Covid-19 vs. Radiation Poisoning

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03/09/2023 11:30 Covid-19 vs.

Radiation Poisoning - by The Fed Up Chickens

Covid-19 vs. Radiation Poisoning

Some important facts about the short and long term effects of Radiation
23 FÉVR. 2023

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@Armygirl_911 on Telegram: I was thinking back to the lockdowns. It seemed

life as we knew it had all but stopped; all but the work that was consistently being
done on the cell towers here in my community. I mean, why were the Cell Tower
“modifications” considered “essential” during lockdowns? Fast forward to 2023
and conversations that I continued to have with Marie specifically about cell
towers, getting Covid, the symptoms of Covid and its long-term effects. I kept
going back to certain elements of the last 2 years that I couldn’t let go of. The
back story. My journey started many years ago after my daughter developed
Neurological complications after early vaccinations. All signs pointed to Autism.
There were several poignant elements in my research. Robert F. Kennedy and his
lifetime of work regarding vaccines and an article in Discover Magazine that
connected all of my research. Through detoxing with Zeolite and supplementing
Glutathione along with a very strict diet, she was healed. I never knew I would yet
again be on the battlefield for truth, that is until Covid hit and they were
mandating the vaccines. So here we are. Research has again become a huge part of
my life. Being in the truther movement hasn’t been easy, but you know what they
say – every dog has his day.

@Douglasmommabear: I joined social media shortly after the 2020 Presidential

Joke of an election. I knew innately something was more than wrong. I did not
know then this movement would not only move through the course of my life past,
into the present, but would also change the future for my children. Everything is
different now and we are determined to explain how. Going to my past it was not
uncommon to hear the term “Down Winder”. The term was coined from the
illnesses and diseases many suffered down wind of the above ground testing of
area 51. My mom was a small child and recalls watching the mushroom cloud
from her front porch. My mom is a suffering victim of the radiation poisoning, 1/11
03/09/2023 11:30 Covid-19 vs. Radiation Poisoning - by The Fed Up Chickens

she had to have her thyroid removed while I was still young. Fast forward through
20 years of observation that the health of Americans was dwindling, infertility,
autism and cancer on the rise to name a few. It seemed we were constantly
plagued with new viruses and new vaccines to take. It was the accepted norm we
were getting sicker and not much ado about it. When Covid hit, I would love to
say I was unafraid. I would love to say I was brave. I was not fully awake. I wore
my mask. I stayed home. I trusted our leading scientists. I watched the death
ticker on the news. My husband, is stubborn, and God Bless him for it. He refused
to comply to the Covid narrative. No solid reason other it didn’t make sense. Its
what started to wake me to the medical malpractices Covid created. Like a
snowball rolling down hill, to present, it set me free. I have not only lost all
compliance, but have gained a deeper knowledge, learning to discern and dissect
information in front of us and information that is hidden. I learned how to
question AI search engines to find impossible finds. I learned about chelated
minerals, our bodies, detox options, zeolites, and radiation; How it links to
illnesses. But it wasn’t enough. You see, I was pissed I had been lied to, I was
pissed I fell for it. I met Armygirl. Little did we know our first voice chat together
discussing one vitamins that helped fight Covid would set the pace for the dots we
connect in this article. Like a map with strings and tacks we have spent the last 3
years knowingly and unknowingly connecting dots that led to this find.

(Be sure to click the underlined hyperlinks for relevant data)

I. Recurring Theories.
There has been continuous speculation that the 5G towers could have played a role in
the spread of Covid-19. The integrity of our water supply has been in question in
recent years for a variety of reasons so this was never far from our thoughts. Another
theory we heard often: What if the Covid vaccine was designed to manipulate our
DNA? On one of the many calls we’ve had over the last 2 years, we came to the
agreement that in our hearts, we knew, radiation had to play a part in Covid. But

Recently, we were discussing things that treated or cured Covid, specifically Tagamet
200. Why did they attempt to take if off the market during Covid, like many other
protocols that were stopping Covid dead in its tracks? 2/11
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Tagamet 200 is a heartburn medicine. What makes it unique in comparison to other

heartburn medications? At this point of the call, in usual form for us, you could hear
the feverish clicking of our keyboards as our voices fell silent. We discovered that
there was one ingredient that stood out. One not listed in other heartburn
medications, POVODONE.

Povidone was often used in the treatment of burns and cuts, a water soluble complex
of Iodine and PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone), with broad microbicidal properties.

We knew we had a lead.

