Mobile Computing

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‘MODEL PAPER . FIRST TERM EXAMINATION EIGHTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] ' MOBILE COMPUTING [ETIT-402] Time : 1.80 Hrs. Not M.M.:30 tempt Q no. 1 which is compulsory and any two more questions, —~ Q.1.(a) Define cellular network. Ans: A cellular network or mobile network is a communication network where the last link is wireless. The network is distributed over land areas called cells, each served by at least one fixed-location transceiver, known as a cell site or base station, Q.1.(®) State the purpose of IEEE 802.11. Ans: The IEEE accepted the specification in 1997. ‘There are several specificdtions in the 802.11 family: 802.11 — applies to wireless LANs and provides 1 or 2/Mbps transmission in the 2.4 GHz band using either frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) or direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) Q.1.(c) Differentite BSS and ESS, x \ ESS BSS Extended Service Set (ESS) “Basie Service Set (BSS) ~ ESS has 2 or more access point BSS has only one access point to and Support mobility between connect wireless node, so not ‘AP's by using mobile IP Support-mobility i BSS sare connected through With AP is called an “infrastructure. distribution system, which is network” usually a wired LAN It allows for wider area of coverage ‘Area covered by single AP is limited More users than the Basic Service BSS, is the smallest building block Set (BSS) ofa WLAN _ Itis not highly secure It is secure than ESS Q.1.(d) What is handoffs: ‘Ans: In a cellular telephone network, handoff is the transition for any given user of signal transmission from one base station to a geographically adjacent base station as the user moves around. Two basic types of handoff are defined : hard handoff and soft. handoff. With hard handoff, the link to the prior base station is terminated before or as the user is transferred to the new cell’s base station. That is to say that the mobile is linked to no more than one base station at a given time. Q.2.(a) Explain wireless session protocol. _ Ans: Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) is an open standard for maintaining high level session. Wireless session is nothing but a normal Web browsing session that starts when the user connects to one URL and ends when the user leaves that URL. By establishing the session means that the session wide properties need only to be defined once at the beginning of the session, This has the benefit of saving bandwidth due to the 2.2016 Bighth Semester, Mobile Computing ature ofthe wireless communiaton, The seson est Tenet hand shaking mechanisms ‘WSPisbatod on HTTP 1.1 with fe enhancements. WSP provides the uppr-ievel ppliation ayer of WAP with seonssent interac fort session services. The fst coanecton-orented service hat operates above atansatin ayer protcal WEP sndthe second isa eonpecion les service hat operates ebove ste ornon-secure ‘atagram transport cerice. Therefore, WSP ests fortwo reasons. First, in the faneton mode it enhancos the HTTP 11's performance over wireless environment. ‘Secon, it provides a resin nyr so the whole WAP environment resembles ISO OSI Feference Model (92.6) Whats noar fr problem. Give solutions. Ans. The near-fr problem or hearability problem ia situation that common in| siteless communication system, sn particular, CDALA In vome signal jamming techniques, the nearfrproblesn i expeted wo dart communications, Te ne far problem isa condtion ia which receiver apres strong signal and Urey makes ‘impor or the resverto detect a weaker signal. Consider a receiver and two trannies, one elas tthe esiver, the othe far ‘ra, iboth transmitters transmit slmullaneol ad sequal powers then de to {Hheinveree square lathe ecie il recive mare pore fom the nearer rans Sine one tansassons signal th ther niet signal toni ratio SND ot ‘he farther transmitters moh ower This makes the frter transite ore diel, ‘fant impoobl, to understand If the nearer tanamitr Lanai tiga that le orders of magnitude higher than the farther tanamitier then the SNR forthe ‘munication channel. In shot the ear poem ie oe of detecting filtering ‘uta weaker signal amonget tone sista In CDMA systems and similar cellular phoneitenetwotk, the problem commenlyslvod ty dynam output power adhstment te tansmitrs That the ‘ovr transmters eles power 0 hat the SNR forall rants the reaieg roughly Uaesame, This sometimes can haves natin pact natal woes ‘canbe dramatically aiferen depending on stance the tase Staton, hight: ‘tutions, however, clover transters may Soot thee eat ower, Whe ces Sistant transmits tout her tpt to maatain god SR Oter ane tract tothe sing ole Dor by serenrng tel outp This reese nnare, sod ‘ventualy distant transmits lose trait tomaintain tseable SNR and eo, ‘hom the network. This prose scaled power ontol ransway. Tie principe maybe hing prose wll ot have ‘sedi explain why an area with ow seals peretly ues nen ec ct hes— ld at when ore uly gab clic emer ae ‘point of unusbility, Snenineni Other posible soltions tothe ear problem Tnereased eelverdyanie regen gern ADG ners ‘dynamic range of receiver stages that are saturating. ia La 2 Drpamic output power control Ney temas dente ter output poreroathaallsignisarven neo etncanar puting oe ‘LTDMAc Traitors war nme chen rid tesnitigstiey 3. Discuss WAP arciltecturein deta, ‘Ane indus data lle yee, prey, secu Tapa age Wise Digan Pr {Tistourrinapendeat by wap tea servic dein and authatiation oicl (WP. The WDP allows WAP pat lay of tho undering bearer [LP Univesity-B-Tck)-AB Publisher 2016-3 {WAP designed in aed fain otha ican be etnsibl, exible scale aol de WAP pron ack ded int ie ayer ‘Avie Layer ‘vl Appian Beronment(WAB)Thisayer sof mot interest content oper bec enti en er things deve