PR 1 Group 7 (Chapter 1) Revised

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A Research Paper

Presented to the Senior High School Department of

Recto Memorial National High School

Tiaong, Quezon

In a Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1


Hernandez, Julia Q.

Magbuhat, Geres L.

Beros, Ven Lickner

Bautista, Ma. Christine




In today's time, it is rampant for individuals to attain honors or, in other words,

"with honor," not only in the field of excellence but also in academics. In this era, you will not

achieve anything unless you strive hard for the things you have or those you are about to acquire.

With the multitude of youth in schools, including the senior high department, each has their own

unique way of studying, commonly referred to as learning strategies. However, there are youths

who prefer solitude and possess their own knowledge, not only in terms of information but also in

independent learning strategies.

Some honor students have their own methods of learning. They have

accompanying ways of how to learn, such as cooperative learning, establishing independently

driven routines, and self-learning for personal knowledge. With the plethora of information that

students need to absorb as knowledge they have various methods of applying self-learning

strategies. They have reasonable habits to accomplish their school work, such as motivating

themselves and not relying on others but on their own strengths. In the field of education, mastering

autonomous learning practices is generally critical to achieving academic distinction. There is a pool

of successful strategies and tactics among students who routinely receive high honors, which helps

them succeed. The purpose of this introduction is to explore the nuances of these techniques and

how they enhance high honors students' academic abilities. Through analyzing the strategies these
people use to successfully traverse the educational terrain on their own, we want to unearth

priceless knowledge that can enlighten and motivate students in a variety of academic settings.

Through this investigation, we hope to shed light on the subtle methods of independent learning

that develop critical thinking, self-discipline, and a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime in

addition to academic success.

Achieving honors, whether in academia or other fields, signifies a dedication to

excellence and a commitment to personal growth. The pursuit of honors requires not only hard work

but also a strategic approach to learning and self-improvement. As individuals navigate the

complexities of modern education and professional environments, honing independent learning

strategies becomes increasingly vital for success. By delving deeper into the methodologies and

mindsets of high honors students, we aim to uncover valuable insights that can inspire and

empower learners of all backgrounds to reach their full potential and excel in their academic


Background of the Study

Nowadays education at the Senior High level has various focuses where each

student is free to choose their primary field of study. For instance, there are several students

experiencing breakdowns, but it appears difficult for them to focus and organize their learning


The choice of this topic stems from a recognition of the paramount importance of

independent learning in academic achievement. Students with high honor epitomize excellence in

academic performance, making them ideal subjects for exploring effective learning strategies. By

understanding the methodologies employed by these students, educators and policymakers can

glean insights to enhance teaching practices and student outcomes.

(According to Ishika 2019) Self-Directed Learning (SDL) is a learning approach

that allows learners to take charge of their own education by creating personal learning goals,
targets, and strategies and then putting them into action within a predetermined time frame. In

addition to assisting students with independent learning and understanding of the material, it also

equips them with the skills necessary to evaluate their own performance and analyze their

development. We will discuss the definition, significance, and tactics of self-directed learning in

more detail in the blog that follows. To learn more, keep reading.

According to (Indeed editorial team 2022) Learning on your own can be a

productive technique to get new abilities and specializations. Professionals that wish to advance in

their careers can reap several benefits from using self-driven learning techniques. In order to

become a proficient self-learner, you must comprehend the idea and learn several methods that

you can use to aid in your learning.

Furthermore, the learning method that encourages independent learning is known

as self-directed learning. The students assume responsibility for their education and proceed at

their own speed. Using self-directed learning to enhance instructional learning is a practical and

efficient way to create a well-rounded learning experience. This type of constructive learning

eliminates the need for instructors or teachers in the educational process. It empowers students

and includes them in the learning process rather than advocating spoon-feeding.

Education has always been a journey or process that you encounter in today's

time. You are not a student if you do not go through all the hardships that you should go through.

Besides the hardships that you should go through, you need your own techniques that you will be

able to use for your study to become easy for you as you learn, so will not get lazy with the things

you are studying, which are numerous.

According to (Davey, 2023), there are different variety of learning strategies to

prevent you from feeling lazy when faced with piled up tasks. In other words, by employing a variety

of learning strategies, you can create more effective learning pathways that make it easier to

engage with your verbal experiences for personal development.

Significance of the study

This study will be beneficial to the following.

Students with low grades or who are struggling with studying. Through this

research, they will be helped to have a coping mechanism that will benefit them and overcome the

difficulties they face in studying.

Teachers who experience having students with low grades and who are struggling

to learn, this research can help them and guide them in studying. It is possible that they can assist

their students.

