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21st Century Skills interpersonal skills, communications skills,

knowledge sharing, and coordination

• refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work
habits, and character traits that are believed—
by educators, school reformers, college • giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information,
professors, employers, and others— to be signals or messages through appropriate media,
critically important to success in today’s world, enabling individuals or groups to persuade, to seek
particularly in collegiate programs and information, to give information or to express
contemporary careers and workplaces emotions.

• It is generally used to refer to certain core • includes body-language, skills of speaking and
competencies such as collaboration, digital writing. It outlines the objectives of communication.
It emphasizes listening as an important aspect of
literacy, critical thinking and problem solving
that advocates believe schools need to teach to
help students thrive in today’s world Information Literacy
Critical Thinking • is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the
reflective discovery of information, the
• kind of thinking in which you question, analyze,
understanding of how information is produced and
interpret, evaluate and make a judgement about
valued, and the use of information in creating new
what you read, hear, say, or write.
knowledge and participating ethically in communities
• Applying critical thinking does not mean being of learning.
negative or focusing on faults. It means being able to
• is the ability to find, evaluate, organize, use, and
clarify your thinking so that you can break down a
communicate information in all its various formats,
problem or a piece of information, interpret it and
most notably in situations requiring decision making,
use that interpretation to arrive at an informed
problem solving, or the acquisition of knowledge. It
decision or judgement
is a combination of research skills, critical thinking
skills, computer technology skills, and
communication skills. Information literacy is essential
• Creativity involves transforming your ideas, for academic success, effective functioning in the
imagination, and dreams into reality. When you’re workplace, and participation in society as
being creative, you can see the hidden patterns, knowledgeable citizens
make connections between things that aren’t
normally related, and come up with new ideas. Media Literacy
Creative ability depends on creative thinking which is
• is the process of systematically teaching students
part hard work but largely creative problem-solving.
to interpret, evaluate, and think critically about
media systems and the content they produce.
• challenges students to think critically about the
•is the process of two or more individuals working
cumulative impact of our media system — especially
together to complete a task or achieve a common
our commercial media system — on the culture. It
objective. Effective collaboration necessitates
moves beyond individual media messages and
teaches students to identify overarching patterns in
media content. And it encourages students to think accomplishments by the quality of the work, the
about how these patterns might reflect and reinforce number of tasks finished, or the amount of product
certain ideas, values, social norms, and power created.
arrangements in the larger culture
Social Skill
Technology Literacy
• are a set of behaviors that allow you to interact and
• is the ability to use, comprehend, manage, and relate to others in an effective and satisfactory way.
analyze technology safely, effectively, and One interesting aspect about them is that they can
responsibly. This literacy includes using technology to be learned, strengthened, and developed day by day
evaluate, create and integrate information with practice

. • technology literacy isn’t limited to just computers Learning Skills (4C’s)

and the Internet; it can be applied to any
technological device. The definition of technology is •Critical Thinking
any device, system, or methodology created to solve
a problem or help carry out a task.
• is a method of learning where students are given
freedom in how, what, when and where they learn. • Literacy Skills
refers to the ability to customize one’s pace, place
and mode of learnin •Information Literacy

Leadership •Media Literacy

•Technology Literacy
• is built on the premise of constructing and
applying knowledge in ways that make a positive
Life Skills
difference. Through collaboration and
communication, professionals in educational •Flexibility
leadership work with diverse communities and build
partnerships to promote positive outcomes by •Leadership
setting and meeting transformative goals.
Initiative •Productivity

• The power or ability to begin or to follow through •Social Skills

energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and
determination. How to improve 21st Century Skills

Productivity •Stay aware of current technology

• is the amount of work an individual or group •Analyze Media

accomplishes within a certain amount of time.
•Embrace new ideas
Greater productivity means you complete more with
less time or effort. You can measure •Volunteer for Leadership positions
•Attend industry and work events Attend industry and work events
Stay aware of Current Technology • When trying to improve social skills, look for
events related to your job that you could attend.
• If you want to improve your digital literacy, it may These could include conferences, panels,
help to stay aware of new technology. For instance, if instructional classes or social work events like
your workplace introduces a new program, look for birthday celebrations or work lunches. These events
training opportunities so you can learn how to use it. can provide opportunities for you to practice your
You may also subscribe to technology-centered social skills by initiating conversations, navigating
websites that discuss the newest hardware and interactions with multiple people and observing
applications. social norms in your workplace.

Analyze Media What is technology integration?

• Analyzing different kinds of media can be an ICT integration is a seamless incorporation of
effective way to practice and improve information technology to support and enhance student
and media literacy. For example, you might try to engagement in meaningful learning and for
analyze news stories or commercials critically. This attainment of curriculum objectives.
may involve considering what information they
provide or what visuals they use. Here are some Technology integration helps achieve
questions you can ask yourself while consuming 21st Century Skills in students
➢Personal and social responsibility
• What message are they trying to convey?
➢Planning, critical thinking, reasoning and creativity
• Why did they choose that headline or music?
➢Strong communication skills both for interpersonal
• How might the message change if they'd made and presentation needs
different choices, like a brighter color scheme?
➢Visualizing and decision-making
Embrace new ideas
➢Knowing how and when to use technology and
• If you feel like your work strategies could use choosing the most appropriate tool for the task.
improvement, consider learning what others are
doing to find new ideas. Try to remain aware of the Levels of ICT Integration
innovations other people are doing in your industry
1.Simple Integration Example: Showing of pictures in
or related industries. You can also use
the class using computer projector. Levels of ICT
Volunteer for Leadership Positions
2. Middle Integration There is a purposeful use of
• One good way to practice and improve your
technology to support key learning areas and the
leadership skills is to find opportunities to lead.
students can manipulate technology
These can include volunteering to lead a project or
organizing an event. You may even consider . Examples:
mentoring new employees and helping with their
training. • Teaching graphic designing

• Reporting
• Showing videos Create
Levels of ICT Integratio DEFINITION:Generating information by adapting,
applying, designing, inventing, or authoring
3. High Integration Technology is the center of
instructional tool.
COMPETENCIES :Adapt, apply, design, or invent
Competencies for Information and information in ICT environments (to describe an
Communication Technology (ICT) event, express an opinion, or support a basic
Literacy argument, viewpoint or position).