eta and the tent ‘Eman pepngangge Wil ad WLS. ' Seaton Layer Wino Senin Protos (WSP, Uae HT, WSPhas ben dsgnedy the WAP Forms pve conpaon surpenson and ezoedin. "transection Layer iron anestion Poa (WTP) The WTP rns ontop ofa dag sri, ssh te Use Datagram Petrol (UDP and pt of he standard ut of TOPE SeS indo poit a sined prot stable for low band ile Tatoo Securty Layer ‘wists resort Layer Seusty (WLS). WTLSszomorate scutes cant nrcbased po ete report Layer Sear LS) peel anda ‘RELI ante cca pc ev ei ond atone serve “ranpor ayer Mitte Dara tcl (VDP, The MDP alors AP ob bear owner adn Un tap ne fhe uaeying are The WDP poets earn Sabet tiger ipersl oe WAP pols threyorng {Satna rernpnten tape dene se slayer rove a wel-eined trae tothe age above. This noe etal werhing fy eer oe tanoparentor inv tote ges ae iuclarhittre als ier spears aero ise SS Te yby ine abet sell Thr make prea he WA Aptana corny arene epeotby WAP ‘te WAP prom ecules blo onside spa Interet roi ek Fig, WAP Protoo! Architecture 216 [Bighth Semester, Mobile Computing Noto that the mobile natwok bares the lower part ofthe figure above ar nt art ofthe WAP pratowl stack, “The wpprmntayerin tho WAP stack, tho Wiles ApplintionEnronsient(WAB) ‘roids an environment that enables a wide rang fappeations tobe ued on irl kaos. nth chapter "WAP. the wireless service enabler tho WAP WAE pogeaining ‘mode was introduced This hapter wil feu on the various eamponents of WAB: ‘Addressing model Asyntex suitable for naming resources stored on servers. WAP ute the ame dresing made! asthe one ueed on the Internet that is Uniform Resoure Laas ont Wireless Markup Language (VAL) A lightweight markup language designed to mest he eonsrants of a wirel ‘environment with low bandwidth and smal handheld devices. The Wireless Markup Languages WAP’ analogy HTML sadn the WWW. WIL ebasedon he Etenaile Markup Language OOM. WMLSeript ‘Allghweight scripting language, WMLScrp is bated on BOMASeip th same scciptng language that JevaSerpt road on It canbe used for enhancing eervces ‘writen in Wallin tho way tha ito come extent ed intelligence tothe ees or ‘example, procedural lg oops, conditional expressions, and eanptational functions ‘Wireless Telephony Applleation (WTA, WTAD Afrimerark and programing interface fr tlephoay services The Wiese epoay Apeain (WIA anne rover meet ev ‘ing Qu. Weiteshort notes onthe following: (@) Bhuetooth | (0) Zigbeo (Wimax ‘Ans. (a) Bluetooth i « tesislogy etandard for exchanging dat over short stances hing shor wavelength UHP radio waves inthe ISM bend foe 2402.88 (Gia from fied and mobile devices, and Duldig personal area networks PANG) Tnvenied by telecom vendor Ericson in 1994, It was eign consived es wirlns| alternative to RS-232 data cables It ean connect several eves, overcoming pablens eyncronnation Bluetooth is managed by the Flat Term: Mile Computing Blutooth Speci Interest Group (SIC) whieh as more than 25000 mabe compass ia he aeaa of {elecommunicaion, compating, networking, and consumer clestonies The IEE Standardized Bluetcoth as IEEE £02151 bat no longs mlntina the andor. A ‘manufacturer must moet Batol SIG standard to market ta Slustosth devi ‘network patents aly tothe tohnoogy which are lensed onde gualiing devices (©) ZigBee is a low-cost, low power, wireless mesh network wanda argted at the wide development of long battery ife devon in witless contol end mnetoing ‘applications. Zighe devine hav low Iteny which urther reduces sverage caren ‘aes ehipa are ypelly integrate wth rade and with rcocontalers hat have ‘between 60.286 KB of fash memory. ghee operates inthe industrial ecient nd ‘belie (ISM) radiobands:2.4 Gis in mosuredieons worldwide; TMH in China, 1) ER Univeity (heb) AB Publisher 2016-5 bt in Baroe and 935M inthe USA and Auta, Data rates vary fom 20 Us (8 Ea fo 60 i 24 Ge bn Th exe pr oat perth arte abet. pee sat along ery nt mt ae os rat Gre ted ih Reale etal paras nd bse maintenance Win tar nto, ‘Gost mete thcental no Bots er andi lw nooo ‘lo tan ein te eon ee TigDo ulna he pyc yer and eda ace contd TEE staprd ni erlonsae WPAN Th spect nes oar ait ey Mpnents ever aye apples lg ZigBee devi bets CD00 and incurred ope eece nih low lr csonaton nd ter ta ‘enn 200s reponse noe aa aceite evr es, ‘eeScar resto owe el av doe nde. esos bl sandr osommeniaton pte frmeatedby he sient reer TEBE 6021 wring rep. he rth nth ere, SEAN ae fatten newest od prover pean fr dei tae areas ictes cnn ry overs asthe arceredy loath east esime ie sot tod bh rn igh trata pls uh Ste dr and LAN oats z WIMAX ie tpl Moraes ia fani fies cana Senurs ane a he EEE G08 16 tf andar, ch rere SURES ut s ea ns Cone XAG opts "hee WOMA ut ceed yh WMAK Feu, wih wasn Sine aon eam tera ante he edd tng te eon ar empty control nor Te oan eves INA 2 seats ed cele ening te Giver oat wes rad dart tla DSL" ie vray doned to rove 940 meget yersecnd ls ite ape ping opt Ce eae ato. FIRST TERM EXAMINATION [FEB. 2017] EIGHTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] MOBILE COMPUTING [ETIT-402] \ Time: 1.5 Hrs. MM. :30 Note: Q. No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any two more questions from the rest. Q.1. (a) What are the applications of Bluetooth. (2) Ans. (i) Internet Bridge: Providing dial-up networking and fax capabilities without need for physical connection to the PC. (i) File transfer: Ability to transfer data objects from one device to another. (iii) LAN Access: In this usage model multiple data terminals use a LAN access point as a wireless coneection to an Ethernet LAN. (Gv) Synchronization: Provides a device-to-device synchronization of data. (v) Headset: It can be wirelessly connected for the purpose of acting as a remote device's audio input and output interface. Q.1. (b) What do you mean by handoff in GSM? @) Ans. Refer Q.1. (4) of First Term 2016. Q.1. (c) Deséribe