A48 Modbus Register Maps Extracto Resaltado

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1. PCC 1301/PowerCommand 1.

x/PS0500 Modbus Register Map

The controller contains data that can be read by a re- bus Serial Line Implementation Guide v1.0, both
mote device communicating via Modbus RTU proto- available at www.modbus.org.
col on a two-wire RS−485 master/slave multi−drop
bus. In this arrangement the remote device is the Multi-Drop Network Mode Pins
master and the controller is the slave.
 Hi (+) TB2-3
 Lo (−) TB2-4
For more information about the Modbus protocol, re-
fer to Modbus Application Protocol v1.1a and Mod-  Shield TB2-1
Note: Earlier versions of software may not support all of the Modbus registers in the following table. If a particu-
lar register is not available in your installation, it is possible that the Modbus connection is working but the con-
troller software does not support that particular register.

Note: For the PS0500 control, Modbus functionality is ONLY available from software version 6.02 and later.

Note: If an address or bit is not listed in this table it is not used.

Note: The external device can read 1−40 contiguous registers, write 1−40 contiguous registers, or read diagnos-
tic counters.

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control

40004 Save Trims Read and 0: No action Save adjustments PC1.x,
Write 1: Save Unconditional saves to non volatile PS0500,
memory all the write PCC1301
parameters listed in
this table
40009 Controller Read Only Multiplier: 1 Device type of Con- PC1.x,
Type Size(Bits): 8 troller PS0500,
Sign: U PCC1301
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
40010 Operation Read Only 0: Off Current position of PC1.x,
Mode Switch 1: Auto the generator set PS0500,
Position 2: Manual switch panel off− PCC1301
Run−Auto switch as
seen by the genera-
tor set control
40011 Genset Read Only 0: Stop The parameter re- PC1.x,
State 1: Ready flects current state PS0500,
2: Preheat of genset PCC1301
3: Precrank
4: Crank
5: Disconnect
40012 Active Fault Read Only Multiplier: 1 This register con- PC1.x,
Offset: 0 tains the fault code PS0500,
Size(Bits) 16 number of currently PCC1301
Sign: U active fault. See ser-
Units: NA vice manual for list
Lower Limit: 0 of supported fault
Upper Limit: 65535 codes.
Default: 0

=1312 => input#2 => low level fuel

0=Ok 1=ir a ver registro 40012
Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
40013 Active Fault Read Only 0: Normal Fault TypeThis reg- PC1.x,
Type 1: Warning ister contains the PS0500,
4: Shutdown fault type of current- PCC1301
ly active fault
40016 NFPA 110 Read Only Multiplier: 1 16 bit number to PC1.x,
fault register Offset: 0 represent the status PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 of the NFPA110 log- PCC1301
Sign: U ical. (See Section 4
Units: NA Table 4−1)
Lower Limit: NA
Upper Limit: NA
Default: NA
40017 Extended Read Only Multiplier: 1 16 bit number to PC1.x,
Annunci- Offset: 0 represent the status PS0500,
ation fault Size(Bits): 16 of the NFPA110 log- PCC1301
register Sign: U ical. (See Section 4
Units: NA Table 4−1)
Lower Limit: NA
Upper Limit: NA
Default: NA
40018 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Generator set L1−N PC1.x,
L1−N Volt- Offset: 0 Voltage PS0500,
age Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA
40019 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Generator set L2−N PC1.x,
L2−N Volt- Offset: 0 Voltage PS0500,
age Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA
40020 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Generator set L3−N PC1.x,
L3−N Volt- Offset: 0 Voltage PS0500,
age Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
40022 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Generator set PC1.x,
L1−L2 Volt- Offset: 0 L1−L2 Voltage PS0500,
age Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40023 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Generator set PC1.x,

L2−L3 Volt- Offset: 0 L2−L2 Voltage PS0500,
age Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40024 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Generator set PC1.x,

