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53rd National Safety Day Celebration –4thMarch 2024


Index Sheet for Safety Awards - Factories

Proforma Page
Number No.
1 Best SmallIndustries (up to 100 workers) 3–8
2 Best Medium Industries (from 101 to 500 9–15

3 Best Large Industries (from 501 to 1000 workers) 16–22
4 Best Mega Industries (above 1000 workers) 23–29
5 Best Oil (Petro Chemical) Industries 30–36
6 Best Garment Industries 37–43
7 Best Worker–Female 49–51

Small Industries (up to 100 workers)

8 Best Worker–Male 52–54

Small Industries (up to 100 workers)

09 Best Worker–Female 55–57

Medium Industries (from 101 to 500 workers)

10 Best Worker–Male 58–60

Medium Industries (from 101 to 500 workers)

11 Best Worker–Female 61–63

Large Industries (from 501 to 1000 workers)

12 Best Worker–Male 64–66

Large Industries (from 501 to 1000 workers)
13 Best Worker–Female 67–69

Mega Industries (above 1000 workers)

14 Best Worker–Male 70–72

Mega Industries (above 1000 workers)

15 Best Worker–Female 73–75

Oil Industries (Petro chemical)

16 Best Worker–Male 76–78

Oil Industries (Petro chemical)

17 Best Worker–Female 79–81

Garment Factories
18 Best Worker–Male 82–84

Garment Factories
19 Best Worker–Female 85–86
Construction Projects
20 Best Worker–Male 87–88

Construction Projects
21 Best Safety Officer 89–94

* Proforma mandatory for all categories of factories Awards

* Proforma Formats should not be changed

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024

(Employing upto 100 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in Support of
information furnished.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish the additional information.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then
write as “Not Applicable”.

1. General information:
1 Name and address of the Factory: :

2 Factory License Number :

(Attach latest copy of the factory
3. Name of the Occupier :
Name of the Factory Manager :
Contact Number : :
4. No. of workers ordinarily :
a) Permanent: Male : Female :
b) Contract : Male : Female :
c) Others :
(Note: attach the contract labor
license copy)
5. Brief of the manufacturing activity
carried on:
(Attach the flow chart along with
6. Annual Turnover during the year :


1. Details of Safety, Health & Environment Status:

SHE policy : Yes / No (enclose Copy]/NA
Safety Budget (Year-2022) : Rs.
Safety Budget (Year-2023) : Rs.
Safety Audit (Done in the year 2022) : Yes / No (if yes, furnish details)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)
2. Accreditationsobtained in 2022&2023 (OSHAS, ISO, etc.)
Other safety awards received in 2022&2023
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

3. Welfare Measures:
a) Whether Rest cum Lunch Room is provided : Yes/No/NA
b) Whether Canteen facility is provided : Yes/No/NA
c) Whether Creche facility is provided :Yes/No/NA
(No. of Kids in Creche, Creche photo)
4. Overtime work:
a) Whether worker were allowed to work overtime:
b) Has exemption been granted by the dept.:
c) Rate of wages paid for Overtime work :
(Enclose copy of the overtime register for the year 2023)
5. Annual Leave with Wages:
a) Whether Annual Leave with Wages given to workers of all nature of
employment (permanent/contract/casual/daily wagesetc)(Attach the document)

6. Accident statistics for the calendar year 2023.

a) Total no. of man days worked :
b) No. of man days lost due to accidents :
c) Longest accident free period :
Accident data for the last three years
2021 2022 2023
Fatal Accidents
Serious Accidents
Note: Submission of Combined Annual Return-2022 is compulsory (Enclose copy)

7. Safety and Health Status Reports for the year 2023:

Suggestions received Suggestions accepted Suggestions implemented

8. Details of machine guarding.
a) Control measures adopted to prevent accidents
b) Status report with photos.
c) Amount spent during the year 2022-23.

9. Fire Prevention.
a) Details of Fire Prevention and Control Systems provided
a. Fire extinguishers
b. Smoke detectors
c. Fire hydrant system
d. CO2 Flooding system
b) No. of fire incidents.
c) No. of persons trained in firefighting.
Permanent workers:
Contract workers :
d) Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drills records (both Announced & Unannounced) –

10. Details of safety awareness programmes:

a) No. of training programmes conducted
b) No. of Persons Trained in Safety:
2021 2022 2023
Permanent workers
Workers of all other
nature of employment
Percentage of workers
covered in a year
c) No. of persons deputed for training outside. Permanent/Contract
d) No. of Training Programmes conducted through Karnataka State Safety Institute
(Dept. of Factories and Boilers)

11. Details of Housekeeping.

a) Concepts adopted if any, like 5S
(Attach photographs)

12. Details of SHE Promotional Activities.

a) Safety committee. Yes / No/NA
b) Works committee Yes / No/NA
c) Worker’s participation.
Yes / No/NA
d) Chairman of Safety Committee (Designation)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

13. a) Future action plan / commitment to promote

SHE Policy during the coming year/years.
b) Commitment to promote SHE Policy in the
Ancillary units/out-sourced products

14. Statutory Tests by competent person:

a) Pressure Vessels:
b) Lifting machine and tackles:
c) Power Presses:
d) Centrifugal machines:
e) Other machineries/ equipment:
f) Name of the competent person with date of such examination:
g) Is the stability of the building examined and Stability Certificate obtained:
(Attach copy of the Stability Certificate)

15. Drinking Water:

a) Source of drinking water:
b) Whether portability test conducted:
c) Periodicity of the test:
d) Agency conducting test
e) Cases of infection if any.

16. (a) Details of work-environment monitoring

Conducted with specific data and the field:
(b) Protocol for follow up action:

In case of hazardous Factories

17. Whether the On-site Emergency Plan has been prepared/updated &Approved?
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

18. Medical Examination/surveillance Conducted

a) No. of workers examined
Permanent workers :
Contract workers :
Others :
b) No. of Occupational Diseases identified :
c) Follow up action undertaken :
d) The name and address of the Medical Officer
Conducting such examinations
e) Copy of the Health Register in Form-16 to be furnished.

19. Whether the hazards involved in the industry along with On-site
Emergency plans have been made known to the employees, if so give
the methodology, mechanism adopted along with total number of
employees involved. Enclose copy of the relevant documents.

20. Whether the MSDS are available to all the workers in respect of all chemical
Substances, manufactured, stored, used and handled in the industry.

21. Is there a safety committee constituted and how often meetings are

22. Are the Safety Audit, Risk Analysis and Hazop Studies etc., have been
Conducted by External Agency or OISD? If so, Specify action taken for
the findings/observations of the Audit.

23. Whether Safety report has been prepared & submitted to dept. (as per
MAHC Rules).

24. Whether Preventive maintenance system is followed.

25. a. No. of on-site emergency mock-drills conducted and their

Frequency in the year 2023
b. Details of public awareness programs conducted.

