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Public Administration

Name: Nighat Bashir

3 Apr 2023 - 08:59PM


Correct 72.2% 78
Wrong 27.8% 30 72%
Skipped 0% 0

Note: This score is not final

1. Father of Public Administration

3/3 Marks

2. First text book on Public Administration was given by

LD White
3/3 Marks

3. The article Study of Administration was published in

Political Science Quarterly

3/3 Marks

4. Number of stages in the evolution of Public Administration

3/3 Marks

5. İn POSDCORD, R stands for

3/3 Marks

6. İn 1978, H Simon was awarded Nobel prize for which


only b
3/3 Marks

7. Father of Minnowbrook İİ is

D Waldo
0/3 Marks

8. Public administration took form of Stakhanovite Moment in

between 1920 to 40 in

3/3 Marks

9. Scientific management focused on

Shop floor
3/3 Marks

10. Taylor favoured how many bosses

3/3 Marks

11. Elton Mayo was

American Sociologist
3/3 Marks

12. Number of steps in Rational Decision making as per H Simon

3/3 Marks

13. Privatisation firstly emerged in

0/3 Marks
14. New Public Management is known as Thatcherism in

0/3 Marks

15. Which of the following talked about Difference between

Public and Private Administration

P Drucker
3/3 Marks

16. Who described the period of 1960s as the heyday of the

Comparative Administration Movement

F Heady
3/3 Marks

17. Red Tapism is in Public Administration is said by

H Simon
3/3 Marks

18. Ecology of Public Administration is book by

3/3 Marks

19. İn which year was Comparative Administrative Group formed

0/3 Marks

20. Term Development Administration was used firstly by

D Wiedner
0/3 Marks

21. Administrative Staff College of India was established in

3/3 Marks

22. Human Problems of an İndustrial Civilization was written by

3/3 Marks

23. Gangplank is

Horizontal Communication
3/3 Marks

24. Public Policy was firstly used in 1951 by

D Easton and R Dahl

0/3 Marks

25. Reaganism is related to

3/3 Marks

26. Father of New Public Administration is

0/3 Marks

27. Main exponent of Public Choice Approach is

Fred Riggs
0/3 Marks

28. Minnowbrook 3rd took place in year

3/3 Marks

29. Who is father of Development Administration

E Wiedner
0/3 Marks

30. Who said Politics is Policy Making and Administration is

İmplementation of those Policy decisions

F J Goodnow
3/3 Marks
31. İmportant tenet of Classical Theory is

Division of Labour
3/3 Marks

32. Which theory is known as Bottom Up Theory

Scientific Management
3/3 Marks

33. Whose exponents are criticized as Cow Sociologists

Human Relations
3/3 Marks

34. Father of Managerialism to Public Administration is

1/1 Marks

35. Which Stage was Golden stage for Public Administration as a


1/1 Marks

36. Development Administration: Concepts, Goals and Methods

was written by

Edward Wiedner
0/1 Marks

37. Find the odd one out related to New Public Management

1/1 Marks

38. Which theory presented human's as social man

Human Relations Theory

1/1 Marks
39. Policy Makers pursue their own interest instead of common
interests is related to which theory

0/1 Marks

40. Garbage Can Model was given in 1972 by

Herbert Hoover and Simon

0/1 Marks

41. First textbook in Public Administration is

LD White's İntroduction to the Study of Public Administration

1/1 Marks

42. İn POCCC, 2nd C stands for

1/1 Marks

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