Access Communicate
DEFINITION • Knowing about and knowing how to DEFINITION:Communicate information persuasively
collect and/or retrieve information. to meet needs of various audiences through use of
an appropriate medium.
COMPETENCIES • Search, find, and retrieve
information in digital environments COMPETENCIES : Communicate, adapt, and present
information properly in its context (audience, media)
Manage in ICT environments and for a peer audience.

Integrate Barriers to the Successful

Integration of ICT in Teaching and
DEFINITION • Interpreting and representing
information - summarizing, comparing, and Learning
▪ Lack of computers or ICT equipment
COMPETENCIES • Interpret and represent
▪ Lack of quality software
information by using ICT tools to synthesize,
summarize, compare, and contrast information from ▪ Lack of time
multiple sources
▪ Technical problems
Evaluate ▪ Teacher’s attitudes towards computers
DEFINITION • Making judgments about the quality,
▪ Poor funding
relevance, usefulness, or efficiency of information.
▪ Lack of teacher confidence
COMPETENCIES • Judge the currency,
appropriateness, and adequacy of information and ▪ Resistance to change
information sources for a specific purpose (including
determining authority, bias, and timelines of How to use ICT Effectively?
The effective use of ICT in lessons depends on the
awareness of teachers of the potential of ICT in
teaching and learning process.
1.ICT Operations and Concepts – teachers Nilson (2010) lists the following
demonstrate a sound understanding of ICT
operations and concepts. learning outcomes that are
2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments
associated with PBL. A well-
and Experiences – teachers plan, and design effective designed PBL project provides
learning environment supported by ICT. ICT skills and
students with the opportunity to
competencies – The educators should acquire:
develop skills related to:
3. Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum – teachers
implement curriculum plans that includes methods • Working in teams
and strategies for applying ICT.
. • Managing projects and holding leadership roles.
4. Assessment and Evaluation – teachers apply ICT to
facilitate a variety of effective assessment. ICT skills • Oral and written communication.
and competencies – The educators should acquire:
• Self-awareness and evaluation of group processes.
5. Productivity and Professional Practice – teachers • Working independently
use ICT to enhance their productivity and
. • Critical thinking and analysis.
professional practices.
• Explaining concepts
6. Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues – teachers
understand the social, ethical, legal and human . • Self-directed learning.
issues surrounding the use of ICT in instruction.
• Applying course content to real-world examples
Problem-Based learning . • Researching and information literacy.

• is a teaching method in which complex real-world • Problem solving across disciplines.

problems are used as the vehicle to promote student
learning of concepts and principles as opposed to Considerations for Using
direct presentation of facts and concepts. In addition
to course content, PBL can promote the
ProblemBased Learning
development of critical thinking skills, problem-
• Examine and define the problem.
solving abilities, and communication skills. It can also
provide opportunities for working in groups, finding • Explore what they already know about underlying
and evaluating research materials, and life-long issues related to it
learning (Duch et al, 2001).
. • Determine what they need to learn and where
• is a student-centered approach in which students they can acquire the information and tools necessary
learn about a subject by working in groups to solve to solve the problem.
an open-ended problem. This problem is what drives
the motivation and the learning • Evaluate possible ways to solve the problem

. • Solve the problem

. • Report on their findings

PBL And Technology allowing for flexible pedagogy. Learning
Management Systems are also able to collect learner
• With new technology advancements, problem- data across different activities.
based learning has been impacted. Technology
innovations such as networked and immersive Flipped Classroom • In the flipped
technologies have opened up myriad new classroom method, basic instructions are given to
possibilities for research and experimentation in students before class through videos. By using videos
designing PBL for digital and eLearning for instruction before class, the classroom discussion
environments. As Moallem, et al. (2019) explain would be better focused on problem-solving and
critical thinking, encouraging an attitude of sustained
:The emerging global challenges and the need for inquiry.
transforming pedagogy to better support acquisition
of twenty-first-century skills demand new models of Video Quiz • In-video quizzes can be integrated
learning that are progressively changing from to online videos immediately after a course topic is
focusing on content knowledge to supporting and discussed. Problem-solving immediately after
modeling process skills, problem-solving skills, and concept introduction would lead to better knowledge
thinking skills. (p. 573) retention, helping learners master the core content.
• Successful project-based learning (PBL) seeks to Quizzes increase the learner’s time on the task, and
develop models for deeper learning in school and encourage more time for practice. Better knowledge
college by engaging students in projects. This retention means that classroom discussions will be
method blends classroom teaching, technology use, much more productive.
and problem solving through projects and real-world
challenges. PBL marks a point of departure from Learner Analytics and Data
traditional classroom learning. It requires schools to Visualization • Learner data needs to be
invest resources into redesigning curriculum and communicated to teachers, students, and parents
making outreach efforts to incorporate real-world clearly, so that actionable insights are gained for
challenges and business partnerships. Successful course feedback. Effective communication is one of
project-based learning also takes major investment the most important measures to ensure the success
in terms of time and effort from students and of project-based learning.
Course Gamification • Course gamification
7 technical solutions that can be is the technique by which learners are assigned
used for implementing successful points based on activities completed within the
course. Based on the points systems, students are
project-based learning pedagogy. assigned levels or places on leaderboards. This
process essentially leverages learner’s desire for
socializing, competition, achievement and status for
more effective learner engagement.
Learning Management Systems
• A good Learning Management System (LMS) makes Whiteboard Animation Videos
it easier for teachers to communicate course content
• Whiteboard Animation videos are a great tool
with students effectively. Using a Learning
Management System, teachers can edit course to explain complex concepts to students. The verbal
content as the learning project evolves, therefore cues in the video help guide the learner through the
concept, while the visual part enables them to create • Ease and Speed of Assessment
a map of the new knowledge.
• Variety of Assessment Methods and Lesson
Training Teacher and Students for Content

Software Use • Enhance Student Engagement

• Screencasting is a great way for training students Personalized Learning

and teachers with use of software for online
learning. In screencasting instructions are given to • Every student learns in a different way and we
learners along with a video of the computer screen. can’t force a fish to fly. With personalized learning,
This guides learners on how softwares and computer children are encouraged to become active
tools are used. Screencasting is very cost-effective as participants in their education. Personalized learning
well, as you only need to add audio besides the has become increasingly popular here in the world.
screencast to demonstrate the use of computer.
• To enable such student-centered learning,
Some free screencasting tools available online are
technology can be used to set different questions for
Ezvid and Screenr, while professional video editing
different students, or groups of students, depending
softwares such as Screenflow and Camtasia allow
on their ability, learning style, or project.
users to add voiceovers and text to the screencast
Ease and Speed of Assessment
• Teacher productivity software makes it easy for
active participation by students and quick
Productivity Software assessment by teachers, allowing you to mark and

