About Advance Party

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The gathering of the Advance party and the soul of Ram

Baba has said that there will come a time when we will come to know about the Advance
party - where are they and what are they doing. It is because some souls in the Advance party play
part through subtle bodies, but some play part through corporeal bodies. When the Advance party
will be revealed the drums of the revelation of the Father will beat. We will reveal the father with
our face and behaviour, but we are numberwise in that. Baba has said that last so fast, fast so first.
Some souls who came later will go fast and come first. It is also said that the old ones will have to
listen to the new ones. These souls who have gone in advance and taken rebirth are coming again in
our brahmin family to claim their inheritance. Out of them the most famous soul is the soul of Ram,
about whom it is said that he failed. After taking rebirth he will be somewhere around and will take
the knowledge. In the murli it is said...some children ask will the soul of Ram and Sita come into
the Golden age. Yes, they will come, but because they have failed they will have to become
servants to the souls of Radha and Krishna. In other murli it is said that the parents are first class
servants to their children. They give them birth, feed them, clean them, educate them and at the end
hand them over everything they have and that for free. Are there better servants than the parents in
this world? Baba also says that I am your most obedient servant. It is said that the Advance party
are preparing the ground for giving birth of children like Radha and Krishna. In this the souls of
Ram and Sita have the leading part.

Brahma/Krishna is the Mother, Shankar/Ram is the Father

On the path of bhakti Ram is shown with bow and arrows, but Baba says it is about arrows
of knowledge. Through the soul of Krishna the Supreme Father plays the sweet melody of the murli
full of love. Baba has explained that in fact Brahma is your Jagadamba, it is your mother. Brahma is
the role of the mother, the role full of tolerance, love and giving sustenance of the milk of
knowledge. When children are small for them the mother is everything, they don't know that there
is another personality. It is the mother who introduces the father to the children. The murlis are
introduction of the father. The name of the father is said to be Ram and the name of the child is said
to be Krishna. And the mistake is that the child is made the God of the Gita, instead of the father. In
the murlis Baba asks us to add the word Prajapita, because it indicates the father. Prajapita is the
father and Brahma is the mother. We should put the word Prajapita along with the name Brahma,
because we all have both mother and father. The role of Prajapita, the father is revealed after the
role of Brahma in the form of Shankar, which is a strict role. Whilst the role through Brahma Baba
was the role of doing himself and of setting an example or Karanhar, it is not enough if only
Brahma does, because the children also have to follow Brahma, so the strict role of Shankar is
required as Karavanhar. For Shankar it is said that his role will be played in practice, that his role is
so wonderful that we wont be able to believe it, that he does not have much of a part and that he
does not do anything. It is because the destruction is done by the shakties and if one is in constant
remembrance of the Supreme Father, like Shankar who is always shown in meditation, then the sins
are burnt and actions become neutral. Baba has asked in the murli... Kumarka tell, how many
children does Baba have? Some say only one Brahma, other says 5 billion. I say that Brahma
becomes Vishnu, so it remains Shakar. Is Shankar not a child of Baba? There is margin for this.
Baba has also said that those who become numberwise Lakshmi and Narayan in the Golden Age
then become numberwise Ram and Sita in the Silver age. So the first Lakshmi and Narayan will
become the first Ram and Sita. They are the souls who become directly from ordinary man and
woman to Lakshmi and Narayan in the same life, in the Confluence age itself. They die a living
death by following shrimat and transform their last birth to be their first, extraordinary, spiritual,
most elevated, new birth of the Confluence age, the highest age of all. Baba has said that there is a
difference between becoming a master of the whole world and becoming a master of Heaven,
because in Heaven there are very few souls. The birth of Lakshmi and Narayan was declared for
1976 in the murli of 1966, the year also declared for destruction. It is because the destruction is
connected to our complete stage.

The meaning of the Shivling

When Baba comes He says I make you children equal to Myself. The symbol of this aim of
ours is the Shivling. The soul of Shiv does not have any consciousness of the body, even whilst
being in a body. When we leave the consciousness of the body, we become like the Shivling, which
does not have any organs. In this incorporeal stage it is as if we look, but don't see, listen, but don't
hear, we forget our body completely. Baba says you children will bring Parahmdam down to this
world. We will be able to create an atmosphere of complete peace, stillness and dead silence in this
world itself, with the power of our collective vibrations. We will become like saligrams. We will
reach our seed form stage of complete faith in the consciousness of the soul. Among all the
saligrams there will be one Shivling, one such soul who would have achieved complete 100 %
incorporeal stage, equal to that of Shiv. The Shivling is shown bigger than the saligrams, not
because the soul is bigger, or the body is bigger, but because the role of this particular soul is
supreme to all the rest. Among all the human souls in the world, there is one soul who is the hero
actor of this drama, for him it is said atma so parmatma. Only one out of all the human souls
achieves the status of supreme soul. He is remembered in all the religions as the first man Adam. In
the Indian culture he is known as the first deity Adi Dev or Shankar. He is also called the great deity
Mahadev. Baba says that Mahadev this is also Me. The role is played by the Supeme Father. On the
path of bhakti, the names of Shiv and Shankar are combined to indicate this equality in the stage of
the souls of Shiv and Shankar. They are two separate souls, one is beyond the cycle of birth and
death, always incorporeal, abhogta and akarta and the soul of Shankar is a soul who takes the
complete 84 births, passes through the cycle of birth and death, but being the biggest of all human
batteries, who has imbibed the most of the power of knowledge and yoga in the Confluence age, he
maintains his soul consciousness for the longest period during the world drama and at the end
achieves the stage of complete purity. The soul of Shiv chooses this very soul, which has remained
firm on the path of truth and makes him the master of the world. In its remembrance, the title of
Shankar is Vishvanath, master of the world. In the scriptures he is also said to have burnt the vice of
lust through opening his third eye. This third eye is called Shiv netr, the eye of Shiva, indicating the
entrance of the Supreme Father Shiva. Baba says that if we win over lust, if we win over our organs,
if we win over our mind - we win over the entire world. In this way Shankar is not a world emperor
with a crown, but a yogi and gyani soul, who wins over the hearts and minds of people through his
complete surrender to the Supreme Father and His task.