L3−L1 Volt- Offset: 0 L3−L1 Voltage PS0500,
age Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40025 Alt Voltage Read Only Multiplier: 1 Generator set line to PC1.x,
Offset: 0 line average voltage PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40026 Alternator L1 Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Monitors the gener- PC1.x,
Current Offset: 0 ator set L1 current PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 value PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: amps
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40027 Alternator L2 Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Monitors the gener- PC1.x,
Current Offset: 0 ator set L2 current PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 value PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: amps
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
40028 Alternator L3 Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Monitors the gener- PC1.x,
Current Offset: 0 ator set L3 current PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 value PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: amps
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40029 Genset av- Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Generator set aver- PC1.x,
erage cur- Offset: 0 age current PS0500,
rent Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: amps
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40040 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Alternator output PC1.x,

output volt− Offset: 0 volt−amperes PS0500,
amperes Size(Bits): 16 (phase a) PCC1301
(phase a) Sign: U
Units: kVa
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40041 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Alternator output PC1.x,

output volt− Offset: 0 volt−amperes PS0500,
amperes Size(Bits): 16 (phase b) PCC1301
(phase b) Sign: U
Units: kVa
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40042 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Alternator output PC1.x,

output volt− Offset: 0 volt−amperes PS0500,
amperes Size(Bits): 16 (phase c) PCC1301
(phase c) Sign: U
Units: kVa
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40043 Alternator Read Only Multiplier: 1 Alternator output PC1.x,

output volt− Offset: 0 volt−amperes (total) PS0500,
amperes (to- Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
tal) Sign: U
Units: kVa
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
40044 Average Alt Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Average alternator PC1.x,
Line Fre- Offset: 0 line frequency PS0500,
quency Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40058 Rated Alter- Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Monitors the gener- PC1.x,
nator L1 Offset: 0 ator set stand by L1 PS0500,
Current (%) Size(Bits): 16 current percentage PCC1301
Sign: U output.
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40059 Rated Alter- Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Monitors the gener- PC1.x,
nator L2 Offset: 0 ator set stand by L2 PS0500,
Current (%) Size(Bits): 16 current percentage PCC1301
Sign: U output.
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40060 Rated Alter- Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Monitors the gener- PC1.x,
nator L3 Offset: 0 ator set stand by L3 PS0500,
Current (%) Size(Bits): 16 current percentage PCC1301
Sign: U output.
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40061 Battery Volt- Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Value of battery vol- PC1.x,
age Offset: 0 tage PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vdc
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40062 Oil Pressure Read Only Multiplier: 1 Monitor point for oil PC1.x,
Offset: 0 pressure PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: kPa
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
40064 Coolant Read Only Multiplier: 0.1 Monitor point for PC1.x,
Temperature Offset: 0 Coolant Temperatu- PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 re PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: degc
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40068 Engine Read Only Multiplier: 1 Monitor point for Av- PC1.x,
Speed Offset: 0 erage Engine Speed PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Rpm
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40069 Total Runs Read Only Multiplier: 1 Parameter reflects PC1.x,

Offset: 0 total number of PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 starts PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

40070 Engine Run Read Only Multiplier: 1 Total Engine Run PC1.x,
Time (High Offset: 0 Time PS0500,
byte) (No Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
logical Sign: U
found) Units: Sec
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40071 Engine Run Read Only Multiplier: 1 Total Engine Run PC1.x,
Time (Low Offset: 0 time PS0500,
byte) (No Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
logical Sign: U
found) Units: Sec
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: NA

40210 AUX101 Read Only Multiplier: 0.01 AUX101 Speed Bias PCC1301
Speed Bias Offset: 0
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: S
Units: RPM
Lower Limit: −100
Upper Limit: 100
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
40211 AUX101 Read Only Multiplier: 0.01 AUX101 Voltage PCC1301
Voltage Bias Offset: 0 Bias
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: S
Units: Volt
Lower Limit: −100
Upper Limit: 100
Default: NA
40300 Genset start Read and 0: Stop Remote start via PC1.x,
stop control Write 1: Start Modbus PS0500,
via Modbus PCC1301
(No logical)
40301 Fault reset Read and 0: Inactive Fault reset PC1.x,
via Modbus Write 1: Active PCC1301
(No logical)
40302 Genset E− Read and 0: E−stop Inactive Status of E−stop PC1.x,
stop switch Write 1: E−stop active switch PS0500,
via Modbus PCC1301
(No logical)
43000 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 1 This register repre- PC1.x,
Nominal Write Offset: 0 sents Alternator PS0500,
Voltage Size(Bits): 16 nominal voltage PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Vac
Lower Limit: 190
Upper Limit: 600
Default: 208
43001 Generator Read and 0: 60 Hz Nominal alternator PC1.x,
Frequency Write 1: 50 Hz voltage setting PS0500,
Select PCC1301
43002 Number of Read and 0: Single Phase Alternator phase PC1.x,
Phases Write 1: Three Phase setting PS0500,
43003 Connection Read and 0: Delta Alternator connec- PC1.x,
Type Write 1: Wye tion type PS0500,
43004 Glow Plug Read and 0: Disable Glow plug driver PC1.x,
Enable Write 1: Enable feature enable PS0500,
43005 Charging Al- Read and 0: Disable Used to disable the PC1.x,
ternator Write 1: Enable controller related PS0500,
Functions charging alt func- PCC1301
Disable tions.

