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Feb 2019

Q.1. write the word TRUE for correct statement and FALSE for an incorrect statement in
the space provided (18marks) Part i poultry)
(i) Pheasant and parrot are domestic birds (…………..)
(ii) Eggs are incubated narrow side end up (……….…)
(iii) Duration immunity vaccine for poultry is ≤ 3 months (………)
(iv) Bad behavior of poultry is called cannibalism (……………..)
(v) Wooden peg is used for adjustment artificial brooder. (………… )
(vi) Fertile eggs are used for vaccines in Industry (…………)
(vii) Poultry includes all avian and game birds (…………)
(viii) Mareks disease vaccine is given to a bird aging one month (………….)
(ix) Poultry are classified according to varieties (…………)
(x) Poultry have economical value in ritual and tradition healers (……………)
(xi) Wet condition leads an outbreak of coccidiosis in artificial brooder (……..….)
(xii) Egg shells are mineral supplement for poultry (……………………)
(xiii) Litter materials are changed for each chick broody (…………………)
(xiv) Meat type birds is called broilers (…………….)
(xv) Time for natural brooding is 6-8months (………………)
(xvi) kuchi is a local breed chiken from Tanzania (………….)
(xvii) Light stimulates pituitary gland for egg production (…………………)
(xviii) Hatching nest are placed in high light intensity (……………………).

Model answer for question 1 section of poultry:

(i)TRUE (ii)FALSE (iii)TRUE (iv)FALSE (v)TRUE (vi) TRUE (vii) FALSE (viii) FALSE (ix)
TRUE (x) TRUE( xi)TRUE (xii)TRUE (xiii)TRUE (xiv) TRUE (xv)FALSE (xvi)TRUE
(xvii)TRUE (xviii)FALSE

Part ii rabbits. (16marks)

(i) Kindling box is used to secure heat (………….)
(ii) Rabbits are small ruminants mammals (……………).
(iii) Rabbits show signs of heat during breeding (…………….)
(iv) Rabbit kids are born with full hair (…………)
(v) Chinchila is the heavy breeds rabbits (…………)
(vi) Rabbits are classified as herbivores (……………..)
(vii) Rabbits are pseudo ruminants (……………)
(viii) Rabbits are low prolific animals (……….…)
(ix) Kids of rabbits are born while blind (……………..)
(x) A fish meal is used to feed rabbits (………..)
(xi) Rabbits and hare are domestic animals (…………)
(xii) Rabbit’s carcass contains high cholesterol (…………)
(xiii) Late weaning for rabbits kids are 30-40 days old (…………).
(xiv) Rabbits have low growth rates compared to poultry (…………).
(xv) A rabbit feeds on the kitchen scraps (……..…)
(xvi) One doe rabbits produce 6-8 litter per year (…………..)



Q.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct word :( 12 mark)

(i) Gestation period for a pregnant rabbits is …………..........................................
(ii) Mature female rabbit is called…………………………………………………..
(iii) Act of giving birth in pregnant rabbits called………………………………….
(iv) Practice of accepting rabbits kids of other litter is called …………………..........
(v) Rabbits kids starts to utilize feed at age of ……………………………………..
(vi) Mating ratio for one breeding buck is ………………………………………….
(vii) Age at first mating for small breed is …………………………………………..
(viii) Pregnancy diagnosis in rabbits is done by abdomen …………………………..
(ix) Action where by rabbits eating its fecal materials is called……………………
(x) Possible life span of rabbits is …………………...............................................
(xii) A kid of rabbits born with average weight of…………………………………..
(xii) Dressing percentages for rabbits meat ranges between ………………………..

Model answer question 2, part of rabbits filling branks.

(i) 28-34 days depends on the breed (ii) Doe (iii) kindling (iv) fostering (v)
21days/3weeks (vi) 1:10 (vii)3-5months (viii) palpation
(ix) caecotrophy (x) 12-18 years (xi) 3weeks (xii) 40-60 gm

Part ii: poultry :( 25 marks)

