Bolante, Detorio, Dogelio - Triad Group Output (BICENTENNIAL MAN)

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College of Education

GE 108 Science, Technology, and Society

Group: Course Facilitator:

 Emerson B. Bolante Dr. Maria Sheila D. Simon

 Mc Varry A. Detorio
 Mikee G. Dogelio

Guide Questions:

1. Identify at least six major characters of the story and describe each one.
 Andrew Martin: Andrew is the main character in the movie. He is a robot
purchased by the Martin family. He is an intelligent, compassionate,
adventurous, and curious robot. He’s a very unique robot, as he has feelings
that ultimately push him to find out what it means to be a human being.
 Richard Martin: Richard is the patriarch of the Martin family. He is a good
father to his family because he is willing to do anything for them. He is a kind-
hearted man who looks out for those around him, as well as Andrew.
 Grace Martin: She was a typical and loving person. She accepts Andrew, and
she loves him with all her heart. Grace doesn’t judge Andrew for being
different, as she considers him human.
 Rupert Burns: He is a person who works to create a more human-looking
robot. He is the one who gives Andrew an artificial human face and hair and
helps Andrew be human.
 Portia: Portia is the granddaughter of Grace, who looks exactly like her
younger grandma. They met when Andrew came to visit Grace after he had
become more human. Portia, like her grandma, loves Andrew with all her
heart. She falls in love with him.
 Galatea is a robot that has feminine attributes and a personality. She is owned
by Rupert. Galatea is the nurse Portia orders to unplug her life support
2. List down at least three scenarios that relates the concept of Robotics to the
Bicentennial Man movie
 Human-robot interaction: In the movie, the main character Andrew, an
advanced humanoid robot, interacts with humans in various situations. He
learns from them, forms emotional connections with them, and eventually
seeks to become more human-like. This scenario highlights the potential for
robots to become more than just tools but rather interactive and emotional
beings that can form relationships with humans.
 The ethics of robotic technology: As Andrew evolves over time, he seeks to
become more human-like and eventually undergoes a series of modifications
to achieve this goal. This raises questions about the ethics of using advanced
technology to alter the fundamental nature of a being. This scenario highlights
Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
College of Education
the potential risks and benefits of robotics and the need for ethical
considerations when designing and using such technology.
 The impact of robotics on society: As robots become more advanced and
ubiquitous, they could have a significant impact on society. In the movie, the
existence of humanoid robots raises questions about what it means to be
human and whether robots can have rights and freedoms similar to humans.
This scenario highlights the need for society to grapple with the implications
of advanced technology and the potential for robots to become a part of our
daily lives.
3. Give at least 3 realizations captured in the movie.
Answer: The story of Bicentennial Man captures several important realizations. It first
highlights the value of self-determination, as Andrew makes the decision to become a
human despite the fact that he is a robot. Second, it highlights the belief that genuine
love knows no bounds since Andrew falls in love with real person—a woman—and is
welcomed by her despite having a mechanical body. Last but not least, it illustrates
the value of tenacity by showing how hardworking Andrew tries to become a human
and fulfill his desire of fitting in with society. These realizations demonstrate the
timeless themes of humanity and the power of the individual.

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)

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