the functions of MAC in mobile data link layer. (2) ‘Ans. Functions of MAC (Medium Access control) are: : (@ Paging Gi) Network control, error control and correction (éii)Setup, maintain, and releasing channels for higher layers. (iv) Activating/deactivating physical channels. (v) Broadcasting (vi) Segmentation (vii) Re-assembly (viii) Packet formatting. Q.1. (a) What are the applications of GPRS? Ans. Applications of GPRS () Chat: It is a very popular services in Internet and GSM. (ii) Multimedia services: Multimedia objects like photographs, pictures, post cards, greeting cards and presentations, static web pages can be sent and received over the mobile network, (iii) Virtual private network: GPRS network can be used to offer VPN services. Many Bank ATM machines use VSAT to connect the ATM system with the banks server. | (iv) Personal Information Management: Personal diary, address book, | appointments, engagements etc. are very useful for a mobile individual. Some of these are kept in the phone, some in the organizer and some in the Intranet. (v) Job Sheet Dispatch: GPRS can be used to assign and communicate job sheets from office-based staff to mobile field staff. Customers typically telephone a call center whose staff takes the call and categorize it, Those calls requiring a visit by field sales or service representative can then be escalated to those mobile workers. (vi) Unified Messaging: Unified messaging uses a single mailbox for all messages, including voice mail, fax, e-mail, SMS, MMS, and pager messages. With the various (2) 22017 ighth Semester, Mobile Compating [LP Univesity-(B:Tch PAB Polisher 2011-8 lant, In this ate the serie ie tho came for Intact, PDA and WAP Al acess the rilboxe in ome ple, ified messaging eystems then allow for a variety of we Tathds to renee tesage of diferent eyes Same wil use text-to-oieeystme aff ht: throats huptewnan bonkcouArtatligoat lee ofcoe este alematen lsc finer erased pontine wit willl fe eo wha ty deena ctr {Ranh eterno vc ag J Oh Content transcoding on content Another way eto provide an underlying the internet ilewaro parm that performs the adaptation of the content based onthe context (si Vehicle Positioning: This aplication integrates GPS (Gobel Postoning jy ehavior eh devin This adaptation happens transparent othe cet andthe System) that tll people where they are. GPS is a freeo-se global network of 24 Smeaton he middlomaroplaforn is intelligent enough tently he context ether ‘stalitesrunby the US Departnen of eters Anyone with aGPS receiver can cecivell qm tuo HTTPor additional eustomlzod parameters Tn thiscase the service may bein their satelite porition and thereby find ot where they are Vehcle-positioning Jnl or XML, tho midloware platform tanaades th oe frm Ml or XML) ol, ications can used tn diver evra services nding remote eb iagostes, | gn wml on thei. I ean alto do the tranending based on plicy co thatthe hen ‘Bhucstlen vehicle tracking ad new rental car feet ail feneratd fers computer dire fom a PDA ‘cid Lacthon bed Services and Toma: Lean bsedserviopovdll "gaa Enpale wile onsion protocol © the ability to link push or pa iene i rca apeies ane Ans, The wireless transaction protocol (WTP) is on top of either WDP er, ifsecurity. inde tel and etauran dr roadie msi reece nos andl qed, WIL. WIP hasten designed ramon wry thc, achat ee hones 41-(e) What ae the applications of mobile computing? Gf rp otere many fstre tothe higher layers The assis farmed thee doses Ans) Smartphones: Asmartshoneisamobile phone wth additional computing of raneatin service as explained in tho following paragraphs. Class 0 provides functions ato enable mute aplations Crelslemesage transfer without any result mesa Cases Land provide elble ‘l) Enterprise solutions: Enterprise or lange business networks have hugelf menage transfer clas 1 witout, lass 2 wit, exact) one reliable reaut mesrage (he Aatabaae and dreorentation requirements ‘ppicl sequostIrespones car), WIP achieves relay using duplicate removal, Giunieaeraaed eaneriy Sancta et opar taro ase Th sds tanec reread {iy Mobile cheque ia moblebaed payment em omplyed ducing ef She contmunicaton ink WTP alor o anynhronus Wanrecions abet of enn ‘ansactions, conetenation af messges, and can report sures or fale of reliable (ei) Mobile bated supply chain management, ‘neseagr (og, aserverannot handle the rogues). (Q2.(a)Draw and explain tho architecture of WAP ‘Wir cla ary ea Class 0 offers an unreliable transaction service without a result message. The 2.0) Elan the desienconierations fr Molle Computing. ‘aon ats dante shied Taree ound wh he ‘Aas. Design Considerations for Mobile Computing ‘Femvetareq rive sstowntn Pg Parameters rb err ares ‘he oie cpatingenvronmet nevi be ontextindapenden at wel lf‘ re SP, natn dee OA), ean prt DP) Aan, i ‘ontext-ensitive. Context information is theif pendent an well alle nag the sor ofthis sere can detrei the responder "WTP entity ermine, Conuntfrmatin th intra related te rounding Gehrata an achnnledgenent rife aciaeaGgement ble wed The WIP SESE aeEan he emote tem ener” mean al hell Ee ana th wer data UD) npc tn ean Ten oe Item it a erie haa fan her air) Titel ah Pay th uaa ane pene lee ‘rany ater ent bing tacked bythe sytem: There ae many waysin whicheonten pti ent the transation and ian lis fr he ple GA,SF.DA DP) Le ‘Shdbchwiar ea be aapiedPolowing se tne example, ‘ont puny lel seine. 