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43006 Start Time Read and Multiplier: 1 Remote start time PC1.x,
Delay Write Offset: 0 delay setting PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Sec
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 300
Default: 0
43007 Stop Time Read and Multiplier: 1 Remote stop time PC1.x,
Delay Write Offset: 0 delay setting PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: Sec
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 600
Default: 0
43008 Cycle Crank Read and Multiplier: 1 Maximum number of PC1.x,
Attempts Write Offset: 0 start attempts for PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 cycle crank mode PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 1
Upper Limit: 7
Default: 3
43009 Cycle Crank Read and Multiplier: 1 Maximum starter PC1.x,
Engage Write Offset: 0 engage time for PS0500,
Time Size(Bits): 16 cycle crank mode PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: sec
Lower Limit: 3
Upper Limit: 30
Default: 15
43010 Cycle Crank Read and Multiplier: 1 Engine starting PC1.x,
Reset Time Write Offset: 0 cycle crank attempts PS0500,
Size(Bits): 16 setting PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: sec
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 60
Default: 30
43011 Fault bypass Read and 0: Disable Operator panel En- PC1.x,
(battle short) Write 1: Enable able for Battle Short PCC1301
feature en-

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43012 Battle Short Read and 0: None, Switch Input for PC1.x
Switch Input Write 1: Configurable Input #1, Battle Short.
2: Configurable Input #2, 0= None
3: Configurable Input #3, 1=Customer Input 1
4: Configurable Input #4, 2=Customer Input 2
5: Operator Panel 3 =Customer Input 3

4 =Customer Input 4
5=Operator Panel
PCC1301 Modbus
mapping for param-
eters having differ-
ent limits as
compare to PC1.x
and PS0500 See
Table 1-1

NOTE: For PC1.x

SW versions <2.73,
’Battle Short Switch
Input’ range is 0 to
3. For PC1.x SW
versions 2.73 and
greater ’Battle Short
Switch Input’ range
is 0 to 5

43013 AVR Enable Read and 0: Disable Automatic voltage PC1.x,

Write 1: Enable regulation Enable PCC1301
43014 V/Hz Knee Read and Multiplier: 0.1 Automatic voltage PC1.x,
Frequency Write Offset: 0 regulator volts per PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16 hertz roll off knee
Sign: S setting
Units: Hz
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 500
43015 V/Hz Rolloff Read and Multiplier: 0.1 Automatic voltage PC1.x,
Slope Write Offset: 0 regulator volts per PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16 hertz roll off slope
Sign: U setting
Units: %v/Hz
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 50
Default: 22

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43016 AVR Gain Read and Multiplier: 1 Automatic voltage PC1.x,
Adjust Write Offset: 0 regulator gain set- PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16 ting
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 5
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 100
43017 AVR K2 Read and Multiplier: 1 Automatic voltage PC1.x,
Gain Adjust Write Offset: 0 regulator K2 gain PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16 setting
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 5
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 100
43018 AVR D Gain Read and Multiplier: 1 Automatic voltage PC1.x,
Adjust Write Offset: 0 regulator K2 gain PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16 setting
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 95
Upper Limit: 105
Default: 100
43019 Electronic Read and 0: Disable Electronic governor PC1.x,
Governor Write 1: Enable enable feature PCC1301
43020 Initial Crank Read and Multiplier: 0.1 Electronic governing PC1.x,
Fueling Write Offset: 0 initial duty cycle set- PCC1301
Command Size(Bits): 16 ting
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 500
Default: 250
43021 Initial Crank Read and Multiplier: 0.1 Time spent at Initial PC1.x,
Fueling Peri- Write Offset: 0 Crank Fueling Com- PCC1301
od Size(Bits): 8 mand
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 100
Default: 20

