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Sum unit:
This unit is about companies. It focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of
each type. Besides, it highlights the list of developments threating the survival
of the traditional companies. In addition, it mentions the importance of "choice"
to the structure of future companies. Thanks to advance in technology and
globalization, individuals and firms have more choices over what they want.
With all that choice around, future companies will need to be flexible to adapt
changing environment to survive. Finally, it introduces how to describe what
you do. In short, this unit provides us with useful information about the
Summarize the headline:
The author believes that company structure is a matter of choice, which means
“choice” will play a major role in determining how future companies are
Summarize the article:
The workhorse role of giant joint-stock corporations in the capitalistic economy
was planned in the name of stability. However, global competition has forced
them to change production systems and management hierarchies. One way to
look at the future of companies is to focus on what are they taken place. Many
organizations are observed to actively engage in mergers and acquisitions in a
‘silent takeover’ world so that successful companies become larger than national
states. However, there is a strong belief that huge firms are gone. Future
companies own no factories, no warehouses, or tangible assets; they are
operated from a single floor that they lease in an office building and have
freelance workers, instead of lifetime workers. Moreover, traditional
corporations are being replaced by networks formed by entrepreneurs which use
money from venture capitalists to produce and market their ideas. Another way
to look at modern organizations is the environment determining them.
Individuals and firms get more opportunities to collect information and conduct
economic activities outside the traditional structure because of technology and
globalization. If future companies want to survive, they must quickly adapt to
the changing environment.
Summarize the unit:
This unit is about leadership. It introduces the role of leadership.Also, it focuses
on fear-base management tactic which has both advantage and disadvantage
can be practise in short without trouble widely. Beside, this unit highlights some
qualities, skills and experience that efective leaders need. Last but not least, this
unit emphasizes about how to getting things done. There are the important
things this unit has refered to.
Summarize the headline:
The author of the article “ When to terrorize” argues that the football dressing
room is the only place where fear-based management can be used without any
Summarize the article :
The article focuses on fear-based management style , which managers use to
inspire talent . Firstly , the author presents examples of using fear-based
management tactics in both sports and business. The ability to inspire fear has
always been as an essential tool of management and the writer also denotes that
although modern laws have put an end to some kinds of fear-based management
tactics but terror in the workplace is making a comeback these days and the
writer emphasizes that the manager should strike the right balance when using
fear-based management tactics . Finally , the author points out that the driving
fear of failure is available not only in corporate life but also in personal life . To
sum up, leaders can motivate talent by inspiring fear-based management but
they need to strike the right balance effectually.
Summarize the unit
This unit looks at tools used at the start of strategic planning to focus on the
situation of the company such as SWOT, PEST. SWOT analysis is a square that
includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and
weaknesses are internal while opportunities and threats are external factors. This
analysis gives you the basic information to allow you to map out what the best
strategy might be.PEST analysis is another tool. PEST stands P for political, E
for economic, S for socio-cultural, T for technological.
Another thing we should focus on this unit is Nike’s Goddess - Nike’s strategy
to target the female market. Although the company had become the market
leader in sportswear, it was unappealing to women. With increasing competition
in this market, Nike has to make radical changes to attract female customers.
They opened stores aimed specifically at women, redesigned shoes and clothes
for women, the production cycle was shortened to make it easy for women to
keep up with fashion trends. SWOT analysis of Nike:
+ S: leader in sports marketing /sportswear
+ W: not appealing to women, Niketown stores are dark, noisy and harsh,
fashion and shoe cycles do not match
+ O: to use the targeting of women as an opportunity to redefine the entire brand
+ T: competition.
One more thing in this unit is career skill: how to make a short preparation. It
has 3 steps: make an outline of my plan, write the detailed notes of what you
will say, carry out your presentation afterwards.
Summarize the headline.
+The article is about Nike’s Goddess - a marketing strategy whose goal was to
change how the company designed for, sold to and communicated with women.
+The article is about Nike’s Goddess - the Nike strategy whose goal was to
appeal to female customers by changing the way to design, to sell and to
communicate with women.
Summarize the text
Nike’s Goddess is a marketing strategy whose goal was to change how the
company designed for, sold to and communicated with women. The first change
is how to sell to women. Nike redesigned its stores to make women customers
have a feel of their own home. Secondly, Nike redesigned its products. It
redesigned the shoes and closes. The third change is how to communicate with
women. Nike had to mean something to women by showing women a place
where they didn’t think they could be. In conclusion, Nike Goddess was an
opportunity to redefine and re-energize the Nike brand around a market that was
taking off.
Sum unit:
The unit is about Pay, which refers to the money paid to someone for their
regular work. This unit focuses on executive pay or the enormous pay packages
and rewards offered to CEO and top senior executives, who are sometimes
refered to as “fat cats”, when joining a company. These may includes details
salary, pension, and frequently, even the possility a “golden” parachute or very
generous severance deal, which is the sum of money that CEOs are guaranteed
when they leave the company. This severance deal is to cushion their fall. Pay
deals are negociated by remmuneration commitees (compensation commitees in
the US) and voted on by shareholders.
Sum the headline:
That executive pay is the rewards of failure made GSK get into trouble.
Sum the article:
The article is about the board of GlaxoSmithKline faced shareholder discontent
when its remuneration committee report, which included inflated pensions was
rejected. This rejection has put the company in a legal limbo and has brought
attention to the dissatisfaction with large executive pay packages and poor
