AK SS G8 - EOT2 - Clauses & Complex P155-60

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Unit 7: Clauses and Complex Sentences

Lesson 44
Sentences and Main Clauses

A simple sentence has one complete subject and one complete predicate. The
subject, the predicate, or both may be compound.
Lightning struck our oak.

Branches and leaves fell.


The oak has stood for years and will stand for many more.

A compound sentence contains two or more simple sentences. Each simple

sentence is called a main clause. Main clauses may be joined by a comma
followed by a conjunction or by a semicolon. A semicolon is also used before
a conjunctive adverb, such as moreover.
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Lightning struck our oak, but it did not fall. (two main clauses joined by a
comma and a conjunction)
Lightning struck our oak; it did not fall. (two main clauses joined by a
Lightning struck our oak; moreover, it fell to the ground. (two main clauses
joined by a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb)

 Exercise 1 Write in the blank whether the sentence is simple or compound.

compound Volcanoes can sit idle, or they can erupt frequently.
compound 1. Earth’s surface seems calm, but its interior seethes with energy.
simple 2. Pressure and heat inside the earth melt rock.
compound 3. Molten rock is lighter than its surroundings; it rises to the
compound 4. Molten rock inside the earth is magma; magma on the earth’s
surface is lava.
simple 5. A volcano is formed from magma.
compound 6. Some volcanoes erupt with great power; others are less violent.

Unit 7, Clauses and Complex Sentences 155

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simple 7. Thick magma is forced from inside the earth by great pressure.
compound 8. Thin magma flows more easily; moreover, it contains less
explosion-causing gas.
simple 9. Kilauea on Hawaii is an example of a peaceful volcano.
simple 10. Scientists from all over the world observe its eruptions.
compound 11. Mount Saint Helens is another story; the mountain in the state
of Washington literally blew its top in 1980.
simple 12. A chain of volcanic mountains lies across the Pacific

compound 13. It is called the Cascade Range, and it includes Mount Saint
simple 14. Earth is not the only planet with volcanoes.
simple 15. Photographs reveal active volcanoes on the moons of Jupiter
and Neptune and extinct volcanoes on Venus and Mars.

 Exercise 2 Underline each main clause. Add a comma or a semicolon as needed.

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Peter has a great interest in volcanoes; he hopes to become a volcanologist.

1. Volcanologists study volcanoes.

2. They had always hunted an active eruption, and in 1980 they got their chance.

3. Mount Saint Helens is an active volcano in Washington, but it had not erupted since


4. In March of 1980, Mount Saint Helens began shaking; moreover, its top began to bulge.

5. Scientists raced to Washington from around the world.

6. They knew the mountain would erupt, but they could not tell when or how violently.

7. Officials kept people away from the mountain, but some adventurous souls went anyway.

8. Mount Saint Helens erupted early on May 18, 1980, and more than sixty people were


9. The destruction to the earth and wildlife was extreme; the blast leveled 150 square

miles of forest.

10. The avalanche after the blast killed millions of animals and birds.

156 Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 8

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Lesson 45
Complex Sentences and Subordinate Clauses

A complex sentence contains a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.
A main clause can stand alone as a sentence. A subordinate clause has a subject
and a predicate, but it is not a complete sentence. It depends on the main clause
to complete its meaning.
We were sailing on the lake when the thunderstorm hit.
We didn’t know that the paint was wet.

This is the place where I dropped my pen.

 Exercise 1 Underline each main clause. Place a check in the blank next to each
complex sentence.
✔ The game will be postponed because the rain is falling steadily.
✔ 1. When it is foggy, driving is very dangerous.
✔ 2. Before I start my workout, I always do some warmup exercises.
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✔ 3. We were surprised when we learned of the arrest.

4. We bought our new sofa during the sale at the local furniture store.
✔ 5. Although it rained all day, we still enjoyed our trip.
✔ 6. I will help you with your homework after you watch the baby.
✔ 7. Jake stared at me as if he had seen a ghost.
✔ 8. Whenever the wind blows the trees against the windows, the dog howls.

9. Our choir went on a field trip to the senior citizens’ center.

✔ 10. Owen felt responsible for the missing book though it was not his fault.