26. Whether Safety Manual is prepared and Standard Operating

Procedures are developed.

Part C
Description Attach the documents
1. Special Safety training to Maintenance Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
department - Electrical Safety, fall Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached
protection, ladder safety, confined spaces,
hazardous energy, proper use of power
tools etc.,
Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
2. PPE Training records&PPE Issue Register Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached

3. Approved Building layout plans including all

the areas.

4. Ergonomics Training program records

5. Regular Inspection & Preventive
maintenance records

6. Lack out Tag out (LOTO) Training records

7. Fire Extinguishers & Fire Alarm monthly

inspection records

8. Annual Health Check-up certificates

9. List of First Aid Boxes&First Aid Training

10. Smoke Detector installed details

11. Fire Alarm Manual call points

12. Fire Hydrant system and water storage
details along with visual fire alarm and
sprinklers details
13. List of Exit & Emergency Exits -Floor wise

14. Physically challenged workers documents

15. Details of Chemical Inventory &List of

Chemicals and SDS
16. Chemical handling Procedures&Chemical
Handling Training Records
17. Health & Safety Committee Meeting
18. ICC or Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committee Meeting Records

19. Fire Advisory / NOC

20. Appointment letter of Creche Staff

Additional information, if any,


I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:

Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rd National Safety Day Celebration – 4th March 2024


(Employing 101 to 500 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in Support of
information furnished.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish the additional information.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then
write as “Not Applicable”.

1. General information:
1 Name and address of the Factory: :

2 Factory License Number :

(Attach latest copy of the factory
3. Name of the Occupier :
Name of the Factory Manager :
Contact Number : :
4. No. of workers ordinarily :
a) Permanent: Male : Female :
b) Contract : Male : Female :
c) Others :
(Note: attach the contract labor
license copy)
5. Brief of the manufacturing activity
carried on:
(Attach the flow chart along with
6. Annual Turnover during the year :

2. Details of Safety, Health & Environment Status:

SHE policy : Yes / No (enclose Copy]/NA

Safety Budget (Year-2022) : Rs.
Safety Budget (Year-2023) : Rs.
Safety Audit (Done in the year 2022) : Yes / No (if yes, furnish details)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

3. Accreditationsobtained in 2022&2023 (OSHAS, ISO, etc.)

Other safety awards received in 2022 &2023
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

4. Welfare Measures:
a) Whether Rest cum Lunch Room is provided : Yes/No/NA
b) Whether Canteen facility is provided : Yes/No/NA
c) Whether Creche facility is provided :Yes/No/NA
(No. of Kids in Creche, Creche photo)
d) Whether Welfare officer is appointed : Yes/No/NA
e) Whether Occupational Health Centre is provided:
f) Whether Ambulance Van is provided?
If so, provide the details
(Attach the RC Book copy, Driver driving license copy, Van Photo) :
If not, what is the alternate arrangement made?
g) Whether Factory Medical Officer with Paramedical Staff is appointed?
If so provide the details.
(Note: Please enclose copy of the relevant documents and photographs of the facility)

5. Overtime work:
a) Whether worker were allowed to work overtime:
b) Has exemption been granted by the dept.:
c) Rate of wages paid for Overtime work :
(Enclose copy of the overtime register for the year 2023)
6. Annual Leave with Wages:
a) Whether Annual Leave with Wages given to workers of all nature of
employment (permanent/contract/casual/daily wagesetc) (Attach the document)

7. Accident statistics for the calendar year 2023.

a) Total no. of man days worked :
b) No. of man days lost due to accidents :
c) Longest accident free period :
Accident data for the last three years
2021 2022 2023
Fatal Accidents
Serious Accidents

Note: Submission of Combined Annual Return-2022 is compulsory (Enclose copy)

8. Safety and Health Status Reports for the year 2023:

Suggestions received Suggestions accepted Suggestions implemented

9. Details of machine guarding.

a) Control measures adopted to prevent accidents
b) Status report with photos.
c) Amount spent during the year 2022-23.
10. Fire Prevention.
a) Details of Fire Prevention and Control Systems provided
a. Fire extinguishers
b. Smoke detectors
c. Fire hydrant system
d. CO2 Flooding system
b) No. of fire incidents.
c) No. of persons trained in firefighting.
Permanent workers:
Contract workers :
d) Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drills records (both Announced & Unannounced) -
11. Details of safety awareness programmes:
a) No. of training programmes conducted
b) No. of Persons Trained in Safety:
2021 2022 2023
Permanent workers
Workers of all other
nature of employment
Percentage of workers
covered in a year
c) No. of persons deputed for training outside. Permanent/Contract
d) No. of Training Programmes conducted through Karnataka State Safety Institute
(Dept. of Factories and Boilers)
12. Details of Housekeeping.
a) Concepts adopted if any, like 5S
(Attach photographs)

13. Details of SHE Promotional Activities.
a) Safety committee. Yes / No/NA
b) Works committee Yes / No/NA
c) Worker’s participation.
Yes / No/NA
d) Chairman of Safety Committee (Designation)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

14. a) Future action plan / commitment to promote

SHE Policy during the coming year/years.
b) Commitment to promote SHE Policy in the
ancillary units/out-sourced products
15. Statutory Tests by competent person:
a) Pressure Vessels:
b) Lifting machine and tackles:
c) Power Presses:
d) Centrifugal machines:
e) Other machineries/ equipment:
f) Name of the competent person with date of such examination:
g) Is the stability of the building examined and Stability Certificate obtained:
(Attach copy of the Stability Certificate)
16. Drinking Water:
a) Source of drinking water:
b) Whether potability test conducted:
c) Periodicity of the test:
d) Agency conducting test
e) Cases of infection if any.
17. (a) Details of work-environment monitoring
Conducted with specific data and the field:
(b) Protocol for follow up action:

In case of hazardous Factories

18. Whether the On-site Emergency Plan has been prepared/updated
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)
19. Medical Examination/surveillance Conducted
a) No. of workers examined
Permanent workers :
Contract workers :
Others :
b) No. of Occupational Diseases identified :
c) Follow up action undertaken :
d) The name and address of the Medical Officer
conducting such examinations
e) Copy of the Health Register in Form-16 to be furnished.

20. Whether the hazards involved in the industry along with On-site
Emergency plans have been made known to the employees, if so give
the methodology, mechanism adopted along with total number of
employees involved. Enclose copy of the relevant documents.

21. Whether the MSDS are available to all the workers in respect of all chemical
substances, manufactured, stored, used and handled in the industry.

22. Is there a safety committee constituted and how often meetings are

23. Are the Safety Audit, Risk Analysis and Hazop Studies etc., have been
Conducted by External Agency or OISD? If so, Specify action taken for
the findings/observations of the Audit.

24. Whether Safety report has been prepared & submitted to dept. (as per
MAHC Rules).

25. Whether Preventive maintenance system is followed.

1. a. No. of on-site emergency mock-drills conducted and their

Frequency in the year 2023
b. Details of public awareness programs conducted.

