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In the heart of a vast forest where whispering winds carried tales of ancient secrets, an old wolf named
Arawn began a journey unlike any other.

With the wisdom of countless moons engraved in his eyes, Arawn searched for a fabled flower of
immeasurable beauty, a flower said to hold the secrets of the universe within its delicate petals. With him
was a young human boy named Finn, whose boundless curiosity and lively spirit mirrored the
kaleidoscope of colors dancing through the forest. Finn, eager to discover the wonders of the world
beyond his home, joined Arawn on his quest, his eyes aglow with anticipation. Outing deeper into the
desert, they crossed paths with a timid deer named Luna. Frightened by their presence, Luna fled into the
shadows, her heart pounding in fear. But Arawn's gentle gaze and Finn's warm smile slowly eased Luna's
fears, and she cautiously approached the unlikely companions. Together, the trio began their adventure,
each bringing their own unique strengths and perspectives to the journey. Arawn led them with his
steadfast wisdom, his every step testifying to the grace of age. Finn's infectious enthusiasm and insatiable
curiosity led them down winding paths and through enchanted forests, while Luna's quiet presence
reminded them of the beauty found in silence and solitude. As they walked through meadows bathed in
golden sunlight and forests covered in shadows , they encountered an innumerable number of miracles - a
symphony of birdsong. , a river full of life and fields ablaze with wild flowers. However, the elusive
flower they sought eluded their imaginations, its existence shrouded in mystery. Finally, their journey led
them to a clearing bathed in the soft glow of dusk. In the middle of the clearing stood a field of lavender,
the scent of which was intoxicating and the hues of which painted the sky with hues of purple and blue.
And in the center of the lavender field was a peaceful pond, its surface as clear as a mirror, reflecting the
ethereal beauty of the surrounding landscape. Arawn, Finn, and Luna approached the pond in wonder and
fear. , their eyes were drawn to the sparkling waters. And when they looked into the depths, they realized
that the true beauty they were looking for lay not in any flower, but in the harmony of nature - the delicate
dance of light and shadow, the symphony of life woven into every leaf. and a petal. .You are a silent
revelation. For a moment, Arawn, Finn and Luna were bound not by a fleeting dream, but by the timeless
beauty of friendship and the enduring magic of the natural world. And as they rested in the peaceful
embrace of the lavender field, they knew that their journey had taken them exactly where they were meant
to be—in the company of the tribesmen, under the watchful eye of the stars..
CHAPTER 1 – A Fleeting Dream

In the vast forest of EldenWood, lies tall and grand trees, as tall as the eye can see
and as big as can be. With wisps and swamps, magic and beauty, sights grand at

A lone wolf, as old as the trees, as wise as the sages, as knowledgeable as the
scholars, and as bright as the stars, woke up from a dream, where he saw this
flower of ethereal beauty, the flower seemed to call out to him, in a way that the
wolf’s interest grew bigger and bigger the more he tried to recall his dream.

“Why can’t I remember it?’ Arawn said to himself;

“Am I just old? Ahh, I don’t even know anymore, every time I try to remember,
the more it slips away” frustrated, Arawn went outside his cave for a walk, to

As Arawn kept waking, he couldn’t help but think;

“That flower, why was it so beautiful? Have I seen it before? I can’t remember a
single detail of it, but I know it was beautiful, I just know it”

The more he pondered, the more he thought, the more he forgets, frustrated, Arawn
went back to his cave to sleep again, as it is very late at night and the moon is
shining bright with the cold air blowing.

As he fell deeper and deeper to his sleep. A voice echoed

“find me”

Chapter 2 – Interaction
“Who’s there?” a surprised Arawn said, only to find no one while scanning his
surroundings, alarmed, Arawn went back to sleep as if nothing happened.

“you feel lonely, you seek companions, you seek interaction, yet cannot for they
fear you, Arawn the great wolf. Find me, at the center of a Lavender Field in the
outskirts of Eldenwood, everything you’ve ever wanted will be there, everything.

“Who are you? A spirit? What do you want?” Arawn spoke but his mouth woudn’t
move, his eyes would not open, and his body would not respond.

“I am but a lone flower, amidst a field of lavenders, be not scared for it is what you
want, what I want to be granted”

“May we meet again, but not like this, I want to see you smile, I want to see you
laugh, but for now, rest, as it is what you need the most.”

Arawn feeling conflicted, felt his consciousness getting sucked out, slowly but
surely, Arawn couldn’t resist the abyss of sleep.

The birds chirped, the sunlight beamed, and the rooster crowed.

Arawn woke up, with complete memories of what happened last night.

“Is it really true?”

Arawn can’t help feeling anxious, he truly desired companionship, friendship, and
to be exploring the world, and not just be stuck in his cave until he dies.
Arawn with a determined mind to get what he wants, finally left his comfort, and
started a journey that he would remember the rest of his life.

“I am old, might as well do something instead of rotting out in this cave”

Arawn chuckled, slowly walking away, the cave becoming smaller and smaller,
and Arawn feeling excited and nervous.

Chapter 3 - Journey

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