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+216 27 198 411 | Nabeul, Tunisia

Email : Linkedin : Mohamed-Ali

Kaggle : Med Ali Bouchhioua Git : medAli-ai

Private Higher School of Engineering and Technology ESPRIT Tunisia, July 2023
courses : Machine Learning, Deep Learning, SpringBoot, .NetCore, DevOps, R
Master’s Degree Intelligent Systems (non completed Covid19) Paris Dauphine Tunisia, March 2020
courses : Advanced Data Base, Big Data, Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Master’s Applied Mathematics Paris Dauphine Tunis Tunisia, May 2018
courses : Poisson Process, Statistical Learning, Discrete Process, Brownian motion, Actuarial


ML Engineer Intern (Remote) Optioryx April 2023 - December 2023

Belgium, Ghent
The objective of this internship is to create the first SKU and pallet mobile dimensioner :
• Set up the software for data annotation of 2D and 3D images.
• Conducted data cleaning and preprocessing of 2D and 3D PointCloud datasets.
• Monitor and analyze data quality metrics to identify areas for improvement.
• Created a new clustering algorithm based on DBSCAN to improve the performance of the existing solution.
• Trained deep learning models for 2D image segmentation (FastSam) and 3D PointCloud (Pointnet).
• Optimized the performance of the models using some postprocessing tricks and TTA for the back-testing.
• Developed an Active-Learning script that automates the annotation process for time optimization.
• Conducted performance benchmarking of deep learning models to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

Data Science Intern | Esprit July 2022 - September 2022

This internship aims to predict the concentration of pollutants in the air :
• Imputation of missing values using KNNImputer.
• Removal of outliers after display with WhiskerPlot.
• Implementation of ML and DL models to predict air quality for the next hour.
• Validation of ML and DL models with RMSE metric reaches 9.8 for xgboost.
Data Science Intern | Constances September 2019 - December 2019
France, Paris
The purpose of this internship is to prepare the required databases :
• Acquaintance with public health studies and data from the Constances cohort.
• The preparation of databases which consists of compiling several variables from various data sources.
• Creation of complex indicators including the attrition rate from various questionnaires.


Project DevOps Docker, Jenkins, Nexus, SpringBoot September 2022 - December 2022
• Managing, keeping track of my source code, and triggering pipeline build events using GitHub Webhook.
• Creating and running unit tests with Junit4 and Mockito and integration tests with junit5.
• Configuring DockerCompose to set up a working environment and start application in multi containers.

Frameworks Pytorch, Tensorflow, Flask
Programming languages C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, C# , R
Database MySQL, PostgreSql, MongoDB, Hadoop, Spark, GCP

Arab Native language English C1 French Delf B2

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