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Adaptive Strategies for Mathematics Teaching During the Post-Pandemic in

Junior High Schools Teachers in the Division of Ifugao, Philippines

Part I. Observed and encountered problems in mathematics instruction and

performance in the post-pandemic context.
DIRECTIONS: Please select the most relevant option for each question. Choose
one response per question
1. What challenges have you encountered in effectively maintaining student
engagement during face-to-face classes in the aftermath of the pandemic school
A. Difficulty in maintaining student attention
B. Limited interaction and participation
C. Challenges in fostering group discussions
D. Difficulty in addressing students' diverse learning preferences.
2. What is the most difficult challenge you have encountered in your post-pandemic
mathematics instruction among the following options:
A. Limited opportunities for individualized assessment.
B. Challenges in gauging comprehension during group activities.
C. Difficulty in providing timely and constructive feedback.
D. Adapting assessments to accommodate diverse learning styles.
3. What limitations have you experienced due to technology-related issues in a
face-to-face teaching setting?
A. Insufficient access to technology for teaching.
B. Challenges in integrating technology into lessons.
C. Limited availability of digital resources.
D. Difficulties in ensuring equitable technology access for all students.
4. What challenges have you faced in providing personalized attention and support
to individual students in a classroom?
A. Challenges in addressing specific learning needs
B. Limited one-on-one interaction time
C. Inability to adapt to different learning styles
D. Difficulty in assessing individual progress effectively.
5. What communication challenges have you encountered between teachers,
students, and parents/guardians in a face-to-face environment?
A. Challenges in maintaining clear communication channels
B. Difficulties in involving parents in students' learning
C. Inefficient communication of expectations
D Difficulty in ensuring consistent communication across all stakeholders.
6. What disparities in students' learning levels have you observed due to varying
circumstances post-pandemic?
A. Unequal access to learning resources outside the classroom
B. Challenges in addressing differing home environments
C. Limited support for students with special needs
D. Differences in students' access to educational support outside of school.
7. What challenges have you faced in terms of teacher well-being and adapting to
post-pandemic teaching methods?
A. Balancing different teaching approaches
B. Addressing students' emotional needs
C. Challenges in transitioning back to regular teaching
D. Managing increased workload due to hybrid teaching.
8. What availability issues with teaching resources have you encountered for
effective mathematics instruction in a face-to-face setting?
A. Limited access to relevant teaching materials
B. Challenges in adapting resources for diverse classroom needs
C. Inadequate support for curriculum adjustments
D. Difficulty in finding up-to-date and culturally relevant materials.
9. What decrease in student motivation and interest have you observed in a face-to-
face learning environment?
A. Challenges in making lessons engaging in person
B. Difficulty in maintaining classroom enthusiasm
C. Inadequate opportunities for hands-on learning
D. Limited student engagement in collaborative activities.
10. What difficulties have you faced in maintaining classroom discipline and behavior
in a post-pandemic face-to-face setting?
A. Challenges in managing distractions and disruptions
B. Limited strategies for maintaining a focused learning environment
C. Addressing students' emotional and behavioral changes
D. Difficulty in promoting respectful classroom interactions.

