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(TB-DQAS) S.Y 2023-2024

First Quarter
Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Grade & Section:________________________________________ Score: _______________

I. Read and understand the story. Then, answer the questions that follow.

One hot day, a crow looked for water. He found a pitcher of water. He tried to drink it, but the top was too narrow. He could not
fit his beak in the small opening. There was no way to drink the water. He turned one way and then the other. He moved from side to
side. His beak was just too big.
He was so thirsty. He stopped and rested. As he sat, he noticed a pile of pebbles. He had an idea.
Using his large beak, he picked up the small stones one at a time. He dropped each into the pitcher. As they filled the jug, the
water began to rise.
Hot and tired, he continued placing the tiny rocks into the container. Finally, the water was close to the top. The clever crow
drank and drank
Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Who is the main character in the story?
a. crow b. c. d.
2. What was the problem the crow faced when he found the pitcher of water?
a. The water was too hot to drink.
b. The water was too cold to drink.
c. The top of the pitcher was too narrow for his beak.
d. The pitcher was too heavy to carry.
3. How did the crow try to solve the problem of drinking from the pitcher?
a. He asked for help from other birds.
b. He used his wings to scoop out the water.
c. He turned the pitcher upside down.
d. He dropped small stones into the pitcher to raise the water level.
4. What is the story all about?
a. A thirsty crow wanted some water to drink.
b. There was some water at the bottom of the pitcher.
c. A crow noticed a pile of pebbles, picked them up, and dropped them into the pitcher.
d. A thirsty crow wanted water from a pitcher so he filled it with stones to raise the water level for him to drink.
5. How did the crow feel after he finally got to drink from the pitcher?
a. He felt hungry. c. He felt thirsty.
b. He felt tired. d. He felt happy.
6. How might the story have ended if the crow couldn't find any pebbles?
a. The crow remained thirsty and flew away.
b. The crow called out for help from other birds in the forest.
c. The crow tried to drink from the pitcher one more time, hoping it would work.
d. The crow took a nap and forgot about the pitcher.
7. The crow found a __________ of water.
pitchers a. b. c.
8. The crow noticed a pile of _________.
a. pebbles’ b. c. d.
9. The _________ were happy listening to the story of the crow.
a. children b. c. d.
10. Which word in the sentence, "The clever crow drank and drank," is a common noun?
a. clever b. c. d.
11."The clever crow, named Oliver,dropped pebbles into the pitcher to raise the water level." Which of the following words is a
proper noun?
a. pitcher b. c. d.
12. Which of the following is a simple sentence from the story?
a. "The crow looked for water."
b. "The crow found a pitcher of water, but it was too narrow."
c. "The crow was thirsty, so he rested."
d. “a pile of pebbles”
13. Which sentence from the story is a compound sentence?
a. "The crow was so thirsty."
b. "He looked for water."
c. "Using his large beak"
d. "The crow rested, and he looked for pebbles."
14. Which sentence from the story is an example of an interrogative sentence?
a. "The crow found a pitcher of water."
b. "Could the crow drink the water?"
c. "The crow dropped pebbles into the pitcher."
d. "The crow was so thirsty."
15. "The crow found a pitcher of water." What kind of sentence is this?
a. declarative sentence c. interrogative sentence
b. exclamatory sentence d. Imperative sentence
16. Which sentence from the story is an example of an exclamatory sentence?
a. "The crow rested because he was tired."
b. "Wow, the crow was really smart!"
c. "Drop the pebbles into the pitcher."
d. “He found a pitcher of water"
II.Read the continuation of the story and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of your answer.
A New Adventure
Now that he wasn't thirsty, the crow felt full of energy and ready for a new adventure. He spread his wings and flew high
into the sky. He flew through the forest,explored the treetops and made new friends with other birds.
17. What did the crow do when he felt full of energy?
a. He took a nap.
b. He spread his wings and flew high into the sky.
c. He stayed by the pitcher.
d. He sat on a tree branch.
18. Where did the crow fly during his adventure?
a. He stayed in one place.
b. He swam in a river.
c. He went underground.

d. He explored the treetops.

19. How did the crow feel after making new friends with other birds?
a. tired and lonely c. scared and sad
b. happy and excited d. angry and hungry
20. Which diary entry shows what the crow did during his new adventure?
a. "Dear Diary, I stayed in one place and didn't do anything."
b. "Dear Diary, I explored the treetops and made new friends with other birds."

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