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43022 Crank Fuel- Read and Multiplier: 0.1 Electronic governing PC1.x,
ing Ramp Write Offset: 0 start ramp duty PCC1301
Rate Size(Bits): 16 cycle setting
Sign: U
Units: %/sec
Lower Limit: 50
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 250

43023 Maximum Read and Multiplier: 0.1 Electronic governing PC1.x,

Crank Fuel- Write Offset: 0 maximum duty cycle PCC1301
ing Size(Bits): 16 setting
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 500
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 1000

43024 Governor Read and Multiplier: 1 Electronic governing PC1.x,

Gain Adjust Write Offset: 0 gain setting PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 5
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 100

43025 Gov K2 Gain Read and Multiplier: 1 Electronic governor PC1.x,

Adjust Write Offset: 0 K2 gain setting PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 5
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 100

43026 Gov D Gian Read and Multiplier: 1 Electronic governor PC1.x,

Adjust Write Offset: 0 damping adjustment PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 95
Upper Limit: 105
Default: 100

43027 Crank Exit Read and Multiplier: 0.1 Electronic governing PC1.x,
Fueling Write Offset: 0 crank exit fuel duty PCC1301
Command Size(Bits): 16 cycle setting
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1000
Default: 250

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43028 Dither Fac- Read and Multiplier: 1 Electronic governing PC1.x,
tor Write Offset: 0 dither factor setting PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 30
Default: 25

43029 Governor Read and Multiplier: 1 Electronic governing PC1.x,

Ramp Time Write Offset: 0 start ramp time set- PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16 ting
Sign: U
Units: sec
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 15000
Default: 25

43030 Governor Read and Multiplier: 1 Engine speed at PC1.x,

Enable Write Offset: 0 which governor is PS0500,
Speed Size(Bits): 16 enabled PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: RPM
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1400
Default: 1100

43031 Minimum Read and Multiplier: 1 Setting for electronic PC1.x,

Governor Write Offset: 0 governor minimum PCC1301
Duty Cycle Size(Bits): 8 duty cycle
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 100
Default: 20

43032 Maximum Read and Multiplier: 1 Setting for electronic PC1.x,

Governor Write Offset: 0 governor maximum PCC1301
Duty Cycle Size(Bits): 8 duty cycle
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 100
Default: 95

43033 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 1 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #1 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43034 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 2 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #2 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43035 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 3 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #3 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43036 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 4 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #4 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43037 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 5 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #5 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43038 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 6 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #6 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43039 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 7 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #7 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43040 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 8 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #8 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43041 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 9 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #9 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43042 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 10 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #10 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43043 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 11 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #11 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43044 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 12 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #12 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43045 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 13 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #13 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43046 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 14 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #14 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43047 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 15 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #15 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43048 Model num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 16 for model PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #16 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43049 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 1 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #1 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43050 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 2 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #2 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43051 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 3 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #3 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43052 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 4 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #4 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43053 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 5 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #5 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43054 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 6 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #6 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43055 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 7 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #7 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43056 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 8 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #8 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43057 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 9 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #9 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43058 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 10 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #10 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43059 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 11 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #11 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43060 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 12 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #12 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43061 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 13 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #13 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43062 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 14 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #14 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

