2023 SAT 2 Mock

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Registration number

Mathematical Methods

Mock SAT 2 – Applications of Differential Calculus Test

Calculators and one side of an A4 page of handwritten notes are permitted

Examination information

Reading time

ˆ 10 minutes

ˆ You may make notes on scribbling paper

Writing time

ˆ 60 minutes

ˆ State all answers correct to three decimal places, unless otherwise instructed

ˆ Use black or blue pen

ˆ You may use a sharp dark pencil for diagrams

Total marks: 50

Be sure you have a complete exam, for no credit can be given for work that is not done.
Show your work; little or no credit will be given for unsupported answers. Finally, before
you start to work a problem, be sure that you understand what is being asked and that you
are following instructions.
SACE College Vietnam – Sao Mai Building, 19 Le Van Luong, Hanoi
1. Find the derivative of the following functions. There is no need to simplify your

e x
(a) f (x) = 2

(b) f (x) = (2x + 1) ln(x2 + x)

(c) f (x) = ln
(x + 1)3 (x − 2)
2. A particle P moves in a straight line with displacement function s(t) = 100t + 200e−t/5
cm, where t is the time in seconds, t ≥ 0.

(a) Find the velocity and acceleration functions.

(b) Discuss the velocity of P as t → ∞.

(c) Find the time at which the velocity of P is 80 cm/s.

3. Given the function f1 (x) = xex .

(a) Discuss f1 (x) as x → −∞ and x → ∞.

(b) Find the position and nature of the stationary point of f1 .

(c) Sketch the graph of y = f1 (x).

(d) Determine the position of the stationary point of

i. f2 (x) = xe2x

ii. f3 (x) = xe3x

(e) Let fk (x) = xekx , for k is a positive real number.

i. Make a conjecture for the position of the stationary point of y = fk (x).

ii. Prove the conjecture.

4. When a forest is planted the owner needs to have some idea of how long it will take
before the forest should be cut down and sold as wood.
At time t (years) after a certain forest is planted, the volume of wood available V (t)
(in thousands of cubic meters) can be modeled by
V (t) = 86 e1− t , t > 0.

(a) i. Find V ′ (t).

ii. Find and interpret the meaning of V ′ (40).

(b) Sketch the graph of y = V ′ (t).

(c) Determine the time for which the volume of wood available is increasing at the
greatest rate.

(d) What will be the volume of wood available at the time you identified in part (c)?
Let the value of the wood available T (t) (in thousands of dollars) in the forest t
years after planting be given by

T (t) = 100V (t).

Let the cost of cutting down the forest t years after planting be a fixed cost C (in
thousands of dollars). Hence, if the forest is cut down, the income from the wood
t years after planting will be
100V (t) − C.
One way to determine when the forest should be cut down is to increase by r%
(to take inflation into account) the income t years after planting, and find when
this amount is equal to the income t + 1 years after planting.
Assume the cost of cutting down the forest t + 1 years after planting is also C (in
thousands of dollars).
(e) If r = 5% and C = 50, show that T (t + 1) = 1.05T (t) − 2.5.
(f) Using the model given in part (e), determine when the forest should be cut down.

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