Applications for Teaching collect responses during learning in real-time. The

great advantage is that teachers can quickly identify
and Learning and adjust the shortcoming of the material and tailor
the lesson to the real needs of each student.
is a piece of software that set specific rules or
• When talking about the future of technology, it is
guidelines that tell how the user should go about
about improving, not changing, many of the
executing and completing their work to achieve the
traditional teaching methods. You no doubt have a
most efficiency and meet their goals well before
questionnaire and a test that you have been using
successfully for years, and you do not need the
• use several techniques that calculate your tasks or technology to tell you what to do or to teach.
obligations according to the timeline and your
personality. Your schedule is set keeping in view Variety of Assessment Methods
factors such as more productive hours, task and Lesson Content
priorities, and so on.
• Productivity software and tools provide a diverse
How Important is Productivity range of assessment methodologies that boost
interactivity and create a wide range of types of
Software in Producing Instructional
communication questions, including text, multiple-
Material choice, creative writing, math, true/false, sequential
sorting, etc
• Personalized Learning
• In addition, productivity software provides a wide various types of formatting. • Some of the input
range of online resources and content that can be software functions include: • Creating, editing,
used to add lessons, homework, and reviews. This saving, and printing documents. • Copying, pasting,
provides students with access to the most up-to-date moving, and deleting text within a document. • Text
information and learning materials. formatting, such as font type, bold writing,
underlining, or italics. • Building and arranging
• Resource planning is an important aspect of tables. • Install content from other software, such as
making instructional materials. You need the right images or pictures. • Correct spelling and grammar.
tools to make sure that you effectively plan what you Word Processing Software • Word editing includes
aim to teach and how you aim to communicate your many tools for formatting your pages. For example,
message. Productivity software helps you choose you can organize your text into columns, add page
from so many options, including images, videos, numbers, insert images, etc. However, word
infographics, etc. This enables you to design your processing does not give you complete control over
resources the way you have envisioned to. the look and feel of your document. When the
design is important, you may need to use desktop
Enhance Student Engagement publishing software to give you more control over
the layout of your pages. Uses of word processing in
• Productivity software does not include only the
Business or School • letter • report or paper •
marketing and assessment part. They help teachers
proposal • newsletter • brochure • catalog • poster •
prepare resources, tools and applications also help to
flyer • postcard • sign • banner • resume • business
engage students and facilitate effective teaching
card • invoice • receipt • product packaging •
. • Students grow up surrounded by technology, both mailing label Personal Purposes • invitation • card •
at home and in the classroom, so, by incorporating gift tag • recipe card • place card • certificates
technology into the lessons, they learn how they do Importance of Word Processor • Uses and key
at home, helping teachers stay at the same level as features makes it so important in the academic
their students while encouraging collaborative discipline and considered one of the mostly widely
learning, and bringing more impactful lessons. used educational application by students and
teachers by making innovative methods of teaching
Common application under and learning. The application can transform raw facts
into meaningful and useful information. Learning
productivity software
Management System • Learning Management
• Word processing System (LMS) is a software or web-based technology
used to plan, implement and evaluate a specific
• Learning Management Software learning process. It is used in eLearning practices
and, in its most basic form, consists of two elements:
• Presentation software
a server that performs the basic functionality and a
• Spreadsheet software user interface used by instructors, students, and
administrators. • Often, the learning management
Word Processing Software system provides the educator with a way to build and
deliver content, monitor student participation, and
• This word processing software can be used to evaluate student performance. The learning
manipulate text documents, such as resumes or management system can also empower students to
reports. You usually enter text by typing, and the use interactive features such as integrated
software provides copying, deleting tools, and interviews, video conferencing, and discussion
forums. Learning Management System • LMSes are Microsoft Word. In this way, the users can create an
widely used by businesses of all sizes, national instruction of language without studying this
government agencies, local governments, traditional program previously • Presentation software is also
education institutions, and Internet / Learning fun to be applied and fun to watch. It is not hard to
Centers. Systems can enhance traditional methods of learn in one hour. It allows the users to reflect on a
education, while also saving organizations time and lesson and correct any changes, and they can create
money. The operating system will allow instructors the perfect lessons and are being able to print them
and administrators to effectively manage items such out. Advantage of using a presentation software •
as user registration, content, calendars, user access, Using PowerPoint improve the students’ learning
communications, certificates, and notifications. motivation, increasing authentic materials for study,
Presentation Software • Presentation software is a encouraging interaction between the teacher and
category of application software that is specifically the students. Disadvantages of Presentation
designed to allow users to create a presentation of Software • Equipment Failure • The component
ideas by stringing together text, images and system sometimes does not work as expected. The
audio/video. The presentation tells a story or main failure in projector is rare but possible. The
supports speech or the presentation of information. solution here is to have alternative activities, for
• Presentation software can be divided into business example good preparation. • File Corruption • This
presentation software and general multimedia damage caused by magnetic or physical damage so
authoring software, but most presentation software that the presentation will not run. To overcome this
applications already provide tools that allow users to problem, CD (compact disk) which is unaffected by
create both professionallooking business magnetic field can be used. Disadvantages of
presentations and general multimedia presentations. Presentation Software • Incompatible Media •
Advantage of using a presentation software • Incompatible media means the incompatible the
Presentation software encourages and supports system available. The best solution is to be aware of
teaching learning process by facilitating the material the systems to use our own laptop. • The most
presentation. The template provided is designed to common abuses • The most common abuses in
default to good presentation criteria such as the presentation software use for teaching and learning
number of lines of information in each slide and include visually poor or boring slide. Too many texts
appropriate font sizes. The use of the default on the slide do not support good reading text, other
templates can improve the clarity and the abuses for example, inappropriate use of multimedia
arrangement of a presentation. It helps the teacher options, for example too much animation or overuse
avoid the common use of excessive text often found of slide transitions. Further, many teachers do not
on OHV (Over Head Projector). Advantage of using a have enough basic knowledge in applying
presentation software • Presentation software can PowerPoint in teaching learning. In addition, this
perform a variety of manipulations, such as editing kind of software cannot handle unexpected
text before printing it out, and the teacher can add situations because presentation software is unable to
new slides for adding new materials. • PowerPoint is handle the students’ questions immediately as the
an application program of presentation that is found teachers do. Suggested uses of Presentation software
in Microsoft Office. It means that we did not need to for Education • Teachers • Students Teachers • Notes
buy new software, because it has been included in and Lessons • Images • Daily routines • Classroom or
Microsoft Office program. Advantage of using a student showcase • Meeting agendas • Videos and
presentation software • This program is also multimedia presentations • Graphs and charts •
advantages in the sense that the icons used are very Audio Students • Creative writing classes • Poetry •
