AnaPhy Rot. 5john

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La Salle University
College of Nursing
Ozamiz City


1. Review of the organ

The heart pumps blood around the body. It sits inside the chest, in front of the lungs and slightly to the left side.
The heart is actually a double pump made up of four chambers, with the flow of blood going in one direction due to the
presence of the heart valves. The contractions of the chambers make the sound of heartbeats.
The right upper chamber (atrium) takes in deoxygenated blood that is loaded with carbon dioxide. The blood is squeezed
down into the right lower chamber (ventricle) and taken by an artery to the lungs where the carbon dioxide is replaced with
The oxygenated blood travels back to the heart, this time entering the left upper chamber (atrium). It is pumped into the
left lower chamber (ventricle) and then into the aorta (an artery). The blood starts its journey around the body once more.
2. Review of the organ system
The system that moves blood throughout the body. The circulatory system is composed of the heart, arteries,
capillaries, and veins. This remarkable system transports oxygenated blood from the lungs and heart throughout the body
via the arteries. The blood goes through the capillaries which are situated between the arteries and veins. And the blood
that has been depleted of oxygen by the body is then returned to the lungs and heart via the veins.
3. Illustration of the organ system

4. Physiology of the organ system

The circulatory system, also called cardiovascular system, is a vital organ system that delivers essential substances to all
cells for basic functions to occur. Also commonly known as the cardiovascular system, is a network composed of the heart
as a centralized pump, bloods vessels that distribute blood throughout the body, and the blood itself, for transportation of
different substances.
The circulatory system consists of four major components:

 The Heart: About the size of two adult hands held together, the heart rests near the center of the chest. Thanks to
consistent pumping, the heart keeps the circulatory system working at all times.
 Arteries: Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and where it needs to go.

Hewlett-PackardAnatomy and Physiology 2019

 Veins: Veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart where it is directed to the lungs to receive oxygen.
 Blood: Blood is the transport media of nearly everything within the body. It transports hormones, nutrients,
oxygen, antibodies, and other important things needed to keep the body healthy.

Oxygen enters the bloodstream through tiny membranes in the lungs that absorb oxygen as it is inhaled. As the body uses
the oxygen and processes nutrients, it creates carbon dioxide, which your lungs expel as you exhale. A similar process
occurs with the digestive system to transport nutrients, as well as hormones in the endocrine system. These hormones are
taken from where they are produced to the organs they affect.

The circulatory system works thanks to constant pressure from the heart and valves throughout the body. This pressure
ensures that veins carry blood to the heart and arteries transport it away from the heart. (Hint: to remember which one
does which, remember that that “artery” and “away” both begin with the letter A.)

There are three different types of circulation that occur regularly in the body:

 Pulmonary circulation: This part of the cycle carries oxygen-depleted blood away from the heart, to the lungs,
and back to the heart.

 Systemic circulation: This is the part that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart and to other parts of
the body.

 Coronary circulation: This type of circulation provides the heart with oxygenated blood so it can function

5. Sources/references

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Name of Studen: John Emmanuel revil Name of Clinical Instructor
Year Level: 2 Date: _05-07-21____________
Date: 05-07-21

Hewlett-PackardAnatomy and Physiology 2019

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