Assessment of Water Quantity

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Austria, Merwel Rose
Bayato, Princess Jane R.
Alabata, Katherine Kaye

Engr. Irismay T. Jumawan, Ph.D

(March 2024)
Chapter 3: Assessment of Water Quantity
i. Assessment of Available Water Resources
1. Water Availability and Distribution
2. Uses and Importance of Water
a. Domestic Uses
b. Agricultural Use
c. Industrial Use
d. Use for Hydropower Generation
e. Use for Navigation
3. Purpose of Water Resources Assessment
a. Availability
b. Quality
c. Sustainability
ii. Evaluating Water Resources: A Guide to Availability, Variability, Precipitation,
and Distribution
1. Source Capacity Measurement
a. Measurement Discharge
i. Volumetric Method
ii. V-Notch Weir Method
iii. Flow from a Horizontal Blow-off Pipe
b. Measurement of Water Levels in Wells
i. Electric Sounder or Electrical Depth Gauge
ii. Wetted Tape Method
iii. Splashing Method
iii. Water Available for Consumption and Other Uses because of Drought or
Overexploitation of Water Resources
Water, essential for all life on Earth, is a finite resource that requires careful management to
meet the needs of growing populations and ensure environmental sustainability. Assessing the
quantity of water available is a fundamental aspect of water resource management, providing
crucial insights into the availability, distribution, and utilization of this vital resource.
Understanding water quantity is essential for a wide range of stakeholders, including
policymakers, water managers, researchers, and communities. It informs decision-making
processes related to water allocation, infrastructure development, drought preparedness, flood risk
management, and environmental conservation.
Accurate and comprehensive assessments of water quantity are essential tools for promoting
sustainable water use, enhancing resilience to water-related hazards, and safeguarding water
resources for current and future generations. By integrating scientific knowledge, technological
innovation, and stakeholder engagement, we can effectively manage water quantity to ensure the
equitable distribution and efficient utilization of this precious resource.

By the end of the discussion, the class should:
• Justify importance of monitoring the surface water and groundwater;
• Specify the process in evaluating water availability, water variability, temporal
precipitation, spatial distribution and other factors;
• Discuss water available for consumptions and other uses because of drought or over-
exploitation of water resources.

Assessment of Available Water Resources
Water is one of the most abundant substances on Earth without which life, it is said, cannot
exist. Water resources assessment (WRA) is a crucial process for evaluating the quantity and
quality of available water resources. It helps us understand the dynamics of water availability in
relation to human impacts and demand.
1. Water Availability and Distribution
Across our planet, water resources are distributed unevenly. Encompassing over 70% of the
Earth's surface, water exists in various forms, including vapor in the atmosphere and saltwater in
oceans, which constitutes approximately 97% of the total water. Freshwater, crucial for
sustenance, accounts for only 3%, with the majority frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. Unfrozen
freshwater mainly manifests as groundwater, with a minor fraction present above ground or in the
2. Uses and Importance of Water
Uses of fresh water can be categorized as consumptive and non-consumptive. Consumptive
water use is water removed from available supplies without return to a water resource system (e.g.,
water used in manufacturing, agriculture, and food preparation that is not returned to a stream,
river, or water treatment plant). Non-consumptive water use refers to a water use that can be treated
and returned as surface water. A great deal of water use is non-consumptive, which means that the
water is returned to the earth as surface runoff.
a) Domestic Uses
Small water utilities are primarily concerned with water for potable use, which is basically for
the home. Aside from drinking, other domestic uses include washing, bathing, cooking and
cleaning. Other household needs might include tending and watering of home gardens and the
upkeep of domestic animals. Basic household water requirements have been estimated to average
around 40 liters per person per day.
b) Agricultural Use
Water is critical input for agricultural production and lays an important role in food security.
There are main areas of water use in agriculture: growing of crops, livestock farming, cleaning
farm equipment or tools, and supplying drinking water for those who work on the farm.
c) Industrial Use
Water is essential to most industries. It is used for a variety of purposes, such as cleaning or
dissolving substances. Industries use water in many different ways. It could be a raw material, as
in the food industry or pharmaceutical manufacturing.
d) Use for Hydropower Generation
Hydropower is the power generated by water. Water that is kept in dams and flowing through
rivers is used to generate electricity, making it the most common renewable energy source
worldwide. A hydropower plant's purpose is to produce energy.
e) Use for Navigation
This generally refers to ships’ transport through inland waterways such as water canals, rivers,
etc. Various water conditions, such as fluctuating water levels, and changing rivers due to
sedimentation and erosion, pose a lot of difficulty in inland navigation. To overcome such
obstacles, dams are built and effectively control the water level and change the course of
waterways, facilitating efficient inland navigation. Inland navigation is an essential means of
transport as they permit transporting many goods.
f) Use for Recreation
People use the nation's rivers, lakes, and coastal waters for many different forms of recreation.
Some recreational activities take place in or on the water, such as swimming, boating, fishing,
whitewater rafting, and surfing.
3. Purpose of Water Resources Assessment
a) Availability
Assessing the availability of water resources involves quantifying the amount of water present
in a given area and understanding its distribution over time. This includes measuring surface water
flows, groundwater levels, and precipitation patterns.
b) Quality
Assessing the quality of water resources involves evaluating the chemical, physical, and
biological characteristics of water to determine its suitability for various uses and to identify
potential risks to human health and the environment. This includes monitoring parameters such as
pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nutrient levels, heavy metals, pathogens, pesticides, and other
c) Sustainability
Assessing the sustainability of water resources involves evaluating the long-term viability of
water use and management practices in meeting current needs without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs. This includes considering factors such as water
availability, quality, ecosystem health, social equity, economic viability, and resilience to climate

