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Course Name: Introduction To The Secondary Level

Lecturer: Sir Terrence Farley
Title : Project Re-Design- Guyana’s Classroom Thru’ 21st
Century Lens.
Names: Raywattie Boodram, Renaldo Naraine,
Shameza Yakub, Surijdai Ramsammy
What is meant by the term “21st century classroom”
The 21st century classroom focuses on asking questions to encourage critical thinking, inquiry
and reasoning. In all courses, students evaluate, synthesize, and translate ideas to solve problems
and complete projects. Teachers also encourage students to hone their reasoning and inquiry

Why is the 21st century classroom important?

A 21st century classroom teaches students how to use modern technology and integrates it into
lessons so students can master it. Students in a modern classroom can use technology
resourcefully to solve problems and achieve their goals.

Features of 21st century classroom

● Technology
● Light and bright colors
● Flexibility of furniture
● Areas for collaborative learning and independent study
● Fostering of inspiration and creativity

The school environment in which most children learn remains old-fashioned in terms of how the
classroom is designed and how students learn. There are many things that could help modernize
a classroom as well as to improve teaching and learning. Everyday changes are happening and
our classroom must adapt to modern times we are living in and equip the students to face the real
world. Our classroom was designed with the aim to change the learning and teaching style. In
addition, it was designed so as to eliminate ninety-five percent of the challenges students and
teachers face in the classroom. This classroom prepares students for their future workplace by
developing their higher order of thinking skills, effective communication and technology skills
that are essential in the 21st century professional world.
Why was our 21st century classroom model designed in such
a way?
Number of students and teachers
The classroom caters for two teachers and eighteen students since overcrowded classrooms affect
the learning process. With a period being 30 minutes to 60 minutes, teachers can have one on one
with each student resulting in all of them grasping the content. Besides, overcrowded classrooms
increase disciplinary problems, increase the risk of illness and noise and distraction in the

Furniture arrangements
The furniture arrangement used is the classroom setting, it is six rows of three so the students
face the center of the classroom.Sitting in groups of three promotes students' learning and
achievements. Working in groups enhances communication and motivates students. It
encourages active learning and develops decision making skills in learners.

Technology (class equipped with computers)

Computers have supplied infinite resources for learning and made education more flexible and
easier to access. Students can now gain knowledge and information not only from classroom
assignments and libraries but also from available online resources. Technology in the classroom
helps students engage with the material they’re learning. Computers help learners focus on the
project/task on hand and can be a vital tool for maintaining a student interest in the topic.

Electronic White Board

The electronic whiteboard, also known as a smart board, is a large interactive display that
connects to a computer and projector,(the one used in the classroom does not need a projector)
allowing users to control and manipulate content displayed on the board using a touch screen or
stylus. In the 21st century classroom, its purpose is to enhance teaching and learning by
providing a dynamic and interactive platform for educators to deliver content, engage students in
multimedia-rich lessons, and facilitate collaborative learning. The electronic whiteboard enables
teachers to integrate various digital resources, such as PowerPoint and educational videos,
websites, and interactive educational software, into their lessons, making learning more engaging
and interactive for students.

Teaching aids
Teaching aids are an integral component in any classroom. The many benefits of teaching aids
include helping learners improve reading comprehension skills, illustrating or reinforcing a skill
or concept, differentiating instruction and relieving anxiety or boredom by presenting
information in a new and exciting way.
Fire extinguisher , Fire Bucket and Emergency Alarm
Fire extinguishers, fire bucket are extremely important as they’re used to safeguard against fires.
The emergency alarm is used to alert students in the event of a fire,school shooting etc.

First aid Corner

First aid is classroom essential since they’re helpful in treating injuries that may occur in the

Sanitation area
Children deserves a healthy learning environment with easy access to safe and sustainable
sanitation. A sanitation area is also necessary since we are facing a deadly virus (the COVID 19

Reading corner/ classroom library

This is a space in the classroom designated-based readings or just reading for entertainment. It
caters for independent learning and critical thinking to take place.

To ensure all students hear clearly. A speaker system is included in the classroom which will be
utilized during class activities such as PowerPoint presentations, YouTube videos, student’s
presentations and when the educator is teaching.

Student’s Locker
A locker is provided so that students can be safe in the knowledge that their school work or
personal belongings are secure. Apart from this, students will have full access to the chairs and
benches since they no longer have to make space for their personal belongings such as lunch kit,
bags, cardboards etc.
A cupboard is provided for storage space for various teaching materials, supplies, and
equipment. It helps keep the classroom organized and ensures that resources are easily accessible
to teachers when needed. Additionally, the cupboard also serves as a space to securely store
personal belongings, maintaining a tidy and clutter-free environment conducive to learning for
the teachers.

Air Conditioning Unit

To keep classroom at a comfortable temperature, which will improve focus and productivity.
Spending eight hours in a hot classroom can be very uncomfortable.
Emergency Exit
Apart from the regular exit, an emergency exit is available to allow faster evacuation, while it
provides an alternative if the route to the regular exit is blocked. Both of the classroom doors are
designed to swing outward because during an emergency people tend to rush to the door and it
will be difficult to pull the door open if everyone is bracing against it. Two classroom doors will
prevent students from being trapped inside the classroom.

Rubberized Floor
Offers the safety of slip resistance.

Plants keep air cleaner and can improve mental health. Some students loves plants (Naturalistic

Three different types of bins are being placed in the classroom which are likely to facilitate waste
segregation and promote environmental sustainability. These bins are typically used for sorting
different types of waste materials, such as recyclables (e.g., paper, plastic, metal), non-recyclable
waste (e.g., food waste, non-recyclable plastics), and possibly organic waste (e.g., compostable
materials). By separating waste at the source, schools can encourage responsible waste disposal
practices and contribute to reducing the environmental impact of waste generation.

Surveillance Cameras
Will be used to monitor school activities such as property destruction and vandalism,
mistreatment of students by teachers, students bullying and violence. Moreover, given if a school
shooting should occur, cameras and speakers can be used to supervise students.

Water Dispenser
The convenience of a water dispenser encourages students and teachers to drink more water,
which can contribute to a more productive and comfortable classroom experience also to
promote hydration and ensure that students and teachers have easy access to clean and safe
drinking water throughout the day.. Additionally, having a water dispenser in the classroom
promotes sustainability by reducing the need for single-use plastic water bottles.
Proper lighting is essential for reducing eye strain and fatigue, which can impact students' ability
to concentrate and learn effectively.It provides adequate illumination for students to read, write,
and see clearly, creating a comfortable and conducive learning environment.Additionally, light
plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall atmosphere of the classroom, influencing students'
mood, behavior, and productivity.

Wheelchair and Wheelchair Ramp

Just before entering the classroom a wheelchair ramp is provided for ensuring that the classroom
is accessible to wheelchair users. It allows them to enter and exit the classroom independently
and safely, promoting inclusivity and equal access to education.A wheelchair is provided for
mobility and accessibility for students or teachers with mobility impairments. Wheelchairs
enable individuals with physical disabilities to move around the classroom, participate in
activities, access learning materials, and interact with their peers and teachers.
Pictures of The Model of the 21st Century Classroom

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