43063 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 15 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #15 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43064 Serial num- Read and Multiplier: 1 Byte 16 for serial PC1.x,
ber charac- Write Offset: 0 number PS0500,
ter #16 Size(Bits): 8 PCC1301
Sign: Char
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 255
Default: NA
43065 Configurable Read and 0: None Configurable Input PC1.x,
Input #1 Write 1: Warning #1 Fault Level Re- PS0500,
Fault Level 2: Shutdown sponse PCC1301
43066 Configurable Read and 0: None Configurable Input PC1.x,
Input #2 Write 1: Warning #2 Fault Level Re- PS0500,
Fault Level 2: Shutdown sponse PCC1301
43067 Configurable Read and Multiplier: 1 Configurable cus- PC1.x,
Customer Write Offset: 0 tomer output 1. De- PS0500,
Output 1 Size(Bits): 16 fault set for FC 1540 PCC1301
Sign: U which is COMMON
Units: NA WARNING fault.
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 1540
43068 Configurable Read and Multiplier: 1 Configurable cus- PC1.x,
Customer Write Offset: 0 tomer output 2. De- PS0500,
Output 2 Size(Bits): 16 fault set for FC 1541 PCC1301
Sign: U which is COMMON
Units: NA SHUTDOWN fault.
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 1541
43069 Voltage Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 Make actual voltage PC1.x
Regulator Write Offset: 0 match Nominals
Calibration Size(Bits): 16 60Hz when Set
60Hz Sign: U point = 100%.
Units: % PCC1301 Modbus
Lower Limit: 9000 mapping for param-
Upper Limit: 11000 eters having differ-
Default: 10000 ent limits as
compare to PC1.x
See table 1-1.

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43070 Voltage Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 Make actual voltage PC1.x
Regulator Write Offset: 0 match Nominals
Calibration Size(Bits): 16 50Hz when Set
50Hz Sign: U point = 100%.
Units: % PCC1301 Modbus
Lower Limit: 9000 mapping for param-
Upper Limit: 11000 eters having differ-
Default: 10000 ent limits as
compare to PC1.x
See table 1-1.

43071 Frequency Read and Multiplier: 0.1 PC1.x,

Adjust Trim Write Offset: 0 PCC1301
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: S
Units: Hz
Lower Limit: −600
Upper Limit: 600
Default: 0

43072 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 60 Hz line 1 to neu- PC1.x,

L1−N 60Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage PS0500
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration.
play Adjust Sign: U PCC1301 Modbus
Units: % mapping for param-
Lower Limit: 9000* eters having differ-
Upper Limit: 11000* ent limits as
Default: 10000 compare to PC1.x
and PS0500 See
Table 1-1

*NOTE: For PS0500

control, SW ver-
sions <6.03 the
range is 6000 to
14000. For PS0500
control, SW ver-
sions >6.03 the
range is 9000 to

43073 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 60 Hz line 2 to neu- PC1.x,

L2−N 60Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage PS0500
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U *NOTE: For PS0500
Units: % control, SW ver-
Lower Limit: 9000* sions <6.03 the
Upper Limit: 11000* range is 6000 to
Default: 10000 14000. For PS0500
control, SW ver-
sions >6.03 the
range is 9000 to

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43074 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 60 Hz line 3 to neu- PC1.x,
L3−N 60Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage PS0500
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U *NOTE: For PS0500
Units: % control, SW ver-
Lower Limit: 9000* sions <6.03 the
Upper Limit: 11000* range is 6000 to
Default: 10000 14000. For PS0500
control, SW ver-
sions >6.03 the
range is 9000 to

43075 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 50 Hz line 1 to neu- PC1.x,

L1−N 50Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage PS0500
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U *NOTE: For PS0500
Units: % control, SW ver-
Lower Limit: 9000* sions <6.03 the
Upper Limit: 11000* range is 6000 to
Default: 10000 14000. For PS0500
control, SW ver-
sions >6.03 the
range is 9000 to

43076 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 50 Hz line 2 to neu- PC1.x,

L2−N 50Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage PS0500
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U *NOTE: For PS0500
Units: % control, SW ver-
Lower Limit: 9000* sions <6.03 the
Upper Limit: 11000* range is 6000 to
Default: 10000 14000. For PS0500
control, SW ver-
sions >6.03 the
range is 9000 to

43077 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 50 Hz line 3 to neu- PC1.x,

L3−N 50Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage PS0500
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U *NOTE: For PS0500
Units: % control, SW ver-
Lower Limit: 9000* sions <6.03 the
Upper Limit: 11000* range is 6000 to
Default: 10000 14000. For PS0500
control, SW ver-
sions >6.03 the
range is 9000 to

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43078 Alternator L1 Read and Multiplier: 0.001 60 Hz line 1 meter- PC1.x,
60Hz Cur- Write Offset: 0 ing current calibra- PS0500,
rent Adjust Size(Bits): 16 tion PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 8000
Upper Limit: 12000*
Default: 1000

