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Figure 1. Contribution by segment in Nutrition milk in Vietnam Figure 2. %Value growth in Nutrition milk in Vietnam

- MILO faced decreasing in market share by category. Less market share overtime, despite
highest value growth in Nutrition milk category even after COVID-19
- The decline of consumption group (13-24) is driven by :
1. Older teens drop nutritonal needs for energy
2. Teens have alternative drink choices for energy
 MILO release MILO Teen, which emerges to serve 2 platforms
1. Energy platform – More nutritional supplements just for teens (x2 Protein canxi)
2. Sport platform – Stick to brand belief of sport spirit&active as a way to gain energy
But this is not enough. Beyond physical energy need, teens have an emerging need of mental energy
(awake & focus)
 MILO Dynamind is brought up to cover double prepositions & expand its main platforms  Stay
forcus & awake in both physical & mental activities
Business objective: Up sales volume to 100% by penetrating on +2M new trials
Get The Nutritional Dynamo segment (16-24 years old) who hasn't find night-enough awake energy drink
for "hyped night working"time
to try MILO Dynamind as a TOM product
by giving them the enough-awake for hyped mind traits that only MILO can serve & understand
Target audience:


Insights: Health concious deadline runners but can’t find a healthy & “not too much” awake drink
Rationale: Trạng thái tinh thần năng động, sôi nổi vào buổi đêm, là nơi mà bộ não được thỏa sức sáng tạo,
các ý tưởng, suy nghĩ và cảm xúc được tuôn trào và kết hợp cùng với nhau một cách hoàn hảo mà không
bị gò bó. Khi mọi người đã cạn năng lượng sau một ngày làm việc thì những “cú đêm” Gen Z lại tràn đầy
năng lượng muốn nhảy nhót, làm này làm kia vào ban đêm. Thường bị bảo rằng “Sống giờ Mỹ, sáng thì
nằm ườn ra, còn tối thì lại tăng động muốn làm nhiều thế kia”
1. Leverage product role in consideration stage: highlight functions & emotional benefits
2. Increase trial amount at conversion stage
3. Maintain availability in 6 key urban areas
Strategics approaches:
1. Leverage BTL marketing to convert potential users
2. Accelerate product bundling
3. Exploit on Off-trade for growth, focus on new Modern Trade (MT)
Marketing Plan
1. Awareness – 2 Months - Aware of enough awake needstate for a hyped night working time
Message: ĐÊM NÃO NHẢY NHÓT, CẦN TỈNH CHÚT ĐỈNH - People who have hyped
night working culture, this is “enough awake” solution for you
- Main Ads: Night challenge
- Channels: Content video on Youtube, Social media, PR articles
- Supporting tactics: Facebook page/ Group disscusion, Tiktok, Reels

2. Consideration – 3 Months - MILO is top of mind when it comes to hyped night working time
- Message: ĐÊM ĐỦ TỈNH, NÃO NHẢY NHÓT, NHẤT DYNAMIND - For people who have
hyped night working culture, only MILO Dynamind understand and can offer you the best of
enough awake
- Main ads: Game on Website
- Channels: Fanpage contents, Unbranded articles

3. Conversion – Always on - Purchase MILO Dynamind with bundle of gift & package deal
- Message: MUA MILO DYNAMIND, NHẬN QUÀ CỰC HYPED - For people considering
buying MILO Dynamind, having the immediate motivation to purchase
- Main Ads: Screen ads (at CVS), sideburns (at minimarts), Triggering CTA at POS
- Supporting tactics: Email markting, Fanpage content

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