Pak Study 3

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Time Allowed: 2 hour & 30 Minutes Total Marks: 110
Attempt All Questions Given Below.
Questions 4 to 8 are from the Muhammad Ayub Khan era, 1958-69.

Q1. Explain Why was Pakistan becoming a nuclear power was significant? [7]

Q2. Explain the circumstances that brought General Pervez Musharraf into power in 1999. [7]

Q3. Pakistan has built good relations with Bangladesh since 1971. ’How far do you agree with this
statement? Explain your answer. [14]

Q4. According to source A, what did Fatima Jinnah wish for the people of Pakistan? [3]

Q5. Who was Fatimah Jinnah? [4]

Read the source below carefully to answer question (6).

Ayub Khan seized power because he had no faith in the democratic parliamentary process, but he
wanted to show that he had the support of the people. He felt it important that all national decisions
were made by the president but believed in controlled democracy. On the first anniversary of his
takeover he introduced the Basic Democracies.

Q6. What were basic Democracies? [4]

Q7. Explain why General Muhammad Ayub Khan came to power in 1958? [7]

Q8. Were the economic reforms of Ayub Khan the most important of his domestic policies in the
‘Decade of Progress’ between 1958 and 1969? Explain your answer. [14]

Q9. Were the challenges facing Benazir Bhutto in Sindh the main reason why she left office in 1990?
Explain your answer. [14]

Q10. To what extend did Benazir Bhutto’s privatization policy contribute to the government being
replaced in 1996? Explain your answer. [14]

Q11. Was the Co-operative Societies scandal the most important reason why Nawaz Sharif fell from
office in 1993? Explain your answer. [14]

Read the source below carefully to answer question (12).

Towards the end of the 1980s Benazir Bhutto was forced to work in a coalition with the MQM
(Mohajir Qaumi Movement), Muslims who had migrated from India to Pakistan. At this time violent
protests increased all over Pakistan; one of these led to the Pucca Qila massacre.

Q12. What was the Pucca Qila massacre? / What happened at Pucca Qila? [4]

Q13. Explain Loss of US Aid & the BCCI Scandal? [4]

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