corporate performance. Shareholders, who have traditionally accepted high
executive pay, now feel that chief executives operate under different rules.
Despite declining company values, many executives continue to receive
increased pay and benefits. Shareholders were particularly frustrated by aspects
of Mr. Garnier's package that appeared to reward presence rather than
performance. The rejection of the remuneration report may prompt companies
to exercise more caution in such deals, as shareholders voice their concerns and
demand accountability.
Sum article:
The article is about : the final attempt Amazon Watch is making to stop gas for
Peru - Peru's project awarded a license. Peru hopes that development of the
project will increase Peru's economic growth and enable it to export energy to
Mexico and possibly to the USA, rather than import it. However,
environmentalists fear that the project is polluting and destroying rivers and
hunting grounds and that the building of the 430-mile gas pipeline is causing
deforestation of some of the world's most biodiverse land. In addition, it also
endangers the health of tribes. Therefore, amazon wath US environmentalist
tries to stop the project by lobbying . Specifically, convince two banks, Inter-
American Development Bank (IBD) and United States Export-Import Bank to
stop lending capital. Without the loans, camisa- Argentina's third-biggest oil
group may still be ahead but it takes longer . In short, economic development
entails environmental pollution, so Peru must make good use of natural
resources and use them in the best way.
Sum the headline:
Evironmental activists are stopping a development project( gas project) in Peru
because they believe that someone must be responsible for striking a balance
between development and the environment.
Sum the unit:
This unit is about Development, which refers to prosperity and preservation.
This unit focuses on the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of
economic development and environmental protection. To, do this, the advent of
the OECD helps countries to develop their economies and it shares with them
the lessons – both positive and negative – of the OECD’s experience with
economic and social development. Development can raise the Gross Domestic
Product and improve standards of living but produce pollution endanger the
health of local people and deplete resources.
Sum unit:
Unit 6 is about marketing strategy. This unit introduces various activities of the
marketing process and traditionally includes the 4Ps: product, price, promotion,
and place. This unit also focuses on marketing brands. In the past, the marketing
approach was showcasing the features and benefits of a product. But nowadays,
customers not only have a variety of choices but also are much more cynical,
especially the young. So companies need to develop a brand to sell a lifestyle or
a personality, to appeal to the emotions of customers. All businesses are trying
to create and build on brands. Successful brands are a company's most valuable
asset. If companies want to build a successful brand, companies need to build a
brand that stands out in the crowd, is easy to memorize, has a brand name easy
to pronounce, fits the image of the product, and communicates the right
emotional appeal to their target customer. For example, Chanel's 'No. 5 is still
the best-selling perfume in the world. Its brand is Chanel and Marilyn Monroe
made a famous remark about it. However, to win customers, future brands will
have to be an icon of product quality, a swear of a more desirable lifestyle, and
an image of social responsibility. In conclusion, Marketing is an interesting unit
that provides interesting lessons and caters to the business profession.
Sum headline:
Marketers manipulate people into buying their brands by saying money can buy
them whatever they hope for.
Sum the article:
How marketers manipulated people into buying their brands.Brand becoming
powerful and they are trying to manipulated customers to look alike, eat alike
and be alike.Marketers are switching from showcasing product features to
marketing aspiration. Because brands represent a huge portion of the value. In
other word, brand has become company valuable asset. Historically, brand
focusing on building a simple logo, showcasing the unique of products because
at this time competitive brand and local business are limited. And now harder
for persuade customers to buy, consumers, brands and customers have more
choice on spend their own money. For the last, the author presented about
“marketing for the future”, and that is focusing on building strong brand to
reach marketing brand aspiration.
Summarize the article:
The article discusses the current wave of globalization and its impact on
companies like Bank of America, which has experienced corporate downsizing
and job redundancies due to offshoring. This outsourcing phenomenon has seen
various types of work, including manufacturing jobs, simple service work, and
digital labor, shift from the USA to India. Technological advancements like
digitization, the internet, and high-speed data networks are driving forces
behind this offshoring trend. While outsourcing offers benefits to US companies
and government, such as expanding foreign markets, it also raises concerns
about its potential negative impacts, such as job losses and economic inequality.
The author emphasizes the importance of host countries possessing key
qualities, such as speedy and affordable telecommunications, investor-friendly
policies, and a well-educated workforce, to attract offshoring opportunities. The
rise of the global knowledge industry is a complex phenomenon that economists
are still grappling with.
Sum unit:
Unit 7 is about Outsourcing. Firstly, the unit shows the differences between
outsourcing and offshoring. Secondly, the unit looks at factors affecting the
choice of location when offshoring such as language, wage differential, and
level of risk. Next, this unit shows the types of work that can easily be
transferred overseas such as IT, Human Resources, R&D, and back-office work.
Lastly, the unit focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of offshoring.
Offshoring brings a lot of benefits to both developed countries and developing
countries. With developed countries, labor force, and capital can be redeployed
to higher value, and companies can keep products and services prices in check
by relocating their business process to overseas facilities where labor costs are
lower. Moreover, it is a good opportunity to expand foreign markets for their
products and services. With developing countries, it helps them develop their
economy and also solve problems of unemployment. On the other hand, the
article points out the risks of going offshore. Offshoring will increase the
unemployment rate in the local economy because many jobs are transferred
overseas. Offshoring has risks of political stability, protection of assets, and
leaking trade secrets. For example, wages might be lower but distribution costs
higher. In conclusion, Outsourcing is an interesting unit that provides interesting
lessons and caters to the business profession.

