The Test-Statistic Value For The Population Mean: Lesson 14.1

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Lesson 14.

The Test-Statistic Value for

the Population Mean
Learning Competency

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to

compute for the test-statistic value (population mean)

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to

do the following:
● Accurately identify the population mean, sample
mean, population standard deviation, and sample
standard deviation in a given problem.

● Correctly solve for the test-statistic value for the

population mean of a given problem.
In the previous lesson, you learned how to create hypotheses in
a given situation.
This is especially helpful in the field of production, where you
need to assess whether to accept a product or not, such as
checking the quality of beverages.
After you have created your hypotheses, the next thing to do is
to test this hypothesis. To do that, you have to determine the
test statistic value. In this lesson, you will learn about the
test-statistic value for the population mean.
Essential Questions
Learn about It!

Test Statistic
This is a quantity calculated from a sample data. This is used to
decide whether the null hypothesis should be rejected in a
hypothesis test
Learn about It!

Learn about It!

Learn about It!

Learn about It!

Learn about It!

Learn about It!

Learn about It!

Try it!Practice
Solution to Let’s Practice

Solution to Let’s Practice

Try it!Practice
Solution to Let’s Practice

Solution to Let’s Practice

Solution to Let’s Practice

Try It!

Individual Practice:
Try It!

Group Practice: To be done in groups of three

A new drug in the market is claimed by its manufacturers

to reduce acne marks in 14 days of continuous use with a
standard deviation of 2.15 days. One hundred test users
were chosen and reported to reduce acne marks to none in
12.56 days. What is the test statistic for the problem?
Key Points

● The test statistic is a quantity calculated from a sample

data. It is used to decide whether the null hypothesis
should be rejected in a hypothesis test.
Key Points
Key Points
Nigam, Vibhor. “Statistical Tests — When to use Which?” Towards Data Science. Retrieved 21 August
2019 from

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