2. Whether Safety Manual is prepared and Standard Operating

Procedures are developed.
Part C
Description Attach the documents
1. Special Safety training to Maintenance Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
department - Electrical Safety, fall Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached
protection, ladder safety, confined spaces,
hazardous energy, proper use of power
tools etc.,
Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
2. PPE Training records&PPE Issue Register Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached

3. Ergonomics Training program records

4. Regular Inspection & Preventive
maintenance records

5. Lack out Tag out (LOTO) Training records

6. Fire Extinguishers & Fire Alarm monthly

inspection records

7. FSSAI Certificate (Hygiene Certificate)

8. Annual Health Check-up certificates

9. List of First Aid Boxes&First Aid Training
10. Fire Alarm Manual call points
11. Fire Hydrant system and water storage
details along with visual fire alarm and
sprinklers details
12. List of Exit & Emergency Exits -Floor wise

13. Physically challenged workers documents

14. Details of Chemical Inventory &List of

Chemicals and SDS
15. Chemical handling Procedures&Chemical
Handling Training Records
16. Health & Safety Committee Meeting
17. ICC or Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committee Meeting Records

18. Works Committee Meeting Records

19. Grievance Handling Committee Meeting


20. Details of Canteen Management

CommitteeMeeting Records

21. Fire Advisory / NOC

22. Appointment letter of Creche Staff

Additional information, if any,

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)

Please Note:

Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:

Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:

Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rd National Safety Day Celebration – 4th March 2024


(Employing 501 to 1000 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in Support of
information furnished.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish the additional information.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then
write as “Not Applicable”.


1. General information:
1 Name and address of the Factory: :

2 Factory License Number :

(Attach latest copy of the factory
3. Name of the Occupier :
Name of the Factory Manager :
Contact Number : :
4. No. of workers ordinarily :
a) Permanent: Male : Female :
b) Contract : Male : Female :
c) Others :
(Note: attach the contract labor
license copy)
5. Brief of the manufacturing activity
carried on:
(Attach the flow chart along with
6. Annual Turnover during the year :


2. Details of Safety, Health & Environment Status:

SHE policy : Yes / No (enclose Copy]/NA

Safety Budget (Year-2022) : Rs.
Safety Budget (Year-2023) : Rs.
Safety Audit (Done in the year 2022) : Yes / No (if yes, furnish details)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

3. Accreditationsobtained in 2022&2023 (OSHAS, ISO, etc.)

Other safety awards received in 2022 &2023
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

4. Welfare Measures:
a) Whether Rest cum Lunch Room is provided : Yes/No/NA
b) Whether Canteen facility is provided : Yes/No/NA
c) Whether Creche facility is provided :Yes/No/NA
(No. of Kids in Creche, Creche photo)
d) Whether Welfare officer is appointed : Yes/No/NA
e) Whether Occupational Health Centre is provided:
f) Whether Ambulance Van is provided?
If so, provide the details
(Attach the RC Book copy, Driver driving license copy, Van Photo) :
If not, what is the alternate arrangement made?
g) Whether Factory Medical Officer with Paramedical Staff is appointed?
If so provide the details.
h) Whether Safety officer is appointed : Yes/No/NA

(Note: Please enclose copy of the relevant documents and photographs of the facility)

5. Overtime work:
a) Whether worker were allowed to work overtime:
b) Has exemption been granted by the dept.:
c) Rate of wages paid for Overtime work :
(Enclose copy of the overtime register for the year 2023)
6. Annual Leave with Wages:
a) Whether Annual Leave with Wages given to workers of all nature of
employment (permanent/contract/casual/daily wagesetc) (Attach the document)

7. Accident statistics for the calendar year 2023.

a) Total no. of man days worked :
b) No. of man days lost due to accidents :
c) Longest accident free period :
Accident data for the last three years

2021 2022 2023
Fatal Accidents
Serious Accidents
Note: Submission of Combined Annual Return-2022 is compulsory (Enclose copy)

8. Safety and Health Status Reports for the year 2023:

Suggestions received Suggestions accepted Suggestions implemented

9. Details of machine guarding.

a) Control measures adopted to prevent accidents
b) Status report with photos.
c) Amount spent during the year 2022-23.

10. Fire Prevention.

a) Details of Fire Prevention and Control Systems provided
a. Fire extinguishers
b. Smoke detectors
c. Fire hydrant system
d. CO2 Flooding system
b) No. of fire incidents.
c) No. of persons trained in firefighting.
Permanent workers:
Contract workers :
d) Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drills records (both Announced & Unannounced) -

11. Details of safety awareness programmes:

a) No. of training programmes conducted
b) No. of Persons Trained in Safety:
2021 2022 2023
Permanent workers
Workers of all other
nature of employment
Percentage of workers
covered in a year
c) No. of persons deputed for training outside. Permanent/Contract

d) No. of Training Programmes conducted through Karnataka State Safety Institute
(Dept. of Factories and Boilers)

12. Details of Housekeeping.

a) Concepts adopted if any, like 5S
(Attach photographs)

13. Details of SHE Promotional Activities.

a) Safety committee. Yes / No/NA
b) Works committee Yes / No/NA
c) Worker’s participation.
Yes / No/NA
d) Chairman of Safety Committee (Designation)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

14. a) Future action plan / commitment to promote

SHE Policy during the coming year/years.
b) Commitment to promote SHE Policy in the
ancillary units/out-sourced products

15. Statutory Tests by competent person:

a) Pressure Vessels:
b) Lifting machine and tackles:
c) Power Presses:
d) Centrifugal machines:
e) Other machineries/ equipment:
f) Name of the competent person with date of such examination:
g) Is the stability of the building examined and Stability Certificate obtained:
(Attach copy of the Stability Certificate)

16. Drinking Water:

a) Source of drinking water:
b) Whether potability test conducted:
c) Periodicity of the test:
d) Agency conducting test
e) Cases of infection if any.

17. (a) Details of work-environment monitoring

Conducted with specific data and the field:
(b) Protocol for follow up action:

In case of hazardous Factories

18. Whether the On-site Emergency Plan has been prepared/updated

(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

19. Medical Examination/surveillance Conducted

a) No. of workers examined
Permanent workers :
Contract workers :
Others :
b) No. of Occupational Diseases identified :
c) Follow up action undertaken :
d) The name and address of the Medical Officer
conducting such examinations
e) Copy of the Health Register in Form-16 to be furnished.

20. Whether the hazards involved in the industry along with On-site
Emergency plans have been made known to the employees, if so give
the methodology, mechanism adopted along with total number of
employees involved. Enclose copy of the relevant documents.

21. Whether the MSDS are available to all the workers in respect of all chemical
substances, manufactured, stored, used and handled in the industry.

22. Is there a safety committee constituted and how often meetings are

23. Are the Safety Audit, Risk Analysis and Hazop Studies etc., have been
Conducted by External Agency or OISD? If so, Specify action taken for
the findings/observations of the Audit.