Recollecting the nuclear scare narrative of Russia invading Ukraine early 2022 and
the narrative being sold by our mainstream media, we learned you could buy
potassium iodide at Home Depot. We also learned that potassium iodide tablets
would be needed to clean drinking water of radioactive chemicals in the case of a
Nuclear event. Why was that important? Potassium iodide is used to cleanse drinking
water from radioactive chemicals and more specifically, TO PROTECT YOUR

What is radiation poisoning? Radioactivity was first produced and discovered by

Marie Curie in 1895. Most likely as in all good science, they were experimenting long
before the announcement. As you can imagine, Marie Curie went on to develop many
health issues that she believed were caused from radiation exposure.

Interestingly enough, viruses were acknowledged by the medical/science community

in 1892, hmmm. Radiation poisoning is the result of radioactive particles entering
the body.

The most common symptoms of radiation toxicity include: headache, fever, fatigue,
muscle aches, sore throat, lost of taste, loss of smell, hair loss, thyroid issues, heart
and brain issues, blood, and reproductive tract issues.

Anyone remember the symptoms of the first Covid variant?

How about long haulers symptoms?

I’ll be damned if that doesn’t sound like Covid.

But how does radiation get into the body? 3/11
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“Its always been infiltration”. We had the beginnings of our dig, and this rabbit hole
went deep. We had a theory, and the dots just kept connecting.

II. Uranium.
Throughout the course of this dig, we recalled Uranium being a significant point of
interest. Everyone from our collective generations, remembers the Uranium fear of
Chernobyl. We went back in time, in our research and pulled information on the
dangers of uranium from that spill. Through this research, we learned how they
treated the spill to prevent further damage (this is important). It was complex. There
was imminent danger to the air, ground, and WATER. The irreparable damage of
chronic exposure to depleted uranium to the animals, birds, and people was

Another interesting thing to note is the radiation symptoms we listed above are are
similar to that of Uranium toxicity and but with a few others to include, both short
and long term. Some of the U1 symptoms include:

non-alcoholic fatty liver: increases vitamin D levels in liver, decreasing it from

the plasma and rest of the body.

mental health problems: alters sleep, depression and anxiety, and destroys
cognition. Can lead to Alzheimer with chronic exposure.

kidney disease: kidney failure.

nervous system problems: a wide variety neurological complications.

gastrointestinal upset and stress: Imagine a gut issue, this can cause it.

cancers: 22 different forms of cancer linked to chronic exposure.

poor immunity: Self explanatory.

Radiation Pneumonia. A perfect match to Covid.


Sound familiar? What else recently caused such a long list of complications?

III. U1 relevant facts. 4/11
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There are a vast source of conspiracy theories regarding the U1 deal with Russia and
where all this material ended up. There were claims of missing Uranium after the U1
“arrangement” and oddly enought it would later prove to tie into some important
details surrounding JFK’s assassination. The U1 deal was not the first time our
government could not account for missing Uranium.

Where did the U1 material end up?

That question morphed over time for us, into “When did it really go missing?” In
1963, JFK objected to selling Israel Uranium, because Israel refused inspection terms
of Dimona, Israel’s Nuclear reactor site. Two weeks later, JFK was assassinated. By
1964, Israel had a full blown arsenal of Uranium. By 1968, to the surprise of the
world, Israel announced it was nuclear capable. Fast forward to 2012, and the
Obama-era U1 deal. It is important to note Podesta, Clinton, and Obama all played a
significant role in the 2012 U1 deal.

What was the U1 deal really about?

Why did a Russian Oligarch, (double agent?) pay millions of dollars to a U.S.
lobbying firm in an effort to influence then-Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to
make sure the deal was successful? How much?

Was it about covering up a reason that JFK was murdered?

Was the U1 deal about being able to move uranium undetected, to an

undisclosed location? Where did the U1 actually go?

Where does Syria and Ukraine come in to play? Sum of All Fears

*JFK and Israel dispute over Uranium: 1, 2

Israel has an arsenal of Uranium and is one of the 13 countries not bound by any
Biowarfare Agreements.

Israel also has Pfizer. Albert Bourla. “The King of Israel”.

Pfizer had heavy involvement in the 46 bio-labs in Ukraine through funding via our
governments State Department. (Hunter Biden Laptop) Sadly, this was information
released by Russia and suppressed by our media.

Could we be dealing with Nuclear Contamination? Has nuclear

contamination always been in play? Are there really nuclear bombs? 5/11
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IV. Watch the Water.

Our research this far had us questioning as we have listed above. We had a possible
and frightening idea about the possibilities of what Covid, and perhaps the vaccine
could be. We ran specific searches with water and Uranium in mind. Again, the
silence of our voices over the phone, gave way to the sounds of the keyboards.

We recently learned that two-thirds of America’s daily use and drinking water had
dangerously high levels of Uranium in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Again, there were many
articles sounding this alarm while mainstream media remained silent. Ultimately, the
water tests show high levels of Uranium starting in 2020, which means it had to have
been added somehow before.