Evaluating Water Resources: A Guide to Availability, Variability, Precipitation, and

Water is a vital resource for life, agriculture, industry, and ecosystem health. Understanding the
availability, variability, and distribution of water resources is crucial for sustainable water
management practices. This document outlines the process for evaluating surface water and
groundwater with a focus on:
Water Availability: The USGS Water Resources Mission Area defines water availability as the
spatial and temporal distribution of water quantity and quality, as related to human and ecosystem
needs, as affected by human and natural influences. In other words, we define water availability
as how water quantity and quality change through time and space, while considering who needs
the water and what might be affecting the quantity and quality of the water.
Spatial Distribution: Spatial distribution acts as the groundwork, determining the location and
extent of various water sources like rivers, lakes, and aquifers. This distribution is influenced by
geographical factors like topography, geology, and prevailing climate.
Regions with abundant water sources (high spatial distribution) are generally more resilient to
fluctuations in precipitation (water variability) compared to regions with limited water sources
(low spatial distribution).
Precipitation and Variability: Temporal precipitation plays a central role in replenishing these
water sources. However, precipitation is not uniform across different locations or throughout the
Water variability captures these fluctuations in precipitation, including seasonal variations, year-
to-year differences, and the occurrence of extreme events like droughts and floods.
The combined effect of spatial distribution and temporal precipitation ultimately determines the
availability of water at any given location and point in time.


Source capacity measurement plays a crucial role in assessing water quantity, providing essential
insights into the availability and sustainability of water resources. Understanding the capacity of a
water source is fundamental for effective water management, as it aids in predicting the long-term
viability of the supply. Accurate measurements help policymakers, environmentalists, and local
communities make informed decisions about water usage, allocation, and conservation strategies.
Additionally, source capacity measurement is indispensable for ensuring a balanced and resilient
water infrastructure, especially in regions facing increasing water stress due to population growth,
climate change, and other environmental factors. By regularly monitoring and assessing source
capacity, stakeholders can implement proactive measures to preserve water resources, mitigate
potential shortages, and promote sustainable water practices for the benefit of both ecosystems and
human communities.
A. Measurement of Discharge
1. Volumetric Method
A direct method of measuring the discharge (flow rate) of a river. This method has a small error
(<1%) but it is only applicable for discharge measurements of small streams (with low discharge),
usually of spring outflows in which the outflow occurs as a concentrated stream or in places where
all flowing water can be captured. The measurement is done in a simple and uncomplicated way.
It is enough to place a container of a known volume under the water outflow to capture all the
outflowing water and measure the time in which the container fills with water.
2. V – Notch Weir Method
A weir is an overflow structure built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring the rate
of flow of water. These structures can take the form of rectangles, trapezoids, or triangles. The
Triangular or V-Notch Weir is a flow measuring device particularly suited for small flows. The V-
Notch Weir often used in flow measurements is the 90° V-Notch shown in Figure 1.
A 90° V-Notch Weir can be cut from a thin sheet of metal or plywood and is placed in the middle
of the channel and water is allowed to flow over it. Subsequently, the water level in the channel is
measured using a gauging rod, as illustrated in Figure 1. The zero point in the rod should be level
with the bottom of the notch. To determine the flow in liters per second (LPS) for a given water
height above the zero point on the rod, one can refer to Figure 1, Table A, or utilize the provided
𝑄 = 4.4𝐻2.48
Q = Discharge rate in liters per second
H = Height of water level on weir in decimetres