24. Whether Safety report has been prepared & submitted to dept. (as per
MAHC Rules).

25. Whether Preventive maintenance system is followed.

26. a. No. of on-site emergency mock-drills conducted and their

Frequency in the year 2023
b. Details of public awareness programs conducted.

27. Whether Safety Manual is prepared and Standard Operating

Procedures are developed.

Part C
Description Attach the documents
1. Special Safety training to Maintenance Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
department - Electrical Safety, fall Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached
protection, ladder safety, confined spaces,
hazardous energy, proper use of power
tools etc.,

Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
2. PPE Training records&PPE Issue Register Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached

3. Ergonomics Training program records

4. Regular Inspection & Preventive
maintenance records

5. Lack out Tag out (LOTO) Training records

6. Fire Extinguishers & Fire Alarm monthly

inspection records

7. FSSAI Certificate (Hygiene Certificate)

8. Annual Health Check-up certificates

9. List of First Aid Boxes&First Aid Training
10. Fire Alarm Manual call points
11. Fire Hydrant system and water storage
details along with visual fire alarm and
sprinklers details
12. List of Exit & Emergency Exits -Floor wise

13. Physically challenged workers documents

14. Details of Chemical Inventory &List of

Chemicals and SDS
15. Chemical handling Procedures&Chemical
Handling Training Records
16. Health & Safety Committee Meeting
17. ICC or Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committee Meeting Records

18. Works Committee Meeting Records

19. Grievance Handling Committee Meeting


20. Details of Canteen Management
CommitteeMeeting Records

21. Fire Advisory / NOC

22. Appointment letter of Creche Staff

23. Appointment letter of Welfare officers

24. Appointment letter of Factory medical officer

25. Appointment letter of Staff Nurse

26. CSR activity details

Additional information, if any,

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)


Please Note:

Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:

Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
‘Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rd National Safety Day Celebration – 4th March 2024


(Employing more than 1000 workers)

Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to

ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in Support of
information furnished.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish the additional information.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then
write as “Not Applicable”.

1. General information:
1 Name and address of the Factory: :

2 Factory License Number :

(Attach latest copy of the factory
3. Name of the Occupier :
Name of the Factory Manager :
Contact Number : :
4. No. of workers ordinarily :
a) Permanent: Male : Female :
b) Contract : Male : Female :
c) Others :
(Note: attach the contract labor
license copy)
5. Brief of the manufacturing activity
carried on:
(Attach the flow chart along with
6. Annual Turnover during the year :


2. Details of Safety, Health & Environment Status:

SHE policy : Yes / No (enclose Copy]/NA

Safety Budget (Year-2022) : Rs.
Safety Budget (Year-2023) : Rs.
Safety Audit (Done in the year 2022) : Yes / No (if yes, furnish details)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

3. Accreditationsobtained in 2022 &2023 (OSHAS, ISO, etc.)

Other safety awards received in 2022 &2023
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

4. Welfare Measures:
a) Whether Rest cum Lunch Room is provided : Yes/No/NA
b) Whether Canteen facility is provided : Yes/No/NA
c) Whether Creche facility is provided :Yes/No/NA
(No. of Kids in Creche, Creche photo)
d) Whether Welfare officer is appointed : Yes/No/NA
e) Whether Occupational Health Centre is provided:
f) Whether Ambulance Van is provided?
If so, provide the details
(Attach the RC Book copy, Driver driving license copy, Van Photo) :
If not, what is the alternate arrangement made?
g) Whether Factory Medical Officer with Paramedical Staff is appointed?
If so provide the details.
h) Whether Safety officer is appointed : Yes/No/NA

(Note: Please enclose copy of the relevant documents and photographs of the facility)

5. Overtime work:
a) Whether worker were allowed to work overtime:
b) Has exemption been granted by the dept.:
c) Rate of wages paid for Overtime work :
(Enclose copy of the overtime register for the year 2023)
6. Annual Leave with Wages:
a) Whether Annual Leave with Wages given to workers of all nature of
employment (permanent/contract/casual/daily wagesetc) (Attach the document)

7. Accident statistics for the calendar year 2023.

a) Total no. of man days worked :
b) No. of man days lost due to accidents :
c) Longest accident free period :
Accident data for the last three years
2021 2022 2023
Fatal Accidents
Serious Accidents
Note: Submission of Combined Annual Return-2022 is compulsory (Enclose copy)

8. Safety and Health Status Reports for the year 2023:

Suggestions received Suggestions accepted Suggestions implemented

9. Details of machine guarding.

a) Control measures adopted to prevent accidents
b) Status report with photos.
c) Amount spent during the year 2022-23.

10. Fire Prevention.

a) Details of Fire Prevention and Control Systems provided
a. Fire extinguishers
b. Smoke detectors
c. Fire hydrant system
d. CO2 Flooding system
b) No. of fire incidents.
c) No. of persons trained in firefighting.
Permanent workers:
Contract workers :
d) Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drills records (both Announced & Unannounced) -

11. Details of safety awareness programmes:

a) No. of training programmes conducted
b) No. of Persons Trained in Safety:
2021 2022 2023
Permanent workers
Workers of all other
nature of employment
Percentage of workers
covered in a year
c) No. of persons deputed for training outside. Permanent/Contract
d) No. of Training Programmes conducted through Karnataka State Safety Institute
(Dept. of Factories and Boilers)

12. Details of Housekeeping.
a) Concepts adopted if any, like 5S
(Attach photographs)

13. Details of SHE Promotional Activities.

a) Safety committee. Yes / No/NA
b) Works committee Yes / No/NA
c) Worker’s participation.
Yes / No/NA
d) Chairman of Safety Committee (Designation)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

14. a) Future action plan / commitment to promote

SHE Policy during the coming year/years.
b) Commitment to promote SHE Policy in the
ancillary units/out-sourced products

15. Statutory Tests by competent person:

a) Pressure Vessels:
b) Lifting machine and tackles:
c) Power Presses:
d) Centrifugal machines:
e) Other machineries/ equipment:
f) Name of the competent person with date of such examination:
g) Is the stability of the building examined and Stability Certificate obtained:
(Attach copy of the Stability Certificate)

16. Drinking Water:

a) Source of drinking water:
b) Whether potability test conducted:
c) Periodicity of the test:
d) Agency conducting test
e) Cases of infection if any.

17. (a) Details of work-environment monitoring

Conducted with specific data and the field:
(b) Protocol for follow up action:

In case of hazardous Factories

18. Whether the On-site Emergency Plan has been prepared/updated

(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

19. Medical Examination/surveillance Conducted

a) No. of workers examined
Permanent workers :

Contract workers :
Others :
b) No. of Occupational Diseases identified :
c) Follow up action undertaken :
d) The name and address of the Medical Officer
conducting such examinations
e) Copy of the Health Register in Form-16 to be furnished.

