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Academic year: 2022-2023


Car Rental System.

Program : Information Technology.

Program code: IF/3I
Course : Object Oriented Programming Using ‘C++’
Course code : 22316

This is to certify that 1. Omkar Harichandra Shete (425).
2. Chinmay Gawade (426).
3. Prathmesh Varhadi (427).
of 3 Semester of Diploma in Information Technology of Institute,

Navjeevan Polytechnic(Code: 0144) has completed the term work

satisfactorily in subject Object Oriented Programming Using ‘C++’
(22316) for the academic year 20220- 2023 as prescribed in the curriculum.
Place: Bhandup. Enrollment no:- 1. 2101440025

Date:-………………………. Exam Seat no:-

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Pradeep Shirke Mahesh Pimpalkar Ajay Bhoir

“ Object Oriented Programming Using ‘C++’

Car Rental System


SR. Name of Group Roll Enrollment Seat no
NO Members no No
1. Omkar Shete 425 2101440025

2. Chinmay Gawade 426 2101440026

3. Prathemsh Varhadi 427 2101440027


Brief Description:-
This Car Rental System project is
designed to aid the car rental
company to enable renting of
cars through an online system. It
helps the users to search for
available cars view profile and
book the cars for the time period. It
has a user-friendly interface which
helps the user to check
for cars and rent them for the
period specified. They could also
make payment online. The rental
cars shall be categorized into
economy, premium etc. Based on
the type of car required by the
customer, the user shall be able to
make bookings. The use of internet
technology has made it
easy for the customers to rent a car
any time. This Car Rental System
makes the bookings easy. It
saves time and labor. The tool shall
ask the user for information such
as the date and time of
journey, type of car etc. Also, it
will need an identification number.
Using these details, the tool
shall help the customer to book a
car for the journey
This Car Rental System project is
designed to aid the car rental
company to enable renting of
cars through an online system. It
helps the users to search for
available cars view profile and
book the cars for the time period. It
has a user-friendly interface which
helps the user to check
for cars and rent them for the
period specified. They could also
make payment online. The rental
cars shall be categorized into
economy, premium etc. Based on
the type of car required by the
customer, the user shall be able to
make bookings. The use of internet
technology has made it

easy for the customers to rent a car
any time. This Car Rental System
makes the bookings easy. It
saves time and labor. The tool shall
ask the user for information such
as the date and time of
journey, type of car etc. Also, it
will need an identification number.
Using these details, the tool
shall help the customer to book a
car for the journey
This Car Rental System project is
designed to aid the car rental
company to enable renting of
cars through an online system. It
helps the users to search for
available cars view profile and
book the cars for the time period. It
has a user-friendly interface which
helps the user to check
for cars and rent them for the
period specified. They could also
make payment online. The rental
cars shall be categorized into
economy, premium etc. Based on
the type of car required by the
customer, the user shall be able to
make bookings. The use of internet
technology has made it
easy for the customers to rent a car
any time. This Car Rental System
makes the bookings easy. It

saves time and labor. The tool shall
ask the user for information such
as the date and time of
journey, type of car etc. Also, it
will need an identification number.
Using these details, the tool
shall help the customer to book a
car for the journey
This Car Rental System project is
designed to aid the car rental
company to enable renting of
cars through an online system. It
helps the users to search for
available cars view profile and
book the cars for the time period. It
has a user-friendly interface which
helps the user to check
for cars and rent them for the
period specified. They could also
make payment online. The rental
cars shall be categorized into
economy, premium etc. Based on
the type of car required by the
customer, the user shall be able to
make bookings. The use of internet
technology has made it
easy for the customers to rent a car
any time. This Car Rental System
makes the bookings easy. It
saves time and labor. The tool shall
ask the user for information such
as the date and time of

journey, type of car etc. Also, it
will need an identification number.
Using these details, the tool
shall help the customer to book a
car for the journey
A car rental is a vehicle that can be used temporarily for a period of time with a fee.
Renting a car assists people to get around even when they do not have access to their
own personal vehicleor don't own a vehicle at all. The individual who want to rent a car
must first contact the car rental company for the desire vehicle. This can be done online.
At this point, this person has tosupply some information such as; dates of rental, and type
of car. After these details are workedout, the individual renting the car must present a
valid Identification Card. Most companiesthroughout the industry make a profit based of
the type of cars that are rented. The rental cars are categorized into economy, compact,
compact premium, premium and luxury. And customers are free to choose any car of
their choice based on their purse and availability of such car at the time of reservation.