Figure 1. V – Notch Weir

Source: NWRC RWS Volume I, Design Manual
Example: Determine the spring yield
Data: Water from the spring is discharged into an open channel and is metered using the V Notch
Weir Method
Height of water on the weir measured with a gauging rod = 100 mm
Required: Water yield of spring
1. Calculate the yield of spring using Figure 1, Table A
Locate under the column “Height of Water” the value H = 100 mm and draw a horizontal line to
intersect in the column “Flow”. The reading in column “Flow” is:
𝑄 = 4.4 𝐿𝑃𝑆
2. Calculate the yield of spring using the formula, Q = 4.4 x H2.24
𝐻 = 100 𝑚𝑚 = 1 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟(𝑑𝑚)
𝑄 = 4.4(1)2.24 = 4.4 𝐿𝑃𝑆

3. Flow from a Horizontal Blow – off Pipe

The following describes the procedure for measuring flow from a horizontal pipe as shown in
Figure 2. Two conditions must be met for this procedure to work:
• The pipe must be flowing full
• The pipe must be horizontal

Figure 2. Measuring Discharge from a Horizontal Pipe

1. Measure the pipe distance to the ground (drop, or y in meters). The pipe must be parallel
to the ground.
2. With water flowing from the pipe, measure the horizontal distance from pipe nozzle to a
point where the water falls to the ground (carry distance or x in meters). Apply the formula:
0.001739𝑑 2 𝑥
Where: d = pipe diameter in mm
x = carry distance in mm
y = drop in meters
Q = lps
Find the flow in a 62.7 mm (2½ inch) pipe flowing full where the drop is 0.50 m (y axis) and the
carry is 0.824 meters (x axis)
0.001739(62.7)2 (0.824)
𝑄= = 𝟕. 𝟗 𝒍𝒑𝒔
B. Measurement of Water Levels in Wells
The measurements of static and pumping water levels can be done electrically or manually. The
measurements provide data that reflect the condition of a well. The particular methods commonly
used are the electric sounder, the wetted tape, and the splashing methods.
The data obtained could be interpreted as follows:

1. Electric Sounder or Electrical Depth Gauge

An electrode suspended by a pair of insulated wires is lowered into the well (Figure 3). When the
electrode touches the water surface, the circuit is closed and current flows. An attached ammeter
may be used to indicate the current’s flow. Equally effective is to use a light bulb and flashlight
batteries instead of an ammeter as shown in Figure 3. The bulb lights up as the electrode touches
the water surface. To improve the accuracy of readings, the electrode and cable should be left
hanging in the well for a series of readings. This eliminates any error from kinks or bends in the
wires which may change the length slightly when the device is pulled up and let down.
Figure 3. Electrical Sounder/Electrical Depth Gauge
Source: NWRC RWS Volume I, Design Manual

2. Wetted Tape Method

The wetted tape method is a precise technique for measuring water depth, suitable for depths up
to 25 meters. In this method, a lead weight is attached to a steel measuring tape, with the lower
portion coated in carpenter's chalk or keel. The tape is lowered into the well until the chalked
section is submerged, and then pulled up. The wetted line on the tape is read, and the actual water
depth is determined by calculating the difference between the chalked section reading and the foot
mark. One drawback is the need to approximate water depth initially to ensure submersion of the
chalked section. Handling difficulties arise for depths exceeding 25 meters.