Brahma is the name of many, even some females

In the murli it is said that what will happen if this Brahma leaves? Then in whomever I enter
has to be named Brahma. About Brahma Baba it is said that I take this body on loan. It is an old
shoe. When one wife goes away, another one is taken. It is also said that as long as it is the
Confluence age I am present. After 1969, when Brahma Baba has left his body, some may think that
the Supreme Father has gone back to Paramdham. Baba has said that He cannot do anything
without a body, without Brahma, He is of no use. And that we can have connection with Shivbaba
only through Brahma. It is also said that He comes in an impure body, in corporeal body, not in the
Brahma from the subtle region. In order to purify us through the colour of His company, Baba
needs a corporeal body, because only one purifies everyone and we degrade in the company of
many. For that we need the full introduction of the Supreme Father and His task, along with His
exact name, form, time, place and acts. Baba says that we should not say just Shivjayanti, but
Trimurti Shivjayanti. It is because 3 personalities are connected with His coming. In the murli it is
said that in the beginning there used to be such children who used to teach even Mama and Baba,
they used to sit as teachers, give us directions and make us perform the drill. They commanded
much respect and everyone used to think they will attain a very good number in the rosary. Baba
used to enter them, but Maya the python gobbled them and they left. If Baba used to enter them,
then they must have been Brahma. Indeed on the path of bhakti Brahma is shown with 4 or 5 heads.
These very children, about whom Baba has said Mahavir, after taking rebirth, return on the path of
knowledge and continue their task. One of them is revealed from the district of Farrukhabad, UP
(India), about which in the murli it is said that in Farrukhabad they believe in the master. But in fact
it is not the Supreme Father who becomes the master, it is you children who become masters
(Lakshmi and Narayan). It is said that I come in a poor, dirty village, where children don't even
have a piece of bread to eat. I come in the country of Magadh, which is between Ganga and
Yamuna, the now UP state. For UP it is said that it will show the religious war. All the main
religious sites like Varanasi, Ayodhya, Mathura are in UP. Baba has said that it is a wonder that
wherever you are sitting in a living form, this is also where your non-living memorials are made. It
is said that now people think that there are many holy souls, religious souls, but who is the Supreme
soul among them, they haven't reached to this conclusion yet.

The Advance course, the change of name and class transfer

Baba has said that the knowledge undergoes refining and changing. In the beginning there
were clarifications of the Gita, it was thought that the soul is like a thumb, there were the Piyu
vanis. Through churning Mama came with the idea that the Supreme soul is also a point of light like
star. The name was Om mandli. The murlis started from Karachi, before that Baba used to write.
The name was changed to Brahma Kumaris, to which Baba said that the word Prajapita has to be
added. After 1969, through Avyakt BapDada it was said that the murlis have to be revised. There
Baba has said that we have to remove these words (PBKIVV) and write Spiritual university
(Adhyatmik vidyalaya) to all the centers. Baba is speaking about class transfer, because after 1969,
the corporeal form of the Supreme soul is not known. The idea that we can have a direct connection,
without Brahma has not come from Shivbaba. Various violations of shrimat follow. Baba has said
that ours is a Godly government, how can we register with the devilish government!? Ours is a
family. Baba has prohibited keeping a photo of Brahma, but now not only Brahma, but various
photos of senior brothers and sister are kept. Baba has said that we should not celebrate any festival
from the path of bhakti, that we also don't celebrate our physical birthday, that He does not like
songs and poetry, and that there is no knowledge or yoga in bhog. It is said that it is better to die
than to beg and that we will establish our capital with our own money. The practice of exchanging
drishti, when Baba has said about the knives of lust of the eyes, that the eyes are most mischievous
and we do 40-50 mistakes a day with them, is wrong. The misconceptions that we can receive
shrimat sitting in meditation, when Baba has said that I teach through a body and you listen through
the body or that whoever sits on the gaddi is an instrument and Baba enters them, shows the
degraded state of our family. So Baba has to transfer the class to a new place, with a new teacher,
where he will reveal the unlimited meaning of the murlis and promote strict following of the
shrimat. The role of this Spiritual university is going on from the historical village of Kampil, UP,
where newcomers and BKs from all over the world flock to listen to the new points of the Advance
course. The course, based on the original 4 pictures and the murlis is given in closed environment,
as per Baba's shrimat. The word about the coming of the Supreme Father can be spread only if there
is practical, corporeal form. In the murlis it was said that in future TV will emerge and you will be
able to see - this is Brahma, Baba is coming in him and narrating the murli. This is reality. The
kingdom of Ram can be established only through the soul of Ram. Shiva is the name of the soul, it
never changes. The soul of Shiva does not become a king. When the soul of Ram, the one in whom
the yogis delight, is revealed in front of us, we change from monkeys to humans.

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