1. Contest with contertawarenes smareness Theo are diferent eres or dferent het context (dvi), Por oem ‘bank desde to fer mobile banking application trough Internet, PDA and mel ‘hoe using WAP Thee servic ar diferent an are ipteneuanbiak oace t eroy zs cana pve fexsroakbeavac=aN ihe bank op, tips ght com/ apy respec oe ‘Theseriee tps ptanksont hal ares that he vee wl ue compl o media the ren ob cmpac forthe PDA ad ig 1.Basieransetion ewan WIP Chass 1. Cian 1 ors a reliable transcion servic bt witout a rer menage Ain, 2, Content switch on context Ancther way ito provide inalgenc fr ol de itallgonen thelaatr nnd an invoke PDU aera TR Invoke 20 froma higher lye. iste, ‘aplaton of content wichin the service, Ths adaptation happens andgecent Bight Semester, Mobile Computing ASR OR OR A.Uo.ce 1.1 ig. 2.Basic transaction, WIP cass 1, no user acknowledgment selanowledgenent x not required, For the intator te transaction ends withthe ‘eenplionaf the acknowledgement. Therespnder eps the transaction state or oma {ne oe able to reteanmat the acknowledgement fst eceives the same invoke POU, ‘gun inicating soso the acknowledgement. WrPCiaet Finally, lise 2 traneaton service provides the sas reliable requaeteeponse transaction known many clo erver eonaro. Depending en use equtemet ‘any ilerent serie ae pose or niatrrsponder inter aon 4 ig shows thease traneaton else? without acer acknowledgement, Het, ‘user onthe nate de rquets the aris ad the WTP ent sends the ane PDU tothe responder. The WTP ely onthe responders tide ndeates the eque ‘with he TRInvokeindpriaitvetoaseer oe Se m0 teams oh won Fig. (8) Basi transaction WTP class 2, nous 3.0 Explain m [LP Univesity (B-teh FAB Publisher ports terminals, Remember, A and C both want to send to D. A has already started the {naman but i bidden for CC alo stars with ts transmiin,derey easing eliion a. Fig. 1 MACA can ave \WithMACA, Ades no startitstranamlsio atone but sends request to send t3) fet Bowles the RS that contains he mame of eader and reat, a5 wll. the length ofthe future transmission, This RTS isnot heard by C, but tigger an “chvowledgement frm B, eae clear to send (CTS) This CTS is now heardby C and ‘he mem for fates se by Al ow roserved fr the duration ofthe tapemission [Aer receving a CTS, Co llowed to vend anything forthe duration indented in ‘hecTStoventD, Acisioncanndt or at daring data transmission and the iden (Seminal robtem solved provided that the tenon conions rena tho same Sul, clon can ecu daring th sondingfaa RTS, Both A and Cau end an 1 tha lide a BETS evry smal eompared to the data transmisin, so the Probability of colton ie mach mer B reclves thie contantion and acknowledges nly on-latian nthe CTSFit wae able ecover he RTS at al). No transi fs Slloned witout an appropite CTS. Tigure(2)shossimplified sae machine fora ender apd reaver The sender it ‘ate tl wer equet the ranamiesion af dats pact The sender then ess an TRS and\wats fre righ to send the roceivr ges an RTS ands in ane state, iReends bck a OTS and wats for data, The tender resives the CTS and snds the tnt Otherwise the under would snd an RT again after time-out (og, the RTS Ac eae acini eye FRE ebbing UH Raee ny rs: rabay lg. 2, Protocol machines for multiple access with collision avoidance eat Eighth Semester, Mole ompating ‘lb lon or cle. After trancnision of he data, the conde wats fo aposlive {cknowledgement to return ito an idle state. The recelver sends back» positive “cknaledgement the received data was correc. oto ithe waiting efor dala [sto Tong, the receiver returns into ile eat, I the sender doesnot receive any ‘cknawledgement or negative aknatledgement, it sends an RTS and again wala fer therigh to send. Alternatively eee nud indeat that iis currently bury ia. eparate Rey 4a) Explain SMA Gahibit Sense Multiple Access) and plling scheme in medium access contrel o ‘Ans. Polling Where ene statins ob herd yal ahr (eg the at satin of & bil) none never or aye eed sn, poling sheesh fo | ‘infameterainal wld)ean be spies Polng ast cetalzed eee with oemaster sation and evra save Hats, Tse can pol these cern Sinan scheme rund nny ee ae pater si er sation) randomly, cording lo esratns Ue caer expe wt lta ‘ent et The mare old ln eae at ater wihng to tant {sigs intention pase. Ar spar, he aon pale each ation on lt Sirs ae sed cg nthe coh wns LAN and eons ple sce fencon in EEE tet ae Tnhibitsense multiple acces SMA) Aether cnintn do hm ret by nt rs iy sch (SUA Tis shen, wie edb aes dec eae Schering rn cbs sees ae isan ‘dia seme malipleace (Tae ebaaeteneseeeen stint aed BUSUIDL ns nora er A {hey tone -stope, cessing the uplink corned any fr Te F oorinsed any farther The bse ation ‘scknowledges succes transmissons, «mobil sation detects a clision ely ia the mining oie enue Tn ae cous aon retransmission mechanisms are implemented. i‘ vette Met nie ate economia na ° Pe ere area a hetero ncree maa ee chips are typically integrated with radios and wit lrvemy = st am et ‘Gnd medical (ISM) radio bande: 2.4 GHz in most juriedictior vide 4 tea ievnsaectat silat 1, Univesity {8-eeh-AB Publisher 201-7 nei ntetinereinteea a ont a metas lamar ir tice tlm tinvtetata oro tmnt rant ln et ae ed coer 2 reer eer Sits eee es ieee ceases tien seh guacginnsemnemenn rant at spi ct tet ete Ei Rte erator Kmtearmepanaanenrocrecemciata seen sa npr ee ste teeta at oon a acuta enum an Tage slaepaachcp ene aae eee trl aac yuo Lassen a ay et ea prt ne cba ee vi ta Tecan oe ace eee wen MO ee itr it ian es ce a ee i iinet fader aes Siinrests crzennato em cn a eae striata tiga craarernartcesee yee : Seerecetntcenmnar tigate omnes ae FIRST TERM EXAMINATION [FEB. 2018] EIGHTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] MOBILE COMPUTING [ETIT-402] ‘Time: 1% hrs. MM. :80 Note: Attempt any three question in all and Q. 1. is Compulsory. Q.1. What is handover? Why is it required? What are handover scenarios in GSM? How the handover decisions take place depending on receiver signal strength? (10) Ans. One of the key elements of a mobile phone or cellular telecommunications system, is that the system is split into many small cells to provide good frequency re- use and coverage. However as the mobile moves out of one cell to another it must