simple because they are similar with those in the Visual interpretations • Presenting information to the
class • Creating graphs • Creating instructions • as filters, charts, conditional formatting and pivot
Creating self quizzes • Creating games • Displaying table, logical and financial formulas Goal Setting and
student work • Slideshows of class events and Planning • Goal setting and planning is a task that all
activities • Problem Based Learning Spreadsheets • A we do repeatedly each day. Goal setting and planning
spreadsheet is a sheet of paper showing numerical are very important for everyone from students to
data in rows and columns; A spreadsheet is also a business owners. But goal setting and planning take
computer program that mimics a physical white paper, time and lots of calculation but if you
spreadsheet by capturing, displaying, and use spreadsheet then it becomes very easy and
manipulating lines arranged in rows and columns. • environmentally friendly Business Owners • Online
In a spreadsheet, spaces that hold data objects are business owners or offline can use spreadsheet to
called cells. Each cell has a label depending on its manage their daily life work. Such as work progress,
placement (for example, A1, A2, A3 …) and can have team management, payouts details, business
a complete or related reference to the surrounding progress. Such as if you want to track your marketing
cells. A spreadsheet is usually designed to hold campaign progress then go to the file-new- template
numerical data and short text strings. Spreadsheets • and search for a marketing campaign and you will be
Spreadsheets often provide the ability to expose data amazed by seeing pre-designed and formulated cells.
relationships more openly. Spreadsheets usually do Housewives • Housewives can use spreadsheet to
not offer the ability to create and label full data manage their daily house expenses. They can create
objects such as a database and usually do not give monthly expenses report. They can track their
them the ability to query a database. In general, a spending habits. The use of spreadsheet for
spreadsheet is a much simpler program than a housewives also helpful if they are doing business or
database system. Uses of Spreadsheet in Daily Life • job or for looking part-time work. There are various
Education • Business • Goal Setting and Planning • online and offline jobs and projects that they can do
Business Owners • Housewives • Data Analysis • from home by learning and using spreadsheet. Data
Daily Progress Report • Career Development Analysis • Data analysis is very important to work
Education • Teachers can use table styles, shapes, today for an online business or website owner
charts, data tools, and formulas to teach students in (eCommerce, blog, forums, etc.). Such as from
the classrooms. Students can learn and solve basic tracking website visitors, products sell, customer
and logical-mathematical problems and statistics in reviews, marketing campaigns, user behavior, and
excel. • Teachers can educate by creating a table in a events Such work is very time and brain consuming
spreadsheet. They can highlight more interesting especially when things are not going according to the
cells in colors, emphasize important values and plan • provides great benefits for online business
visualize data using bars and charts. • Another use of owners and customers. Such as by filtering users'
spreadsheet for teachers to schedule periods. data by country, filtering user by age, adding
Teachers can insert period planner by using the conditional formulas in big data, etc. are common
template function in spreadsheet. Business • can be daily tasks that can be handled smartly in
used in various business operations. Such as goal spreadsheet. Daily Progress Report • Many online
setting, budgeting process, and planning, team and offline companies and clients making it
management, account management, income, and mandatory for virtual and offline staff to maintain
expenses calculation, product and service valuation, their daily progress reports. It is not only beneficial
and management of client’s data, etc. in business. • for employees but also for companies to track daily
The uses of spreadsheet in business make such daily progress reports. You can create a table with Date,
official operations faster, accurate, and predictable. Time, Client, Task, Duration, and status according to
Because spreadsheets provides great features such demand from clients or managers. • Also, the daily
progress report is very beneficial for students and Some templates are also available. Support plans are
teachers. But all start with learning and execution. available and there is also knowledgebase of
Career Development • Career Development is more frequently asked questions. WordPerfect Office X5
about career management. Time management, Zoho • .Zoho offers many productivity software tools.
learning management, work, and life management Zoho products are free for personal use, although
and goal-oriented habits are very important. Such the site stated that business and corporate users may
things you can learn in excel. Importance of be charged. Some Zoho tools that may be of
Spreadsheet for Students • Students can do and particular interest include Writer, Sheet, Show, and
learn the fastest way to do the calculation with Calendar. Support is available.
accuracy • Microsoft Excel builds strong analytical
thinking skills • Students can learn how the QuickOffice & OfficeSuite Pro5
calculation is performed • students can learn how
data is visualized Alternative Productivity Software • • While these are technically not office suites
Google Apps for Business • LibreOffice Productivity themselves, these apps give the capability to access
Suite • OpenOffice • WordPerfect Office X5 • Zoho • your Microsoft Office files from your mobile device.
Quickoffice and OfficeSuite Pro5 • PlusOffice Free 3.0 For the freelancer on the go this means mobility.
• IBM ® Lotus ® SmartSuite ® • ThinkFree • Koffice • OfficeSuite Pro5 is specifically for the Android
NEOOffice • Softmaker Google Apps for Business • Market. Quickoffice can work with a variety of
Google’s office suite includes a selection of office mobile devices.
productivity tools including enhanced-for-business
versions of Gmail, Google Talk, Google Calendar, PlusOffice Free 3.0
Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Video. Several
• A freeware package is based on OpenOffice. Use
pricing options are available, based on the size of
this on Windows 7/Vista. The suite includes a text
your business, and limited-time free trial is also
editor, spreadsheet, presentation package, and
available. LibreOffice Productivity Suite • This free
more. Compare with commercial packages.
office productivity suite comes from the not-for-
profit organization, The Document Foundation.
IBM (r) Lotus (r) SmartSuite (r)
Applications include Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw,
Base, and Math. Because it’s free, support comes • This suite will cost money, but the product also has
primarily from the community of users and the the support of IBM. It includes Word Pro (r),
developers. The license for this suite is LGPL, Freelance Graphics (r), and Approach (r). Additional
meaning it can be customized as needed. OpenOffice software options are available for an added cost.
• Another free office productivity suite. The
following are included in this suite: Writer, Calc, ThinkFree
Impress, Draw, Base, and Math. Oracle is the primary
contributor of code to OpenOffice, but other major • This office productivity prides itself on being
companies also contribute. For technical support, compatible with MS Office. Use it for word
they offer a forum and a FAQ site as well as a user processing, creating spreadsheets, and
guide. • Another office productivity suite that offers presentations. There are many versions of this suite
multiple configurations based on the customer need. available, including one for the Windows, the Mac,
The home and student version includes software for Linux, and even Android operating systems. Even
word processing, spreadsheets, slideshows and though this suite costs money, you can download a
presentations, and a digital notebook. Free trials are trial version.
available although the productivity suite is not free.
KOffice Reasons to use Podcast in
• This is another free office productivity suite Education
alternative. It includes KWord (a word processor),
KCells (a spreadsheet) and Showcase (presentation Listen whenever, wherever
software). Because it’s free, it largely depends on
volunteers and users to maintain and update it. • Podcasts are easy to fit into daily routines.
There is a Userbase and forum. Downloadable to your phone, you can listen while
doing mundane tasks like cooking or commuting.
NEOOffice Students can learn content at any point they have a
spare moment in their day, just by taking out their
• This is an office suite specifically for MAC OS X. phone. This makes them perfect for people with busy
They’ve even included a mobile version that can be schedules, or those who don’t have access to wifi all
accessed remotely. It is distributed under the GNU the time. Students who have other commitments,
General Public License (GPL). It is funded entirely by like jobs or caring for family members, can simply
user donations. stick on a podcast during their commute.