Part II. Adaptive strategies employed by junior high school teachers in Ifugao
Division to enhance mathematics teaching in the post-pandemic context
DIRECTIONS: Please select the most relevant option for each question. Choose
one response per question.
1. How have you incorporated real-world examples and applications to make
mathematics more relevant to students?
A. Regularly integrating practical scenarios in lessons.
B. Occasionally using real-life contexts to explain concepts.
C. Rarely including real-world examples in teaching.
D. Not implementing this strategy.
2. What approaches have you adopted to promote collaborative learning among
students in mathematics?
A. Group projects and activities that require teamwork.
B. Occasional collaborative assignments.
C. Limited emphasis on group work in teaching.
D. No focus on collaborative learning.
3. How have you leveraged technology to enhance mathematics instruction?
A. Regularly integrating digital tools and applications.
B. Occasionally incorporating technology for specific lessons.
C. Limited use of technology in teaching.
D. Not using technology for instruction.
4. What strategies have you employed to differentiate instruction based on students'
learning needs?
A. Providing various levels of difficulty for assignments.
B. Adapting teaching methods to accommodate diverse learners.
C. Minimal differentiation in instruction.
D. Not adapting instruction to individual needs.
5. How have you incorporated hands-on and experiential learning to engage
students in mathematics?
A. Regularly including hands-on activities and experiments.
B. Occasionally using experiential learning approaches.
C. Rarely incorporating hands-on experiences in teaching.
D. Not utilizing hands-on learning methods.
6. What methods have you used to assess students' progress and understanding in a
flexible learning environment?
A. Employing a mix of formative and summative assessments.
B. Occasional use of alternative assessment methods.
C. Limited adaptation of assessment approaches.
D. Continuing with traditional assessment methods.
7. How have you encouraged students to take ownership of their learning and set goals
in mathematics?
A. Regularly involving students in setting learning objectives.
B. Occasionally encouraging students to set goals.
C. Minimal focus on student-driven goal setting.
D. No emphasis on student ownership of learning.
8. What strategies have you employed to connect mathematics concepts across
different topics and grade levels?
A. Actively integrating cross-topic connections in teaching.
B. Occasionally highlighting interconnected concepts.
C. Limited effort in linking different math topics.
D. Not emphasizing cross-topic connections.
9. How have you adapted your teaching materials to accommodate various learning
preferences and abilities?
A. Offering a variety of resources for different learning styles.
B. Occasionally providing alternative materials.
C. Minimal adaptation of teaching materials.
D. Not addressing diverse learning preferences.
10. How have you utilized formative feedback and self-assessment to guide students'
progress in mathematics?
A. Regularly incorporating self-assessment and feedback loops.
B. Occasionally using formative feedback for improvement.
C. Limited use of self-assessment and formative feedback.
D. Not implementing self-assessment and formative feedback.

Part III. Factors that facilitate or hinder the successful implementation of

adaptive strategies for mathematics teaching in junior high schools at Ifugao
Division in the post-pandemic era.
Directions: Please put a check on the column corresponding to your answer.


Scale Frequency Response set

5 Always Strongly Agree
4 Often Agree
3 Sometimes Neither Agree nor Disagree
2 Rare Disagree
1 Never Strongly Disagree

Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1. The availability of technology resources

has facilitated the implementation of
adaptive mathematics teaching
2. Adequate professional development
opportunities have contributed to the
successful implementation of adaptive
teaching strategies.
3. Collaborative planning and sharing of
best practices among teachers have
supported the effective use of adaptive
Statement 5 4 3 2 1
4. Insufficient access to teaching
materials and resources has hindered the
implementation of adaptive teaching
5. Limited student engagement and
participation in the classroom have posed
challenges to the implementation of
adaptive strategies.
6. Adequate support and involvement
from parents and guardians have
positively influenced the success of
adaptive teaching methods.
7. Time constraints and heavy workload
have hindered teachers from fully
implementing adaptive strategies.
8. The availability of professional
development focused on adaptive
teaching methods has been limited.
9. Adequate administrative support and
resources have facilitated the successful
adoption of adaptive strategies.
10. The lack of clear guidelines and
expectations for implementing adaptive
teaching strategies has hindered their
Part IV. Observed effects of implementing adaptive strategies for mathematics
learning in junior high schools at Ifugao Division in the post-pandemic context on
students' academic performance.
Directions: Please put a check on the column corresponding to your answer.


Scale Frequency Response set

5 Always Strongly Agree
4 Often Agree
3 Sometimes Neither Agree nor Disagree
2 Rare Disagree
1 Never Strongly Disagree

Statement 5 4 3 2 1
1. The implementation of adaptive strategies
has positively impacted students' overall
engagement in mathematics learning.
2. Students' understanding of complex
mathematical concepts has improved as
a result of adaptive teaching methods.
3. Adaptive strategies have enhanced
students' problem-solving skills in
4. Students' confidence in their
mathematical abilities has increased due
to the implementation of adaptive
teaching approaches.
5. The use of adaptive strategies has
resulted in higher levels of student
participation and interaction during
mathematics lessons.
6. Students' motivation to learn
mathematics has been positively
influenced by the implementation of
adaptive teaching methods.
7. Adaptive strategies have effectively
catered to the diverse learning needs of
students, leading to improved academic
8. The implementation of adaptive teaching
methods has contributed to higher
achievement levels among students in
Statement 5 4 3 2 1
9. Students' retention of mathematical
concepts and skills has improved as a result
of adaptive strategies.
9. The overall academic performance of
students in mathematics has been
positively influenced by the adoption of
adaptive teaching approaches.

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