be possible to retain the connection. The process by which this occurs is kriown as handover orhandoff. The term handover is more widely used within Europe, whereas handoff tends to be use more in North America, Either way, handover and handoff are the same process. Requirements for GSM handover: The process of handover or handoff within any cellular system is of great importance. It is a critical process and if performed incorrectly handover can result in the loss of the call. Dropped calls are particularly annoying to users and if the number of dropped calls rises, customer dissatisfaction | increases and they are likely to change to another network. Accordingly GSM handover was an area to which particular attention was paid when developing the standard. ‘Types of GSM handover: Within the GSM system there are four types of handover that can be performed for GSM only systems: « Intra-BTS handover: This form of GSM handover occurs if it is required to change the frequency or slot being used by a mobile because of interference, or other reasons. In this form of GSM handover, the mobile remains attached to the same base station transceiver, but changes the channel or slot. * Inter-BTS Intra BSC handover: This for of GSM handover or GSM handoff occurs when the mobile moves out of the coverage area of one BTS but into another controlled by the same’BSC. In this instance the BSC is able to perform the handover and it assigns anew channel and slot to the mobile, before releasing the old BTS from communicating with the mobile. * Inter-BSC handover: When the mobile moves out of the range of cells controlled by one BSC, a more involved form of handover has to be performed, handing over not “ only from one BTS to another but one BSC to another. For this the handover is controlled by the MSC. + Inter-MSC handover: This form of handover occurs when changing between networks. The two MSCs involved negotiate to control the handover. GSM handover process: Although there are several forms of GSM handover as detailed above, as far as the mobile is concerned, they are effectively seen as very similar. There are a number of stages involved in undertaking a GSM handover from one cell or base station to another. In GSM which uses TDMA techniques the transmitter only transmits for one slot in eight, and similarly.the receiver only receives for one slot in eight. As a result the RF section of the mobile could be idle for 6 slots out of the total eight. This is not the case 2018 ‘ighth Semester, Maile Computing wn teri thc tac attic andor nth othe mail phone tranutedon thane tren the nigour cl Moreover, he moi phne mus be fore stout at ‘parameters of the mow ex, sereieed ‘ret nnn "gin ay mi eer tr a ncn inhi mcm ih BS isc ‘her rdichannals looking or beacon frequencies tha may be stronger or more mlb nc rere TS ose a endothe vem en Se rs benuea Cosel 900 eee ype eqn ke DTS In Te tana eae tm Ca Seed nso at, esata guy tttmen le eS Re ea a mae etre Pissed annem teeta iene Fenn en ee Camron Faacae : Ape ida inant Acme ve bo i eee ecacederaead Sn eae eens ‘ett oe re ees nh te a a + Old and new BTSe synchronised In this ease the mobili given detail of ha} oo eee ee See ee acne ‘The bre station requires the mobile phone's lp incrder a know the new clio hand itover ts By means ofthe vighbou lithe base tation informe the eb ‘shone boot the RF channels for the BOC hat re wed by the eighbour ela. The ‘moi phone now ally measures the Revel on thee channel and tase he ‘measurement results tothe base tation. Based on his infrmation, the bese station Setermines the ont inte at which the bie phan sanded eer o which ell. ‘Changing the piyszal channel bth fr the cll and forth BOCH iforaatio ky to ‘ntercll handover “However inthis instance where synchroieten is lead god, those burst are ted to provide fine adjustment. “Time offet beticeneynchroneed old and new BTS: In some instances then ‘maybe atime oft between thr old and new BTS. nthisease, the time oat is provi fo thatthe mobile can make te adjustnent. The GSM handover thon aes place asf ‘Standard synchronised handover. + Non-eynchronised handover: When a nan-ynehreniged el handover take ac, the mobile trancats acess burton the new channel, This enables the bal Staton ts determine and ejut the timing forthe mobiles that tan witably acces ‘thee BTS. This enables the mile to re-establish the connection though the BTS with the comet ining Handover scenarios in GSM systems Trace handover: The esis type ofhandoversintracel handover where the physical channel rth seaite tinesotcnfiguaton is changed. This become necessary ifthe connection ona physi canoe impaired, Ty evalua connection quality, the mobilephone contin TIntersystom handover: Ifthe mobilephone sve cll and no new cell canbe found inthe nme este, te base station ean hand oer anapproprataly easipped ‘unilephonetoa clin anotorjtem Teseintrytem andorra highly ceex cast to technically esparatepstoms mast be combined with eachother Basel, ‘here are to handover options ro WCDMA ts GSM Inthe coe lind handover, the ‘base tation simply transmits the mabe phone wit l relevant parameters tthe ‘ew ell Themabile phone changes ‘lndly tothe GSM cle. ith ot et recsived ‘ny information abt the ining there. wl st contact the transmitted BCCH ‘hannel, where i tito achieve the equeary and time eychronizaton within 600 ‘us Nex itvillawitih tthe banded ver pysial wee chan whereit wiley ost ‘th sme sequence a withthe nn syehenied intra handover. For tho second typ of handover fom WCDMA to GSM, the comprensed mode ‘eed within the WCDMA callin his ode, transmission aa eepon gps ecu Gung the ranean bate te station and mete pone Dsringther ap, theme ‘shane can measure and nals the ear GSM cls For thls purpose, the bas station, ‘ile tothe GSM sytem, provides neighbour allt andthe mile phone tasers the measurement els othe are tation, The acu handover in the compresed ‘node ie basally analogous to Bind handoves ‘There i, of course, a ntreptom handover from GSM to WCDMA. A special eighbour cl list for WCDMA cella was established in GSM to support this handover ysl channel allt needs tod sta infrm the telephone aut the new ch ‘umber andthe new imeslat configuration. The telephone changes drcly othe af hanel anise to maintain beth previous etng for ning end the bar cl parameters. 