(i) A male chicken before reaches maturity age is called…………………………
(ii) A female chicken before reaches maturity age is called ………………………
(iii) Development of the embryo of fertile egg into chick called……………….…
(iv) A Place where chicks are raised is called ………………………………….…
(v) Ration feed for chicks aged 0-5 weeks old is called …………………………...
(vi) Optimum temperature for egg incubation is ………………………………..
(vii) Vaccination regime for Newcastle in poultry is 3 days, 3weeks, 3months
(viii) Process of removing infertile eggs from incubator machine is called …………
(ix) Optimum age for early debeaking is ……………..…………………………….
(x) Practices of removing inferior poultry in the flock is called ……………………
(xi) Relative humidity for eggs incubation is …………………….……………….
(xii) A machine used for hatching eggs is called ……………………..……………..
(xiii) Eggs for incubation with dirty are washed with warm water or ………………
(xiv) The process of removing a comb day old chicks is called …………………….
(xv) A device used for sex determination of chicks is called ………………………..
(xvi) A male chick before maturity…………………
(xvii) A mature female bird……………………………………………….
(xviii) Feather patten in poultry…………………………………………..
(xix) A system of poultry production where by birds are totally confined……………
(xx) Feeds for layers required to increase laying of chickens………………………
(xxi) The place for hatching eggs………………………………………..
(xxii) Artificial device for hatching eggs………………………………
(xxiii) Artificial device for raising chicks…………………………………
(xxiv) A female rabbit…………………………..
(xxv) A rabbit house…………………………………

Model answer question 2, part of poultry filling branks

(i) Cockerel (ii) pullet (iii) hutching (iv) brooder. (v)chick starter mash (vi) 370C (vii)every
3months (viii)candling (ix) 21 days old (x) culling (xi)50-60% (xii)incubator (xiii) dilute
acids (xiv) dubbing (xv) optical instrument (xvi) pullet (xvii) hen (xviii) plumage (ix)
intensive (xx) layer mash (xi) hatchery (xii) incubator (xiii) brooder (xiv) doe (xv) hutch

Qn3. Write the letter of the correct answer in space provided (25marks)

(i)Mating ratio for one cock is: - (a) 1:10 (b) 2:10 (c) 3:10 (d) 4:10 ( )

(ii)(xi)Mating ration for one buck is:- (a) 1:10 (b) 2: 10 (c)1: 30 (d)3:10 ()

(iii)Weight of incubation chicken eggs is :- (a) 50 - 60 gm (b)30 - 40gm (c) 7 - 100gm (d) 70 -
80gm ( )

(iv)Chinchilla and Angola rabbits are:-

(a)Heavy breed (b) medium breed (c) small breed (d) dwarf breed ( )

(v )Optimum temperature for incubation is (a) 26.30 C (b)370 C (c) 410C (d) 1000 C ( )

(vi)Rabbits belong to the genus called:-

(a)Oryctolagus (b)Leporidae (c)cunniculus (d)Lagomorpha ( )

(vii) High light intensity in poultry house results (a) high eggs production (b) low egg
production (c) small egg production (d) low laying period period ( )

(viii)Germany and Italy is leading for:-

(a)Rabbits production (b) poultry production (c) camels production (d) sheep and goat
production ( )
(ix) Natural brooding ends;-
(a) 3- 4 weeks (b) 6-8 weeks (c) 1-2 weeks (d) 3- 4months ( )

(x)Respiratory ailment in rabbits is called:-

(a) Snuffles (b) molting (c) bunnies (d) vaiaties ( )

(xi) Poultry vaccination helps to;-

(a) Control bacterial disease (b) increase artificial immunity (c)Reduce resistance (d)control
cost of treatments and increase immunity ( )

(xii)Mating process in rabbits involves:-

(a) Takes a buck to Doe cages (b) Takes a Doe to Buck cages ( )
(c) Keeping both Doe and Buck on the same cage (d) takes outside both Doe and Bucks outside
of the cage

(xiii)Chingwekwe and Bluch are local poultry breeds from:-

(a) Tanzania (b) Zambia (c) Kenya (d) Malawi ( )

(xiv) Poultry sector in Tanzania contributes to Gross domestic products (GDP)

(a)50% (b)5.4% (c) 30% (d) 80% ( )

(xv) Rabbits carcass rich in :-

(a) High cholesterol (b) low cholesterol (c)minerals and vitamin (d)protein and energy
( )
(xvi) Possible life span of rabbits is:-
(a) 50 years (b) 10-15 years ( c) 2years (d) 1 years ( )

(xvii)The following are English breeds except:-

(a)Orpington (b)Dorking and Sussex
(c)Australorp (d)Leghorns andRhode Island Red ( )

(xviii) Feed consumed by pregnant rabbits per day is:-

(a)114-120gm (b)85-100gm (c)60-70 gm (d) 30-40 gm ( )

