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Is there one food that is ‘the best’ for the human species?
Even if there were a perfect food for the human species - we must be
realists and recognise that even if we prescribed the perfect food,
many people would not be able to take advantage of it and might feel
cheated or denied access.
The test of a perfect food
• An analysis will show that it has all the minerals required in
ample proportions.
• It must always be available - at all seasons - in a subtropical
• It must be suitable for a newly weaned baby - for youth - middle
age and old age.
• It must appeal to the senses of smell and taste.
• It must be palatable.
• It must require thorough mastication.

The food that answers all these requirements is the COCONUT

• The Coconut is always fresh because it grows in all seasons.
• There are always nuts at three stages of maturity on the tree.
• A baby whose rate of metabolism requires a softer and a more
quickly digesting food can take the pulp and milk of the young
• As the child develops and the metabolic rate slows down - the
child can gradually eat the more mature nuts.
• At old age, the younger nuts can again be eaten.
As human mothers’ milk tastes like nuts - this is a good indication that
this is the food that is natural for human beings to eat - cows’ milk has
no such nutty flavour.
The coconut kernel and the coconut milk, eaten together, produce the
complete food for the species and meet the requirements of every
test - It comes nearest to the analysis of human mother’s milk than
any other food.
However, we have kept the best evidence of the superiority of the
Coconut over all other foods to the last.
Just before World War 1, the German government sent two scientists
- August Bethmann and August Engelhardt - to the South Seas
Island of Kabakon to conduct scientific research.
Because the island was uninhabited - arrangements were made for
regular shipments of food supplies to be shipped to the men.
Unfortunately - the ‘Great War’ intervened and in the ‘disorder’ - the
supply ships were never sent and the scientists were forgotten.
Their supplies soon ran out and so by necessity - not choice - they
lived for ten years exclusively on the only food on the island -
• One nut each day was sufficient to satisfy their hunger and to
keep them in perfect health.
• When eventually rescued they were in perfect health.
Note: This test (an enforced one) was conducted under perfect
conditions - the ideal outdoor life consisting of; living foods, air, water,
sunlight, exercise, and rest - the panacea for natural health.
As a health practitioner in the subtropics for over 30 years I can attest
to the validity of this story - at least in part.
I have not lived exclusively on coconuts but I have used this ‘perfect
food’ as a medium to assist many people of all ages - birth to old age
- to restore and maintain their health - naturally.

Published and Edited by:

Kevin and Katy Hinton
Teaching the Science of Natural Living and Natural Healing

All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright, 2015


The opinions expressed in this article are based on the naturopathic philosophy of health and do not
coincide with currently accepted medical theories on health and healing. The publisher does not claim that
any advice given represents a "cure" for disease. If the reader has any doubts regarding his or her health, it
is the responsibility of that individual to consult a competent health practitioner.

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