208 ‘Bighth Semester, Mile Computing @2.Explain the architecture of mobile computing Anw.Three-Tier Architecture ‘Tadesign ays fr moi comping wl uted through any network, bearer, ae fesrable Ua the revere connet ow Ihave aes fom any deve, web browser it cc .0re need to keepin mind thatthe nye tad device To have universal eee iuitous network Nke the Internet, esrb, The reason i impo: wy ‘overane gt hy ae prema tr aaa gen i rao ‘ame Tae tre | ("tow Bee | HASEPT cevend) FP : recone Se ‘sore forges] [[ aoe Yh se “peat freee } mee | [oe fre jusvanwn| [P20 Bf vannonn oom ee" ae) Th 2 : Uns cd om foe Pie see = = [us Trans Sa Fig. The mobile Computing Architecture Wohave introduced th const of three architecture, Fig pita threot srchitecture fora mobile computing environment. These ter are presentation ts pplication ier and data ter Depending upon the situation, those layers can be subleyered, Presentation (Tir-1):Thie i the utr fcingeystem i the ie tie. This layer of gen opplications and rstems, These epliatins run onthe lint devi offer ll the user interfaces. Ths tei espansble for presenting the information ‘heen wer Humans generally us ews and audio mean a recelve information machines, Application (Tier-2): The application et or middle iris the Yengine” ‘sbiaiaus appiation. 1 performs the businesogc of rcesing ser input, bt nts, and making deco. In certain case, this loyer wl to the tanveoding of a ‘oper endsing nthe preetton tr. The apt ar may in ‘echnoloy ike Os, dav, JSP, NET erie, PH or colfuson deplayed in prod ike Apache, Websphere, Weblog, ;Planet, Pama, JOSS or ZEND, 1 University {8-ech-Akanh Book pata (Fee): The Data ie eae opsory fr bol oper 16 fr fdatastre or data uo can rango from sophisticated relational ds relational dtabase, legacy hierachical nthone, lo oven simple tox fle. The data ean alo be ated i roroperablily With olor sytem and datasources, Tea ‘Alegny plication can alo be eonidered ana data ‘communication middle ware, dered ava data sore or dacuneat trough ‘3. Name the mechanism to improve web access for handheld devices. What Bh peering rrp in oan watt ee eric es ‘handheld devices. Many ofthe proposed snlatons daring the nineties were proprietary orca ae ee arse asain an pta aetna oe earns ete a a ead ee ae eee etctetceeae ae Se ae arene oer eee ae eae eee es Suepbetremwentrere chr Seer etiras Fierce Ft cot see pointe oe ioe pinay ih etn enterprise i et cee ea re ep er ete cy erga rR ee ese acc retest se ee tendo ‘member ofthe Forum 18-5 wet sor data neoded bythe application and yan permanent dat. The data canbe stored in armat and ter e208 ighth Somester, Maile Computing 12. Unieriy- Adah te ‘Asa scalable tandard, WAPisdesgned to work with any mile handeot net CDMA Overview Cid Dien alpen met ‘pe Tew faction with OSM Gta Str for Nobile Commbnieaion), CDMA Cade [gn fonsency multiplexing Ia hier MEET ery erent tine {oe the entire duration. Th base pai neg 2280 he whale bandwidth Dison Multiple Aces) and POC (Personal Digital Cllr) wil also be compat ipl Aces and PDC scimeubh mens iden isl tat diferent COMA oor eee ‘vith any data rananason serve eg, SMS (Short Messnge Service or GPRS (Gener Peehet Radio Serie) Later version ofthe standard have evolved make we of ig more advanced tehnalogie avalable WAP TECHNOLOGY: WAP incorporates simple mierobrowter, sid to ork onthe limited platforms of mobile handset, with a central WAP glow that perio {hemor proceso heavy operations. It defines standard for data transmnision to hy yhandet, WDP WAP datagram pote), which ea variation ofthe interne standard ‘transmission protocol, HTP Cypertet Transport Protea), but redesigned fo witls spetwork characteristic, WDP mostly fers fom HTTP hy ariping out much of ‘onnection. The WAP dnt can bent oer any avilable network, bei th cit ‘connection of DMA Cie Division Malle Aces) 18-190 or packet-switched GPRS. ‘Added otis core tranension proc are sbvera scalable ayers that can develop Independently. The wireless traneport ler security WTLS) layer adds optional ‘ceryon fetes that enable secure traneacons, WTP (WAP transaction prota 6d: trancacton suport, adding tothe datagram serie of WPD, while WSP CHAP] cachag they have diferent ernegonalopccang so ‘eesion prota allan efsont data enchang between ‘The following figure shows the tebiality of the CDMA system, Dasog the [WAP algo defines an application environment (WAE) that enables thit-party] propagation we mid th signals ell users, bt by that yo use the ase code the developers to develop more advanced services and applications, along with thal fade that we ued a the ine of ening the eatinag sic Tou co ae oss the ‘irobrowser used oats web pages on the Bando sl ‘gna ofeach user Infact many diferent signal” baseband wth dierent spreading ede canbe ‘modulated on the sume carrier tallow many diferent ans fo be apport. Uring ferent erthoons code itrtereea betwen he gal inion Carel wee ‘inna aro resved fum several mob station the base ation nepali Tenner TL tentang sn conert suing tok poss Wilagishew ane cote ya TFUFURE OF WAP Bocure WAP in pts ede ork rer an i seine wlan lass epider ‘Songs weed GPRS, SDE steed Dt i lb! Bes ‘Stvecbah ctu.) Ahmet equip pene absent eben meee coe ‘vig exper tiesto Sd min Whats COMA? Eapnnin etal ‘CDMA Capacity ‘he foctre deciding the CDMA apc are + Processing