(xix)Leaves the hatched chicks in incubator for:-

(a)1 day (b) 4 days (c) 5 days (d) 6 days ( )

(xx) Domestic Rabbits and guinea pig are:-

(a) Herbivores (b) carnivores (c) omnivores (d)hetrores ( )

(xxi)Space requirements for laying hen are:-

(a) 35x35x40cm (b) 45x45x90cm (c)60x60x60cm (d) 60x70x90cm ( )

(xxii) A newly kid of rabbits it doubles weight within:-

(a) 2-4 days (b) through out of their life (c) 7-14 days (d) 14-21 days ( )

(xxiii) Ammoniated smell in poultry results into:-

(a) High growth rate (b) poor production performance (c) medium growth rate
(d) high and low growth rate ( )

(Xiv) Egg turning during incubation helps to:-

(a) Ensure equal distribution of heat. (b)high growth rate (c) reduce mortality
(d) Brings high and low nutrients into the embryo ( )

(xxv) Breeds used for meat fur production is:-

(a)Frolida (b) Dutch (c) chinchilla (d) Angola ( )

Model answer for question 3 (Multiple choice)

(i)a (ii)a (iii)a (iv)c (v) b (vi)a (vii) d (viii)a (ix) b (x)a (xi) d (xii)a (xiii)a (xiv) b (xv) b (xvi)
(xvii) d (xviii)a (xix) a (xx)a (xxi)a (xxii)a (xxiii)b (xxiv)a (xxv) d

Qn.4A. (i)List (15 marks)

(a) Five (5) classification modern chicken (5marks)
(b) Five (5) discipline and good management practices in rabbits (5marks)
(c) Five (5) types of rabbits records (5marks)

Model answer for question 4A List

(a) Five (5) classification of modern chicken( each 1 mark ).
 Asiatic breed
 American breed
 Mediterranean breed
 English breed
 Local/ un improved /indigenous
(b) Five (5) discipline and good management practices in rabbits (1mark each )
 Management of nutrition : supplying an adequate and wholesome diet for the rabbits
 Management of health: watching for disease and responding appropriately to it.
 Management of reproduction: breeding the rabbits to maintain a steady supply of bunnies.
 Management of genetics: seeking males unrelated to the flock to avoid inbreeding
 Management of the environment: Cleaning in and around cages

(c) Any five (5) types of record ( 1marks each)

 Breeding stock record ie shows name of the farm, region village and owner of the farm
 Suckling rabbits records ie shows time the when to wean ie 30-40days early weaning, 40-56
days for late weaning
 Growing rabbits records ie shows gaining weight in usually in weekly basis
 Finishing rabbits records ie shows correlation weight with gain ie 500gm at age of 60days
 Animal Feed records ie feed consumption per day
 Litter records ie group of rabbits kindling the same doe at the same time.
Qn.4A. (ii) Match items

Match the terms in column I with the corresponding statement in column II use the match panel
provided (15marks)
A: Broiler starter mash (a)Feed from 26 week -96 week old age A…………..
B: Broiler finisher mash (b)Only 1%Ca is required in the ration B……………
C: chick starter mash (c)Feed from 5-8 week old age C……………
D:Grower’s Mash (d)Feed from 0 -5 week old age D……………
E: Layer’s Mash (e)Feed from 0 – 8 week old age E……………
(f)Feed from 8 weeks to 20 weeks
(g)high in Ca content between 3-4%

A:Pigeon (a)45 days A………………..
B:Ostrich (b)21 days B…………………..
C:Pheasant (c)33 days C………………….
D:Turkeys (d)42 days D……………….
E:Muscovy ducks (e)24 days F………………
(f)28 days
(g)17 days

A:Dutch (a)Variable in color A………………..
B:New Zealand (b)White color with red eyes B………………….
White: .
C:New Zealand (c)Red in color coat C………………….
D:Californian (d) Wide white band of fur around its body at the shoulders D……………….
as well as the middle of its face.
E:Chinchilla (e)It is all white in colour and usually weighs 3-5kg when F………………
(f)blue-grey in colour with a white belly.
(g)The colour is all white but with black tipping on the
nose, ears, feet and tail.

