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S.Y. 2023-2024

Name of Learner: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________________

Quarter: ________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Date Received: Section: __________________________



Directions: Read and understand each question below. Choose the letter of your answer and write
it on the space provided before each number.

_____1. This is a type of text that informs and it presents facts.

a. narrative text c. expository text
b. journalistic text d. persuasive text

_____2. Below is an example of what kind of text:

A hundred years ago there lived a king. He had some beautiful daughters, but the youngest
daughter was the most beautiful. Close by the king’s castle, there was a great dark forest. And under an
old lime tree in the forest, there was a well. When the day was warm, the king’s youngest daughter
usually went out into the forest.

a. narrative text c. expository text

b. journalistic text d. persuasive text

_____3. Below is an example of what kind of text:

Should we pay for plastic bags?

Plastic bags are harmful to wildlife as they can kill animals, especially ocean. If we use fewer plastic bags
there would be less air pollution, as well as less land and water pollution. It is better not to use plastic bags.
We need to reduce the number of plastic bags in the environments. Making people pay will help to stop them
using plastic bags and force them to use reusable bags for their shopping!

a. narrative text c. expository text

b. persuasive text d. journalistic text

_____4. What is the purpose of creating a study schedule or plan?

a. To procrastinate and avoid starting the actual studying process.

b. To set unrealistic goals and pressure oneself to achieve them.
c. To manage time effectively and allocate study sessions for each subject.
d. To impress friends and family with organizational skills.

_____5. Which technique is a helpful way to reinforce learning and understanding of complex concepts?

a. Memorization without understanding the underlying principles.

b. Explaining the material to someone else in your own words.
c. Avoiding practice tests to reduce stress levels.
d. Studying only during class hours and not investing additional time outside.
_____6. What is the benefit of taking short breaks during study sessions?

a. Short breaks disrupt the flow of learning and should be avoided.

b. Breaks give an opportunity to engage in other non-academic activities.
c. Breaks help prevent burnout and improve focus and productivity.
d. Breaks are only necessary for physical activities, not for studying

_____7. "A stitch in time saves nine" is a proverb that means:

a. Small actions can prevent bigger problems in the future.

b. Patience is a virtue.
c. One should always seek help when in trouble.
d. The early bird catches the worm.

_____8. Which proverb means that it's better to take action and try to fix a problem than to wait and
hope it goes away?
a. All that glitters is not gold.
b. Actions speak louder than words.
c. Rome wasn't built in a day.
d. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

_____9. The proverb "Don't cry over spilled milk" suggests:

a. One should be careful not to waste food.

b. It's important to clean up messes quickly.
c. Dwelling on past mistakes is unproductive.
d. It's essential to apologize for accidents.

_____10. What does the proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" mean?

a. Always follow the rules of a foreign country.

b. Adapt to the customs and behavior of the people in a new environment.
c. Traveling is an enriching experience.
d. Embrace your own culture and traditions.


_____11. Which of the following is a "do" of effective listening?

a. Interrupt the speaker to ask clarifying questions.
b. Maintain good eye contact and open body language.
c. Finish the speaker's sentences to show understanding.
d. Bring up unrelated topics during the conversation.

_____12. What is a "don't" when it comes to active listening?

a. Avoid nodding or using verbal cues to show you are listening.
b. Listen with an open mind and withhold judgment until the speaker is finished.
c. Allow distractions like phones or other devices to interrupt the conversation.
d. Offer your opinion immediately without letting the speaker finish their thoughts.
d. Look for opportunities to shift the conversation to your experiences.

_____13.: What is a "don't" when engaging in active listening during a disagreement?

a. Respectfully ask for clarification to ensure you understand the other person's viewpoint.
b. Interrupt and talk over the other person to assert your own opinions.
c. Stay calm and composed, even if you strongly disagree with the speaker.
d. Try to find common ground or areas of agreement to build upon.
_____14. What is a "do" to improve your listening skills over time?

a. Listen to only those who share similar opinions and beliefs.

b. Avoid seeking feedback from others about your listening abilities.
c. Engage in active listening regularly and practice it in various situations.
d. Multitask while listening to get more done in less time.

_____15. People have been warned to wear ______ their masks they continue violating the warning.
a. in contrast b. similarly c. but d. while
_____16. The farmers were already home; _____ the fishers were safely docked.
a. while b. but c. in contrast d. similarly
_____17. The sea can cure certain physical diseases and it _____eases psychological problems.
a. similarly b. but c. in contrast d. while

_____18. Which statement is a fact?

a. Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor.

b. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
c. Shakespeare's plays are more enjoyable than modern movies.
d. Cats are superior pets compared to dogs.