43079 Alternator L2 Read and Multiplier: 0.001 60 Hz line 2 meter- PC1.x,

60Hz Cur- Write Offset: 0 ing current calibra- PS0500,
rent Adjust Size(Bits): 16 tion PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 8000
Upper Limit: 12000*
Default: 1000

43080 Alternator L3 Read and Multiplier: 0.001 60 Hz line 3 meter- PC1.x,

60Hz Cur- Write Offset: 0 ing current calibra- PS0500,
rent Adjust Size(Bits): 16 tion PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 8000
Upper Limit: 12000*
Default: 1000

43081 Alternator L1 Read and Multiplier: 0.001 50 Hz line 1 meter- PC1.x,

50Hz Cur- Write Offset: 0 ing current calibra- PS0500,
rent Adjust Size(Bits): 16 tion PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 8000
Upper Limit: 12000*
Default: 1000

43082 Alternator L2 Read and Multiplier: 0.001 50 Hz line 2 meter- PC1.x,

50Hz Cur- Write Offset: 0 ing current calibra- PS0500,
rent Adjust Size(Bits): 16 tion PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 8000
Upper Limit: 12000*
Default: 1000

43083 Alternator L3 Read and Multiplier: 0.001 50 Hz line 3 meter- PC1.x,

50Hz Cur- Write Offset: 0 ing current calibra- PS0500,
rent Adjust Size(Bits): 16 tion PCC1301
Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 8000
Upper Limit: 12000*
Default: 1000

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43084 Annunciator Read and 0: None Sets the genset re- PC1.x,
#1 Switch Write 1: Warning sponse to an active PCC1301
Fault Re- 2: Shutdown Annunciator #1
sponse switch input.
43085 Annunciator Read and 0: None Sets the genset re- PC1.x,
#2 Switch Write 1: Warning sponse to an active PCC1301
Fault Re- 2: Shutdown Annunciator #2
sponse switch input.
43086 Annunciator Read and 0: None Sets the genset re- PC1.x,
#3 Switch Write 1: Warning sponse to an active PCC1301
Fault Re- 2: Shutdown Annunciator #3
sponse switch input.
43087 Annunciator Read and Multiplier: 1 Annunciator confi- PC1.x,
Output 1 Write Offset: 0 gurable output #1 PCC1301
Event Size(Bits): 16 event code number
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0
43088 Annunciator Read and Multiplier: 1 Annunciator confi- PC1.x,
Output 2 Write Offset: 0 gurable output #2 PCC1301
Event Size(Bits): 16 event code number
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0
43089 Annunciator Read and Multiplier: 1 Annunciator confi- PC1.x,
Output 3 Write Offset: 0 gurable output #3 PCC1301
Event Size(Bits): 16 event code number
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0
43090 Annunciator Read and Multiplier: 1 Annunciator confi- PC1.x,
Output 4 Write Offset: 0 gurable output #4 PCC1301
Event Size(Bits): 16 event code number
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43719 AUX101 Al- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input as al- PCC1301
ternator Offset: 0 ternator temperature
Temp Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43722 AUX101 Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input as PCC1301

Ambient Offset: 0 ambient tempera-
Temp Size(Bits): 16 ture
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43723 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input 1 PCC1301

put 1 voltage Offset: 0 voltage
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43724 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input 2 PCC1301

put 2 voltage Offset: 0 voltage
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43725 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input 3 PCC1301

put 3 voltage Offset: 0 voltage
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43726 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input 4 PCC1301

put 4 voltage Offset: 0 voltage
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43727 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input 5 PCC1301
put 5 voltage Offset: 0 voltage
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43728 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input 6 PCC1301

put 6 voltage Offset: 0 voltage
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43729 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input PCC1301

put 67volt- Offset: 0 67voltage
age Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43730 AUX101 in- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input 8 PCC1301

put 8 voltage Offset: 0 voltage
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43741 AUX101 Ex- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input as PCC1301

haust Temp Offset: 0 Exhaust tempera-
Size(Bits): 16 ture
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

43745 AUX101 Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input as PCC1301

Fuel Level Offset: 0 Fuel level
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control
43750 AUX101 In- Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input as In- PCC1301
take Man- Offset: 0 take Manifold Temp
ifold Temp Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0
43757 AUX101 Oil Read Only Multiplier: 1 AUX101 input as oil PCC1301
Temp Offset: 0 Temp
Size(Bits): 16
Sign: U
Units: NA
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 65535
Default: 0
43905 Network Read and 0: Normal If ’0’, engine speed PC1.x
Speed Ad- Write 1: Active should stay at nor-
just Com- mal speed. If ’1’, en-
mand gine speed should
increase by 0.5Hz.