11. The new computer and printer really make our work easier.
✔ 12. You can order whatever you want from the menu.
✔ 13. We will be on time unless there is a traffic jam.
✔ 14. If our team wins, everyone will celebrate.
✔ 15. The police did not arrive until the thieves had left.

16. You can leave early tomorrow and go to the game.

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✔ 17. We cannot start the concert until the weather clears.

✔ 18. Sam can mail these packages if they have enough postage on them.
✔ 19. Jill had her petition filled out so that she could run for office.

20. Our class is making the community more aware of the importance of recycling.
✔ 21. The road is safe as long as there is no ice.
✔ 22. The building swayed whenever the wind blew.

23. Hasan and Mike clapped their hands to the beat.


24. Sandy cried because her beloved dog had run away.
✔ 25. When the room warms up, we can take off our sweaters.
✔ 26. The pool will be cleaned when spring comes.
✔ 27. Because Alison loves jazz, she attends every concert.

28. The rain ceased, and the stuffy air cleared.

✔ 29. Since I first saw you, I have wondered if we ever met before.
✔ 30. While we waited for the feature, we were annoyed by several ads.

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✔ 31. Because our history class is so large, we meet in the auditorium.
✔ 32. The mountain climber checked her equipment before she started up the slope.
✔ 33. Please be quiet when you come in late.

34. I will lock the door and turn off the lights before leaving.
✔ 35. Stu is leaving for vacation when he completes his courses.
✔ 36. If Stan wants to play hockey, he will need more discipline.
✔ 37. I’ll wear a red hat so that you can recognize me.
✔ 38. The mice darted underground as the owl dived at them.

 Writing Link Write at least three complex sentences about your favorite sport.

158 Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 8

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Lesson 46
Adjective Clauses

When a subordinate clause modifies a noun or a pronoun, it is called an adjective

clause. Often, an adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun. An adjective
clause can also begin with where or when.
Ms. Parker, who is from Colorado, is coming for dinner.
She has written a book that tells the history of the Rocky Mountains.


that who whose
which whom whomever

 Exercise 1 Draw one line under each adjective clause and two lines under each word
that introduces an adjective clause.

The present thatiTanya received lifted her spirits.

1. Is this the place whereiyou had the accident?

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2. The woman whoseibriefcase you found is here to pick it up.

3. Is this the toaster thatialways burns the toast?

4. The phone call thatiI just answered was for you.

5. The people who[own that black dog live around the corner.

6. The cookbooks are in the cupboard where[we keep the spices.

7. The doctor who[originally saw us was out today.

8. We will leave next Friday, which[is my birthday.

9. The band that[I like best is The Rovers.

10. Anyone who[believes that politician is very gullible.

11. The basement is the last place where[I should have stored the film.

12. The excuse that[he used to explain his lateness was laughable.

13. The moment when[Jason arrives will signal the start of the party.

14. Is this the video that[you recommended?

15. Connie, who[is the winner, will get the trophy.

Unit 7, Clauses and Complex Sentences 159

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16. Lainie, who[is the star of the play, is signing autographs.

17. Scientists explore rain forest canopies, where[many species live.

18. Is this the location where[the battle took place?

19. Harry bought a ten-speed, which[is his favorite kind of bike.

20. Is the actor whom[you like in the movie?

 Exercise 2 Draw one line under each adjective clause. Draw an arrow to the noun or
pronoun that it modifies.

The student who won the spelling bee donated her prize to the class.

1. The days when thousands of buffalo roamed the plains must have been long ago.

2. Is this the documentary that you wanted?

3. The flood happened at a time when everyone was away from home.

4. King, who smelled the smoke, woke us up by barking.

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5. I have seen the movie that you are discussing.

6. My favorite class is the one that Mr. Clark teaches.

7. Simone met our new neighbor who lives down the street.

8. Anyone who disagrees with the proposal should vote no.

9. The crystal vase, which was a present from Aunt Sandra, is filled with roses.

10. Is Ralph the neighbor whom you invited to the party?

11. Boris knows the captain whose team won the tournament.

12. Have you talked to the artist who painted this picture?

13. Uncle Vincent bought the biggest refrigerator that he could find.

14. Bridalveil Falls, which is in Yosemite National Park, is lovely.

15. The person whose place I held wants to get back in line.

160 Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 8

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