School Administration they will benefit from this study by knowing why there are

students who are struggling and have low grades. This study will assist the school in knowing the

reasons, and by this study, they will definitely know the coping mechanisms that the honors

students use so that they can overcome the difficulties they are going through in learning, and it will

help those who study at Recto Memorial National High to study well.

Future researchers can utilize the data and information presented in this paper as

a point of reference for future studies about the correlation between exploring the effective

independent learning strategies employed by students with high honor.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the learning strategies utilized

by students with high honors at Recto Memorial National High School. The data collection method

employed for gathering respondents' insights is through interviews focused on this subject matter.

The scope of this research is limited to the responses provided by a purposively selected 5

respondents from Grade 11 students of Recto Memorial National High School. The study will be

conducted during the Second Semester of the School Year 2023-2024.

This research topic centers on students with high honors during the First

Semester of present School Year who have their own learning style. By concentrating on this group,
the researchers aim to gain a deeper understanding of the specific learning approaches and

techniques that contribute to their academic success.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

I. Demographic Profile of I. Student’s

the Respondent’s in Performance in Terms
Terms of.
a. Track/Strand
a. Written Test
b. First Semester
Average b. Performance Task
c. Quarterly
II. Independent Learning
Strategies employes by

This figure shows the research's Independent and Dependent Variables. This research

paradigm illustrates the relationship between the dependent variable, which is the students'

performance in, and the independent variables, which include the demographic profile of the

respondents. The study aims to explore how these independent variables influence the dependent

variable, particularly focusing on the effectiveness of independent learning strategies among high

honor students. By examining the experiences of high honor students and the impact of their

independent learning strategies, the research seeks to gain insights into enhancing academic

performance in class.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to Explore the effective independent learning strategies employed by

students with high honors specially it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of.

1.1. Track / Strand

1.2. First Semester Average

2. What are the experiences of selected with High Honor Students in terms of

maintaining their high achievements?

3. What are the independent learning strategies employed by selected with high honor


4. In what way does the independent learning strategies effects student's performance

in class?
Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following terms are conceptually defined.

Accompanying - Going hand in hand with something or being closely associated with it.

Attain - To achieve or reach a desired goal or status through persistent effort.

Advantages - something (such as a good position or condition) that helps to make someone or

something better or more likely to succeed than others.

Autonomous learning practices - Self-directed learning methods where individuals take full

responsibility for their learning process.

Academic distinction - Recognition or achievement in the realm of education, often characterized by

outstanding performance or accomplishments.

Academic setting - Environments or contexts related to education and learning.

Constructive - encouraging development, physical or otherwise. It is the opposite of destructive,

which means "tending to destroy."

Correlation - a connection between two or more things, especially when one of them causes or

influences the other.

Critical thinking - is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing,

applying, analyzing.
Data collection - is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an

established systematic fashion.

Development - the process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more

advanced: healthy growth and development.

Education - the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or


Effective - asks how well the health research outputs, outcomes and impact occur.

Epitomize - to serve as the typical or ideal example of.

Equips - supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose.

Experiencing Breakdowns - a period of intense mental distress.

Experiences - he fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct

observation or participation.

Independent learning - a method or learning process where learners have ownership and control of

their learning they learn by their own actions and direct, regulate, and assess their own learning.

Instructional - a plan of teaching & learning activities in which learning is organized. This instructional

plan motivates students to learn. The aim of instruction is to make the learning process take place.

Investigation - the action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic examination or


Learning Approach - focuses on how children learn. It refers to the skills and behaviors that children

use to engage in learning. It incorporates emotional, behavioral, and cognitive self-regulation as well

as initiative, curiosity, and creativity.

Methodologies - a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.

Motivate Students - The drive or inspiration that prompts a student to take action. The actions and

conduct of students in a learning environment.

Paramount - of the greatest importance or significance; pre-eminent.

Policymakers - a member of a government department, legislature, or other organization who is

responsible for making new rules, laws, etc.

Practice - the act of doing something regularly or repeatedly to improve your skill at doing it.

Productive - systematic approaches, strategies, and techniques designed to optimize how we

manage our work time.

RMNHS – Recto Memorial National High School.

Self-driven learning - self-directed learning describes a process in which individuals take the initiative,

with or without the help of others,

Semester - A semester usually means a typical period of learning in school or university. A semester

is equal to a half year and two semesters is certainly a whole year.

Skills necessary - the skills that people need for learning, work, and life.

Strategy - a general plan to achieve one or more long-term or overall goals under conditions of


Students - person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college.

Subtle methods - not immediately obvious or comprehensible. difficult to detect or analyze, often

through being delicate or highly refined: a subtle scent.

Teachers - a person who teaches or instructs, especially as a profession.

Track / Strand - The Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management

(BAM); Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering,

Mathematics (STEM).

With High Honor - a recognition of the student's outstanding academic excellence.

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