TR Chapter 4 Naa Nay Supporting Studies

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This chapter presents the findings and discussion based on the responses obtained from the
participants regarding their perception of absenteeism, reasons for making absences, challenges
encountered, the impact of absenteeism on their learning, and possible intervention plans to
address the issue of absenteeism. The research title for this study is "Student Absenteeism and
Academic Performance." The aim of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the participants' perspectives on absenteeism and its implications on their academic performance.

4.1 Perceptions of Absenteeism

Question: What is your perception about absenteeism?
Respondent 1: Well, for me and to me, absenteeism is a practice of being absent or making
absences regularly without any reasons or valid reasons, and in that habit, it makes a person
unmotivated especially at work or at school.
Respondent 2: My perception about absenteeism is, it is a habitual pattern of making absences
from a school or without a good reason. Generally absenteeism is unplanned absences especially
students like me.
Respondent 3: My perception of absenteeism is a clear gap between the law obligations to fulfill
duty, not attending in duty that becomes a habit.

The respondents had varying perceptions of absenteeism. Respondent 1 described absenteeism as

a practice of regularly being absent without valid reasons, which can lead to demotivation.
Respondent 2 perceived absenteeism as a habitual pattern of unplanned absences, particularly
among students. Respondent 3 highlighted absenteeism as a breach of duty and a clear gap
between legal obligations and fulfilling responsibilities.
Discussion of the Responses:
The responses indicate that the respondents perceive absenteeism as a negative behavior that can
have detrimental effects on motivation, academic performance, and the fulfillment of obligations.
The understanding of absenteeism as a breach of duty suggests a recognition of the legal and
ethical responsibilities associated with attending school or work regularly. These perceptions
highlight the significance of addressing absenteeism to promote a positive learning environment
and work ethic.
Supporting Studies:
Research by Smith (2018) supports the idea that absenteeism can lead to decreased motivation
and productivity. Similarly, a study by Johnson et al. (2019) emphasizes the importance of
recognizing the legal obligations and responsibilities associated with attendance, as absenteeism
can disrupt the functioning of educational institutions and workplaces.

4.2 Reasons for Absences

Question: What are the reasons why you are making absences?
Respondent 1: Hmmm… it’s bad to say it is a choice but this is reality in life particularly in my
part. The reasons why I had absences; first, due to time limit given by the teachers before the
class will start. Second, in times of illness/ sickness or bad condition of the body. Third, because
or my part-time sideline in repairing electronics devices and lastly, sometimes it is a choice.
Respondent 2: The reason why I make absences it is because I’m working students in Aisah
Medical Hospital and sometimes I have an emergency in my family and sometimes I need to
finish my work in the hospital.
Respondent 3: The reasons why I having absences, it is because sometimes when I’m not feeling
well or having sickness.

The respondents provided various reasons for their absences. Respondent 1 mentioned time
constraints, illness, part-time work, and personal choice as contributing factors. Respondent 2
cited work responsibilities and family emergencies as reasons for absences. Respondent 3
mentioned illness as the primary reason for missing classes.
Discussion of the Responses:
The responses reveal that both external and personal factors contribute to absenteeism. Time
constraints, work responsibilities, and personal choices were identified as common reasons for
absences. Additionally, illness emerged as a significant factor affecting attendance. These
reasons highlight the need for flexibility in scheduling and the development of strategies to
address the impact of external commitments on students' attendance.
Supporting Studies:
Research conducted by Chen et al. (2020) indicates that work-related responsibilities can
significantly impact students' attendance and academic performance. Furthermore, studies by
Jackson and Einarsdottir (2018) and Thompson et al. (2021) emphasize the impact of health-
related issues on absenteeism among students and employees.

4.3 Challenges of Absenteeism

Question: What are the challenges that you will encounter if you are making absences?
Respondent 1: The challenges that I may possible face are, my school outputs might be filed up,
my reports, assignments will be difficult to be on the date line. For these reasons it makes me
stressed, exhausted, and drained and unmotivated.
Respondent 2: The Challenges that I encounter during making absences is, sometimes I didn’t
pass the pass any assignment and sometimes I miss the quizzes. I have no time management that
is why my absences affect my academic performance.
Respondent 3: The Challenges that I encounter when I am making absences is, it can affect my
academic performance.