3. Splashing Method
In the splashing method of measuring water levels in wells, a cord or rope with a weight can be
lowered into the well until the weight is heard splashing on the water surface. The string is held or
marked at the ground surface and then withdrawn. The length of the lowered cord when splashing
is heard is the depth of water level in well.
Example: Determining Static Water Level, Pumping Water Level and Drawdown of Well
Measuring Device: Electric Depth Gauge
Indicator: Bulb lights when electrodes at the end of a lowered cord touch water
Before Pumping: Bulb lit when cord measured 12 m
While pumping, water table stable: Bulb lit when cord measured 14 m
1. SWL (Static Water Level) = the depth of water table from the ground surface before pumping:
Measured at 12 m
2. PWL (Pumping Water Level) = the depth of water table from the ground surface during
pumping operation when water table is stable:
Measured at 14 m
3. D (Drawdown) = the difference between the static water level and the pumping water level.
Calculate the drawdown:
D = 14 -12 = 2 m



Drought is a prolonged dry period in the natural climate cycle that can occur anywhere in the
world. Droughts can be triggered by natural causes such as weather patterns. But increasingly they
are caused by human activity. Human causes of drought:
⚫ Climate change. Global warming makes extreme weather more likely. It can make places drier
by increasing evaporation. When land becomes so dry, an impermeable crust forms, so when
it does rain, water runs off the surface, meaning sometimes flash flooding occurs.
⚫ Deforestation. Plants and trees capture and release water into the atmosphere, which creates
clouds and then rain. Scientists have observed a relationship between deforestation and
⚫ Agriculture. Intensive farming contributes to deforestation in the first instance but can also
affect the absorbency of the soil, meaning it dries out much more quickly.
⚫ High water demand. There are several reasons water demand might outweigh the supply,
including intensive agriculture and population spikes. Also, high demand upstream in rivers
(for dams or irrigation) can cause drought in lower, downstream areas.

Other natural causes of drought:

⚫ Changes in ocean temperatures. El Niño and La Niña are climate patterns that can cause
drought in some parts of the world. El Niño is characterized by warmer-than-average ocean
temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, which can lead to drought in the southwestern United States
and southern Africa. La Niña is characterized by cooler-than-average ocean temperatures in
the Pacific Ocean, which can lead to drought in Australia and Indonesia.
⚫ The jet stream. The jet stream is a band of strong winds that flows high in the atmosphere.
Changes in the jet stream can cause drought in some areas by bringing in dry air from other
parts of the world.

Overexploitation of water resources is a long-term overuse of water resources resulting in

a gradual decrease in water availability. Overexploitation of water resources can occur due to
various factors, including:
⚫ Population Growth. As the global population increases, the demand for water rises for
domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes, leading to overuse of available water sources.
⚫ Urbanization and Industrialization. Rapid urbanization and industrial growth can strain water
resources, as cities and industries require significant amounts of water for various purposes
such as drinking, sanitation, and manufacturing.

Drought and overexploitation of water resources pose significant challenges to the availability
of water for consumption and other essential uses. Here are their impacts to water availability:
⚫ Decreased Water Supply. Droughts result in diminished precipitation levels, leading to
reduced surface water availability in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. This scarcity directly affects
the quantity of water accessible for consumption and other purposes.
⚫ Competition for Water. Overexploitation of water resources exacerbates competition for
water among various sectors, including agriculture, industry, and domestic use. This
competition intensifies during droughts when water resources are already strained, leading to
conflicts over water allocation.
⚫ Impact on Agriculture. Agriculture is one of the largest consumers of water globally. During
droughts or periods of overexploitation, farmers face challenges in irrigating their crops,
leading to decreased agricultural productivity and potential food shortages.
⚫ Ecological Consequences. Reduced water availability impacts ecosystems and wildlife
dependent on freshwater sources. Drying rivers and lakes disrupt habitats, threaten
biodiversity, and can lead to the decline or extinction of species.
⚫ Water Quality Concerns. Overexploitation of water resources can result in the deterioration
of water quality due to increased pollution and salinization. Lower water levels in rivers and
lakes can concentrate pollutants, making water unfit for consumption and other uses without
extensive treatment.
⚫ Groundwater Depletion. Over-pumping of groundwater during periods of drought or
overexploitation can lead to groundwater depletion. Once depleted, aquifers may take years
or even decades to recharge, further exacerbating water scarcity in affected regions.
⚫ Social and Economic Impacts. Water scarcity resulting from droughts or overexploitation
can have profound social and economic consequences. Communities may face water shortages
for drinking, sanitation, and hygiene, leading to health issues and economic hardships.
Industries reliant on water may struggle to operate, leading to job losses and economic