Aim of the Micro-project:

The car rental system to keep detail records of both the cars and the customers, the
duration they rent car as well as the type of car they rent.
The system will be mainly design for small a company that renders it car rental services
to customers.
The system will have the ability to generate and print invoice for each successful
Level of Access:
The system will have two levels of access:
The administrator

Resources Required:-
S.NO Name Of Specifications Qty
1 Computer System Operating System: Windows 11 or 1
higher. Memory: 8GB RAM,
Processor: Intel CORE i5.
SDD: 512GB .

2 Software Turbo C++ -


 Weekly Progress Report(Action Plan) Micro-Project:-

Topic: Car Rental Management System .

Academic Year: 2022- 2023 Name of Faculty: MR. PRADEEP SHIRKE.
Program Code: Information Technology (3IF)
Course & Course Code:-(22316)
Subject Name:- Object oriented programming using c++
Roll No:415,426&427 Enrollment No: 2101440025, 2101440026, 2101440027.
Semester: (III)
Name of Candidate: Omkar, chinmay & prathmesh
SR Week Activity of Performed Planned Planned Name of Responsible
NO start Date Finish Date Team member

1. Omkar, chinmay
Discussion and finalization
1st & prathmesh
of topic

2. Preparation and Omkar, chinmay

2nd submission of Abstract & prathmesh
3. Omkar, chinmay
3th Collection of Data
& prathmesh
4. Omkar, chinmay &
4th Implementation
5. Check, Validation Omkar, chinmay
5th and Execution of & prathmesh
Compilation of Report Omkar, chinmay &
And Presentation prathmesh
7. 7th Actual Presentation & Omkar, chinmay
Final submission of Micro & prathmesh
Sign of the Student:-




Sign of the Faculty

Academic Year: 2022-2023 Name of Faculty: MR. PRADEEP SHIRKE
Course & Course Code: Information Technology (3IF)
Subject: Object Oriented Programming Using ‘C++’
Roll No: 425,426,427 Enrollment No2101440025, 2101440026, 2101440027.
Semester: III Name of Candidate: Omkar Shete, chinmay& prathmesh.


1. Brief Description

2. Aim of the Micro-Project

3. Course Outcomes Integrated

4. Actual Procedure Followed

5. Actual Resources Used

6. Skill Developed/learning out of

this Micro-Project

7. Implementation and Result

8. Conclusion

9. Teacher Evaluation Sheet

10. Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

11. Annexure II

Car Rental Management System.

Brief Description:-
A car rental is a vehicle that can
be used temporarily for a period of
time with a fee. Renting a
car assists people to get around
even when they do not have access
to their own personal vehicle
or don't own a vehicle at all. The
individual who want to rent a car
must first contact the car
rental company for the desire
vehicle. This can be done online.
At this point, this person has to

supply some information such as;
dates of rental, and type of car.
After these details are worked
out, the individual renting the car
must present a valid Identification
Card. Most companies
throughout the industry make a
profit based of the type of cars that
are rented. The rental cars are
categorized into economy,
compact, compact premium,
premium and luxury. And
customers are
free to choose any car of their
choice based on their purse and
availability of such car at the time
of reservation
A car rental is a vehicle that can be used temporarily for a period of time with a fee.
Renting a car assists people to get around even when they do not have access to their
own personal vehicleor don't own a vehicle at all. The individual who want to rent a car
must first contact the car rental company for the desire vehicle. This can be done online.
At this point, this person has tosupply some information such as; dates of rental, and type
of car. After these details are workedout, the individual renting the car must present a
valid Identification Card. Most companiesthroughout the industry make a profit based of
the type of cars that are rented. The rental cars are categorized into economy, compact,
compact premium, premium and luxury. And customers are free to choose any car of
their choice based on their purse and availability of such car at the time of reservation .