Cal + Signal to Nese Kalo + Voie Astiity Faster + Frequency Rese Binny = 52018 Eighth Semester, Mobile Computing on Tne Sonn her in pineal creciemneneerienareprnays ea creme genet remangtancomenenametndemts tad eqones. Thismenns enerey per itis aio ineased Tha mene thet roger inf tin | gain) 116g Wi) Wie Spread Rate ie Data Rato For CDMA P (gun) = 10g (12288009600) 2148 ‘This ie pin facta andthe actual data propagation rte, Onan average typical {raminoncindnrequisasialtothneeratin 7 ft eegeie ee wien. ‘Translated into a rato signal must be five times stronger than nl ‘Actual proeting gin =P (gan) SNR. =21-7 2148 (CDMA wes variable rate coder ‘The oiee Activity actor ofA isconsldered =-4dB, Hos, CDMA has 100% foquncy ese Use of same frequency in gurrounding sl ‘utes some additional interference In CDMA frequency, rouse ei ‘Advantages of CDMA {Contes sof cacy Th restr thenumber of codes, the more the number of ‘wor Iuka the falling advantages + CDMA requires tight power conto, er nur th ba LP Unioniy-8 et Aah Bon m9 psmdvantages of Data rel a fs meee Mose. Already op «Timo synehrolzation requis, + Gradual emt bt se ay dcp + As tho sum ofthe power received ang swith ila ohn ey 18067 (0% eft) «1.708 ious from nea-fir eff. In thar ion transmitting with he span caiters can wed improve signal reception, Deleyed varios ef tine sient lta signe can be ccleted and used ts cha Aeinion at the bilevel FIRST TERM EXAMINATION [FEB. 2019] _ EIGHTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] MOBILE COMPUTING [ETIT-402] Time: 1.6 hrs. Note: Q. compulsory. Attempt ariy two more questions from the rest. Q.1. Explain the architecture of GPRS. (10) ‘Ans. GPRS architecture works on tho same procoduro like GSM notwork, but, has additional entities that allow packot data transmission. This data notwork overlaps a second-generation GSM network providing packet data transport at the rates from 9.6 to 171 kbps. Along with tho packet data transport the GSM network accommodates tultiple users to sharo tho samo air interface rosourcos concurrently. Following is the GPRS Architecture diagram: MM. :30 Signalling Circuit Switched GSM — Packet Switched Data and Signalling Fig. GPRS Architecture GPRS attempts to reuse the existing GSM network elements as much as possible, but to effectively build a packet-based mobile cellular network, some new network elements, interfaces, and protocols for handling packet traffic are required. GPRS Mobile Stations" ‘New Mobile Stations (MS) are required to use GPRS services because existing GSM phones do not handle the enhanced air interface or packet data. A variety of MS can exist, including a high-speed version of current phones to support high-speed data” access, a new PDA device with an embedded GSM phone, and PC cards for laptop computers. These mobile stations are backward compatible for making voice calls using GSM. GPRS Base Station Subsystem Each BSC requires the installation of one or more Packet Control Units (PCUs) and a software upgrade, The PCU provides a physical and logical data interface to the Base Station Subsystem (BSS) for packot data traffic, Tho BTS can also require a software upgrade but typically doos not roquire hardware onhancoments. When either voice or data traffic is originated at the subscriber mobile, it is transported over the air interface to the BTS, and from tho BTS to the BSC in the same way a8 a standard GSM call. Howover, at tho output of the BSC, the traffic is soparated; ano Bighth Semester, Mebile ompulng ‘icin went to the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) per standard GSM, and data sent {De new device called the SGSN vis the PCU over a Frame Relay interface ‘GPRS Support Nodes Fellowig two new components called Gateway GPRS Support Nodos (GSN) and, Serving GPRS Support Node (SCSN) are ade Catoway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) ‘The Gatoway GPRS Support Node acts a an interface anda router to extorna network, It contains outing fformation for GPRS mobiles, which i used to tannel pockets tough te TP based internal becone tthe ervet Serving GPRS Support ‘Rove The GOSN ale cllac charging information conacied othe use ofthe external fata networks and can ata paekt ter or incoming rai. Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) "Tae Serving GPRS Support Noes responsible for authentication of GPRS mobile, ‘eitrationofmobes inthe network, mobility management, andeallecting information ‘onehWILS Prmtvesrping fr te use ofthe air inerfac. = Internal Backbone ‘The intera bucone isan Phased network wsod to carry packets teen diferent (she Tunneling eed botwoen SCSNs and GGSN, co the itera backbone dont ‘et eo any nfrnation abut domains butalde the GPRS network: Sioaling fos (GSN ta MSC, HL or EIR ie done sing SS, Routing Area ‘GPRS introduce the cnet ofa Routing Area This concopt isla to Location ‘roan GSM, exopt that it generally contains eer elle, Beene outing aves a ‘taller than Toston areas, lene rao rears ar wed! While roadeating Page "The ow of GPRS prac stack nd eno-ond message from MS to the GSN iplayed inthebulow diagram. OTP isthe prot wed between the SOSN and GCS ‘sng th Gn interface This tsa Lager tannling proto, ’ i) | ‘Teepe a aa pantheon ak he eral a fxn athe toro ng a wi a the tneton commune via and ht scones area eg sl edo teu guory GPS Te pc ares oe GSN an the SOSN ue GPRS toning face eae ea ef he GPS ote ant hv a i th Necbone UOPand Pare ry Goh bare [LE Universiy-{8.Teshl-Akach Bock 2019-3, SubNetwork Dependent Convergence Preis (SNDCP) and Lil Link Cott (140) conbiaton ed in vee the SSN athe MS. The SNDCP atone ta to reduce the ladon the radio channel. safe local ink by encrypting packets aged by LC andthe same LLC inked anagem undo sale {in cato the motilo moves to new routing ara thats under diferent