2. How many types of companies do you know?

- There are many different types of companies….
+ PLC (public limited company) or JSC (joint stock company): The company’s
components can be bought and sold on the stock exchange by shareholders who
want to invest in it.
+ Multinationals: large corporations with subsidiaries and assets in various
different countries.
+ Dotcoms: set up by entrepreneurs are growing in number, which could be a
threat to the survival of large corporations.
+ Acquisitions: corporate transactions where one company purchases a portion
or all of another company’s shares or assets.
+ Merger: business deal where two existing, independent companies combine to
form a new, singular legal entity. Typically, both companies are of a similar size
and scope and both stand to gain from transactions.
+ Family business: any business in which two or more family members are
involved and the majority of ownership or control lies within a family.
3. Would you prefer to work for a large multinational company?
Yes, of course.
Multinationals are large corporations that have subsidiaries and assets in various
different countries
+ Providing career opportunities: Working for a larger company offers more job
opportunities. I can learn from experienced people who have made significant
contributions in their fields and also have a clear career path and professional
development opportunities within the company
+ Expanding network and connections: This helps gain new perspectives and
insights, as well as opens up opportunities for travel or relocation. Working in
other countries may face conflicts and misunderstandings with people who have
different values, beliefs, and expectations or may have to adapt to different work
styles and norms, as well as different legal and ethical regulations but we can
improve language skills and exposure to different cultures.
Example: Apple is a large multinational company with branches all over the
world. This means that when we are working here, we will be able to travel to
many countries around the world, meet various talented people, interact with
diverse cultures, as well as improve our language skills.

