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DRRM should demonstrate the critical steps in an emergency

situation, which include to provide warning, advice or information

to the public or businesses and coordinating with local and
provincial responder. It ensure the safety or assist the local
emergency responder by rendering first aid measure or relief to the
victim or basic life support given complete emergency kit or
paraphernalia. It also recognized the value of active community
engagement in DRRM to save or protect human life and to
maintain normal operations/services at desired levels.

The goal of first aid is to provide preserving life, alleviating suffering

and preventing illness or injury and promoting recovery. First aid
knowledge is invaluable for all, as an individual, and for the
community you serve. It enables us to assist persons who become
injured in an untoward event like accidents which may require skills
in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)until professional
medical help becomes available.

The Republic Act 10871provide their students with basic life

support training through the use of psychomotor training. Basic
Education schools shall incorporate basic life support training as
part of the schools comprehensive health.

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