Var WWW Nin - Ebooks Anaemia1

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Iron rich Food Item.

The human diet contains two types of BAJRA

dietary iron – Heme Iron and the other
Non-Heme Iron.
The Heme Iron which is found in Animal
Products gets readily absorbed by the
The Non heme Iron found mainly in plant
products would get absorbed in the body WHEAT
easily, by including Vitamin C rich food.
So consuming Iron rich food will improve
Hemoglobin level in the blood
All green leafy vegetables are rich in CHANA DA

Heme Iron

Animal food products are the PEAS

main source of heme iron.
Consists of haemoglobin and
myoglobin. RAJMA
Heme Iron is well absorbed.

Non-Heme Iron
Non-Heme iron is found GREEN LEAFY
mainly in plant sources. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION
(Indian Council of Medical Research)
Cereal and Pulse-based diet Jamai Osmania PO, Hyderabad
contain non-heme iron. Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Optimum iron Requirement for
Anaemia is a major global health Different Age groups
entire Body. It is very essential in
problem which is characterized by low keeping a person active, so it is Age Group Microgram/day
level at haemoglobin in the blood. important to include Iron Rich food in 4 -12 Months 120
Haemoglobin is necessary for our daily diet.
transporting oxygen from lungs to other 13-14 months 56
tissue and organs of the body. Anaemia The level of haemoglobin below normal 2-5 Yrs 44
is associated with an increased risk of will be considered as anaemia.
Pregnant women 24
morbidity and mortality especially in Normal level … 14-15g/dL
pregnant women and young children. Anaemia … <12 g/dL
Menopause age 43
Moderate anaemia … < 10 g/dL
It is a disease with multiple causes: Severe Anaemia … < 7 g/dL Iron rich food Items and their
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Nutritive Value
No Nutrient – Infection, that is frequently Negative effects of Iron deficiency Iron content in
Iron rich food
co – occurring Cognitive impairment decreased mg/100g Edible
physical activity and reduced immunity.
It is observed that data about global Iron Deficiency in school going children Bajra 8.00
prevalence of anaemia are as follows: leads to poor memory power, attention Ragi 3.9
Pre-school children … 47.4% span and poor scholastic achievement. Wheat 5.3
Pregnant women … 41.8%
Global prevalence of anaemia in non- Anemia during pregnancy would lead Chana Dal 5.3
pregnant women … 30.3% to poor foetal development and some Peas 7.05
(Source :The Guide Book Nutrition Anaemia- sight and Life 2007) time under weight babies, and there
are also chances of affecting the health Amaranth 27.3
If we look at the Indian condition, the
of the pregnant women also. Sheep Liver 6.3
recent 2006 NFHS Report indicates that
6-59 month age children, 70% of them Hook worm infestation also leads to Mutton 2.5
are anaemic. Out of this, 26% are mildly Anemia, Hook worm gets into the body Source Nutritive value of Indian food, NIN (ICMR) Hyderabad

anaemic, 40% moderately anaemic and through the skin, and reaches the
3% are severely anaemic. In the case intestines and absorbs all the blood in
of women, 43% are moderately the body leading to Anemia. So we
anaemic and 2.7% are severely should follow all personal hygienic
anaemic.( NFHS 2007) practices like washing hands with
soap, wearing footwear, and using
Hemoglobin helps in transporting
Toilets instead of Defecating in the
oxygen through the blood cells to the
open to prevent hook worm infection.

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