How did dangerously high levels of Uranium enter our water?




Vaccines (see above)?

Can we pass uranium through our excrement into the water supply?

Is water treated for this?

Again, watch the water. Is the water where we would find possible proof of all the

In order to understand our line of questioning, we should also consider why did
iodine rich foods, and medicines like Tagamet 200 help cure and literally eradicate

Why did the medical industry really choose to stop using Iodine as a prep cleanse or
wound clean agent in 2015? We know what the accepted excuse was, but can't help to
wonder, if it were used on Covid patients would they have recovered? Why since
2015, have illnesses attributed to the Thyroid, Cancers, Autism, and Fertility been on
the rise? 6/11
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Has this been happening longer than we realize? Why the drastic increases of
traceable Uranium in 2020?

Did you know that toxic chemicals can pass to water our sources through human
waste. More importantly, unless they are filtering out these specific toxins - do they
will remain in our water supply?


*Obama, Flint Michigan and the shift to bottled/filtered water. (a later


*Autism, thyroid, fatty liver, diabetes, all cancers, infertility all started to explode
in 2015, and outright got out of hand in 2020. 7/11
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SIDEBAR: Mind is spinning…


The first atomic bomb, named Little Boy, was dropped on Hiroshima from
the Enola Gay, a B-29 bomber,

at 8:15 AM on August 6, 1945. The second bomb, named Fat Man, was dropped
on Nagasaki from the Bockscar, also a B-29 bomber, at 11:02 AM on August 9,
1945. How does it connect?

Chernobyl spill. Birds fell from the sky. Wildlife went blind due to radiation


Water quality status?

Dangerous level of Uranium. What about the recent "hazardous material" train

Enter Hashimotos, how many cases increased since 2020? A friend of ours, an
ultra-sound tech survived severe Covid, unvaxxed and recently diagnosed with
Hashimotos. Not only was she concerned that her job could be putting her own
health at risk, she also shared that the majority of the scans their teams were
conducting in 2022 were all Thyroid. It was a bittersweet dot connect.

Parasites. Are parasites stimulated by chronic radiation exposure? WTH?

Eagles are falling out of the sky, bears are going blind. Interesting to note these
animals primarily hunt food in waterways.

Oak Ridge Tennessee. US Uranium site catches fire.

India, Australia, Italy all have growing concerns of Uranium.

The Gulf War?

When can nuclear warfare go undetected…When it becomes biowarfare? Do you need

a bomb to taint the water?

V. Painting a Picture 9/11
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We are beginning to see a strong correlation to Covid-19 symptoms and Radiation


Has our environment been hijacked? Have our food and water sources been


Water depletion of minerals?

5G what is it really? Why was it essential?

Enter the recent Train derailments (food, water, travel)

Biowarfare…the Final Phase of the war against Humanity? Is Uranium the darling of
nuclear and biowarfare?

Special thanks to those that supported us in connecting ideas and research:

Robert (Bob) Girevik, Doctor of Pharmacy, Fellow in Metabolic and Nutritional


ShieldmaidenQ17, Telegram

1GhostWolf, Pediatric RN


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Truth Bomb Mary WWMD (Rumble) Feb 24 Liked by The Fed Up Chickens
Excellent article. I invite you to my rumble channel Truth Bomb Mary WWMD. I grew up
in BOOMTOWN USA Amarillo Texas home of the largest storage facility of nukes called
Pantex. I ran out of nuke panic in the 80s. I lost both my brohers to the clots shots Jim 10/11
03/09/2023 11:30 Covid-19 vs. Radiation Poisoning - by The Fed Up Chickens

November 2021 and Pat in February 2022. The human body only has so many ways to
deal with toxins and illness this is why poisoning looks like the flu. They did so many
nuke tests and they still try to scare us with nukes eventhough they already nuked the
planet 10 times over. What I want to tell you more than anything else is the oath I had
to sign to take the test to get my credentials as a Behavior Therapist in September
2019. The oath was to never look up, research or especially talk about vaccines and
autism to especially not to the parents of kids with autism. You are hearing this from
me now because I broke this unethical oath as soon as I signed it and after Dr Mike
Yeadon former VP of Pfizer told me I did the right thing to break the oath I emailed my
2 most respected professors at University of North Texas to tell them why their #1
class ranked cumulative 4.0 GPA undergrad left the field. I am unemploye pariah of
society for not taking the shots and I now research full time and put out videos most
are research related many are to deal with my anger at losing both my brothers and
half my max vaxed family is dying from things like kidney failure stroke and heart
attack I would love to share research with you. Thank you for the information.
Radiation can easily be masked as virus because the human body only has so many
ways to deal with toxins / pathogens.

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Jamie L Kennedy Mar 18 Liked by The Fed Up Chickens


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