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Reflection 1:

Initially, I was somewhat apprehensive about joining mid-year and establishing connections with
both the students and their interests. However, I'm pleased to report that things have been
progressing very smoothly. The boys are gradually becoming more familiar with me in their
classroom environment. They now greet me by name in the mornings, feel comfortable raising
their hands to ask for assistance, and even share their drawings and thoughts with me, which has
been incredibly heartwarming.

Moreover, I've actively engaged with the students by taking on various roles within the
classroom. For instance, I recently led an icebreaker game which helped foster a sense of
camaraderie among the students and also allowed me to learn more about them, as well.
Additionally, I've been co-teaching by working in small groups with the grade 1 and 2 students,
assisting them with math games and workbook pages. These experiences have not only allowed
me to connect with the students on a deeper level but have also reinforced my commitment to
their academic and personal growth.

Overall, I am genuinely pleased with how my first week has unfolded, and I am loving my time
at Selwyn House. I am also excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.


Reflection 2:

This week, I have taken initiative in the planning of lessons and follow through activities. For
instance, I organized a lesson focused on Pink Shirt Day, where we delved into a children’s book
called “Zero,” brainstormed pink shirt day promises to combat bullying, and designed our own
pink shirts. Collaborating with Lauren at the beginning of the week, we planned and set
our weekly schedule to ensure smooth coordination.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to substitute for Lauren on Monday afternoon for 1 hour,
during which time I had the chance to teach the students a math lesson on adding and subtracting
doubles fully on my own. It was a gratifying experience to take the reins and guide the class

Throughout my second week at Selwyn House, I’ve strengthened my connections with the
students, gaining insight into their interests and personalities. They’re become more comfortable
sharing details about their lives, including their weekend and march break plans, favorite
activities, and so on. This has allowed me to learn more about them and has enhanced our
classroom dynamic.

I was also able to be a part of two special events this week. On Wednesday, I attended an
engaging assembly featuring a talented black dancer who not only entertained the students but
also provided valuable insights in Black History Month. It was nice to see the students enjoying
themselves outside a typical classroom setting. Towards the end of the week, I participated in
parent-teacher interviews. This was a very informative and beneficial experience for me because
I was able to witness and learn how to navigate sensitive issues with parents. I was welcomed by
each of the parents, and it felt very nice to feel included.


Reflection 3:

Initially, I must admit, I was a bit apprehensive about returning after the long break. I was
concerned that the boys might have forgotten the school routine or my presence in the classroom.
However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that our bond was stronger than ever. The children
remembered me and were genuinely excited to share their spring break plans and hear about
mine. It was heartening to see how eagerly they engaged with me upon my return.

Furthermore, I had the opportunity to participate in two significant events within the school
community: the professional development day and a staff meeting after school. Collaborating
with other members of the staff during these events was invaluable for me as a student teacher
since it allowed me to gain more insights, perspectives, and strategies to enrich my teaching

Perhaps the most memorable experience of the week was leading my first formative assessment
with my grade 2 class on Thursday morning. I poured a lot of effort into preparing for it, and
seeing the faces of excitement on the children as they worked through their writing pieces was
incredibly rewarding. Witnessing their pride in themselves upon completing the assignment was
very special and affirmed my passion for teaching.

I am looking forward to continuing to learn and grow in this supportive environment.

Reflection 4:

This week, I focused on exploring various management strategies, and I must admit it's been
quite a learning curve. As I take on more of my CT’s course load and greater responsibility in the
classroom, I have come to realize the complexity of navigating between different approaches,
especially given the positive relationships I've built with each student. I’ve learned the
importance of acknowledging and encouraging good behavior, such as expressing gratitude to
students for raising their hands and sitting nicely, rather than simply addressing undesirable
behavior. This approach has helped me maintain a positive classroom atmosphere while also
being firm when necessary.

On a brighter note, witnessing the children compile their portfolios in anticipation of Portfolio
Day has been heartwarming. It's been a joy to see them reflect on their progress throughout the
year, reminiscing on their early works and recognizing the strides they've made. It was amusing
to see the students chuckle over their past spelling errors, like forgetting spaces between their
words or misplacing punctuation. I am looking forward to the day when the students will be able
to showcase their hard work to their parents in a few weeks.
Additionally, I had the opportunity to observe my first math evaluation this week. Through this, I
was able to witness the strategies employed by my cooperating teacher to support and guide the
students without simply providing them answers. I also paid close attention to the vocabulary she
used and was then able to offer the same balance between assistance and prompting independent
problem-solving as she did.


Reflection 5:

I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in Portfolio Day. It was insightful to witness the
progress students have made since the beginning of the year. Seeing how far they've come and
how confidently they presented their portfolios to their parents was inspiring. It was also nice to
engage and interact with parents.

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