Improving water efficiency and supply requires a multifaceted approach that includes
technological, policy, and behavioral interventions. Here are several solutions to enhance water
efficiency and supply:
⚫ Water Conservation Technologies:
-Adoption of water-efficient appliances and fixtures in households, industries, and commercial
buildings (e.g., low-flow toilets, aerated faucets, and water-saving showerheads).
-Installation of smart irrigation systems for agriculture that optimize water use based on real-time
weather data and soil moisture levels.
-Implementation of leak detection and repair systems to minimize water losses in distribution
networks and infrastructure.
⚫ Water Recycling and Reuse:
-Implementation of wastewater treatment and recycling systems to reclaim and reuse water for
non-potable purposes such as irrigation, industrial processes, and toilet flushing.
-Integration of decentralized wastewater treatment facilities in urban areas to treat sewage locally
and reduce the strain on centralized treatment plants and freshwater resources.
-Promotion of greywater recycling systems in households to reuse water from sinks, showers, and
laundry for irrigation and other non-drinking purposes.
⚫ Desalination:
-Expansion of desalination plants to produce freshwater from seawater or brackish groundwater,
particularly in coastal regions facing water scarcity.
-Integration of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to reduce the energy
consumption and environmental footprint of desalination processes.
-Investment in innovative desalination technologies such as reverse osmosis and membrane
distillation to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
⚫ Infrastructure Upgrades and Optimization:
-Rehabilitation and modernization of aging water infrastructure, including pipes, pumps, and
treatment plants, to minimize water losses and improve system reliability.
-Integration of smart technologies such as sensors, meters, and real-time monitoring systems to
optimize water distribution, detect leaks, and manage water resources more effectively.
-Construction of water storage facilities, such as reservoirs and aquifer recharge basins, to capture
and store surplus water during wet periods for use during dry periods.
⚫ Education and Outreach:
-Implementation of public awareness campaigns and educational programs to promote water
conservation practices and behavioral changes among individuals, businesses, and communities.
-Provision of training and technical assistance to farmers, industries, and water users to adopt
water-saving practices and technologies.
-By implementing these solutions in a coordinated and integrated manner, societies can enhance
water efficiency and supply, reduce water wastage, and ensure sustainable water management for
current and future generations.

In conclusion, droughts and overexploitation of water resources significantly impact water

availability for consumption and other essential uses, highlighting the importance of sustainable
water management practices and addressing the root causes of water scarcity.
Answer the following:
1. It is the spatial and temporal distribution of water quantity and quality, as related to human
and ecosystem needs, as affected by human and natural influences.
2. It is an overflow structure built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring the
rate of flow of water.
3. A direct method of measuring the discharge (flow rate) of a river.
4. Acts as the groundwork, determining the location and extent of various water sources like
rivers, lakes, and aquifers.
5. A precise technique for measuring water depth, suitable for depths up to 25 meters.
6. The depth of water table from the ground surface before pumping.
7. The difference between the static water level and the pumping water level.
8. It is a prolonged dry period in the natural climate cycle that can occur anywhere in the
9. It is a long-term overuse of water resources resulting in a gradual decrease in water
10. Give at least one cause of drought.
11. This includes treating wastewater to recycle and reuse water for non-potable uses.
12. Converting seawater to freshwater.
13. What sector is one of the largest consumers of water globally?
14. Over-pumping of groundwater during periods of drought or overexploitation can lead to
True / False
Direction: Read the statements carefully and tell whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
1. Salt water, crucial for sustenance, accounts for only 3%, with the majority frozen in
glaciers and polar ice caps.
2. Aside from drinking, other industrial uses include washing, bathing, cooking and
3. Assessing the quality of water resources involves quantifying the amount of water present
in a given area and understanding its distribution over time.
4. Encompassing over 90% of the Earth's surface, water exists in various forms, including
vapor in the atmosphere and saltwater in oceans.
5. Consumptive water use refers to a water use that can be treated and returned as surface
6. There are main areas of water use in domestic: growing of crops, livestock farming,
cleaning farm equipment or tools, and supplying drinking water for those who work on the
Answer key
1. Water Availability
2. Weirs
3. Volumetric Method
4. Spatial distribution
5. Wetted tape method
6. SWL (Static Water Level)
7. Drawdown
8. Drought
9. Overexploitation of water resources
10. Answers can be: climate change, deforestation, intensive farming, high water demand,
changes in ocean temperatures, the jet stream
11. Water recycling and reuse
12. Desalination
13. Agriculture
14. groundwater depletion

Assessments of water resources and their management. (n.d.).

Rural Water Supply Design Manual, Volume 1. World Bank Manila. February 2012.

Water resources assessment. (n.d.). SSWM - Find Tools for Sustainable Sanitation and Water



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