Aim of the Micro-project:

The car rental system to keep detail records of both the cars and the customers, the
duration they rent car as well as the type of car they rent.
The system will be mainly design for small a company that renders it car rental services
to customers.
The system will have the ability to generate and print invoice for each successful
Level of Access:
The system will have two levels of access:
The administrator

Course Outcomes (COs):

a. Develop C++ programs to solve problems using Procedure
Oriented Approach.
b. Develop C++ programs using classes and objects.
c. Use Polymorphism in C++ program.
e. Develop C++ programs to perform file operations

Actual Resources Used:-

S.N Name Of Specificati Qt

O Resources/mat ons y
1 Computer Operating System: Windows 11 1
System or higher.
Memory:8GB RAM.
Processor: intel i5 12th gen.
SDD: 512GB.
2 Software Turbo C++

Skill Developed/Learning out of this Micro-Project :-

1) Time Management became less.

2) Less Paper work.
3) Records Handling.

Implementation and Result :-

This Car Rental System project is designed to aid the car rental company to enable
renting of cars through an online system. It helps the users to search for available
cars view profile and book the cars for the time period. It has a user-friendly
interface which helps the user to check
for cars and rent them for the period specified. They could also make payment
online. The rental cars shall be categorized into economy, premium etc. Based on
the type of car required by the customer, the user shall be able to make bookings.
The use of internet technology has made it easy for the customers to rent a car any
time. This Car Rental System makes the bookings easy. It saves time and labor. The
tool shall ask the user for information such as the date and time of journey, type of
car etc. Also, it will need an identification number. Using these details, the tool
shall help the customer to book a car for the journey.

 Program For Car Rental System:-

class car
char name[50],cus_name[100],cus_address[100],cus_email[100];
char ph_number[10];
void intro()
cout<<endl<<"***** welcome *****"<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Personal Details :-"<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Enter your name :-"<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Enter current address :-"<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Enter your phone number :-"<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"E-mail ID:-"<<endl;
void get()
cout<<endl<<"Available cars:Tata nexon- 2000/- per hour,\
nSuzuki Ertiga- 4000/- per hour,\nAudi- 5600/- per hour."<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Enter car name :-"<<endl;
void display()
cout<<endl<<"******Car Rental******"<<endl;
cout<<"your name = "<<cus_name<<endl<<"Address =
"<<cus_address<<endl<<"Phone number =
"<<ph_number<<endl<<"E-mail ID = "<<cus_email;

class time
int time;
void get1()
cout<<endl<<"*****CAR DETAILS*****"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter how much time do u want :-"<<endl;
cout<<"Duration = ";

class rate :public time,public car

int rate,tot,ch;
void get2()
cout<<endl<<"Tata Nexon-1. Suzuki Ertiga-2. Audi-3"<<endl;
cout<<"enter your choice:-";

case 1:
cout<<"car=Tata nexon ="<<rate<<"\-"<<endl;
cout<<"Your Total Amount as per your time ="<<tot;

case 2:
cout<<"car = Suzuki ertiga = "<<rate<<"\-"<<endl;
cout<<"Your total amount as per your time ="<<tot;

case 3:
cout<<"Car = AUDI = "<<rate<<"\-"<<endl;
cout<<"Your total amount as per your time ="<<tot;
cout<<"Wrong choice "<<endl;
void main()
rate r;

This Car Rental System project is
designed to aid the car rental
company to enable renting of
cars through an online system. It
helps the users to search for
available cars view profile and

book the cars for the time period. It
has a user-friendly interface which
helps the user to check
for cars and rent them for the
period specified. They could also
make payment online. The rental
cars shall be categorized into
economy, premium etc. Based on
the type of car required by the
customer, the user shall be able to
make bookings. The use of internet
technology has made it
easy for the customers to rent a car
any time. This Car Rental System
makes the bookings easy. It

saves time and labor. The tool shall
ask the user for information such
as the date and time of
journey, type of car etc. Also, it
will need an identification number.
Using these details, the tool
shall help the customer to book a
car for the journey