Table 1-1 PCC1301 Modbus Mapping for Parameters Having
Different Limits as Compared to PC1.x and PS05000

Addr. Parameter Access Specifications Description Control

43012 Battle Short Read and 0: None, Switch Input for PCC1301
Switch Input Write 1: Configurable Input #1, Battle Short ONLY
2: Configurable Input #2,
3: Configurable Input #3
43069 Voltage Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 Make actual voltage PCC1301
Regulator Write Offset: 0 match Nominals ONLY
Calibration Size(Bits): 16 60Hz when Set
60Hz Sign: U point = 100%.
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000
43070 Voltage Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 Make actual voltage PCC1301
Regulator Write Offset: 0 match Nominals ONLY
Calibration Size(Bits): 16 50Hz when Set
50Hz Sign: U point = 100%.
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000
43072 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 60 Hz line 1 to neu- PCC1301
L1−N 60Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage ONLY
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration.
play Adjust Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000
43073 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 60 Hz line 2 to neu- PCC1301
L2−N 60Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage ONLY
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000
43074 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 60 Hz line 3 to neu- PCC1301
L3−N 60Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage ONLY
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000

43075 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 50 Hz line 1 to neu- PCC1301
L1−N 50Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage ONLY
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000
43076 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 50 Hz line 2 to neu- PCC1301
L2−N 50Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage ONLY
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000
43077 Alternator Read and Multiplier: 0.0001 50 Hz line 3 to neu- PCC1301
L3−N 50Hz Write Offset: 0 tral metering voltage ONLY
Voltage Dis- Size(Bits): 16 calibration
play Adjust Sign: U
Units: %
Lower Limit: 6000
Upper Limit: 14000
Default: 10000

4. NFPA 110 & Extended Annunciation Bitmap

Table 4-1 NFPA110 bitmap (See Section 1 Reg Table 4-2 Extended Annunciation Bitmap (See Sec-
40016, Section 2 Reg 40716, 40717and Section 5) tion 1 Reg. 40017 and Section 5)
0 (MSB) Common Alarm
0 (MSB) Check Genset
1 Genset Supplying Load
1 Ground Fault
2 Genset Running
2 High AC Voltage
3 Not in Auto
3 Low AC Voltage
4 High Battery Voltage
4 Under Frequency
5 Low Battery Voltage 5 Overload
6 Charger AC Failure 6 Overcurrent
7 Fail to Start 7 Short Circuit
8 Low Coolant Temperature 8 Reverse KW
9 Pre-high Engine Temperature 9 Reverse KVAR
10 High Engine Temperature 10 Fail to Sync
11 Pre-low Oil Pressure 11 Fail to Close
12 Low Oil Pressure 12 Load Demand
13 Overspeed 13 Genset Circuit Breaker Tripped
14 Low Coolant Level 14 Utility Circuit Breaker Tripped
15 (LSB) Low Fuel Level 15 (LSB) Emergency Stop

Table 4-3 NFPA110 bitmap (See Section 6) Table 4-4 Extended Annunciation Bitmap (See Sec-
tion 6)
0 (MSB) Source 1 Connected
0 (MSB) Source 1 Available
1 Source 2 Connected
1 Source 2 Available
2 NA
2 Source 1 Connected
3 Not in Auto
3 Source 2 Connected
4 NA
4 ATS Common Alarm
5 NA
5 Not In Auto
6 Charger AC Failure
6 Test / Exercise In Progress
7 NA 7 Low Battery Voltage
8 NA 8 Load Shed
9 NA 9 Transfer Inhibit
10 NA 10 Retransfer Inhibit
11 NA 11 Fail To Close
12 NA 12 Fail To Disconnect
13 NA 13 Fail To Synchronize
14 NA 14 Bypass to Source 1
15 (LSB) NA 15 (LSB) Bypass to Source 2


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