4. Would you prefer to work for a small or medium-sized family business?

I would not go to work for a small or medium-style family business because a
small business has lots of disadvantages.
No. Because of
- Favoritism - It may be difficult for CEOs to be objective when promoting staff
whether they are a relative or not. They tend to choose their relatives for higher
hierarchy. This can create resentment among some colleagues who are non-
family employees like me and have a negative effect on the success of the
- Lack of fresh ideas: Family businesses may tend to rely on the same strategies
and methods that have worked for them in the past, and be reluctant to embrace
change and innovation. This can limit my growth potential – I have little chance
to improve my knowledge and skills. An example could be a family business
that operates a restaurant and sticks to the same menu and recipes for decades,
and fails to attract new customers who are looking for more variety and
newness. If I work for this company, I will feel bored because of doing the same
work day after day
5. Would you prefer to work for a trendy new high-tech corporation?
Yes, of course.
- Cutting-edge Technology: Being equipped with the wrong tools can have a
detrimental effect on workers’ ability to do their jobs. On the other hand,
advanced technology helps them work better and more efficiently in their role.
- High salary: High-tech corporations often offer high salaries to attract and
retain top talent, but it also means they have to work very effectively to deserve
that money. Sometimes they can get generous bonuses as a reward for hard
work and success
- Professional Development Opportunities: Many high-tech companies
prioritize employee growth and development. They may offer opportunities for
training, attending conferences, or pursuing advanced degrees, which help
employees enhance their skills and stay updated with the latest industry trends.
- Professional Working Environment: Working in a high-tech corporation often
means being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are passionate about
innovation. This can foster creativity and provide opportunities for professional
For instance: Apple, is the world's largest technology company by revenue and
one of the world's most valuable companies.
- Here you will be working with really, really smart people, so you can learn a
lot from them.
- Furthermore, they pay quite good salaries for many positions.
- Experience working at Apple will help you find a job easily anywhere
6. What developments can threaten the survival of the traditional
- Expansion of e-business: the expansion of e-business can disrupt traditional
company models. Companies that fail to adapt to new technologies may
struggle to survive in a rapidly changing market
- Financial scandals: this is the biggest threat to all kinds of companies.
Financial scandals can severely damage companies’ reputations, result in
financial losses, and create a negative work environment
- Weakening trade unions: Trade unions can contribute to productivity and
innovation by fostering collaboration, skill development, and employee
involvement in decision-making. Weakening trade unions may hinder these
positive contributions, potentially impacting overall company performance.
- Transfer of money and jobs to cheaper countries: companies may lose the
chance to earn money and make profits because there are fewer job
- Developments in technology: developments in technology will help
companies improve productivity and have higher competitiveness, but
companies often have to spend a lot of money investing in advanced technology
- Growth in the power of consumer groups: a strong consumer base will help
companies earn much money and make a profit, but it means that companies
will always have to meet their demand if they don’t want to lose their customers
- Increase in shareholder power: shareholders help companies to make wise
decisions, but the increase in shareholder power will make the companies
depend on them.
7. Would you prefer to be a freelance worker or employed with a fixed
salary? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each situation?
- I would prefer to be a freelancer. Reasons:
+ Flexible working hours: For some individuals, working normal business
hours doesn’t take advantage of their most productive and efficient hours. As a
freelancer, if you work better in the early hours of the morning, or sometime
later, you can have the opportunity of changing your plan for getting work done
to oblige your best, most useful working times.
+ Freedom to choose clients and projects: You can pick projects that are
meaningful to you or interest you. You can pick with whom you work. If you
don't work well with a client's character or business or installment methods of
reasoning, you can pass on the opportunity and find other projects
+ More opportunities to increase income: You’ll be able to charge what your
work is worth, and you get to pocket all the profit after your expenses are paid.
Your income isn’t capped by your hourly or salaried rate, either. The more effort
you put into finding clients and landing new jobs, the more chances that you get
to increase your income.
9. Clarify “Company structure is a matter of choice”?
Choice plays an important role in determining the structure of a company.
- First, consumers have more choice over what to buy, how to buy, and where to
- Next, producers have more choices over which suppliers to buy from. If a
producer wants to attract customers to buy their products, they will have to
choose good materials and models that are not too expensive and have high
quality. They can both make a profit and attract more consumers.
- Last but not least, shareholders can choose which share to buy. To establish a
joint-stock company needs to have the mobilization of funds of shareholders. So
the company has to let shareholders see how its structure is and its categories
develop in the future. They will contribute capital to that company if they agree.
- As a result, with more choices around, companies need to be flexible to
quickly adapt to the changing environment if they want to survive.
10. What is steep hierarchy?
A steep hierarchy refers to a structure with many levels of management between
management and staff level employees. Groups with a steeper hierarchy- that is,
those with the larger imbalance in members’ power, status, and influence. The
division in the form of a steep hierarchy helps to ensure that the duties are
divided well among the employees and the organization. The business hierarchy
system may vary for different companies however on a broad level it remains
the same.
11. What is flat hierarchy?
-A flat hierarchy refers to a structure with few or no levels of management
between managers and employees. And people relate to one another as equals
regardless of job titles and formal positions.
- Some examples of companies that have adopted a flat organizational
structure are Google, Amazon, and Hubspot. These companies share a common
value in employee empowerment and satisfaction. They also operate in
extremely fast-moving industries that require quick adaptation to succeed in
their respective markets.
12. What is the role of a leader?
Leader is someone who leads or heads the business or company.
Leader plays an important role in the company:
+ to inspire and motivate staff
+ to develop the talent
13. What qualities should a good leader have?
• communicate effectively: A good leader is an excellent communicator. They
can clearly convey their thoughts, ideas, and expectations, and actively listen to
others. Effective communication fosters understanding, collaboration, and a
positive work environment.
• know how to create a positive working environment: A good working
environment also helps employees improve their mental health, ensure work
performance, and increase the feeling of connection between employees and the
business. And vice versa, a bad working environment will make employees
more likely to become depressed, reduce work performance, and eventually
leave the company.
• have time management skills: The leader will face the challenge of both
managing his or her own time and managing the time of team members. The
team leader will be the one to arrange and assign work appropriately to each
member. This skill will increase team productivity.
• have responsibility for work and subordinates: At work, a responsible leader
will help the team unite, increase work performance, and thereby achieve more
breakthrough goals together.
• empathize with perspectives, emotions, and needs of teammates: An excellent
leader who has the knowledge and habit of listening to the opinions of others
will create an effective team working environment. Listening to the opinions of
all members will help the leader conclude and come up with the best plans and
15. In what ways can successful leaders win the respect of subordinates and
exercise authority over them?
Leaders should learn HOW TO DELEGATE by giving:
• make people feel that they are a part of a team and it gives them a real sense of
belonging and that generates responsibility towards the organization.
• give employees the space they need so they can take initiative and move things
In addition, leaders need to have the following qualities and actions:
• clear instruction
• realistic deadlines
• constructive criticism
• positive working environment
• effective communication
• provide employees with challenging and meaningful tasks
• have a high level of competence and expertise
• have fairness and consistency in work

16. What is the secret of leadership?

- Know how to delegate: get people to feel that they are part of a team and it
gives them a real sense of belonging and generates responsibility towards the
- Have a clear vision of what they want to achieve, have a sense of purpose, and
lead the team toward a common goal.
- Have good communication skills