20. Whether the hazards involved in the industry along with On-site
Emergency plans have been made known to the employees, if so give
the methodology, mechanism adopted along with total number of
employees involved. Enclose copy of the relevant documents.

21. Whether the MSDS are available to all the workers in respect of all chemical
substances, manufactured, stored, used and handled in the industry.

22. Is there a safety committee constituted and how often meetings are

23. Are the Safety Audit, Risk Analysis and Hazop Studies etc., have been
Conducted by External Agency or OISD? If so, Specify action taken for
the findings/observations of the Audit.

24. Whether Safety report has been prepared & submitted to dept. (as per
MAHC Rules).

25. Whether Preventive maintenance system is followed.

26. a. No. of on-site emergency mock-drills conducted and their

Frequency in the year 2023
b. Details of public awareness programs conducted.

27. Whether Safety Manual is prepared and Standard Operating

Procedures are developed.

Part C
Description Attach the documents
1. Special Safety training to Maintenance Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
department - Electrical Safety, fall Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached
protection, ladder safety, confined spaces,
hazardous energy, proper use of power
tools etc.,
Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
2. PPE Training records&PPE Issue Register Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached

3. Ergonomics Training program records
4. Regular Inspection & Preventive
maintenance records

5. Lack out Tag out (LOTO) Training records

6. Fire Extinguishers & Fire Alarm monthly

inspection records

7. FSSAI Certificate (Hygiene Certificate)

8. Annual Health Check-up certificates

9. List of First Aid Boxes&First Aid Training
10. Fire Alarm Manual call points
11. Fire Hydrant system and water storage
details along with visual fire alarm and
sprinklers details
12. List of Exit & Emergency Exits -Floor wise

13. Physically challenged workers documents

14. Details of Chemical Inventory &List of

Chemicals and SDS
15. Chemical handling Procedures&Chemical
Handling Training Records
16. Health & Safety Committee Meeting
17. ICC or Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committee Meeting Records

18. Works Committee Meeting Records

19. Grievance Handling Committee Meeting


20. Details of Canteen Management

CommitteeMeeting Records

21. Fire Advisory / NOC

22. Appointment letter of Creche Staff

23. Appointment letter of Welfare officers

24. Appointment letter of Factory medical officer

25. Appointment letter of Staff Nurse

26. Appointment letter of Safety officers

27. CSR activity details

Additional information, if any,

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)

Please Note:

Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:

Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024



(Applicable to LPG / Petroleum Products (POL) Storage, Bottling / Depot,
Terminals & Refinery)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023(01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in Support of
information furnished.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish the additional information.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then
write as “Not Applicable”.
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone No./Mobile Email ID Telephone No./Mobile Email ID

1. General information:
1 Name and address of the Factory: :

2 Factory License Number :

(Attach latest copy of the factory
3. Name of the Occupier :
Name of the Factory Manager :
Contact Number : :
4. No. of workers ordinarily :
employed: Male : Female :
a) Permanent:
Male : Female :
b) Contract :
c) Others :
(Note: attach the contract labor
license copy)
5. Brief of the manufacturing activity
carried on:
(Attach the flow chart along with

6. Annual Turnover during the year :

2. Details of Safety, Health & Environment Status:
SHE policy : Yes / No (enclose Copy]/NA
Safety Budget (Year-2022) : Rs.
Safety Budget (Year-2023) : Rs.
Safety Audit (Done in the year 2022) : Yes / No (if yes, furnish details)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

3. Accreditationsobtained in 2022&2023 (OSHAS, ISO, etc.)

Other safety awards received in 2022 &2023
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

4. Welfare Measures:
a) Whether Rest cum Lunch Room is provided : Yes/No/NA
b) Whether Canteen facility is provided : Yes/No/NA
c) Whether Creche facility is provided :Yes/No/NA
(No. of Kids in Creche, Creche photo)
d) Whether Welfare officer is appointed : Yes/No/NA
e) Whether Occupational Health Centre is provided:
f) Whether Ambulance Van is provided?
If so, provide the details
(Attach the RC Book copy, Driver driving license copy, Van Photo) :
If not, what is the alternate arrangement made?
g) Whether Factory Medical Officer with Paramedical Staff is appointed?
If so provide the details.
h) Whether Safety officer is appointed : Yes/No/NA

(Note: Please enclose copy of the relevant documents and photographs of the facility)

5. Overtime work:
a) Whether worker were allowed to work overtime:
b) Has exemption been granted by the dept.:
c) Rate of wages paid for Overtime work :
(Enclose copy of the overtime register for the year 2023)
6. Annual Leave with Wages:

a) Whether Annual Leave with Wages given to workers of all nature of
employment (permanent/contract/casual/daily wagesetc) (Attach the document)

7. Accident statistics for the calendar year 2023.

a) Total no. of man days worked :
b) No. of man days lost due to accidents :
c) Longest accident free period :
Accident data for the last three years
2021 2022 2023
Fatal Accidents
Serious Accidents
Note: Submission of Combined Annual Return-2022 is compulsory (Enclose copy)

8. Safety and Health Status Reports for the year 2023:

Suggestions received Suggestions accepted Suggestions implemented

9. Details of machine guarding.

a) Control measures adopted to prevent accidents
b) Status report with photos.
c) Amount spent during the year 2022-23.

10. Fire Prevention.

a) Details of Fire Prevention and Control Systems provided
a. Fire extinguishers
b. Smoke detectors
c. Fire hydrant system
d. CO2 Flooding system
b) No. of fire incidents.
c) No. of persons trained in firefighting.
Permanent workers:
Contract workers :
d) Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drills records (both Announced & Unannounced)

11. Details of safety awareness programmes:

a) No. of training programmes conducted

b) No. of Persons Trained in Safety:
2021 2022 2023
Permanent workers
Workers of all other
nature of employment
Percentage of workers
covered in a year
c) No. of persons deputed for training outside. Permanent/Contract
d) No. of Training Programmes conducted through Karnataka State Safety Institute
(Dept. of Factories and Boilers)

12. Details of Housekeeping.

a) Concepts adopted if any, like 5S
(Attach photographs)

13. Details of SHE Promotional Activities.

a) Safety committee. Yes / No/NA
b) Works committee Yes / No/NA
c) Worker’s participation.
Yes / No/NA
d) Chairman of Safety Committee (Designation)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

14. a) Future action plan / commitment to promote

SHE Policy during the coming year/years.
b) Commitment to promote SHE Policy in the
ancillary units/out-sourced products

15. Statutory Tests by competent person:

a) Pressure Vessels:
b) Lifting machine and tackles:
c) Power Presses:
d) Centrifugal machines:
e) Other machineries/ equipment:
f) Name of the competent person with date of such examination:
g) Is the stability of the building examined and Stability Certificate obtained:
(Attach copy of the Stability Certificate)

16. Drinking Water:

a) Source of drinking water:
b) Whether potability test conducted:
c) Periodicity of the test:
d) Agency conducting test
e) Cases of infection if any.