Conclusion:- 8

This Car Rental System project will enable the user to rent a vehicle.
The user shall login to the system and check for availability of cars.
The user specifies a type of car and the journey date and time. The
Car Rental System shall check for the availability of the car and rent
the car to the customer. The user can make payment online. The tool
is designed using VB.net. All the data regarding the rental cars are
stored in MySQL database. The user has to enter his name, address,
phone details and check for the cars available for rent. The UI is very
simple and the connectivity to back end is robust. The main
advantage is that the user shall be able to choose a car depending on
his budget.
Car Rental System service will help users to book a car for some fee
specified. Till now there was no clear web based UI to help the users
to rent the vehicle. They had to manually rent the vehicle through
their offices. It was a difficult task to manage rental vehicles. Keeping
track of all the rental cars was a problem.

Soft Copy of Micro-Project:-

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Omkar Harichandra Shete. Enrollment No:2101440025
Name of Program: Information Technology Semester: III.
Subject: Object Oriented Programming Using ‘C++’ Code: (22316)
Title of Micro Project: Car Rental System.
Course Outcomes (COs):
a. Develop C++ programs to solve problems using Procedure Oriented Approach.
b. Develop C++ programs using classes and objects.
c. Use Polymorphism in C++ program.
e. Develop C++ programs to perform file operations

Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

No. be assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4 -5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10) Total
( A)Process and Product Assessment(Convert above total marks out of 6 marks. )
1. Relevance to the
2. Literature
3. Completion of the
target as per
project proposal
4. Analysis of data and
5. Quality of
6. Report
( B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert above marks Total Marks out of 4)
7. Presentation
8. Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks 10
Process and Product Individual
Assessment (6 Presentation/Viva(4
marks) marks)

Comments/Suggestions about team work, leadership/inter-personal communication

Name and designation of the Teacher: MR. PRADEEP SHIRKE.
Dated Signature ……………………………………………

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Chinmay Pravin Gawade. Enrollment No:2101440026
Name of Program: Information Technology Semester: III.
Subject:Object Oriented Programming Using ‘C++’ Code: (22316)
Title of Micro Project: Car Rental System.
Course Outcomes (COs):
a. Develop C++ programs to solve problems using Procedure Oriented Approach.
b. Develop C++ programs using classes and objects.
c. Use Polymorphism in C++ program.
e. Develop C++ programs to perform file operations

Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

No. be assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4 -5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10) Total
( A)Process and Product Assessment(Convert above total marks out of 6 marks. )
1. Relevance to the
2. Literature
3. Completion of the
target as per
project proposal
4. Analysis of data and
5. Quality of
6. Report
( B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert above marks Total Marks out of 4)
7. Presentation
8. Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks 10
Process and Product Individual
Assessment (6 Presentation/Viva(4
marks) marks)

Comments/Suggestions about team work, leadership/inter-personal communication

Name and designation of the Teacher: MR. PRADEEP SHIRKE.
Dated Signature ……………………………………………


Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Prathamesh Ramdas Varhadi. Enrollment No:2101440027
Name of Program: Information Technology Semester: III.
Subject: Object Oriented Programming Using ‘C++’ Code: (22316)
Title of Micro Project:Car Rental System.
Course Outcomes (COs):
a. Develop C++ programs to solve problems using Procedure Oriented Approach.
b. Develop C++ programs using classes and objects.
c. Use Polymorphism in C++ program.
e. Develop C++ programs to perform file operations
Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No. be assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4 -5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10) Total
( A)Process and Product Assessment(Convert above total marks out of 6 marks. )
1. Relevance to the
2. Literature
3. Completion of the
target as per
project proposal
4. Analysis of data and
5. Quality of
6. Report
( B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert above marks Total Marks out of 4)
7. Presentation
8. Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks 10
Process and Product Individual
Assessment (6 Presentation/Viva(4
marks) marks)

Comments/Suggestions about team work, leadership/inter-personal communication

Name and designation of the Teacher: MR. PRADEEP SHIRKE.
Dated Signature ……………………………………………


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