17. Is life inside an organization in any way similar to life inside a family? In
what way?
• There are many similarities between families and organizations. Here are some
ways in which they can be similar:
• interdependence: both in an organization and a family often rely on one
another to accomplish shared goals or meet common needs.
• roles and responsibilities: In both organizations and families, individuals are
assigned specific roles and responsibilities based on their skills, expertise, and
relationships. Each member has a distinct role to play, contributing to the
overall functioning of the group.
• communication: Effective communication is vital in both settings. Open and
clear communication helps to foster understanding, resolve conflicts, and
coordinate activities.
• values and culture: Both of them can have their own set of values and cultures.
They shape the behavior and interactions within the group, creating a sense of
identity and shared purpose.
• However, there are also significant differences between life inside a company
and a family.
• Organizations have more formal structures, hierarchies, and specific goals.
• Families are based on emotional connections and often have a different set of
18. How does a leader motivate his staff?
- using fear-based management (terrorizing staff)
- rewarding staff (tangible asset or intangible asset)
- creating a positive working environment where employees feel valued and
- offering challenging work and growth opportunities
20. What factors should a company consider when it undergoes the strategic
planning process?
There is no single correct answer, a number of viewpoints can be justified. It
might be useful, however, to divide the factors into three categories ( why, what,
how ) it would be logical for strategic planning to follow this order
-Why? competitor, current sales, economic forecasts, fashions and trends,
- What? product development
- How? human and financial resources
Strategic planning helps to analyze where a business stands in relation to its
markets and competition / enables it to identify potential opportunities for
growth and potential threats. It is then possible to set strategic objectives and to
predict the human and financial resources needed to achieve them.
21. Talk about SWOT analysis:
- internal factor includes: S and W
• S stands for strength; it means things that companies do well
For example talented workers, better customer service, high reputation.
• W stands for weakness; it means things that the company doesn't do well
For example: little capital, worse customer service…
-external factor includes: O and T
• O stands for opportunity, it means potential things or situations that a company
can exploit.
For example high demand, and potential market segments.
• T stands for threat, it is risks or danger that a company have to face
For example more and more competitors…
22. Talk about PEST analysis:
PEST Analysis is a simple and widely used tool that helps you to analyze the
Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Technological changes in your
business environment.
-P,E,S,T are external factors
P stands for political factors : political stability,friendly policies,low taxation,...
E stands for economic factors :
targets the key factors of interest and exchange rates, economic growth, supply
and demand, inflation,..
-S is stands for social factors :
demographics, age distribution, cultural attitudes,workplace and lifestyle
-T is stands for technological factors :
development of technologies within the sector and organization,trends, and
changes in technology,....

23. Analyze AOF situation using SWOT analysis.

Strong reputation : providing high-quality education and producing successful
Experienced faculty : employs experienced and knowledgeable faculty
members who bring expertise and credibility to the institution.
Industry connections: has established strong connections with various financial
institutions and companies, providing students with valuable networking and
internship opportunities
Limited program offerings: AOF primarily focuses on finance-related programs,
which may limit its appeal to students interested in other fields of study.
Lack of diversity: AOF may lack diversity in terms of student demographics and
faculty representation, which can hinder a well-rounded educational experience.
Online learning: The growing popularity of online education provides an
opportunity for AOF to expand its reach and offer flexible learning options to a
broader student base.
Market demand for finance professionals: The increasing demand for finance
professionals presents an opportunity for AOF to attract more students and
expand its program offerings.
Competition from other institutions: AOF faces competition from other schools
and universities offering finance programs, which may impact enrollment
Economic downturns: Economic downturns can impact the job market and
decrease demand for finance-related programs, affecting AOF's enrollment and
25. Why are CEOs and top senior executives referred to as “fat cats”?
- The term “fat cats” is a slang description of executives who earn what many
believe to be unreasonably high salaries and bonuses.
… because of the enormous pay packages and rewards they are offered when
joining a company.
- These may include details of salary, pension and, frequently, even the
possibility of a “golden parachute” or very generous severance deal, which is
the sum of money they are guaranteed when they leave the company.
- Example of “fat cats”: A real-life example of a fat cat would be former Disney
(DIS) CEO, Michael Eisner. For a period of five years in the late 1990s, Eisner
received over $737 million in compensation, despite the fact that the company's
five-year net income shrank by an average of 3.1% each year.
26. What do enormous pay packages of CEOs include?
- Enormous pay packages are what CEOs are offered when joining a company.
These may include details of salary, pension and, frequently, even the possibility
of a “golden parachute” or very generous severance deal, which is the sum of
money they are guaranteed when they leave the company.
- These components together can contribute to the perception of enormous pay
packages for CEOs. But in some cases, it has led to criticism for being
excessively generous, especially when the gap between executive pay and the
average worker’s pay is wide.