_____19. Identify the opinion:

a. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

b. Elephants are the largest land animals.
c. The Great Wall of China is an impressive architectural feat.
d. The Earth revolves around the sun.

_____20. Which of the following is a fact?

a. Pizza is the most popular food in the world.

b. The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of love and romance.
c. The human brain weighs about 2 kilograms.
d. All birds can fly.


_____21. Ana Marie liked __________________________ and solving numbers.

a. reading poems b. read poems c. read poetry d. reading poetry
_____22. My father told us to reflect, to focus, and _________________________ when listening to the
word of God.
a. to behaved b. to behave c. to talk d. meditate

_____23. Vanessa’s artwork was produced by her hardwork, with her dedication, and _______________.
a. through her passion b. under her passion c. for her passion d. full of patience

_____24. Elizabeth enjoys drawing cartoons, writing stories, and ______________________.

a. play games c. playing computer games
b. played computer games d. to play computer games
_____25. What is the cohesive device used in this sentence?

Mary was late, so she took the bus.

a. Mary b. took c. bus d. so

_____26. What is the cohesive device used in this sentence?

Vince and Aliyah went to the beach. He played in the water while she looked for shells. Then,
they had a picnic lunch together.

a. Then b. lunch c. they d. picnic

_____27. What is the cohesive device used in this sentence?

There was a lot of food, but she only ate the bread.

a. food b. she c. bread d. but

_____28. Which statement represents the bandwagon fallacy?

a. "Nine out of ten dentists recommend using this toothpaste, so it must be the best."
b. "If you study hard and work diligently, you'll likely achieve good grades."
c. "Everyone in my class failed the math test, so the teacher must have made it too difficult."
d. "I've seen three different chefs using this brand of knife, so it must be the most reliable."

_____29. Identify the example of the false analogy fallacy:

a. "Just as a car requires fuel to run, our bodies need water to function properly."
b. "If cats can jump several feet, then dogs should be able to do the same."
c. "Eating too much is like driving a car without brakes."
d. "Studying for a test is similar to preparing for a marathon."

_____30. Which statement represents a false analogy fallacy?

a. "People who exercise regularly are like well-tuned machines, performing at their best."
b. "Just as a chef needs quality ingredients to cook a great meal, a writer needs good ideas to
create a masterpiece."
c. "Taking vitamin supplements is as effective as getting all the necessary nutrients from a
balanced diet."
d. "Comparing a complex social issue to a simple math problem is like apples and oranges."


_____31. Maria hasn’t arrived yet, __so we will have to go without her.
a. so b. yet c. because d. therefore
_____32. The poor parents could not support the baby. Therefore___, they sent him to an orphanage.
a. therefore b. as c. so d. as a result
_____33. Since_ Bryan had not paid the rent, he was told to vacate the room.
a. since b. because c. as d. thus
_____34. It was raining, __so__ we stayed at home.
a. as a result b. consequently c. thus d. therefore

_____35. What is a primary source?

a. A source that provides a summary of various events.
b. A source that interprets and analyzes historical data.
c. A source that offers firsthand information or direct evidence from the time period being
d. A source that includes opinions and commentaries from experts.

_____36. Which of the following is an example of a primary source.

a. A biography about a historical figure.

b. A textbook discussing the causes of World War II.
c. A diary written by a soldier during the Civil War.
d. An article analyzing the economic impact of the Great Depression.

_____37. What is a secondary source?

a. A source that contains firsthand accounts of historical events.

b. A source that is created by someone who experienced the events personally.
c. A source that offers a critical analysis or interpretation of primary sources.
d. A source that presents raw data without any analysis.

_____38. It is one of the literary text types that means to inform and to amuse readers and booklovers and
allows for the writer to express themselves creatively and imaginatively.
a. Narrative Text Type c. Persuasive Texts
b. Explanatory Text d. Journalist Texts

_____39. It is one the factual text types that move beyond providing straightforward descriptions to
at things like causes and reasons.
a. Narrative Text Type c. Persuasive Texts
b. Explanatory Text d. Journalist Texts

_____40. It is one of the factual text types that encourages readers to change viewpoint or take action
towards change.

a. Narrative Text Type c. Persuasive Texts

b. Explanatory Text d. Journalist Texts

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