SOSN; ‘thon, tho old LUC ink i removed and snewlink is established with the new Serving (GSN X25, Servses are provided by running X26 onto of TEP inthe internal acon. ‘iuality of Servies (QoS) requirements of conventional mobile packet data sppieations arin asserted forms. The Qo ira vial ature cf GPRS gress there sre diferent QoS support requireents fo asrted GPRS application ike realtime ‘multimedia, we browsing. end e-mail tana, (GPRS slows defining Qo profes sng the flowing parameters 1, Serve Precedence 2. Ralobity 8. Delay and 4 Throughput {@2 What is handover? Wy isitequired? What are thehandover scenarios (G50? How the handover decisions take place depending on receiver signal strength? ‘ao ‘Ans. Hofer to Q1. First Term Bsaminaton 2018, Page No. 1208) (Q3. Name the mechanism olmprove web aces for handheld devices What their common problem and what led finally tothe development of WAP? ‘ao Ans lt QS, Pet Tem sialon 2038, age Ne 62018 Qi bxpain the terms: Cr tigboe ‘hn Zoo alow ovgove winder eth ewer andar trad at tied ettopneat long bata is er wl otel d enite St noes eres eee tn th fer eu eran eure ager cipro aly tepid wen ad wih neers at ve ecan 063561 shinny er pres nh nari sei saree ra band 24GB om elon weve, 76 Na SRR re arp an ols lsat Osh and Acca: Data ates ry fois mioe ee Misha te subi Oban. sneer ily hotter ners ed are 2 ire mut hve sors deve tie wi eth nrg a purotr ands atone: Wii tar netrrs, Senter orate Poth nd mel be eo eo td ommnitn te ten ee aor th ph ne sn en aie ol eid in IEEE a oe Pom pees urea ey cae ane apleton le cor n Mc DD” nd aot hen ees lesan or aan er teeta eign a LAT intgratin 200, gers el eaves on wee ao ” wireless communication standards based on the IEEE 802.16 set of standards, which 4-2019 Eighth Semester, Mobile Computng ZigBee is one of the global standards of communication protocol formulated by the significant task force under the IEEE 802,15 working group. The fourth in the series WPAN Low Rate/ZigBee is the newest and provides specifications for devices that have low data rates, consume very low power and are thus characterized by long battery life Other standards like Bluetooth and IrDA address high data rate applications such ag voice, video and LAN communications. Gi) HDA Ans, IrDA- IrDA (Infrared Data Association) is an industry-sponsored organization set up in 1993 to create international standards for the hardware and software used in infrared communication links. In this special form of radio transmission, a focused ray of light in the infrared frequency spectrum, measured in terahertz, or trillions of hertz (cycles per second), is modulated with information and sent from a transmitter to a eceiver over a relatively short distance. Infrared radiation (IR) is the same technology used to control a TV set with a remote control. Infrared data communication is playing an important role in wireless data communication due to the popularity of laptop computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), digital cameras, mobile telephones, pagers, and other devices. Among existing uses or likely possibilities are: * Sending a document from your notebook computer to a printer * Exchanging business cards between handheld PCs * Coordinating schedules and telephone books between your desktop and notebook computers. | Gi) WiMax | Ans. WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a family of provide multiple physical layer (PHY) and Media Access Control (MAC) options. ‘The name “WiMAX” was created by the WiMAX Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote conformity and interoperability of the standard, including the definition ‘of predefined system profiles for commercial vendors. The forum describes WiMAX as “q standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile wireless broadband-| access as an alternative to cable and DSL’. WiMAX was initially designed to provide 30 to 40 megabit-per-second data rates.with the 2011 update providing up to 1 Ghit/ss for fixed stations. (iv) RFID . Ans. RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) is a radio transponder carrying an ID that can be read through radio frequency interfaces. These transponders are commonly known as RFID tags or simply tags. A RFID system comprises different functions ar (i) Means of reading or interrogating the data in the tag. (ii) Mechanism to filter some of the data, Gi (iv) Means for updating or entering customized data into the tag. Means to communicate the data in the tag with a host computer. _ MID TERM EXAMINATION [MAY, 2023] EIGHTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] MOBILE COMPUTING [ETIT-402] Time! 1.5 Hrs. Max, Marks: 80 Note: Q. No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any two more Questions from the rest. Q.1. (a) Explain the shape of the cell in a cellular systém with reason. (3) Q.1. (b) Compare the features of 2G, 3G and 4G. . (3) Q.1.(c) What is frequency re-use. (2) . Qi. (d) What changes done in GSM network to support GPRS services.(2) Q.2. (a) Explain GSM operations with its architecture. co) ‘Ans. Refer to Q.3 (a) End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 16-2017) Q.2. (b) What is handoff, What are its type. (5) Ans. Refer to Q.1 (c) End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 6-2019). Q3. (a) What are multiple access techniques. Explain in detail. 6) Q.3. (b) Write a short note on (a) WAP (b) Zigbee ‘Ans. Refer to Q.1 (b) End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 8-2017). & Refer to Q4 + (i) First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 3-2019). Q.4. (a) Explain WiMax. : (5) Ans. Refer to Q.4 (iii) First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2019). Q.4. (b) Explain Bluetooth with its types. : : (6)

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