27. What is a golden parachute?/ severance deal?

Golden parachute:
Is a large payment made to someone who has an important job with a company
when that person is forced to leave their job.
The purpose of a golden parachute is to ensure that executives are financially
protected in the event of a change in the ownership or control of the company,
which might result in their job loss.
Severance deal:
Is money paid by an employer when an employee’s services are terminated.
The purpose of a severance deal is to provide the departing employee with
certain benefits and compensation in exchange for the employee agreeing to
specific terms and conditions.
These arrangements are designed to provide executives with a soft landing,
offering financial security and mitigating the potential risks associated with a
change in corporate leadership.

29. “All CEOs deserve their enormous pay packages.” Do you agree or
disagree? Why?
Disagree, not all of CEOs are worth their high pay because some CEOs still
receive enormous pay packages despite their bad performance.
Here are some of the negative aspects of CEOs receiving enormous pay
Income inequality: The widening gap between executive pay and the average
worker's pay contributes to income inequality. This wealth disparity can lead to
negatively impact employee morale and motivation.
Employee Dissatisfaction: When employees see top executives as being
excessively compensated while workers face wage stagnation, it can lead to
discontent and a strained employer-employee relationship.
Market distortion: Excessive compensation for chief executive officers may lead
to market distortions as it fails to align with the actual value that the executive
brings to the company. This might establish an irrational industry standard for

30. What are stock options/share options? What are they indeed to do?
Stock options is an option given to executive employees allowing them to buy
shares in the company at a favorable price. The purpose of stock options is to
provide individuals with the opportunity to benefit from an increase in the
company's stock price over time.
Here are the key objectives of stock options:
Employee incentive: Executives and employees are encouraged to contribute to
the company’s success by giving them stock options. By providing the
opportunity to benefit financially from an increase in the company's stock price,
employees are motivated to contribute to the company's growth and
Attracting Talent: Companies use stock options as a competitive tool to attract
top talent. The potential for financial gain through stock options can be an
attractive component of an overall compensation package, especially in
industries where stock-based incentives are common.
Risk Sharing: Employees who hold stock options are essentially taking on some
of the risks associated with the company's performance. If the stock price rises,
they benefit; if it falls, the options may have reduced or no value. This risk-
sharing aspect aligns with the entrepreneurial spirit and risk-taking often
associated with startup environments.
31. How are employees generally evaluated?
As part of an employee's evaluation, you might touch on points like the
+ Attendance and punctuality: This refers to the employee's ability to be
present and on time for work. This is important because it demonstrates the
employee's reliability and commitment to their job. Employees who are
consistently late or absent can disrupt the workflow and make it difficult for
their colleagues to do their jobs effectively.
+ Communication skills/ life skills / social skills to promote the products:
This refers to the employee's ability to communicate effectively with others,
both verbally and in writing. This is important because it allows the employee to
build relationships with their colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders.
Strong communication skills can also help the employee to resolve conflicts,
provide customer service, and promote the company's products and services.
+ Teamwork: This refers to the employee's ability to work effectively with
others as part of a team. This is important because many jobs require employees
to collaborate with others in order to achieve common goals. Employees who
are good team players are able to share information, support their colleagues,
and contribute to the overall success of the team.
+ Problem-solving ability with other colleagues: This refers to the employee's
ability to identify and solve problems in a collaborative setting. This is
important because many problems in the workplace require input from multiple
people. Employees who are good problem solvers are able to think creatively,
generate solutions, and work with others to implement those solutions.
+ General quality of work (e.g., ability to reach goals, meet deadlines, etc.):
This refers to the overall quality of the employee's work. This includes factors
such as the accuracy of the work, the timeliness of the work, and the attention to
detail. Employees who produce high-quality work are able to consistently meet
expectations and exceed goals.
+ Profits – productivity – profits: This refers to the employee's contribution to
the company's profits and productivity. This is important because it
demonstrates the employee's ability to generate revenue and add value to the
company. Employees who are productive and profitable are able to make a
significant contribution to the company's bottom line.
32. How can we measure CEO performance?
We can measure CEO performance if the company actually outperforms other
companies in the same sector ( the competitiveness in the marketplace).
Based on real increases in company performance( not just on increases in share
price, which may be attributable to the market).

33. What is MEDC?

- MEDC stands for more economically developed countries.
Ex: The United Nations identifies the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia,
New Zealand, and all the countries of Europe as MEDCs. The MEDCs account
for less than 20 percent of the world’s total population.
- More economically developed countries usually have a good standard of
living, including good education, health care, and employment opportunities.
Most MEDCs have large urban areas, and the majority of the people are
involved in secondary industries (such as manufacturing) or service industries
(such as banking and insurance). The primary industries—mining, farming, and
fishing—are not usually as important to the economy.

