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BSEd English 1-A


Course Facilitator

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)

Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)

Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
I. Prototype ID with the message of mentor

II. Commitment session pictures

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)

Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)

Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
III. Pictures with family members


- Making the prototype ID ignited something within me. My co-future teachers are passionate about it.
It's incredible that everyone around me is enthusiastic to achieve or have our own legitimate PRC ID in
the future. It may seem insignificant to some, but it is significant to us. It is the future we envisioned, one
that is both important and gratifying. The prototype ID that I created and signed serves as a starting point
for me to move further. I still have a lot of challenges to overcome before I can obtain a genuine PRC ID,
but those challenges won't be enough to discourage me. To achieve that objective, I shall pave my own
way and pour all of my passion into it. It will be one of many reasons for me to not give up and strive to
improve myself in order to make my parents proud. This will be one of those battles in which I will prevail
over those who stand in my way of success.


Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)

Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)

Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
- After reading the book entitled ‘Surpassing the Licensure Examination in Just One Attempt’, it instantly
awakened something inside me and that is to make it to the top and hit the Bullseye. I am well aware that
it will be difficult. There will be a significant amount of preparation and conditioning required. I've already
heard how nerve-racking it is, but I have goals I want to accomplish and a need to prove my abilities to
those who doubt me. And Dr. Simon's book is another source of encouragement for me to attain my goals.
The book is filled with many inspirational and very motivating advices. There are also some remarks from
people who have previously passed the board and are now doing well in life, which is, in my opinion, one
of the highlights since it truly motivated us students to push beyond our limits and concentrate on our
goals. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have Dr. Simon as one of my professors since she always
inspires us to keep going. She is already like a mother to us, always by our sides to make us feel
comfortable and at the same time an aspiration for us someday as we follow the path of becoming an
educator. She is guiding us in any way she can, from imparting her wisdom and knowledge to helping us
feel confident and to believe in ourselves.


- One of the things that helps me relax is the presence of plants or nature in general. I'm honestly
disappointed that I didn't grow up in a community where there were many of individuals who had strong
ties to environment. My mother truly enjoys gardening, and I believe that I inherited her love of the nature
from her. However, due to her busy schedule, she gradually stopped practicing what she once did. I was
particularly excited to find that one of our projects required us to design and maintain our own vegetable
garden since it gave me the opportunity to practice growing and caring for my own plants. It inspired me
to get out there and do something other than solely worrying about academics. Our environment has a
big impact on how we live. It is truly difficult to survive without it, thus we must take care of it as much as
we can. We need to educate ourselves on how to maintain a healthy environment since doing so will be
better for us. One method to sustain the health of our environment is by planting, therefore we should
give it the same significance and attention we give to do other things.

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)

Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)

Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)

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