A: Gestation period (a) 28-33 days A………………..
B: weaning period (b) 60-84 days B………………….
C: Pregnancy diagnosis (c) 56 days C………………….
D: litter size (d) 14-15 days D……………….
E: pseudo pregnancy (e)10-14 kids F………………
(f) 6-8 kids
(g) 18 days

Model answer for question 4a match panel

A d
B c
C e
D f
E g

Qn 4a.(ii) MATCH PANEL

A g
B d
C e
D f
E c

Qn 4a.(iii) MATCH PANEL

A d
B e
C c
D g
E f

Qn 4a.(iv) MATCH PANEL

A a
B c
C d
D f
E g

Qn. 4 (b).Define the following terminologies (2marks@) total (38marks)

(i) Artificial brooder
(ii) Natural brooder
(iii) Artificial incubation
(iv)Natural incubation
(v) Brooding
(vii) Brooding period
(viii) Incubation
(ix)Chick sexing
(x) Pullet
(xi)Chick starter mash
(xii) Debeaking

(i) Doe
(ii) Caecotrophy
(iii) Rabbits
(iv) Hutch
(v) Kindling
(vi) Fostering
(vii) Litter


(v) Phasinidae family types of birds.( each 1 mark)

 Chickens (Domestic fowl- Gallus gallus)
 Turkeys (Meleagris galloparo)
 Japanese quail (Cortunix cortunix)
 Guinea fowl (Numida spp.)
 Pigeons (Columbia livia)
 Ostrich (Struthio spp.)
 Pea fowl (Pavo spp.).

(vi)Five (5) requirements for simple brooder preparation each 1 mark)

 Ceiling board
 Any source of heat ie electricity power (bulb), hurricane lamp, charcoal etc.
 Litter materials ie wood shaving, saw dust, rice hulls etc.
 Wooden peg for adjustment heat artificial brooder
 Absorbent paper cover
 Chain for suspending hover ie peace of wire

(vii) Five equipment found in rabbit house ( each 1 mark).

 Water trough
 Food trough
 Kindling box
 Roughages rack
 Litter box
(viii) ) Factors affecting rabbits conception ( each 1 mark )
 under weight
 The cage is too hot
 Diseases ie sickness
 Bred too soon after weaning the last litter
 Poor nutrition
 She is too old

4(b).Define the following terminologies each worth 2marks

(i) Artificial brooder-Is the place where chicks are raised by using artificial devices e.g.
Artificial heat and other source of heat.

(ii) Natural brooding- this is when a hen is allowed to sit on its chicks to provide natural
heat and always takes 6-8 weeks.
• (iii) Artificial incubator-Is an artificial device used in the hatching of eggs during
artificial incubation OR Is a machine where eggs are kept warm until hatching

(iv) Natural incubation-it’s done naturally by using a broody hen, the hen sit on the eggs until
they hatch it provides requirements of temperature and humidity

(v) Brooding-Is the rising of very young chick for the early care of life, Brooding can be
accomplished by the setting hen or by humans acting as surrogate mothers

(vi) Hatching-: is the process whereby a chick emerges from the egg, this process take place in
the last three days of incubation when the fully developed embryo pips the membrane then the
egg shell and breaks out of it.

(vii)Brooding period-Is the time taken from hatching until the chick no longer needs any form
of supplementary heat

(viii) Incubation-Is the process of providing desirable condition to eggs either by natural means
or artificial means until they are hatched. OR Is the development of the embryo of fertile egg
into chick, the incubation period varies with different species of birds

(ix) Chick sexing-Is the separation of male from female chick at a day old chick for breeding
purpose and other issues related with production.

(x)Pullet-A female chick before maturity ranges 8 -20 weeks age old.

(xi)Broiler starter mashThis is animal feeds for meat type birds from 0-5 weeks. It is high in
digestible nutrients with CP content of 20 – 23% to carter for rapid growth of chicks and
12.6mj/kg DM to carter rapid growth of chicks

(xii)Debeaking This refers cutting upper part of the poultry mouth at early or old age, cut off ¼
to 1/2of upper beak by using sharp knife, side cutters, or electric debeaker

(i) Doe-A mature female rabbit kindled once and on wards kept for breeding purposes
(ii) (ii) caecotrophy-is eating of a faecal like pellets produced in the caecum for the
purpose to recycle some of un observed nutrients.
(iii) (iii)Rabbits-are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Logomorpha
which is completely herbivores and pseudo ruminants.

(iv)Hutch-A rabbit house where animals utilized time for entire life

(v)Kindling- Acting of giving birth of pregnant rabbits and usually takes place with in 28-34
days after conceiving.

(vi) Fostering is the practice of getting the doe to accept rabbits kids from another litter which
kindled with interval of 2-3 days old age.

