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CMJD | Comprehensive Master Java Developer

Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods

01 From Polymorphism 1 Question

class Vehicle{
public void park(){
class Car extends Vehicle{

public void park(){

System.out.println("Car Parking..");

class Bus extends Vehicle{

public void park(){

System.out.println("Bus Parking..");

class Van extends Vehicle{

public void park(){

System.out.println("Van Parking..");

class Demo{

public static void main(String args[]){

Vehicle[] vehicles={new Car(),new Van(),new Car(),new Bus()};
for(Vehicle v1 : vehicles){
v1.park(); //Single interface, many forms==>Polymorphism

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02 From 01 (Illegal)

class Vehicle{
public void park();
class Car extends Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Car Parking..");

class Bus extends Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Bus Parking..");

class Van extends Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Van Parking..");

class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle[] vehicles={new Car(),new Van(),new Car(),new Bus()};
for(Vehicle v1 : vehicles){
v1.park(); //Single interface, many forms==>Polymorphism

03 From 02 (Using abstract classes and abstract methods)

abstract class Vehicle{

abstract public void park();
class Car extends Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Car Parking..");

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class Bus extends Vehicle{

public void park(){
System.out.println("Bus Parking..");

class Van extends Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Van Parking..");

class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle[] vehicles={new Car(),new Van(),new Car(),new Bus()};
for(Vehicle v1 : vehicles){
v1.park(); //Single interface, many forms==>Polymorphism

04 Case I

class Vehicle{
public void park(); //Illegal

05 Case II

class Vehicle{ //Illegal

abstract public void park();

06 Case III
abstract class Vehicle{
abstract public void park(){ //Illegal


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07 Case IV

abstract class Vehicle{

abstract public void park();
public void start(){ //Legal


08 Case V

abstract class Vehicle{ //Legal

public void park(){
public void start(){

09 Case VI

abstract class Vehicle{ //Legal

abstract public void park();
abstract public void start();
public void stop(){
class Car extends Vehicle{}
class Jeep extends Vehicle{
public void start(){
class Van extends Vehicle{
public void park(){
class Bus extends Vehicle{
public void park(){

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public void start(){

abstract class MB extends Vehicle{

10 Case VII

abstract class Vehicle{

abstract public void park();

class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle v1; //Legal
v1=new Vehicle(); //Illegal

11 Case VIII

abstract class Vehicle{

abstract public void park();
class Car extends Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Car Parking...");

class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle v1=new Car();

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12 Case IX

abstract class Vehicle{

int year;
abstract String model; //Illegal
abstract public void park();

13 Case X

abstract class Vehicle{

int year;
abstract Vehicle(int year); //Illegal

abstract public void park();


14 Case XI

abstract class Vehicle{

static abstract public void park(); //Illegal
private abstract public void start(); //Illegal
final abstract public void stop(); //Illegal

15 Case XII

class Animal{
public void eat(){
abstract class Lion extends Animal{
abstract public void eat();
class Dog extends Animal{} //Legal
class Cat extends Lion{} //Illegal

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CMJD | Comprehensive Master Java Developer

Java Interfaces


/*abstract class Vehicle{

abstract public void park();
abstract public void start();
abstract public void stop();

interface Vehicle{
public void park();
public void start();
public void stop();


interface Vehicle{
public void park();
//class Car extends Vehicle{} //Wrong
class Car implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Car Parking..");
class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle v1=new Car();

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18 Case I

interface Vehicle{

//class Car extends Vehicle{} // Wrong
class Car implements Vehicle{} // Correct

19 Case II

abstract interface Vehicle{ // Implicitly abstract

20 Case III

interface Vehicle{ // Implicitly abstract

public void park(); // Implicitly abstract
abstract public void start(); // Implicitly abstract

21 Case IV

interface Vehicle{
void park(); // Implicitly public
public void start(); //
protected void stop(); // Illegal

22 Case V

interface Vehicle{
public void start(){ // Illegal

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23 Case VI

interface Vehicle{
public void start();
public void park();
class Car implements Vehicle{}
class Van implements Vehicle{
public void start(){
class Jeep implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
class Bus implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
public void start(){
abstract class MB implements Vehicle{

24 Case VII

interface Vehicle{
public void park();
class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle v1; //Legal
v1=new Vehicle();

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25 Case VIII

interface Vehicle{
public void park();
class Car implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Car Parking...");
class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle v1; //Legal
v1=new Car();
//Car IS-A Vehicle
//Car - Subclass
//Vehicle->Super interface

26 Case IX

interface Vehicle{
int year=1999; //implicitly final, static and public
public void park();
class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println(Vehicle.year);//prints 1999
Vehicle.year=2000; //Illegal, final

27 Case X

interface Vehicle{
int year=1999;
Vehicle(){ //Illegal
public void park();

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28 From Q03 (Using java “interfaces”)

interface Vehicle{
public void park();
class Car implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Car Parking..");
class Bus implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Bus Parking..");
class Van implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Van Parking..");
class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle[] vehicles={new Car(),new Van(),new Car(),new Bus()};
for(Vehicle v1 : vehicles){
v1.park(); //Single interface, many forms==>Polymorphism

