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Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: __11/12________ Score _______

School: _____________ Teacher: ___________ Subject: English for Academic and Professional Purpose
LAS Writer: KAREN ADAJAR-ZAMBRA_______________________________________________________
Content Editors: ZYNAFE V. CAIJO ROMEL V. MAT-AN RAFFY G. HERRERA___________
Lesson Topic: Parts of a Position Paper______________________________QUARTER 4 WEEK 3 LAS 2
Learning Target: Identify the parts of a position paper. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIe-j-6)__________________
Reference(s): Pantinople, I., 2020 English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 2 Module 3: Position
Paper. Region XII: Department of Education, p. 9.
Vargas, G., 2020 English for Academic Professional Purposes Quarter 2 Module 3: Writes Various
Kinds of Position Paper. Region V Bicol: Department of Education, pp. 5-6.
Kong, F., 2018. Smart Technology Is Here. Available at:
2018/06/24/1827252/smarttechnologyhere#7dKHY4z5uOELgVFO.99. (Accessed: 19 March
Parts of a Position Paper
 Introduction.
o Consists of an issue, a subject description to provide context information on the issue, and a
thesis statement argument.
o Begins with a topic sentence that draws attention to the problem and summarizes it.
o Explains your point of view to the reader.
o Breaks down the source/quote sentence by sentence to analyze it and explain the source's
meaning in general as well as what needs to be changed in this section.
o Declare your point of view. Do you agree or disagree with the ideological position?
o NOTE: If you're going to take a qualified position, make sure you state it clearly and precisely.
 Body.
o It contains a list of the counterclaims as well as your own points. Summary of the counterclaims
refer to the arguments made by those who disagree with your statements or position on a topic.
o In this part, you must also have supporting details and refute the counterclaims with proof in this
o After it is the presentation of your arguments, it is the part where you have to back up your
points with well-informed and educated opinions.
 Identify clearly the problem that you feel affects you and your society. Take a stand on one of
the topics you found and defend it. Identify other principles or ideas that you might align with
the problems that you selected.
 Create statements that convey your position on the issues. These statements may be
interpreted as implying that the problems are causing harm to individuals and the environment.
 Collect credible evidence to back up your claims on the subject. This evidence may come
from official government statements, political officials, or academic authorities.
 Make sure your statements are powerful enough to inspire or convince your readers to take
action to solve the problem.
 Conclusion.
o It contains the restatement of the thesis statement, arguments and the implications.
o This may contain plan of action but do not introduce new information.
o Summarize, then conclude your argument.
o NOTE: Please keep in mind that the conclusion should not simply be a brief recap of your
findings; otherwise, the discussion would seem quite pointless..
Sample Parts of a Position Paper
Please refer to the Quarter 4 Week 3 LAS 1 Attachment 1: Sample Position Paper- Entitled: Smart
Technology is Here By: Francis J. Kong (The Philippine Star)

Activity 1: Directions: Identify what is asked in each part of position paper. Use any coloring materials to do
this activity. Use the Quarter 4 Week 3 Attachment 1: Sample Position Paper - Smart Technology is Here By:
Francis J. Kong (The Philippine Star) to answer. One (1) point each correct answer.
A. Introduction.
1. Use green to highlight the issue or thesis statement.
B. Body
2. Use yellow to highlight the counterclaims.
3. Use blue to highlight one argument presented.
4. Use orange to highlight the supporting evidence.
C. Conclusion
5. Use violet to highlight the restatement of the thesis statement.

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