(vii)Litter is the number of kid kindled by the same Doe at the same always its vary from 6-8

Q.5.Explain any five (50 marks)

(i) Five (5) limitations rabbit production in tropics (10marks)

(ii) Five (5) importance of culling birds at any stage of life (10 marks)
(iii) Five (5) difference between natural brooding artificial brooding (Using tabular form)
(iv) Five (5) factors affecting egg hatchability (10 marks)
(v) Five (5) advantages of record keeping in poultry and rabbits farms (10 marks)


(i) Five (5) limitations rabbit’s production in tropics (2marks each).

 Acceptability ie some of people have negative impacts to rabbits, taboos or
unaccustomed to eating rabbits meat includes cultural and religious believes
 High temperature experienced in tropics has great effect on rabbits production, leads
 Disease and parasites Such as enteritis, snuffles etc prevent rabbits from reaching its
 Nutrition Poor balanced diet may impair growth rate, reproduction, health and hence
lower production
 Poor genetic potential some of breed has low genetic potential in terms of environment
 Technical know how and poor recording ie how to construct rabbits house, feeding,
disease control and other managements activities

(ii) Five (5) importance of culling birds at any stage of life (2 marks each tick)
 To minimize disease spread, in most cases unproductive birds are disease carriers.
 To increase profit – feed the productive birds the unproductive birds perpetuated on
poultry house increase cost and decrease profit.
 To leave more space for productive birds
 Increase production – birds left over will produce more and at low production cost.
 To provide healthy and early maturity, birds accelerated weight gain in hygienically
reared birds.
Natural brooding Artificial brooding
1.A process require animals ie brooding hen chicks are raised by by using artificial devices e.g.
artificial heat,
2.Few numbers of chicks are raised Many numbers of chicks are raised
3. Brooding takes more time 6-8 weeks Brooding takes few time 4-6 weeks and less time consuming Expensive ways of brooding and require highly care
5.mostly used by small producers Are practiced by and commercially producers

(iv) Five (5) factors affecting egg hatchability (2 marks each tick)
 Nutrition
 Disease and parasites
 Management – sex ration
 Lack of sex interest
 Hereditary factors
 Handling and storage of eggs

(v) Five (5) advantages of record keeping in poultry and rabbits (10 marks)
 Helps in managerial decision for example culling, weaning, slaughtering and feeding
 Determines profits and costs at a particular time during production for example
percentage returns on invested capital, operating expense and interest rate.
 Comparison efficiencies of the enterprise with sector with in the farm for example feed
conversion ratio, feed consumption and daily gain
 Preparation annual budget, plans and apply for credits
 Control disease especially venereal disease that being transmitted from one generation to
 Helps in selection a young breeding stock, the appearance may be important but breeding
history of the parents found through referring to records

Q.6.Describe any (50 marks)

(i)Three (3) types of intensive and two types extensive system used poultry production
(ii)Five (5) ways used to control vices and cannibalism in poultry production (10 marks)
(iii)Five (5) ways of management of lying flock (10marks)
(iv) Five (5) Characteristics of good layer poultry (10marks)
(v)Five (5) Procedures for sexing identification in young rabbits (10 marks).


(i)Types of intensive system under poultry production

(i)Deep litter system
 Birds are fully confined within a house 3 to 4 birds/m²) but can
move around freely.
 The floor is covered with a deep litter (5 to 10 cm deep layer) of
grain husks (maize or rice), straw, wood shavings or a similarly
absorbent, non-toxic material (2mark
(ii)Slatted floor house system
 Wire or wooden slatted floors are used instead of deep litter,
which allow stocking rates to be increased to five birds/m² of
floor space
 Birds have reduced contact with faeces and are allowed some
freedom of movement, Faeces can be collected from below the
slatted floor and used as fertilizer (2marks).
iii)Battery cage system
 This is usually used for laying birds, which are kept throughout their
productive life in small cages. There is a high initial capital investment, and
the system is mostly confined to large-scale commercial egg layer operations.
 Cages are 450 mm deep x 450 mm high x 100 mm per bird with an egg cradle
extending to 150mm. (2marks)
Types of extensive system used in poultry production
 Free to Range/Scavenging system:
Poultry that are actually free to range, tend to be the village poultry, or scavenging poultry, kept
by smallholders and households in tropical areas and usually number of domestic birds ranges
between 5-15 but for commercially for each one hector is 125 birds (2marks)
 Backyard Extensive Systems
Under these systems, poultry are housed at night but allowed free-range during the day. They are
usually fed grain in the morning and evening to supplement scavenging(2marks)

