gift a book is not a good idea because it has to be a really limited book and my
friend has to like the genre for it to make an impression, So....
Taking everything into consideration, I chose beach holiday as my best choice.

Situation 5:You and your family plan to go travel around Europe for some months, so you
need to prepare many things in advance. Three things you need to plan ahead include:
budget, luggage and language. Which do you think is the most important?
In my opinion, if i and my family plan to go travel around Europe for some months, i
need ti prepare many things in advance. I will choose budget is the most important.
The first reason for my choice is an international trip, especially a trip to Europe, cost a
lot of money. So being prepared is a budget that will make traveling feel comfortable and
Secondly, when you have a good budget you will always have enough money to cover all
the things that we need and can use it to deal with bad conditions during the trip.
I dont think prepare laggage is a good idea because You can prepare your luggage when
you arrive in your travel country
Language is good but i think now you have a phone you can use it to help you
communicate or you can learn basic english enough for you to communicate.So....
Taking everything into consideration, I chose a silk scarf as my best choice.

Situation 6:
You and your family are going on holiday next month. There are 3 kinds of holiday for
you to choose from: adventure holiday, cruise holiday, or beach holiday. Which kind
of holiday do you like best?
In my opinion, if me and my family will go on holiday next month. I would choose beach
holiday as the best.
The first reason I chose to stay at the beach was because it was airy and cool there. In the
afternoon, my family went camping and watched the sunset.
Secondly, There you can find all the freshest seafood easily. And my family enjoys them
in the best way.
I don't think it's a good idea to prepare for an adventure holiday because it can be
dangerous during that holiday.
Cruise holiday is good but I think spending on cruises is very expensive these days.
Taking everything into consideration, I chose budget as my best choice.
Situation 7:
Your brother or sister is addicted to playing computer games. Your family is considering a
family activity to help him or her give up computer games. Which is the best choice:
playing board games, taking part in outdoor activities regularly, or watching a TV
In my opinion, if my brother are addicted to playing computer games. I will taking part in
outdoor activities regularly as the best to help him give up computer games.
The first reason I chose was that he could go outside to get some fresh air he's not
confined to the room. And when using a map to find your way through a particular area,
it encourages a healthy mindset.
Secondly, It will help us to improve our fitness. Whether it's running in the mountains,
playing a sport or just going for a walk in the park, every activity encourages physical
exercise, which is great for improving one's health.
I don't think it's a good idea to playing board games because it's also just playing games
and just staying in one place.
Watching a TV program is good but I think watching it all the time can also be addictive.
No different from the experience of playing games on a computer
Taking everything into consideration, I chose taking part in outdoor activities regularly as
my best choice.
Situation 8:
You have just passed an examination to a famous university. Your parents allow you to
choose one of the three special presents: a top-of-the-line smart phone, a high-end
laptop, or an innovative smart watch. Which one is your choice?
In my opinion, if I had just passed the entrance exam to a famous university, your parents
would let you choose a gift. I will choose a top-of-the-line smart phone.
The first reason I choose is that the phone is easy to carry and communicate, search, surf
the web and so on.
Secondly, It helps me to play games or watch entertainment videos anywhere if there is a
I don't think it's a good idea for a high-end laptop as it is cumbersome to carry around and
requires wifi to connect.
An innovative smartwatch is good but I think it's just a wearable and little use, not always
wearable reality
Taking everything into consideration, I chose a top-of-the-line smart phone as my best

Part 3: Topic Development (4 minutes; 10 points )

