Chapter 7

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This chapter discusses the effect of the proposed business to the community.

This encloses their contribution to the society, obedience to the government regulations

and requirements, and processes that will be beneficial to the society. It stated also the

contribution of the business to the economy and the relevance of it to the society. Aside

from generating profit, The proposed business is also concerned for the needs and

wants of the customers by providing satisfactory service. This should be considered by

the business in order to attain a positive feedback to the community. This chapter also

indicates the roles of the customers, community, employment, environment and

government as part of the operations of the proposed business.

Contribution to Income and Employment

The goal of this management is to maximize profit. In exchange for a salary, this

company will hire workers to meet the needs of their customers. The proposed business

provides opportunity to help the community by providing employment as a means of

living and at the same time help decrease unemployment and poverty. The employers

may use the capabilities of the employees to improve the business while the employees

can develop their skills to be an asset of the firm. The company should establish deep

relationships with their employees because the primary goal of the business is to

increase profit, and both the owner and the employees will benefit from this activity.
Contribution to the Government

All income the business holds and manipulates will definitely contribute to the

much needed GNP of our country. The proposed business might generate income that

could be taxable and the Government will benefit on the taxes and permits paid by the

business. These taxes and permits paid will increase the revenue of the government

which they use to fund and support their projects and expenditures for the development

of the city as well as the whole country.

Contribution to the Society

Consumers always look for something new kind and new taste of food. Balachan

is a proposed business that can satisfy the ‘new taste’ that the people are looking for.

This business can provide an affordable snack that anyone can share with their peers.

Customers in the Western Mindanao State University vicinity will be able to taste

Balachan, a snack perfect for the new taste they are looking for. Furthermore, the

suppliers of our various ingredients in our local market can benefit from this, as well as

the employees hired who are needed for the business.

Health Benefits of Balachan

Because Bananas and tomatoes are the main ingredients in the Balachan, it is

considered a healthy snack. Bananas are a versatile and nutritious fruit packed with

essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Rich in potassium, they support heart
health by regulating blood pressure and promoting proper muscle function. Their high

fiber content aids in digestion and may alleviate digestive issues like constipation.

Bananas are a convenient source of energy, making them an ideal snack for athletes

and active individuals. Tomatoes are highly nutritious fruits that offer a wide array of

health benefits. Rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, potassium, folate, and

vitamin K, tomatoes support overall health and well-being. One of their key advantages

lies in their abundance of antioxidants, including lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin

C, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart

disease and cancer. Specifically, lycopene has been linked to improved heart health

and a reduced risk of certain cancers. Additionally, tomatoes contain nutrients beneficial

for eye health, skin health, and weight management, thanks to their low calorie and high

fiber content. Their versatility makes them easy to incorporate into various dishes, from

salads and sauces to soups and including our snacks.

Environmental Benefits

The company will be eco-friendly through the proper waste disposal. The

management will make sure that there will be rules regarding this matter that will be

strictly implemented. Trashcans with labeling Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable

will be placed at every corner outside and inside the stall for customers not to litter.

Strict adherence to sanitary measures will be observed. This will ensure that human

wastes are properly disposed avoiding spread of diseases. The company will not

disobey the rules and regulations that will be mandated by the government in

accordance to the conservation and presentation of natural resources.

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