34. What is LEDC?

LEDC stands for less economically developed countries.
Ex: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Cambodia, Viet Nam.
LEDCs can be identified by three main factors. The people have low incomes;
the people have little access to good nutrition, health care, and education; and
the country’s economy is usually farm- or otherwise land-based and therefore
Most LEDCs survive on primary industries—farming, mining, and fishing.
Because of their rural economies, secondary industries (such as manufacturing)
and service industries (such as banking) are much less common in those
countries. The economies of LEDCs are often affected by natural disasters such
as droughts or floods, which can ruin a year’s worth of crops.
35. Talk about OECD
OECD stands for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development - OECD is an international organization that works to build better
policies for better lives.
The goal of OECD is to promote sustainable economic growth and shape
policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all.
⇒ The OECD helps countries, both OECD members and non-members, reap the
benefits and confront the challenges of a global economy by promoting
economic growth, free markets, and efficient use of resources.
⇒ Funded by contributions from member country governments. In return, the
OECD provides advice, detailed statistics and data on a wide range of subjects
including economic performance, projected growth rates for different countries,
as well as social policy, education, trade, agriculture, the environment and
⇒ With the new key objectives of sustainable development and poverty
reduction, the OECD has shifted more of its work to the economic development
of other countries by trying to share with them the lessons - both positive and
negative - of the OECD's experience with economic and social development.
38. What if global temperatures continues to rise?
Rising temperatures cause:
• All the debt of developing countries is cancelled.
• Global temperatures continue to rise.
• Economically developed countries fail to reduce pollution levels.
• Petroleum prices rise 500 per cent.
• The cities of the world continue to attract more and more people.
• The marine resources of the planet are not protected.
39. Marketing mix?
Marketing mix traditionally include 4Ps:
1.Product: refers to the item being sold. The product must deliver a minimum
level of performance; otherwise, even the best work on the other elements of the
marketing mix won't do any good.
2. Price: refers to the value that is put for a product. It depends on costs of
production, the segment targeted, the ability of the market to pay, supply -
demand and a host of other direct and indirect factors. There can be several
types of pricing strategies, each tied in with an overall business plan. Pricing
can also be used a demarcation, to differentiate and enhance the image of a
3.Promotion: this refers to all the activities undertaken to make the product or
service known to the user and trade. This can include advertising, word of
mouth, press reports, incentives, commissions and awards to the trade. It can
also include consumer schemes, direct marketing, contests and prizes.
4. Place: refers to the point of sale. In every industry, catching the eye of the
consumer and making it easy for her to buy it is the main aim of a good
distribution or 'place' strategy. Retailers pay a premium for the right location. In
fact, the mantra of a successful retail business is 'location, location, location'.
41. “Brands provide us with beliefs. They define who we are”. Do you agree or
- Communicate their mission and values: By clearly stating their goals and what
it stand for, a company can establish credibility and show that they are
trustworthy and transparent.
- Provide high-quality products or services: High-quality products or services
can help establish credibility and build trust with consumers. This includes
offering products or services that meet or exceed customer expectations and
addressing any issues or complaints promptly and effectively.
- Use social proof: Social proof refers to the idea that people are more likely to
trust a product or service if others have had positive experiences with it. A
company can use customer testimonials, reviews, and ratings to demonstrate
that its brand is trustworthy.
- Build relationships with customers: Building relationships with customers
through personalized interactions, such as responding to inquiries or providing
excellent customer service, can help establish credibility and build trust.
- Use professional branding: Professional branding, including a well-designed
website and logo, can help establish credibility and make a company appear
42. Clarify “Money can buy you love”.
BRANDS are accused of all sorts of evils, from threatening our health and
destroying our environment to corrupting our children. Brands are so powerful,
it is said, that they force us to look alike, eat alike, and be alike.
This grim picture has been made popular by many recent anti-branding books.
The argument has been most forcefully stated in Naomi Klein's book No Logo:
Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. Building a brand nationally required little
more than an occasional advertisement on a handful of television or radio
stations showing how the product tasted better or drove faster. There was little
regulation. It was easy for brands such as Coca-Cola, Kodak, and Marlboro to
become hugely powerful. Jonathan Bond and Richard Kirshenbaum, authors of
Under The Radar Talking To Today's Cynical Consumers, say "some of the most
cynical consumers are the young." Nearly half of all US college students have
taken marketing courses and "know the enemy". For them, "shooting down
advertising has become a kind of sport.
Marketers have to take some of the blame. While consumers have changed
beyond recognition, marketing has not.
43. Young people no longer believe advertisements . Do you agree or disagree?
I agree that young people no longer believe in advertisements for lots of reasons
The young are now bombarded with choices . They are business , more
distracted and have more media to choose from
They are “ commercials veterans “ experiencing up to 1500 pitches a day . They
are more cynical than ever about advertisements
They have taken marketing courses and know the tactics in advertisements . For
them , “shooting down advertisements“ has become a kind of sport . We all
know young people no longer believe in advertisement
44. Can you think of points in life when people would be particularly vulnerable
to marketing tactics?
When young people/ couples get married , they can receive a one week
honeymoon . On their wedding anniversary, the couple will be given a gift for
being loyal customers remembered by the company.
So , this method of marketing is very successful , i think so . Sometime happens
with the birthday ,..People receive almost the same gift and usually from same
brand . => Help to persuade customers who are received your gift ,will continue
believe and use your products or services again.
45. Why do companies need to create brands?
-> Important
it is a symbol that distinguishes itself from other brands
it is represents aspirations and a desirable image of company
It is use focus customer and driving force behind a business.
46) What are the 5 most important characteristics of a brand?
The 5 most important characteristics of a brand:
-First of all, it needs to be distinctive, it has to stand out in the crowd:
Distinctiveness can contribute to brand recall, making it easier for consumers to
identify and remember the brand amid various options.
-Be easy to memorize: Memorability is crucial for building brand loyalty and
establishing a lasting connection with consumers.
-Be easy to pronounce if possible, in several languages: The ease of
pronunciation of the brand name is highlighted. This ensures that consumers can
easily say the[a][b][c] brand name, which can contribute to word-of-mouth
marketing and ease of communication.
-Fit the image of the product: The brand needs to align with the image and
nature of the product it represents. This suggests that there should be a
coherence between the brand identity and the characteristics of the associated
-Finally, it is important that the brand communicates the right emotional appeal
to target customers: Emotional appeal is crucial for creating a connection with
consumers on a deeper level. Brands that successfully communicate the desired
emotions can build stronger relationships with their target audience.
47) Can you give examples of celebrity endorsement?
George Clooney for Nespresso: George Clooney has been the face of Nespresso
for several years. His charm and sophistication are used to promote Nespresso
coffee machines and coffee products.
Beyoncé for Pepsi: Beyoncé has a long-standing partnership with Pepsi. She has
appeared in multiple Pepsi commercials and advertisements, promoting the
brand's soft drinks.
Michael Jordan for Nike: Michael Jordan's association with Nike is iconic. The
Air Jordan line of basketball shoes is one of the most successful and enduring
partnerships in the history of sports endorsements
Jennifer Aniston for SmartWater: Jennifer Aniston has been the face of
SmartWater, a brand of bottled water. Her endorsement is often tied to the
brand's message of staying hydrated and looking and feeling good.
David Beckham for H&M: David Beckham has collaborated with H&M for a
line of underwear and clothing. His global appeal and fashion sense make him a
suitable ambassador for the brand.
Oprah Winfrey for Weight Watchers: Oprah Winfrey invested in Weight
Watchers and became a spokesperson for the brand. Her personal journey with
weight loss and healthy living became a central theme in the brand's advertising.
Matthew McConaughey for Lincoln: Matthew McConaughey has appeared in a
series of commercials for Lincoln automobiles, showcasing a laid-back and
contemplative style that aligns with the brand's image.
Cristiano Ronaldo for CR7: Cristiano Ronaldo has his own line of CR7
products, including clothing, footwear, and fragrances. His endorsement adds a
personal touch and authenticity to the brand.
These examples illustrate how celebrities from various fields use their influence
to promote products, creating a connection between the celebrity's image and
the brand they endorse.
50. What jobs does offshoring create in developed countries?
Offshoring creates big layoffs in developed countries because a research
director called Frances Kazamouzis expects 40% of the USA’s top 1,000
companies to outsource abroad within 2 years and the really big offshore push
won’t be until 2010 or so.

