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1 We have only 28 out of 56 tablets you need.

We are 28 tablets …............................................................. the required amount.
2 Is it OK for you to collect the rest later?
Do …...................................................................... collecting them later?
3 Our records say you take aspirin tablets.
…........................................................................... our records, you take aspirin tablets.
4 Leave it on.
Don't take …....................................................................... .
5 You've been prescribed it for the first time.
You've ….......................................................................... it before.
6 Don't take it for more than two consecutive days.
Don't take it for more than two days in …........................................................... .
7 I don't take levothyroxine anymore.
..................................................................... to take levothyroxine.
8 Your tablets will be here at five if the delivery is not late.
Your tablets will be here at five ….................................................... delivery is late.

1 Dissolve or m........................ with water before taking.
2 Take with or just after f........................ , or a meal.
3 Spread thinly on the affected s........................ only.
4 Suck or c........................ this medicine.
5 Do not take milk, indigestion remedies c........................ iron, 2 hours before or after you take
this medicine.
6 This medicine may colour your u........................ . This is harmless.
7 Warning: Do not drink a........................ .
8 Warning: This medicine may make you sleepy. Do not drive or use t........................ or machines.
9 T........................ 30 to 60 minutes before food.
10 Take this medicine when your stomach is e........................ .
11 Warning: Do not stop taking this medicine u........................ your doctor tells you to stop.
12 S........................ this medicine whole, do not c........................ it.
13 Dissolve this medicine under your t........................ .
14 Take with a f........................ glass of water.
15 Protect your skin from s........................ – even on a bright but cloudy day.
1 St. John's wort tablets (may cause photosensitivity)

2 Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual tablets.

3 Dantron tablets (may colour urine red)

4 Ibuprofen tablets (can cause gastric irritation)

5 Calcium chewable tablets

6 Zopiclone tablets (for insomnia)

7 Metronidazole tablets (severe interaction with ethanol is possible)


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