• Making education more accessible for students is

vital. The easier it is for them to fit their education
Softmaker around the rest of their lives, the more likely they are
to try.
• This office productivity suite includes TextMaker
(word processing), PlanMaker (spreadsheet), and
Podcasts make is easier for
Presentations. There are multiple versions available
including a mobile version. This package does cost students to catch-up
• Missing classes can be stressful and demotivating.
Podcast Once you find yourself falling behind, it’s difficult to
not get overwhelmed by a mounting backlog of
• is a type of digital media, usually audio, that is work. This is all too common for young people; two
available in a series of episodes or parts and is thirds of 15–16-year-olds stress about poor grades,
streamed or downloaded by the end user over the according to one survey of 72 countries. During a
Internet. Podcasts can be made available via a global pandemic, this problem will only worsen.
release schedule or uploaded to the Web randomly. Many students will have to self isolate and skip their
lessons for 2 weeks or more. So, making sure they
• Educational podcasts are on the rise, and for good don’t get left behind after missing a few days
reason. While there is no substitute for in-person teaching is crucial.
teaching, the resources you use to complement it
can make or break how well students do. This is true • Recording a podcast for your course could be the
of education at any level. Whether you’re at a solution. Instead of being burdened with heavy and
primary school, high school, college or university, intimidating textbooks, students could simply listen
podcasts can help students of all ages learn. They’re to a podcast on their way to school to catch up. This
a great way to make your lessons accessible, would combat stress and stop students from falling
engaging and informative. into a continual cycle of always being behind on
Listening might be better than to-face with teachers can be prioritised for active
learning. Podcasts
help accommodate
watching or reading
all learning styles
• When listening to an audio drama, you must use
your imagination to picture what’s going on. Your
• Different people prefer different styles of
brain must work at the pace of the audio, so your
learning, so variety is key if you want to engage all
mind can’t wander off like it does when read a
your students. By adding auditory learning to the
textbook page. And because you must actively think
usual reading and writing, it helps create a more
about what you’re hearing; you can’t only half pay
even playing field for everyone. Podcasting is also a
attention like you might with video. So, podcasts may
great active learning activity. Getting students to
be the best way to keep your students’ attention on
make their own shows or make something inspired
the work.
by the content in a podcast, can be a great way to
• Podcasts can also make teaching more accessible. consolidate their knowledge.
Textbooks can be a chore in the best of times, but for
people with visual impairments or dyslexia, they are Podcasts are the perfect revision
an unnecessary uphill struggle. Instead of relying tool
solely on written material, podcasts give students
more options in how they work. This can only be a • Podcasts are a wonderful revision tool to go over
good thing past material. Students can go at their own pace,
pausing and replaying at parts they need more time
Prioritize active learning in the on. Always having a bank of podcasts will be a
godsend during those stressful few months of
revising. Spaced repetition, or repeating your notes
• Podcasts can give everyone essential information with gaps in between each repetition, is the best way
for the course, so they’re ready to explore it fully in to remember information. So being able to remind
lessons. Both active and passive learning are needed themselves of past lectures whenever they want can
for a well-rounded education. Passive learning prove to be invaluable when preparing for exams.
involves going over content independently, for
example by reading or listening to it. Active learning Podcasts are easy to make and
is much more hands on and needs more direction costeffective
from the teacher. If students are to pass their exams
and get prepared for the world of work, both should • You don’t need fancy video equipment or editing
be incorporated into their education. software to make a great podcast. Armed with a bit
of Googling and some patience, you can learn the
• Podcasts are a great way to teach new content,
ropes quickly. USB microphones don’t cost much and
something suited for passive learning. Students can
plug straight into any laptop or computer. Make one
listen on their own, freeing up valuable classroom
podcast, and it’s there to teach all your students for
time for more active learning. Going through
years to come. Compared to other (often less
questions, participating in group discussions, and
engaging) teaching methods podcasts are one of the
making things with others can all be part of this.
most cost-effective options you could choose
Effective active learning needs constant support and
direction. If students are already up to speed on the . • Podcasting also makes it easier to work from
basics from podcasts, the valuable time spent face- home as a teacher. Recording from the comfort of
your own living room is super easy. This is bound to be a life-saver for students who didn’t quite catch
be useful in the next year. Self isolating and every word in the moment.
lockdown is stressful enough without having to
worry about how you’re going to get essential work Record Conversations with others
done too.
• Adding another person to your podcast is an easy
way to keep it entertaining. Even if you’re a
charismatic speaker, it’s natural to zone out listening
to a single voice for an extended period. Studies have
shown that listeners are more engaged by dialogue
than a simple narration. Your students will give your
5 Ways to Use Podcasts in podcast more attention for longer if you spice it up
Teaching with a bit of variety in who is talking. It’s also easier
to keep your speaking pace right if you’re in
Set existing podcasts to listen to conversation.

