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Read carefully your computer English course, analyze each of the

major topics of the course, and perform the required tasks:

TASK 1: State whether each of the following assumptions

is True (T) or False (F)
1. Keyboard is an output device. ( )
2. Touch sensitive screen is an input device. ( )
3. Light pen is an input device. ( )
4. The personal computers are sometime called the home computers. ( )
5. The most powerful personal computers are known as super computers. ( )
6. Bar code reader is an output device. ( )
7. The input devices accept data and send them to the processor. ( )
8. The concept of using ‘electronic brains’ gave birth to computers. ( )
9. The operating system is an application software. ( )
10. Blaise Pascal developed the tabulating machine using punched cards. ( )
11. Herman Hollerith designed the difference engine. ( )
12. Compilers translate higher level language into machine language. ( )
13. Word processing is a type of task-oriented software. ( )
14. Fifth generation computing devices is based on artificial intelligence. ( )
15. A hybrid computing system is a combination of desirable features of
analog and digital computers. ( )
16. Main memory is a non-volatile memory. ( )
17. ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations. ( )
18. Registers are a part of secondary storage. ( )
19. Inkjet printers are impact printers. ( )
20. CD – ROM stands for Compact Disk – Read Only Memory. ( )

TASK 2: Fill in the blanks with the relevant information

1. ……………………… is considered to be the father of today’s computer.
2. ……………………..……invented the Slide Rule.
3. The first generation of computers used…………..…..for circuitry and
……………….…..for memory.
4. Integrated circuits were used in…………………generation of computers
5. …………..….refers to the physical items associated with a computer system.
6. The hardware devices attached to the computer are called…….…………….
7. ………………….refers to programs that make the computer to do some thing
8. Software can be classified into………..…… software.and………..……. software
9. An……………………….……is an integrated set of specialized programs that is
used to manage the overall operations of a computer.
10. The………………… translates the whole source program into an object program.
11. A…………………allows users to quickly and efficiently store, organize, retrieve,
communicate and manage large amounts of information.
12. .............computers are useful in solving differential equation and integration.
13. The digital computers are classified
14. …………… the planned step-by-step instruction required to turn data into
15. …………is the raw material that is given to a computer for processing.
16. A………….computer accepts handwritten input on a screen.
17. Raw data is processed by the computer into……….
18. PC refers to………………………………………….
19. ………………software allows to create, edit, format, store and print text and
20. The word computing means………………………………
21. A computer system is the interpretation of physical entities called…………..and
non-physical entities called………………..
22. The computer uses……………..devices to accept data and program.
23. The stored program concept was conceived by…………………………….
24. Main memory is also known as………………..memory.
25. The performance of the memory system is defined by………………time
26. …………….supplements the main memory.
27. …………………is popular input device for GUI application.
28. ………………… a input device mainly used to capture images
29. Monitor is a commonly used output unit, sometimes called
30. The smallest dot that can be displayed on the monitor is called a…………..
31. Printers can be classified into……….and…………printers.

TASK 3: In one or two sentences each cases, answer briefly

the following questions:
1. What is a computer?
2. Where was the term computer taken from?
3. What are peripheral devices?
4. What is an input device?
5. What is an output device?
6. What is a storage device?
7. List at least twelve commonly used input devices.
8. List at least ten commonly used output devices.
9. List at least ten commonly used storage devices.
10. What is the name of the machine developed by Charles Babbage?
11. What is meant by the concept ‘Data’?
12. What is meant by the concept ‘Information’?
13. What do you mean by an algorithm?
14. What is “word processor software”?
15. What is an operating System?
16. What is an analog computing system?
17. What is a lap-top computer?
18. How are the human being and the computers related?
19. What are the components of the digital computer?
20. What are the functional units of a computer system?
21. Write the essentials of the stored program concept.
22. Write the main functions of the central processing unit.
23. What are the different types of main memory?
24. Define memory read and memory write operations.
25. What do you mean by memory access time?
26. What is the advantage of EEPROM over EPROM?
27. When do we use ROM?
28. What is the role of ALU?
29. What is a control unit?
30. What are registers?
31. What is a bus?

TASK 5: Describe the function of each of the following

components in running computers
1. Input devices
2. Output devices
3. Secondary storage devices
4. Pointing devices
5. Keyboard
6. Monitor
7. Printer
8. Mouse
9. Scanner
10. Speaker
11. Microphone
12. Bar code reader
13. Digital camera
14. Touch sensitive screen
15. Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR)
16. Optical character recognition (OCR)
17. Optical mark reading and recognition (OMRR)
18. Light pen
19. Touch pad
20. Joystick
21. Magnetic reader
22. Smart card reader
23. Notes taker
24. Plotters
25. Storage devise
26. Hard disk
27. CD ROM
28. Floppy disk
29. Flash disk
30. Memory card
31. Magnetic tape

N.B : The assignment is to be performed in groups of five students

and will be handed within two weeks, from 28/02 to 14/03/2024.



Senior lecturer

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