17. (a) Details of work-environment monitoring

Conducted with specific data and the field:
(b) Protocol for follow up action:

17a.Whether the On-site Emergency Plan has been prepared/updated &Approved?
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

18. Medical Examination/surveillance Conducted

a) No. of workers examined
Permanent workers :
Contract workers :
Others :
b) No. of Occupational Diseases identified :
c) Follow up action undertaken :
d) The name and address of the Medical Officer
conducting such examinations
e) Copy of the Health Register in Form-16 to be furnished.

19. Whether the hazards involved in the industry along with On-site
Emergency plans have been made known to the employees, if so give
the methodology, mechanism adopted along with total number of
employees involved. Enclose copy of the relevant documents.

20. Whether the MSDS are available to all the workers in respect of all chemical
substances, manufactured, stored, used and handled in the industry.

21. Is there a safety committee constituted and how often meetings are

22. Are the Safety Audit, Risk Analysis and Hazop Studies etc., have been
Conducted by External Agency or OISD? If so, Specify action taken for
the findings/observations of the Audit.

23. Whether Safety report has been prepared & submitted to dept. (as per
MAHC Rules).

24. Whether Preventive maintenance system is followed.

25. a. No. of on-site emergency mock-drills conducted and their

Frequency in the year 2023
b. Details of public awareness programs conducted.

26. Whether Safety Manual is prepared and Standard Operating

Procedures are developed.

27. How is emergency in the idle shift, holidays managed? Whether the security
personnel are trained in emergency handling.

28. Additional information, if any,

Part C
Description Attach the documents
1. Special Safety training to Maintenance Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
department - Electrical Safety, fall Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached
protection, ladder safety, confined spaces,
hazardous energy, proper use of power
tools etc.,
Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
2. PPE Training records&PPE Issue Register Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached
3. Ergonomics Training program records
4. Regular Inspection & Preventive
maintenance records
5. Lack out Tag out (LOTO) Training records

6. Fire Extinguishers & Fire Alarm monthly

inspection records

7. FSSAI Certificate (Hygiene Certificate)

8. Annual Health Check-up certificates

9. List of First Aid Boxes&First Aid Training
10. Fire Alarm Manual call points
11. Fire Hydrant system and water storage
details along with visual fire alarm and
sprinklers details
12. List of Exit & Emergency Exits -Floor wise

13. Physically challenged workers documents

14. Details of Chemical Inventory &List of

Chemicals and SDS
15. Chemical handling Procedures&Chemical
Handling Training Records

16. Works Committee Meeting Records

17. Health & Safety Committee Meeting
18. ICC or Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committee Meeting Records

19. Grievance Handling Committee Meeting
20. Details of Canteen Management
CommitteeMeeting Records
21. Fire Advisory / NOC
22. Building Structural Stability Certificate &
Building Structural Safety Inspection Report

23. Electrician / Wiremen Certificates copy

24. Appointment letter of Welfare officers

25. Appointment letter of Safety officers

26. Appointment letter of Factory medical officer

27. Appointment letter of Staff Nurse

28. Appointment letter of Creche Staff

29. Do you have a Safety Work Permit
System? if so attach copy of the same

30. CSR activity details

Additional information, if any,

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024


Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in Support of
information furnished.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish the additional information.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then
write as “Not Applicable”.
1. General information:
1 Name and address of the Factory: :

2 Factory License Number(Attach :

latest copy of the factory license)

3. Name of the Occupier :

Name of the Factory Manager :
Contact Number : :
4. No. of workers ordinarily :
employed: Male : Female :
a) Permanent:
Male : Female :
b) Contract :
c) Others :
(Note: attach the contract labor
license copy)
6. Annual Turnover during the year :

2. Details of Safety, Health & Environment Status:
SHE policy : Yes / No (enclose Copy]
Safety Organization : Yes / No (enclose Copy]
Safety Budget (Year2022) : Rs.
Safety Budget(Year 2023) : Rs.
Safety Audit (Done in the year 2022) : Yes / No (if yes, furnish details)
Safety Officer Appointed : Yes/No (Wherever Applicable)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

3. Accreditationsobtained in 2022& 2023

Other safety awards received in 2022& 2023
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)
4. Welfare Measures:
a) Whether Rest cum Lunch Room is provided :
b) Whether Canteen facility is provided :
c) Whether Creche facility is provided
(No. of Kids in Creche, Creche photo) :
d) Whether Welfare officer is appointed :
e) Whether Ambulance Room is provided:
f) Whether Ambulance Van is provided?
If so, provide the details
(Attach the RC Book copy, Driver driving license copy, Ambulance Van Photo) :
If not, what is the alternate arrangement made?
g) Whether Factory Medical Officer with Paramedical Staff is appointed?
If so provide the details.

(Note: Please enclose copy of the relevant documents and photographs of the facility)

5. Overtime work:
a) Whether worker were allowed to work overtime:
b) Has exemption been granted by the dept.:
c) Rate of wages paid for Overtime work :
(Enclose copy of the overtime register for the year 2023)
6. Annual Leave with Wages:
a) Whether Annual Leave with Wages given to workers of all nature of
employment (permanent/contract/casual/daily wagesetc)
(Attach the document)
7. Accident statistics for the calendar year 2023.
a) Total no. of man days worked :
b) No. of man days lost due to accidents :
c) Longest accident free period
Accident data for the last three years
2021 2022 2023
Fatal Accidents
Serious Accidents

Note: Submission of Combined Annual Return-2022 is compulsory (Enclose copy)

8. Safety and Health Status Reports for the year 2023:

Suggestions received Suggestions accepted Suggestions implemented

9. Medical Examination/surveillance Conducted

(In specific Anemia, Canteen Workers)
a) No. of workers examined
Permanent workers :
Contract workers :
Others :
b) No. of Occupational Diseases identified :
c) Follow up action undertaken :
d) The name and address of the Medical Officer
conducting such examinations
e) Copy of the Health Register to be furnished.

10. Details of machine guarding.

a) Control measures adopted to prevent accidents
b) Status report with photos.
c) Amount spent during the year 2022-23.