• Enlist a colleague who also teaches your subject to

• There are loads of podcasts already out there, so
have a discussion and record your conversation. Or
why not take advantage? Over 500,000 podcasts are
you could get someone who knows nothing about
active with new episodes regularly, and education is
your area and record yourselves as you explain key
one of the top categories. Podcasts made for
concepts to them. Check out these examples for
students are designed to be easily understandable,
inspiration of how to use this format to keep your
to make preparing for exams as pain-free as possible.
listeners interested all the way through.
• Or there are loads of podcasts made by experts.
Some of these will not only make your subject less
frustrating for students, but they might spark some
joy. For example, there’s nothing like a podcast by Use storytelling in your podcasts
comedians to make physics interesting.
• Podcasts are an amazing medium for storytelling,
• Sample: and the genre is growing massively. More and more people are discovering the potential of podcasting
BkMJvoS?si=fa2ca43edcd145c2 for creating immersive worlds. It’s a well-known
truism that stories help people learn, and studies
Repurpose lectures as podcasts agree. Everything is easier to remember once it is
part of a narrative. So, turning some of your lessons
• Most classes already use lectures as part of their into a story is a great way to improve your students’
teaching methods. So why not record the lecture as learning.
you’re giving it? Upload the audio online and add
video if you want to give the option of watching as • You can do this for pretty much any subject.
well. Getting distracted during a lecture is all too History and English are easy to turn into exciting
easy, especially if it’s 9am on a Monday. Crucial dramas, but so are Chemistry and Maths, with a little
information might not always actually penetrate your creativity. Personify everything you are teaching into
students' brains while they’re in class trying not to characters. For example, hydrogen is needy and gets
drift off. So being able to go back over lectures will with any old element, while all the noble gases are
hermits who never want to bond with anyone. As for
Maths, there’s a reason why practice questions
involve otherworldly situations like customers • Assign a blog posts as essays
popping to the shop to buy 5000 apples. Making
everything you teach into a memorable story will • Create a class-specific Pinterest board
help your students learn. • Include social media links in your school website