29. Blueprint of a Class

interface Date{
public void setDate(int year, int month, int day);
public void setYear(int year);
public void setMonth(int month);
public void setDay(int day);
public int getYear();
public int getMonth();
public int getDay();
public void printDate();

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class DateImpl implements Date{

private int year;
private int month;
private int day;

public void setDate(int year, int month, int day){
public void setYear(int year){
public void setMonth(int month){
public void setDay(int day){;
public int getYear(){
return year;
public int getMonth(){
return month;
public int getDay(){
return day;

public void printDate(){

System.out.println(toString()); //this
public String toString (){
return year+"-"+month+"-"+day;
public boolean equals(Object obj){
DateImpl d1=(DateImpl)obj;
return this.year==d1.year && this.month==d1.month &&;

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class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Date d1=new DateImpl();

30 Case XI

class Animal{
interface Lion{
class Dog extends Animal implements Lion{ //Legal->Multiple inheritance
//Dog IS-A Lion
//Dog IS-AN Animal

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CMJD | Comprehensive Master Java Developer


import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
interface WaterLevelObserver{
public void update(int waterLevel);
class SMSWindow extends JFrame implements WaterLevelObserver{
private JLabel smsLabel;
setTitle("SMS Window");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
smsLabel=new JLabel("0");
smsLabel.setFont(new Font("",1,25));
public void update(int waterLevel){
smsLabel.setText("Sending SMS : "+waterLevel);
class DisplayWindow extends JFrame implements WaterLevelObserver{
private JLabel displayLabel;
setTitle("Display Window");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
displayLabel=new JLabel("0");
displayLabel.setFont(new Font("",1,25));

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public void update(int waterLevel){

displayLabel.setText(waterLevel+""); //Integer.toString(waterLevel)
class AlarmWindow extends JFrame implements WaterLevelObserver{
private JLabel alarmLabel;
setTitle("Alarm Window");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
alarmLabel=new JLabel("OFF");
alarmLabel.setFont(new Font("",1,25));
public void update(int waterLevel){
alarmLabel.setText(waterLevel>=50 ? "ON":"OFF");
class SplitterWindow extends JFrame implements WaterLevelObserver{
private JLabel splitterLabel;
setTitle("Splitter Window");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
splitterLabel=new JLabel("OFF");
splitterLabel.setFont(new Font("",1,25));
public void update(int waterLevel){
splitterLabel.setText(waterLevel>=75 ? "Splitter ON":"Splitter OFF");
class WaterTankWindow extends JFrame{
private WaterTankController waterTankController;

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private JSlider waterLevelSlider;

WaterTankWindow(WaterTankController waterTankController){
setTitle("WaterTank Window");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());

waterLevelSlider=new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL,0,100,50);
waterLevelSlider.setFont(new Font("",1,25));
waterLevelSlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
int waterLevel=waterLevelSlider.getValue();
class WaterTankController{
private WaterLevelObserver[] observerArray=new WaterLevelObserver[0];
private int waterLevel;
public void addWaterLevelObserver(WaterLevelObserver waterLevelObserver){
WaterLevelObserver[] temp=new WaterLevelObserver[observerArray.length+1];
for(int i=0; i<observerArray.length; i++){
public void setWaterLevel(int waterLevel){
public void notifyObservers(){
for(WaterLevelObserver ob : observerArray){

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class Demo{

public static void main(String args[]){

WaterTankController waterTankController=new WaterTankController();
waterTankController.addWaterLevelObserver(new AlarmWindow());
waterTankController.addWaterLevelObserver(new AlarmWindow());
waterTankController.addWaterLevelObserver(new DisplayWindow());
waterTankController.addWaterLevelObserver(new SplitterWindow());
waterTankController.addWaterLevelObserver(new SplitterWindow());
waterTankController.addWaterLevelObserver(new SMSWindow());
new WaterTankWindow(waterTankController).setVisible(true);

32. Case XII

interface Lion{}
interface Fox extends Lion{}
interface Cat{}
interface Dog extends Lion,Cat{} // Legal

33. Case XIII

class Lion{}
interface Cat{}
interface Dog{}

class Man extends Lion implements Cat,Dog{} // Legal

34. Case XIV

class Lion{}
interface Cat extends Lion{} // Illegal
interface Dog implements Lion{} // Illegal

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35. Case XV

interface Vehicle{
public void park();

default public void start(){ //Legal, since JDK1.8

System.out.println("Default Implementation");
class Car implements Vehicle{
public void park(){
System.out.println("Car Parking..");
class Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle v1=new Car();

36. Case XVI

interface Vehicle{
public void park();

default public void start(){ //Legal, since JDK1.8

System.out.println("Default Implementation");
public static void calculate(){ //Legal
System.out.println("Static implementation..");
interface Demo{
public static void main(String args[]){

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