11. Fire Prevention.

a) Details of Fire Prevention and Control Systems provided;
a. Fire extinguishers
b. Smoke detectors
c. Fire hydrant system
d. CO2 Flooding system
b) No. of fire incidents.
c) No. of persons trained in firefighting.
Permanent workers:
Contract workers :
d) Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drills records (both Announced & Unannounced) -

12. Details of safety awareness programmes:

a) No. of training programmes conducted
b) No. of Persons Trained in Safety:

2021 2022 2023
Permanent workers
Workers of all other
nature of employment
Percentage of workers
covered in a year
c) No. of persons deputed for training outside. Permanent/Contract
d) No. of Training Programmes conducted through Karnataka State Safety Institute
(Dept. of Factories and Boilers)

13. Details of Housekeeping.

a) Concepts adopted if any, like 5S
(Attach photographs)

14. Details of SHE Promotional Activities.

a) Safety committee. Yes / No
b) Works Committee Yes / No
c) Worker’s participation.
Yes / No
d) Authority delegated on decision making.
e) Chairman of Safety Committee (Designation)
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

15. a) Future action plan / commitment to promote

SHE Policy during the coming year/years.
b) Commitment to promote SHE Policy in the
ancillary units/out-sourced products

16. Statutory Tests by competent person:

a) Pressure Vessels:
b) Lifting machine and tackles:
c) Power Presses:
d) Centrifugal machines:
e) Other machineries/ equipment:
f) Name of the competent person with date of such examination:
g) Is the stability of the building examined and Stability Certificate obtained:
(Attach copy of the Stability Certificate)

17. Drinking Water:

a) Source of drinking water:
b) Whether potability test conducted:
c) Periodicity of the test:
d) Agency conducting test
e) Cases of infection if any.

18. (a) Details of work-environment monitoring

Conducted with specific data and the field:
(b) Protocol for follow up action:

Part C
Description Attach the documents
1. How many women workers availed
Maternity leave? Attach details
2. Special Safety training to Maintenance Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
department - Electrical Safety, fall Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached
protection, ladder safety, confined spaces,
hazardous energy, proper use of power
tools etc.,
Training Attendance sheet, Trainer Name &
3. PPE Training records&PPE Issue Register Designation, Training Photos and Contents of the
Training should be attached

4. Approved Building layout plans including all

the areas.

5. Ergonomics Training program records

6. Regular Inspection & Preventive
maintenance records

7. Lack out Tag out (LOTO) Training records

8. Fire Extinguishers & Fire Alarm monthly

inspection records

9. FSSAI Certificate (Hygiene Certificate)

10. List of First Aid Boxes&First Aid Training
11. Fire Alarm Manual call points
12. Fire Hydrant system and water storage
details along with visual fire alarm and
sprinklers details
13. List of Exit & Emergency Exits -Floor wise

14. Pregnant workers documents

15. Physically challenged workers documents

16. Works Committee Meeting Records

17. Health & Safety Committee Meeting

18. ICC or Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committee Meeting Records
19. Grievance Handling Committee Meeting
20. Details of Canteen Management
CommitteeMeeting Records
21. Fire Advisory / NOC
22. Building Structural Stability Certificate &
Building Structural Safety Inspection Report

23. Electrician / Wiremen Certificates copy

24. Appointment letter of Welfare officers

25. Appointment letter of Safety officers

26. Appointment letter of Factory medical officer

27. Appointment letter of Staff Nurse

28. Appointment letter of Creche Staff

29. Do you have a Safety Work Permit
System? if so attach copy of the same
30. Transportation facility provided to workers
31. If workers not covered under ESI, then 3rd
party insurance coverage status
32. Cost sharing of canteen food between
management and worker
33. Canteen food nutrition value evaluated
34. Education allowance to workers/ workers
35. CSR activity details
Additional information, if any,
I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)

Please Note:

Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:

Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024
SMALLINDUSTRY-upto 100 workers
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of

a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Posh Committee : Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of her service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024



SMALLINDUSTRY-upto 100 workers
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :

(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)


I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration - 4thMarch 2024


(From 101 to 500 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
d) Posh Committee: Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improvingthe work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of her service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker
(Name in block letters)
I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024


(From 101 to 500 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.
Signature of the Worker
(Name in block letters)

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024


(From 501 to 1000 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
d) Posh Committee : Yes/ No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of her service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.
Signature of the Worker
(Name in block letters)

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024


(From 501 to 1000 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023(01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :

(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)



I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024


(Above 1000 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
d) Posh committee : Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of her service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker
(Name in block letters)

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024


MEGA INDUSTRY-(Above 1000 workers)
Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker
(Name in block letters)


I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024



Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
d) Posh Committee: Yes/ No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)
14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :

17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)


I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024



Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü The winners of the past two years are not eligible to participate.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :

(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if available) Detailed notes (Photos if
of observations/Near misses made available) of correction made to
by the worker for improving the adopt the observations made
work environment with a view to by the worker.
enhance the safety, health and
welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)


I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rd National Safety Day Celebration – 4th March 2024


Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :

(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of her service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)


I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024



Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)

ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the Factory and License No.:

(Attach latest copy of the factory licence)
2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Section/Department :

5. Years of service in the factory :

6. Age of the worker :

7. Qualification :

(a) General :
(b) Technical :

8. Whether member of
a) Works Committee :Yes / No
b) Safety Committee : Yes / No
c) Canteen Committee: Yes/No
9. Training Details:
(a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
(b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
10. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside:
11. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

12. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:

13. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past service details)

14. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
15. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
16. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate) :
17. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)



I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024


Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)
ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the construction project for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the construction project :

2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Years of service in the construction site :

5. Age of the worker :

6. Qualification :
(a) General :
(b) Technical
7. Whether member of Safety Committee : Yes / No

8. Training Details
a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
c) Whether Member of Emergency Management Team : Yes/No

9. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside
10. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

11. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:
12. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past
13. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
14. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
15. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate)
16. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)

I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Employer / Project manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri

Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.
53rdNational Safety Day Celebration – 4thMarch 2024



Information shall be furnished for the calendar year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023)
ü Only workmen and operators are eligible to apply.
(Supervisors, Engineers, Managers & Other Management Staff are not eligible to
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required in support of statistics.
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the construction project for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Manager HR Manager
Telephone Email ID Telephone Email ID
No./Mobile No./Mobile

1. Name and address of the construction project :

2. Name of the worker :

3. Designation :

4. Years of service in the construction site :

5. Age of the worker :

6. Qualification :
(a) General :
(b) Technical
7. Whether member of
a) Safety Committee : Yes / No
b) Posh Committee : Yes/No
8. Training Details
a) Whether trained in First Aid Treatment : Yes / No
b) Whether trained in Fire Fighting : Yes / No
c) Whether Member of Emergency Management Team : Yes/No
9. Training acquired in the field of safety:
a) Inhouse:
b) Outside
10. Suggestions given to improve safety standards or to avoid accidents in the
calendar year-2023:
Detailed notes (Photos if Detailed notes (Photos if
available)of observations/Near available) of correction made to
misses made by the worker for adopt the observations made
improving the work environment by the worker.
with a view to enhance the safety,
health and welfare of the worker.

Please furnish additional documents along with the application.

11. Outstanding performance in the field of safety in the calendar year-2023:
12. Individual contribution to safety over entire service(quote the past
13. Whether averted any accident during the tenure of his service:
14. Employer’s recommendation for the best worker with reasons:
15. Whether the worker has got safety award by any other reputed
Organizations. If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate)
16. Whether the worker is the recipient of state level awards from the Dept. of
Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety & Health? If so give details.

