What Is Myth

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What is myth, today?

Myth is a type of speech.

Myth is depoliticized speech.
Depoliticized speech hides political reality.
Myth is a system of communication, that it is a message.
Myth is a mode of signification.
Saussure uses the word sign. Barthes uses the word signification.

Myths are created by society. They are not natural. They are constructed
culturally, literally.
The language of myth is not arbitrary, it is motivated, ideologically loaded, and
responsible for transforming ‘history into nature’.
The language of myth distorts meaning.
Everything can be a myth.
It is something that is suggestive of a meaning.
Myth is a type of speech chosen by history. It is historical not natural.
Myth can be anything. It is not only speech and writing.
Mythical speech is made of a material which has already been worked on so as
to make it suitable for communication.
Myth is that which mean something.
Myth is a sign.
Myth functions as it creates idealities, set worldview or mindset.

Myth as a semiological system.

Myth expresses the belief or value.

Semiology is the study of signs: how they work and how we use them.
Myth is historical signs or reality. Methology is formal science or part of the
science. It is about form and ideology.
Semiology is not a metaphysical trap but scientific.
Structure and form can’t be separated.
Myth studies ideas in form. It is form that express an ideology.
Saussure talks about three terms. They are sign, signified and signifier.
Sign is the associative of signified and signifier.
Barthes too argues with three terms. He used significance in place of sign.
Signifier is form and signified is content.
Myth is a signifier with a definite signified.
Saussure uses concept but Barthes doesn’t. Barthes tries to explain in relation
with Sigmund freud.
Language is structural for Saussure. { signified (concept) and signifier(sound)}.
For Freud human psyche has layer of signs.
(Example of dream and myth from the copy)
Myth has intentional function which is hidden.
To understand myth, you should separate sign from signifier.
While analyzing myth we should focus on hidden meaning.
Myth is a form where any content are inserted.
Myth is constructed from the semiological chain which existed before it: it is a
second-order semiological system.
Myth sees in them only the same raw material; their unity is that they all come
down to the status of a mere language.
Sign become signifier in myth and becomes new meaning.
There are two semiological systems in myth. They are linguistic
system(language-object) and metalanguage. (Example from the book)
Language is the first order and metalanguage is the second order.
It converts sign into signifier taken from first language that’s why it’s
Myth has mythical speech.
Myth is particular, greater semiological system.
Structuralist Saussure says language is a system. ( without ideology)
Poststructuralist Barthes says language is a particular system.( with ideology)
(Example from copy)
Signifier can be looked from two points of view:final term of the linguistic
system, or as the first term of the mythical system.
Myth has a double function: it points out and notifies, it makes us understand
something and it imposes it on us.

Myth is depolitized speech.

Myth has the task of giving a historical intention a natural justification.

Barthes criticizes bourgeois ideology which converts historical intention inti
natural justification.
Myth operates the inversion of anti-physis into pseudo-physis.
Myth makes ideology normal. It colours ideology.
Myth turns reality inside out.
Myth takes history away from reality.
Myth is depoliticized speech in a bourgeois society.
Myth don’t reveal whole human relations.
It abolishes the complexity of human acts.
Everything has political trace and myth purifies them and makes them
(Two lines from book)

miotics with astute political analysis.

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