(ii). Ways used to control vices and cannibalism in a poultry production

(i) Feed dry mash adlib to keep the birds occupied.
 Provide limestone grit as a source of calcium
 Nest should be in the darkest part of the house having socks hanging from the top
to prevent the here selling the eggs

 Avoid Overcrowding because of keeping too many birds in a small space, not
observing stocking rate.
 Avoid Introducing a strange bird as a replacement into a flock. .
 Green staff by hanging them up 60 – 75 cm above the ground for the birds to
reach and so keeps them occupied.
 Debeaking
 Darken room
 Paint window
 put sacks or paper over windows and be sure there is just enough light so chicks
can see to eat

(iii) Five (5) ways of management of lying flock (2marks each tick )
(i) Disease control - Proper treatment of sick birds
- Isolation
- Regular deworming and dusting
- Routine vaccination
(ii) Housing condition - Ventilation
- Floor space
(iii) Hygiene - Feeding
- Watering
(iv) Feeding - Adequate
- Balanced
- Regular
(v) Vices: - Egg eating
- Feather pecking
- Cannibalism
(iv) Characteristics of good layer (2marks each tick)
 Comb and wattles warm, large, fully developed, bright red and waxy in
 Face –bright red
 vent- enlarged, moist, wide, oval in shape
 Pubic bones – spread a part, pliable, room for three to four fingers between the
pubic bone
 Abdomen- expand and soft, room for three to four fingers between pubic bones
and keel.
 Eyes- bright and clear
 Hens having yellow pigment

(v) Procedures for sex identification in young rabbits (each tick 2 maks)
 Balance the rabbit on the forearm with the hand under the rump and its head extend to
wards the heel of the hand.
 Use the index finger to press the tail back and down.
 Use the thumb and index finger of another hand to manipulates the sex parts
 Place down on the several organs gently but with enough pressure to expose the reddish
mucous membrane.
 male genitals are round and pop up and female genitals are oval

Qn.1. you are provided by specimen X and Y, Identifytheir sex(10 Marks)
Materilias required: Two (2) domestic rabbits (kids) 10
Model answer: X is A female (5marks)
Y is A male (5marks)
Qn.2. Design individual Doe record keeping (10 marks)
Materials required: pencil and rulers

Model answer

TIME 5minutes/student.
Qn1 You are provided with the following specmen identify the specmen with their functions

Specimen Functions

Material required
Litter material
Ceiling board

Model answer

Specimen Functions
F1 Drinker Woter proviosin for chiken
F2 Litter material Bedding material for poultry
F3 Debeaker Cutting poultry beak
F4 Feeder Feeding proviosin for poultry
F5 Ceiling board Construction of brooder

Qn.2.Demonstrates procedures for pregnancy diagnosis (10 marks)

Procedur i ii iii iv v Total



Specimen requirements
Ten (10) Breeding Rabbits (Doe)

S ACTIVITY Marks allocated Marks scored

1 Restrain the breeding rabbits (Doe) 2

2 Take the female in one hand and with the other gently 2

3 squeeze her abdomen high up toward her back bone 2

4 You will feel some balls the size of marbles., These are 2
her young

5 Do this gently you will injure the rabbit or her young 2

SET III Time 5 inutes/student

Q1. You are provided with specimen F1

i. Identify the specimen 2 marks
ii. State function of the specimen in poultry house 2 marks
iii. What are the source of dampness of the specimen 2 marks
iv. What are diseases associated with dampness of the specimen 2 marks
v. Write down how to maintain clean less of specimen in poultry house 2
Dump litter material

Model answer
i. Dump litter material
ii. Bedding material
iii. Water,poulty droppings,contaminated feeds
iv. Coccidiosis
v. Clean when become damp

Qn.2. Demonstrate proper ways of poultry handling (10 marks) (Time 1minute/step)

Materials required
20 chickens
5 invigilators
Large venue
NB. Number of students 78
S ACTIVITY Marks allocated Marks scored

1 Restrain the poultry on your hand. 2

2 Use one hand to handle a bird 2

3 Tight your toe to the one of the wing. 2

4 A finger after the toe should be between two legs of birds and 2
Other three fingers should tight other wing.

5 A palm of the hand should lay on the breast of bird. Direction 2

for bird: Vent should be directed away from your face and head
should face you


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