Get students to make their own • Share school events and photos

podcasts • Create interest-based Facebook groups

• Teachers are always looking for new projects to set. • Create a social media crisis strategy
Why not have the next one be for your students to
create their own podcast together? Helping them • Manage our accounts all under one roof
develop lifelong skills like teamwork, research,
writing and speaking will make your students more
employable. This can also be part of that active DEVELOPING PROBLEM-BASED AND
learning that will make sure everyone really
understands the subject. PROJECT-BASED INSTRUCTIONAL
Social Media
• is a collective term for websites and applications BASED LEARNING P R O J E C T - B A S E D L E A R N I
that focus on communication, community-based N G Project-based Learning begins with the
input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. assignment of tasks that will lead to the creation of a
• People use social media to stay in touch and final product or artefact. The emphasis is on the end
interact with friends, family and various product. • Students work on open-ended
communities. assignments. These could be more than one problem
• Students analyse the problems and generate
• Social media has enormous traction globally.
solutions. • Students design and develop a prototype
Mobile applications make these platforms easily
of the solution • Students refine the solution based
accessible. Some popular examples of general social
on feedback from experts, instructors, and/or peers
media platforms include Twitter, Facebook and
P R O B L E M- B A S E D L E A R N I N G Problem-
based Learning begins with a problem that
determines what students study. The problem
12 ways to use social media for
derives from an observable phenomena or event.
education The emphasis is on acquiring new knowledge and the
solution is less important. • Students are presented
• Use a Facebook page to broadcast updates and
with an open-ended, authentic question. • Students
analyse the question • Students generate hypotheses
• Use a Facebook group to stream live lectures and that explain the phenomena. • Students identify
host discussions further follow-up questions • Students seek
additional data to answer the questions. PROJECT-
• Use Twitter as a class message board BASED LEARNING • is an instructional approach
designed to give students the opportunity to develop
• Use Instagram for photo essays
knowledge and skills through engaging projects set
• Create a class blog for discussions around challenges and problems they may face in
the real world. • is more than just “doing a project,” subject area in isolation (multi-disciplinary
in the way you might remember from your own pedagogical approach) • Engages students in real-
school days. As the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) world learning, giving them a deeper understanding
explains, with PBL, students “investigate and respond of concepts through relevant and authentic
to an authentic, engaging, and complex problem or experiences. This prepares students to accept and
challenge” with deep and sustained attention. meet challenges in the real world, mirroring what
CHARACTERISTICS OF PROJECTBASED LEARNING • professionals do every day • Engages students
Inter-Disciplinary • Rigorous • Student-Centered deeply with the target content, helping to increase
INTER-DISCIPLINARY • Real-world challenges are long-term retention. HOW TO IMPLEMENT
rarely solved using information or skills from a single PROJECTBASED LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM •
subject area. In PBL, projects require students to use START WITH SMALL, WELL ORCHESTRATED CHANGES
content knowledge and skills from multiple academic • LOOK AT THINGS FROM A STUDENT’S POINT OF
domains to engage in inquiry, solution building, and VIEW • HOLD AN IMMERSIVE, MULTI-DAY
out in PBL often require the application of knowledge • THINK ABOUT ASSESSMENT START WITH SMALL,
and skills, not just recall or recognition. Typically, WELL ORCHESTRATED CHANGES • Select a few
students’ first steps will be to engage in a process of targeted goals you wish to work on this year with
inquiry. This leads to deeper learning, not just of the regards to projectbased learning, and focus on doing
academic content, but also the use of the content in those things well, concentrating on growth. This
real world applications. This then leads to the might mean keeping the scope and duration of a
development of solutions that address the project to a minimum; using or renovating an existing
problem/challenge of the project, and the creation of project and taking the time to get meaningful
products to communicate solutions to an audience. feedback from both students and relevant
STUDENT-CENTERED • In PBL, the role of the teacher professionals. LOOK AT THINGS FROM A STUDENT’S
shifts from content-deliverer to facilitator, coach or POINT OF VIEW • Think about what questions they
project manager. Students work more independently, might have when it comes to this new way of
with the teacher providing support only when learning. Provide them with valuable, easy-to-
needed. BENEFITS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING • understand resources to help them make sense of
Presents opportunities for deeper learning in context PBL as a concept and the practical steps once they
and for the development of important skills relating are engaged in the process. • Project-based learning
to college and career readiness • Boosts student often requires many skills that students may not be
engagement and achievement and helps students used to, such as researching, summarizing, problem-
develop the 21stcentury skills they need to succeed solving, working as a team, learning to spot fake
in their future careers. These include critical thinking, news etc. A good idea is to use any early foray into
communication, collaboration, and creativity, among project-based learning to build these skills in a fun
others • Makes room for student choice, allowing way. GENERATE POTENTIAL PROJECT IDEAS • There
students to feel like architects of their own learning are plenty of places online teachers can find
journey • Improves student attitudes toward inspiration for possible project ideas to kick off their
education, thanks to its ability to keep students PBL journey • However, online is not the only place
engaged BENEFITS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING • to look to for ideas. Common types of project
Provides plenty of opportunities for feedback and include: • addressing a real-world problem (e.g.
revision of the plan and the project • Encourages climate change); • meeting a design challenge
students to make meaningful connections across (creating a physical or digital artefact, or piece of
content areas, rather than thinking about each writing; developing a plan; producing an event or
providing a service); • exploring an abstract question MULTIMEDIA LEARNING • Core Curriculum • Real-
(e.g. when is violence justified?) • investigating (e.g. World Connection • Extended Time Frame • Student
a historical event or natural phenomenon) • Taking a Decision Making • Collaboration • Assessment •
position on an issue (such as a present day or Multimedia CORE CURRICULUM • At the foundation
historical controversy). THINK ABOUT ASSESSMENT • of any unit of this type is a clear set of learning goals
It’s important to also think about how any project- drawn from whatever curriculum or set of standards
based work will be assessed. Plan and communicate is in use. • Core emphasizes that project-based
the success criteria for students – the most common multimedia learning should address the basic
way in PBL is to give a rubric or success criteria at the knowledge and skills all students are expected to
start. Don’t make it too ‘wordy’ however, or with too acquire • These projects lend themselves well to
many granular checkpoints. PROBLEM-BASED multidisciplinary or cross-curricular approaches.
LEARNING • is a teaching method that allows a group REAL-WORLD CONNECTION • The project seeks to
of people to solve real-world issues through concepts connect students’ work in school with the wider
and scenarios. This differs from how teachers or world in which students live. It is critical that the
mentors usually teach students, which is by students-not only the teacher-perceive what is real
presenting facts for them to memorize. Rather, about the project. The content chosen, the types of
problem-based learning helps people use critical activities of products must be real in life. EXTENDED
thinking and problem-solving skills. • Activities or TIME FRAME • A good project is not one-shot lesson
lessons that use problem-based learning usually • It extends over the significant period of time. One
require a group of people working together, which project may take days or weeks, others may take a
increases communication and interpersonal skills. month or two • And the actual project may vary with
This type of learning can be beneficial for most work the age of the students and the nature of the project
environments that have employees who work STUDENT DECISION MAKING • In project is not-based
together, and employers can implement PBL by multimedia learning, students have a say. But it is
organizing group activities or workshops. clear to them that the teacher is in charge and so the
CHARACTERISTICS OF PROBLEMBASED LEARNING • students understand that there are decisions which
Authentic: use real-world, relevant problems that are only the teacher can make. • Students, however, are
meaningful to learners. • Personalized: Personalize given considerable leeway in determining what
learning, connecting with learner individual styles substantive content would be included in their
and creativity. • Non-linear: Learners work in project as well as the process for producing them.
multiple directions and explore diverse avenues, COLLABORATION • Project-based multimedia
theories, ideas and solutions. • Guide and scaffold: learning demands “collaboration” • Students may
Steer learners in the right direction using prompting work in pairs or in teams of as many as five or six.
questions and provide resources. BENEFITS OF Whole class collaboration are also possible. • The
PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING • Analytical thinking and goal is for each students involved to make a separate