51. What are the types of work that can easily transfer overseas?
They are IT, HR, R&D and back-office work. Because those jobs are no need to
face to face contact, secure and available reliable network connection (internet

52. Many companies are now setting up facilities in countries that provide
services at a far lower cost. What do you think of advantages and risks are of
going offshore?
- Advantages:
Reducing labor costs - companies find the same skills at a cheaper price and
with more flexibility.
- For example: about 1,600km north, at Wipro Spectramind Ltd., 2,500
young college-educated men and women are checking accident reports for an
insurance company and providing help-desk support for a big internet service
provider - all at a cost up to 60% lower than in the USA. By sending routine
service and engineering tasks to nations with a surplus of educated workers,
developed countries can be redeployed to higher-value industries.
- Political stability - a major problem in the country you are outsourced to
- The question of protecting your assets.
53. What factors should companies consider when going offshore?
- Language - Companies have to have professional people who can speak
their language. (India, the Philippines)
- Wage factor:
- Political stability: countries to which companies outsourced don’t have
any major problem
54. What are the risks of outsourcing overseas? (Outsourcing overseas refers to
- Political stability - a major problem in the country you have outsourced to
- Protecting your assets
55. What should developing nations prepare in order to gain more benefits
from offshoring?
- The speediest and cheapest telecom links:
by mining databases over the internet, offshore staff can check individuals’
credit records, analyze corporate financial information and search through
oceans of economic statistics
- investor friendly policies - attract investors, encourage economic
development in nations such as India -> developed countries will have
expanded foreign markets for their goods and services.
- ample college graduates - the developed countries’ labor force and capital
can be redeployed to higher- value industries.

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