Signature of the Worker

(Name in block letters)
I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Employer / Project manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.

53rdNational Safety Day Celebrations –4thMarch 2024




Information shall be furnished for the Three years 2021 - 2023 (01.01.2021 to
ü The Applicant must have worked for at least five years in the field of Occupational
Safety & Health and must have worked for at least one year as a
designated/notified Safety Officer under section 40B of the Factories Act, 1948 or
section 38(2) of the BOCW Act, 1996 and Rules made there under.
ü Enclose supporting documents wherever required to support information
ü Separate sheets may be used to furnish additional information if any.
ü Don’t delete any questions. If particular question is not applicable, then write as “Not
ü Contact person from the factory for communication (Mandatory)
Name of the Factory Manager HR Manager
Telephone No./Mobile Email ID Telephone No./Mobile Email ID

1. Name and address of the Factory:

Factory Licence Number:
2. Name of the Occupier&Factory Manager :
3. Name of the Safety Officer:
a) Designation:
b) Qualification,/ Engineering / Diploma:
c) Safety Course Details:
d) No. of years of service in the existing factory as a Safety professional:
e) No. of years of service in other companies as Safety Officer:
f) Any other Certification related Safety and Health :

4. Details of Safety, Health & Environment Status:

SHE policy : Yes / No (enclose Copy]
Safety Organization : Yes / No (enclose Copy]
Safety Budget (Year-2023) : Rs.

Safety Audit (Done in the year 2023) : Yes / No (if yes, furnish details)
a) Internal
b) External
Accreditations obtained in 2023 : (OSHAS, ISO, etc.)
Other safety awards received in 2022, 2023 :
(Note: Please enclose all relevant documents.)

5. Accident statistics for the calendar year 2023.

a. No. of Fatal Accidents

b. No. of reportable accidents

(Non-fatal) during the year
c. No. of dangerous occurrence

d. Total no. of man days worked

e. No. of man days lost due to
f. Longest accident free period

g. Control measures adopted to

prevent accidents

6. Accident data for the last three years

2021 2022 2023

Fatal Accidents
Serious Accidents
Note: 1. Submission of Combined Annual Return-2022 is compulsory
2. Explain your role in accident reporting, investigation and analysis
in your present Factory (1,2.Enclose copies)
7. Details of Mechanism in place for reporting, analyzing and correcting in case of any

Sl.No. Name of the Manufacturing Hazard Hazard Remidial

organisation activity indetified indetified measures
without after
accident accident

Note: Enclose detailed case study report

(Fatal/Major/Minor/Fire/Property Damage/Near Miss)

8. Safety and Health Status Reports:

Suggestions received Suggestions accepted Suggestions implemented

9. Details of machine guarding.

a) Control measures adopted to prevent accidents
b) Status report with photos.
c) Amount spent during the year 2022-23.

10. Details of safety awareness programmes:

a) No. of training programmes conducted :
1. In-house:
2. outside:
2021 2022 2023
1 No oftraining programmes organized in your
2 No oftraining programmes organized with the help
of outside expert agencies
3 Permanent workers
4 Workers of all other nature of employment
5 Percentage of workers covered in a year
b) No. of persons deputed for training outside. Permanent/Contract
c) Amount spent on SHE training during the year.
d) No. of Training Programmes conducted through Karnataka State Safety Institute
(Dept. of Factories and Boilers) :
11. Plant/site safety inspections conducted by you in your present Factory/
Establishment in order to observe the physical conditions of work, work
practices and procedures followed by employees.
No. of Plant safety inspections No. of Remedial measures
Year Planned Actual Suggested Implemented

12. Safety Audits organized / conducted by you in your present Factory/


Year No. of safety audits No. of points identified No. of points corrected


(Attach a latest copy of executive summary of the Safety Audit report & evidence of
its implementation.)

13.Mock drills(excluding fire drill) arranged/conducted as per the

onsite emergency plan in your present Factory/ Establishment.
Explain your role in such mock drill.
Year No. of mock drill No. of points No. of revisions made
conducted observed in the Plan

14 .Details of SHE Promotional Activities.

Sl.No Details Remarks

a. Safety committee:
i)Central Safety Committee
ii) Department wise safety Committee
b. Workers participation
i) Permanent workers
ii) Contract workers
c. Authority delegated on decision making

d Chairman of Safety Committee(Designation):

15. Furnish the following details with hard copies:

Compliance Remarks& Enclosures

Sl. No
No. of Safety and Health Training conducted in
2023 including Toolbox talks, etc.,
( List of Trainings conducted, and No of hours
covered per person)
EHS Digitalization - Any initiative to record online
Safety and Health Data foreasy access by all in
the organization.
( If Yes, Give details.)
Safety and Health Projects Implemented to
minimize the risk.(Best/Better Practice)
( Give the details of Projects highlighting improvement
in Safe working Environment- Before & after.)
Any process developed to ensure compliance to
4. H&S at design stage/ standards. .
( Give Details of process)
Details of Serious accidents occurred and
actions initiated to improve safe working
condition. (Give the trend of accidents for 3 yrs.)
(Also furnish Near miss / first aid case & reportable

accidents data for 3 years)
Safety Culture Improvement: -Initiatives taken for
conducting Safety Culture survey to improve
6. EHS performance and implementation of BBS
( If Yes, give the details.)
Any Safety and Health Recognition for Company
7. received by any other reputed Organizations
( If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate)
Whether the Safety officer was recognized by any
8. other reputed Organizations.
( If so the details (Enclose copy of the Certificate))
Initiatives implemented to involve employees in
9. safety activities
( Give Details)
Details of system developed for Handling of H&S
10. Failures, Defects and Anomalies.

Details of noncompliance notices received from

legal authorities on EHS issues
No. of safety inspections, Risk assessments,
12. Safety committee meetings conducted & Follow
up actions
Explain your contribution in Hazard Identification
& Risk Assessment using technique like HAZOP,
JSA, QRA, etc. in your present Factory/
( Give Details)

Detailsof SafetyPromotional activities like

campaigns competitions, exhibition etc.,
organized/conducted in your present Factory/
(Attach copy of celebration report with photo
Has your Factory/Establishment won any
National/state/local level safety awards during
15. your tenure as safety officer?
(Give Details)

16. Any achievement worth mentioning in your entire service

17. Explain in brief why you should be awarded as best safety officer with
emphasized performance and your vital role contributed to accomplish the
best safe practices in your organization:

18. Management’s recommendation for the best Safety Officer with reasons:

Signature of the Safety Officer

(Name in block letters)



I do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief.

Date: Signature of Occupier / Factory manager

Place: (Name in block letters)
Please Note:
Completed applications with all the necessary enclosures/documents shall be sent to:
Sri.Narendra Babu.
Joint Director of Factories,
Mysuru region.
No-1, 1st main road, Yadavagiri
Mob: 9663374033
Email id:
Last date for the submission of application: 25.01.2024.


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