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What is Etiquette

• Code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to

contemporary and conventional norms within society, class or group.

• It involves suitable behavior in any kind of situations.

1.Telephone Etiquettes
 Making a call
• Purpose, Content of the call, how to start call and cut off.

 Prepare before calling

• Keep the pen, notes for information
• Talk about your interest later, (1st listen to receiver)
• Avoid call in crowded place for an important talk.
• Should be silent in meeting, hospital.

Telephone Etiquettes conti…
 How to begin or receive a call
• Introduce yourself- Greetings- your name, company and purpose.
• If not answered even after 10 rings, cut it and try again after 5-10 minutes.
• Voice must be clear and audible.
 The ringtone expresses a person’s style
• Not to be too loud.
• Voice of person should not be too loud.
 If the call is disconnected
• Say sorry
• If you put on hold, clarify the reason
Common telephone courtesies
• Could I talk to…

• I want to talk to…

• May I talk to…

• I request you to connect me to so and so person…

• May I request you to talk with…

Telephone etiquette observed by
Administrative Assistants
• Mostly received by PA.

• Please hold on while I would check if the supervisor is present.

• Sorry she is busy in a meeting. May I have your number she will call you
back. (In Landline)

• PA should never try to overhear the conversation between the call and the
Telephone precautions

• Confidential matters should never be discussed over the phone.

• Or ask like….. Are you free? Alone? Can we talk about …

2.Etiquettes for Foreign Business Trips
Learn about the culture you are travelling into
• Being on time, firm handshake, smart casual, slight nod of the head.
• If someone gives you a business card…put in shirt’s pocket…shows respect.

 Learn a Few colloquial Phrases (in front of non-English people)

• Good morning, thank you… (try to speak in their respective language)

 Keep it professional
• Travelling with colleagues…be natural, relax…

Etiquettes for Foreign Business Trips conti…
Learn how to greet and address people at your destination
• In China… Director Wang…(Position + surname)
• Long handshake.
• Kiss on cheeks…(in some region 3 times)

 A little extra can go a long way

• Send a thank you gift …. Who hosted you on your trip.

 Take into account that country’s ‘TEMPORAL’ practices

• In Japan, 1 PM meeting..reach by 12:45
• In Maxico, 1 PM meeting..reach between 1 to 3.
• Don’t get stressed if people are not coming on time.
Etiquettes for Foreign Business Trips conti…
Praise the country and cuisine, never criticize
• show positive gesture while talking.

 Small talks may lead to big results

• Let your hosts to talk
• You need to listen with polite gestures.

 Be extremely careful with social media

 Don’t Forget the People back at home

• If you are on a long leave by giving to be handling a bit of extra load to your
colleague…bring small gifts, sweets, chocolates for them.
Some specific tips that may help
• Make some inquiries about people you are meet 1st time.. You get some idea
for talk.

• Read the newspaper in the hotel to keep updated with current locale news for
impromptu discussion.

• Open the conversation with a small compliment… clothes, recent career

success, or food.

• Close the conversation gracefully… positive comment.

3. Visit to Foreign Counterparts
• Important to respect foreign client’s religious beliefs and cultural needs.

• Know about trade practices, working hours, and official culture.

 Some tips
• Use translator for business meeting.
• Prepare documents in English and native language.
• Use some native words as a gesture of friendliness.
• 243 to 246 Books India…

4. Etiquettes for Small Talks
 Small talk- a very valuable thing

 Harvest big gains with small talks

 Talk to strangers
• To expand your friend circle, clients…

 Silence is impolite

 Introduce yourself
5. Respecting Privacy
• Collect personal information of an employee or clients as per the need.

• It should be correct, complete, and updated.

6. Learning to Say NO
• Saying NO doesn’t mean that you are a bad person.
• Knowing your value.
• Is it really worth?
• HELPFUL TIPS…Pg 257 Books India
7. Time Management

How to manage your time effectively?

• Setting goals and objectives

• Effective Planning
• Setting deadlines
• Delegation of responsibilities
• Prioritizing activities as per their importance
• Spending the right time on the right activity

Time Management conti…
For Effective Time Management one needs to be:

• Organized

• Don’t misuse time

• Be focused


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