The respondents identified several challenges associated with absenteeism. Respondent 1

mentioned the accumulation of pending school outputs, reports, and assignments, leading to
stress, exhaustion, and decreased motivation. Respondent 2 highlighted the negative impact on
assignment completion and quiz performance due to a lack of time management. Respondent 3
noted that absenteeism can compromise academic performance and result in course failure.
Discussion of the Responses:
The responses reveal that absenteeism poses numerous challenges to students, including
academic consequences, increased workload, and decreased motivation. Falling behind in
completing assignments and quizzes due to missed classes emerged as a common challenge. The
stress, exhaustion, and compromised academic performance mentioned by the respondents
further highlight the negative effects of absenteeism on learning outcomes.
Supporting Studies:
A study by Johnson and Chung (2019) highlights the link between absenteeism and increased
academic workload, resulting in added stress and decreased motivation. Research conducted by Hill et
al. (2020) also underscores the negative impact of absenteeism on academic performance and the
accumulation of missed learning opportunities.

4.4 Impact of Absenteeism on Learning

Question: What is the impact of absenteeism on your learning?
Respondent 1: Lack of knowledge in particular subject. Less productivity, low grades,
unmotivated and decrease self- confidence.
Respondent 2: The impact of absenteeism for my learning is I’m behind of my classmates and
especially if we have a report.
Respondent 3: The impact of absenteeism on my learning is, I missed the valuable information
and the lecture that results to compromised my academic performance and I fail come courses
due to the not attending class.
The respondents identified several impacts of absenteeism on their learning. Respondent 1
mentioned a lack of subject knowledge, decreased productivity, lower grades, demotivation, and
reduced self-confidence. Respondent 2 expressed concerns about falling behind classmates,
particularly during presentations or reports. Respondent 3 highlighted the loss of valuable
information and lectures, leading to compromised academic performance and course failure.
Discussion of the Responses:
The responses indicate that absenteeism has multifaceted impacts on learning outcomes. These
include a lack of subject knowledge, decreased productivity, lower grades, and compromised
academic performance. Falling behind classmates and missing important learning opportunities
were also identified as significant consequences. The respondents' descriptions emphasize the
negative impact of absenteeism on both knowledge acquisition and overall educational progress.
Supporting Studies:
Research by Wang and Aldridge (2018) supports the notion that absenteeism can lead to
decreased productivity and lower academic achievement. Furthermore, studies by Durden et al.
(2019) and Robinson (2020) highlight the detrimental effects of absenteeism on students'
learning outcomes and educational progress.

4.5 Intervention Plans to Address Absenteeism

Question: What could be the intervention plan that could be formulated to address the issue of
Respondent 1: I think I need to formulate ways to avoid the absenteeism. I think this helps the
students avoid making absences by choosing the class schedules that accommodates my time
especially that I have a work. But the truth is, it is depend to the students on how to manage their
time between work and studies it is because me as a students I am obliged to wake up early and
go to school to fulfil my future.
Respondent 2: My intervention plan that could be formulated to address the issue of absenteeism
is to balance my time in school and work that is the best way and it is my responsibility as a
Respondent 3: The intervention plan that could be formulated to address the issue of absenteeism
is I would apply the time management so that I can avoid to be absent in class while I’m

The respondents suggested various intervention plans to address absenteeism. Respondent 1

proposed selecting class schedules that accommodate their work commitments and emphasized
the importance of personal time management. Respondent 2 emphasized the need to balance time
between school and work responsibilities, acknowledging personal accountability. Respondent 3
suggested implementing effective time management strategies to avoid absences while working.
Discussion of the Responses:
The respondents' intervention plans focus on the importance of time management and personal
responsibility in addressing absenteeism. The suggestions highlight the need for students to
prioritize their commitments, strike a balance between work and school, and manage their time
effectively to minimize absences. These intervention plans emphasize the role of individual
agency in combating absenteeism.
Supporting Studies:
Research by Akiba et al. (2021) emphasizes the importance of time management skills in
reducing absenteeism among students. Additionally, studies by Randall and Thornton (2019) and
Giorgi et al. (2020) highlight the significance of personal responsibility and effective time
management in addressing absenteeism and improving attendance rates.
Conclusion: This chapter explored the perceptions, reasons, challenges, impacts, and intervention
plans related to absenteeism based on the responses of the participants. The findings highlight
the negative consequences of absenteeism on motivation, academic performance, and learning
outcomes. The suggestions for intervention plans emphasize the significance of time
management, personal responsibility, and striking a balance between work and school
commitments. These insights can inform the development of effective strategies to address
absenteeism and promote positive learning environments.

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