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Topic Words Per Speaker Report

About this Report

The report and the extracted keywords provide a high-level overview of the
discussions that took place during the meeting. Here's how the report and keywords
can be helpful in understanding the meeting:

Identifying Main Themes:

The keywords associated with each speaker highlight the main themes and topics

Speaker Insights:
By reviewing the keywords associated with each speaker, one can gain insights into
the specific contributions and concerns of each individual. This can be valuable in
understanding the perspectives of different team members.

Meeting Highlights:
The report serves as a summary, outlining the most important aspects of the meeting.

The extracted Keywords are stored in a text file. I have attached a screenshot below:

We created a one VADI session where we discussed on the topic of The Impact of
Technology on Jobs: Balancing Opportunities and Challenges . By manual
inspection , we came to know that keywords are exactly similar to the topic and
We did one more step to make this report more understandable and interactive using
visualization. We plotted a Sunburst Chart.
A Sunburst chart generated from keywords extracted from each speaker's
transcription in a meeting can provide a visual representation of the key topics or
themes discussed during the meeting. Here's what the Sunburst chart signifies:

Central Circle (Speaker):

Each speaker is represented by a segment in the center of the Sunburst chart.

The size of each speaker's segment may represent the number of important keywords
by the individual in the meeting.

Outer Rings (Keywords):

The outer rings of the Sunburst chart represent keywords associated with each
Each segment in the outer rings corresponds to a specific keyword extracted from the
speaker's transcription.

Speaker's Focus:
The distribution and size of segments in the outer rings indicate the keywords or
topics that each speaker emphasized or discussed during the meeting.
Larger segments suggest greater emphasis or more extensive discussion on a
particular keyword by a specific speaker.

Comparisons and Contrasts:

By visually comparing the sizes of segments in the outer rings, you can identify
patterns, contrasts, or similarities in the topics discussed by different speakers.

Generated Sunburst chart link is provided below which is created using the above
mentioned keywords .

Technology Used for creating this report:

Programming language : Python

Library : KeyLLM , Plotly,Pandas
KeyLLM : Library used for keyword extraction with Large Language Models (LLM). It
internally uses OpenAI model through API key .

How it works ?

Plotly: This is a open-source library for creating visualization. Sunburst Chart is

created using this library.

Pandas : This is open-source library used for creating DataFrame (Data in the form
of rows and columns).

Approach for creating Report

It takes text file as input which include speaker : transcription format. Firstly
KeyLLM extracts the keywords by traversing through each transcription and save it
in a list . It saves extracted keywords in a text file . After that Sunburst chart is
created using Plotly library . The generated chart saved in the .html file .

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