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Level 2 Writing

Mock Exam
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Hello I’m Charlie, I work as a volunteer at my local community centre.
On these few months, we have had several problems on our local. The
toilets are not working well, some walls are cracked, the actual
equipment that we use still working well but is getting old because we
have been using it for a long time. Moreover, there is limited access for
people with disabilities. Therefore, I’m contacting with you because I
saw that your local business group use to work with this type of locals.
We would like to ask about a financial help and other support.
Moreover, if you want, we all together could work as a team to improve
and see how this place become to one of the most important locals of
the community. Even though we have all of these problems, we are on
a good place and the local is always full of people. We just need this
support to give to our clients the best experience on their visit. So, we
need to repair the walls or even overthrow them to make more space
for more people. The most important thing are also the toilets we want
to fixed and add all of the covid prevention staff that we need, and the
last and most important we want more space for people with
disabilities, we want to add a big toilet only for them and more ramps
so they can enjoy the whole experience with no inconvenient.

I will be waiting for your answer. We all together can make this place
the best local.

Thank you.
Click in the box below and type your answer.
Hello I’m Charlie, I’m one of your clients who is not satisfied with the
result of the product. First of all, the pictures are too different with the
real product and when I ordered the estimate date of delivery was one
or two weeks after but the product came one month later. I was so
disappointed about it and that is not all, I bought a pair of shoes and on
the second day that I use it one of them is already broken. I thought that
this online place has a good quality on them products. Also, the t shirt
that I bought is not the colour that I ordered. If at least I had been
informed of all of this I could understand this situation but to be honest I
don’t know what is going on.

I would be happy if I could return all of this items and I could have my
money back. This was my first experience with this online shop and I
think that will be the last because the way that you deliver my items was
not the appropriate.

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