It is true that reputable people play an important role in inspiring young generations.
- Great career choice
- Wonderful inner beauty
- Deep knowledge
- Your own ideas
Being famous is not always a good thing.
- Rumors
- Loss of privacy
- Pressure to perform
- Your own ideas
There are many things that make people blow their top in public places.
- No wi-fi in public places
- Dropping litter in the street
- Making noise
- Your own ideas
Soft skills are becoming more and more important.
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Problem solving skills
- Your own ideas
Soft skills are indeed crucial in today's professional world. Here are some essential soft
skills that can greatly contribute to success:
Firstly, Communication skills are crucial to success in any field. Enhancing your
communication skills helps in building rapport, resolving conflicts, and conveying
information effectively.
Secondly, Time management skills that help us to manage our time effectively are highly
appreciated. This skill allows you to work efficiently, meet deadlines, and maintain a
healthy work-life balance.
Thirdly, Problem solving skills that allow me to identify and solve problems are very
important in the workplace. Developing this aptitude allows you to tackle challenges,
make informed decisions, and propose creative solutions.
Finally, Teamwork skills give me the ability to collaborate and work effectively with
others towards a common goal. It involves understanding and appreciating different
points of view, being able to communicate and listen actively, and making a positive
contribution to the team's success.
In short, Developing these soft skills requires constant effort and practice. They
complement technical expertise and contribute significantly to personal and professional
Traditional festivals present important values.
- Improve spiritual life
- Honor community
- Teach history and culture
- Your own ideas
Traditional festivals are an integral part of many cultures worldwide, and they hold
significant value in society.
Firstly, Traditional festivals (including festivals at historical-cultural sites, folk festivals)
are forms of community cultural activities organized according to traditional rituals to
meet spiritual needs of the people. Through rituals, prayers, and ceremonies, individuals
find solace, peace, and a sense of purpose, enhancing their overall well-being.
Secondly, Festivals bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and belonging within
a community. They provide an opportunity for individuals to connect with one another,
celebrate shared traditions, and build stronger social bonds.
Thirdly, Traditional festivals serve as platforms for passing down cultural heritage from
one generation to the next. Through various activities, performances, and customs,
festivals communicate historical events, folktales, and cultural practices. By participating
in these festivals, individuals gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for their roots
and cultural identity.
Finally, traditional festivals often contribute to the local economy, boost tourism, and
strengthen social cohesion within communities.


Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us.
Visiting a foreign country can be an enriching and valuable experience for individuals. It
brings back many good memories with the scenery there.
Firstly, visiting a foreign country shows us diverse cultures and traditions. Each country
has its own customs, cuisine, language and way of life. Help me know more about that
Additionally, Traveling also provides a chance to enance language skills. Interacting with
locals, ordering food, asking for directions, and engaging in everyday conversations
present opportunities to learn and practice languages other than our own. This linguistic
exposure can lead to increased fluency, cultural sensitivity, and improved communication
Furthermore, visiting a foreign country can offer educational benefits. This firsthand
exploration enables a deeper appreciation of a nation's heritage and historical
Moreover, Traveling to a foreign country encourages personal growth and self-discovery.
Navigating unfamiliar environments teaches us resilience and adaptability, boosting our
confidence and self-reliance.
In conclusion, visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience that offers numerous
benefits. From cultural appreciation and personal growth to educational opportunities and
language acquisition, it opens doors to new knowledge and understanding.
Online friendship is believed to have more advantages for young people.
- Making friends without boundaries
- Helping people to vent
- Learning new cultures
- Your own ideas
Developing information technology creates chance for young people to make friends with
many friends around the world through social networks.
Firstly, One of the key advantages of online friendship is the ability to connect with
people from all over the world. This opens up opportunities to engage with diverse
perspectives and cultures, fostering a broader understanding of the world.
Secondly, Online friendships often serve as a safe space for young people to express their
thoughts and emotions. Through online communication channels, they can confide in
their friends, seek advice, and receive emotional support.
Thirdly, Online friendships introduce young people to various cultures and perspectives
from around the world. Interacting with friends from different backgrounds allows them
to gain insights into different customs, traditions, and ways of life.
Finally, Online platforms offer a space where young people can express their opinions
and ideas freely.
While online friendship brings many benefits, it is important to also consider potential
risks and limitations, such as maintaining a balance between online and offline
relationships, ensuring privacy and safety, and being cautious of misinformation.
There are many causes leading to sibling rivalry in a family.
- An equal amount of parental attention
- Different personalities
- Being in developmental stages
- Your own ideas
Sibling rivalry can arise in a family due to various causes. Most brothers and sisters
experience some degree of competition, and this can flare into squabbles.
Firstly, When parents divide their attention and resources equally among their children, it
can lead to feelings of competition and jealousy between siblings.
Secondly, Each child in a family has their own unique personality traits, interests, and
strengths. These differences can sometimes lead to conflicts and rivalries, as siblings vie
for recognition or feel overshadowed by each other's accomplishments.
Thirdly, Siblings often have varying ages and developmental milestones, which can result
in disparities in abilities, privileges, and responsibilities
Finally, Disagreements over preferences, choices, and decision-making can escalate into
rivalry when siblings feel their ideas are not being respected or valued by each other or
their parents.
It is important for parents to be aware of these factors and actively foster a supportive and
cooperative environment within the family.

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