innovation • Active learning and learning strategies • contribution to the final work and for the whole class
Creativity, originality and initiative • Critical thinking to accomplish greater things than what each
and analysis • Complex problem-solving PROJECT- individual can accomplish alone ASSESSMENT •
BASED LEARNING AND MULTIMEDIA • Is a method of There are three (3) Assessment concerns in Project-
teaching in which students acquire new knowledge Based Multimedia Learning, namely: • Activities for
and skills in the course of designing, planning, and Developing Expectations; • Activities for Improving
producing a multimedia product. • Implies the use of the Media Products; and • Activities for Compiling
multimedia and the learning activity includes a and Disseminating Evidence of Learning INQUIRY-
project. 7-KEY DIMENSIONS PROJECTBASED BASED LEARNING • is a student-centered teaching
method that encourages students to ask questions VARIOUS WAYS IN WHICH MOBILE TECHNOLOGY
and investigate real-world problems. In this type of CAN HELP IN INQUIRYBASED LEARNING • Within one
learning environment, students are actively engaged device students can do multiple tasks like conduct
in the learning process and are given the opportunity research, record interviews, gather data, take notes,
to explore their natural curiosities. • This type of document events, collaborate with peers, create
learning is often hands-on and allows students to multimedia projects and share their work. • Mobile
connect what they are learning in the classroom and devices can be used to gather rich data in the form of
the real world. Inquiry-based learning has been text, audio, image, video, etc. • They can support
shown to improve critical thinking skills, problem- real-time interaction for real-time communication
solving skills, and creativity. TYPES OF INQUIRY- and feedback of learners with their instructors and
BASED LEARNING • Structured Inquiry Approach • the larger community. • Student interest is
Open-Ended Inquiry Approach • Problem-Based maintained and engagement is increased, which is
Inquiry Approach • Guided Inquiry Approach much required to perform authentic investigations
STRUCTURED INQUIRY APPROACH • The structured and research to support inquiry-based learning.
inquiry approach is a sequential process that helps VARIOUS WAYS IN WHICH MOBILE TECHNOLOGY
students learn how to ask questions and investigate CAN HELP IN INQUIRYBASED LEARNING • Students
real-world problems. This type of inquiry-based can use multiple data capture methods with
learning is often used in science classes, where annotated photos, GPS coordinates, etc., to gather
students are given a problem to investigate and are and analyze data thoroughly. • Mobile device
taught how to use the scientific process to find a technology reduces the amount of time and work
solution. OPEN-ENDED INQUIRY APPROACH • The required in data entry and research and improves the
open-ended inquiry approach is a more free-form quality of the learning experience. • Having personal
approach to inquiry-based learning. In this type of devices makes students responsible for their own
learning environment, students are given the learning by designing their research projects from
freedom to explore their interests and ask questions developing the question and methods to data
about the topic they are studying. This type of collection and analysis to presenting their research. •
inquiry-based learning is often used in humanities Students can access relevant digital resources such
classes, where students are asked to explore a topic as identification guides, weather records and maps
in-depth and debate different viewpoints. PROBLEM- and specific apps like Twitter, Skype, etc., for
BASED INQUIRY APPROACH • A problem-based communication. • Students can have continuous
inquiry approach is a problem-solving approach to access to research groups to connect with a greater
inquiry-based learning. In this type of approach, scientific community. SAMPLE APPS THEY CAN USE
students are given a real-world problem to solve. FOR INQUIRY BASED LEARNING • For the inquiry
This type of inquiry-based learning is often used in process of tuning in - watching, questioning,
mathematics and engineering classes, where thinking, observing, reading, Safari, YouTube,
students are asked to apply what they have learned BrainPop. • For supporting student - a problem
to solve a realworld problem. GUIDED INQUIRY solver, critical thinker, collaborator, communicator,
APPROACH • The guided inquiry approach is a creator, use Lino, Podcast, Evernote • for collecting,
teacher-led approach to inquiry-based learning. In curating - searching, gathering, identifying a topic,
this type of approach, the teacher guides the and connecting with others, use Skype, Google Earth,
students through the inquiry process and helps them Diigo, Twitter • For synthesizing information - by
to ask questions and find solutions to real-world interpreting, comparing, reviewing, sorting,
problems. This type of inquiry-based learning is often formulating and analyzing use Skitch, Socrative,
used in elementary and middle school classrooms. Dropbox, Calendar, Google Drive, etc. PROJECT-
BASED LEARNING LESSON PLAN • Start with the state the real-world, contextual problem that students will
or national standards you are required to teach • Use use to explore the content. You can either create a
the standards to develop your learning targets for problem or select one from an existing problem
your project-based learning • Focus on the standards bank. Follow the guidelines for both selecting and
that have longevity (learning that is important creating a problem. • Garner’s (2010) suggested PBL
beyond just this school year) • Look closely at the problem elements: • The topic of concern captures
verbs for each standard. Standards that use verbs the attention and interest of participating students. •
such as “create”, “design”, or “demonstrate” lend Students are required to make judgments and
themselves to higher levels of learning and are decisions by analyzing a variety of options in
perfect for PBL. • Create an essential question that choosing their best course of action. • The proposed
the students should try to answer throughout PBL. problem has a level of complexity that involves all
The question should be complex and should be team members in the data gathering and decision-
referred to often. • Develop the criteria that will making phases. • Questions are open-ended and
show evidence of the learning targets. PROJECT- invite group members to participate. • There is a
BASED LEARNING LESSON PLAN • Have a plan in direct connection between the PBL scenario and
place for giving ongoing feedback you provide your course learning outcomes. PBL LESSON PLAN
students. It’s also important to have a place for TEMPLATE • Students should be able to answer the
students to keep track of the feedback from their following four questions when working towards a
peers, as well as a place for self-reflection and problem solution: • What do I know (about the
recording any questions, barriers, or successes they problem or issue) • What do I need to know to solve
encounter along the way. • Have a plan in place for it? • How do I get that information? • How do I apply
delivering important information. • Have a plan for that information to determine a solution? PBL
conferencing with groups and conference often. • LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE 4. Define the procedures for
Make sure students have a way to share their in-Class problem analysis that your students will be
learning and reflect on the process. PBL LESSON completing. Let students know if they need to bring
PLAN TEMPLATE 1. Develop clear and measurable or prepare anything before class. The idea is to
learning objectives (including cognitive and create an active learning environment where
behavioral objectives) – based on Bloom’s Taxonomy students interact with the content and the instructor
• Students will be able to {verb} {noun}. • Students acts as a guide. Activities should scaffold the
will be able to {verb} {noun}. • Students will be able students into the problem solution. • Establish
to {verb} {noun}. Ex. Students will demonstrate the ground rules for participation • Assign discussion
methods of organismal biologists, including groups or roles in the problem-solving process •
observation, phylogenetics, experimentation, and Students define facts and significant information
form/function studies. PBL LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE surrounding the problem • Pose challenging
2. Identify the learning resources students will need questions to further discussion • Students define
to access at home before coming to class. These objectives and possible solutions Activities students
resources are generally what you would normally do will complete analyzing the problem: (enumerate)
in a traditional lecture format class (lecture, videos, Technology resources my students will need to
etc) • Reading materials • Watch instructional videos complete the analysis: (enumerate) PBL LESSON
• Exercise on worksheets • Suggest other learning PLAN TEMPLATE 5. Identify any post-analysis
resources • Reading Resources my lesson will activities that your students will be completing. •
include: (enumerate) • Technology Resources I will Reflection • Shift context – students see problem or
need to create the pre-class learning resources: solution from another point of view • Follow up
(enumerate) PBL LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE 3. Prepare discussion • Shift time frame – “what’s next?”, “How
could this situation be different?” Activities students
will complete post-analysis: (enumerate) Technology
Resources my students will need to complete the
post-analysis activities PBL LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE
6. Create the assessments that you will use for
determining students’ mastery of the learning
objectives. • Formative/Summative • Challenging
questions • Interactive quizzes • Problem solution
presentations Assessment(s) I will use in my
problem-based lesson: (enumerate) Technology
Resources my students will need to complete the
assessment(s): (enumerate)

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